• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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Light Modeling with Radiance Map (라디안스 맵을 이용한 광원 모델잉)

  • Kim, Mo-Geun;Kim, Seong-Jin;Jeong, Sun-Gi
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.491-498
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    • 2001
  • We present a method of modeling lights from photographs taken with conventional imaging equipment. It does not use both any geometrical information and special apparatus to calculate surface reflection properties. To represent surface reflection properties of the scene, we use BRDFs which are calculated by radiance values of surface elements and light sources. And the BRDF data of each surface is further transformed to the spherical harmonic domain for efficient storage. Thus it allows to reconstruct the photo-realistic scene under different light sources, to manipulate diversely the arbitrary light source and to control exposure time of camera sensor. Moreover we test our algorithm with real image instead of synthetic image.

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A Study on the Fashion Style of Hollywood Star Marlene Dietrich in 1930s (1930년대(年代) 할리우드 스타 마를레네 디트리히 패션 스타일 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, So-Young;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the style of Marlene Dietrich who was a Hollywood legend in 1930s and has influenced on modern fashion. The characteristics of Dietrich style showed androgyny, sensualism and exoticism. Dietrich has been famous for wearing tailored pantsuit on and off-screen with mannish gesture and had great effect on women's wearing pants. Her confident, sexy mannish style represented her androgyny glamourously and proved she had a taste for a classic. Her sensualism focused on her famous legs because she understood the sex appeal of woman's legs. She showed her legs by wearing pants and decorative stockings, or matching colors of stockings and shoes to make her legs look longer and sexier by illusion. Her exoticism against a backdrop of black and white image, was presented with luxurious, sensual fabrics such as furs, feathers and velvet, along with dazzling accessaries. Also she didn't forget to manipulate angles of camera and lights for the engraving figure of her own. Her charisma directed her fashion image in detail and made herself a fashion icon in 1930s.

Recognition of the 3-D motion of a human arm with HIGIPS

  • Yao, Feng-Hui;Tamaki, Akikazu;Kato, Kiyoshi
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1991.10b
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    • pp.1724-1729
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    • 1991
  • This paper gives an overview of HIGIPS design concepts and prototype HIGIPS configuration, and discusses its application to recognition of the 3-D motion of a human arm. HIGIPS which employs the combination of pipeline architecture and multiprocessor architecture, is a high-speed, high-performance and low cost N * M multimicroprocessor parallel machine, where N is the number of pipeline stages and M is the number of processors in each stage. The algorithm to recognize the motion of a human arm with a single TV camera was developed on personal computer (NEC PC9801 series). As a constraint condition, some simple ring marks are used. Each joint of the arm is attached with a ring mark to obtain its centroid position when the arm moves. These centroid positions in the three-dimensional space are linked at each of the successive pictures of the moving arm to recover its overall motion. This algorithm takes about 2 seconds to process one image frame on the general-purpose personal computer. This paper mainly discuses how to partition this algorithm and execute on HIGIPS, and shows the speed up. From this application, it is clear that HIGIPS is an efficient machine for image processing and recognizing.

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Apparatus and method for analysing spectral response of a CCD optical sensor using an infrared imaging technique (적외선 영상기법에 의한 CCD 센서의 스펙트럼 응답 특성 분석 기법)

  • Kang Seong-Jun;Na Cheol-Hun;Park Soon-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.43 no.3 s.309
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2006
  • An infrared imaging method is proposed in which direct measurement of the spectral response of CCD sensors can be achieved through digital image processing. This method allows for a simple and economic method to detect the spectral sensitivity of commercialized CCD sensors. The key components of the apparatus are a monochromator, CCD-sample supporter and a personal computer equipped with a digital image processing systems. Tentative experimentation conducted on the commercialized CCD camera has resulted in a fairly consistent agreement with the theoretical model.

Motion-Based Background Subtraction without Geometric Computation in Dynamic Scenes

  • Kawamoto, Kazuhiko;Imiya, Atsushi;Hirota, Kaoru
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.559-562
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    • 2003
  • A motion-based background subtraction method without geometric computation is proposed, allowing that the camera is moving parallel to the ground plane with uniform velocity. The proposed method subtracts the background region from a given image by evaluating the difference between calculated and model Hows. This approach is insensitive to small errors of calculated optical flows. Furthermore, in order to tackle the significant errors, a strategy for incorporating a set of optical flows calculated over different frame intervals is presented. An experiment with two real image sequences, in which a static box or a moving toy car appears, to evaluate the performance in terms of accuracy under varying thresholds using a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The ROC curves show, in the best case, the figure-ground segmentation is done at 17.8 % in false positive fraction (FPF) and 71.3% in true positive fraction (TPF) for the static-object scene and also at 14.8% in FPF and 72.4% In TPF for the moving-object scene, regardless if the calculated optical flows contain significant errors of calculation.

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An Experimental Study of the Flow Characteristics around 2D Multi-Cylinders ( I ) (2차원 다원주 주위의 유동 특성에 관한 실험적 연구 ( I ))

  • 김두홍;조철희;정우철;박찬원;나인삼
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.190-195
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    • 2001
  • Flow patterns are very complex and interactive between cylinders. The patterns are turbulent and non-linear caused by various factors. In this paper, flow patterns and pressure gradient around vertical cylinders were investigated by experiment. Changing gaps between cylinders the flow patterns are measured at a fixed coming velocity. Flow patterns showed very complex and closely related to the coming velocity and cylinder space. The pressure gradient around the flow field is observed by twelve hole pitot tubes and manometer. The experiment has been conducted in circulating water channel with PIV system. That can visualize flow patterns. The laser beam was used to reflect the image from particles and recorded by CCD camera. The cylinders were spaced from ID to 5D with 0.5m/sec of incoming flow velocity. The experimental results using pitot tube showed in good agreement with results of precious by others study. The results can be applied in the understanding and design of multiple pile array structures.

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Experimental Study on Variations in Behavior of Green Water and Flow Kinematics on Deck with Various Flare Angles (플레어 각도에 따른 청수현상의 발생과정 및 갑판 위 유동특성 변화에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Gang Nam;Jung, Kwang Hyo;Suh, Sung Bu;Kim, Mun Sung
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2018
  • In this study, a series of experiments were performed to investigate the variations in the behavior of green water generation and the flow kinematics of bubbly flow on deck with various flare angles. The experiments were conducted in a 2-D wave flume using a simplified model of a BW Pioneer FPSO operating in the Gulf of Mexico, with a 100-year return period wave condition. The green water phenomena were captured with a high speed CCD camera. The variations in the behavior of the green water generation were investigated with various flare angles, and the horizontal mean velocity profiles of bubbly flow on deck obtained using bubble image velocimetry (BIV) were provided. The differences in flow kinematics of bubbly flow on deck were analyzed with various flare angles.

Cursor Control by the Finger Moton Using Circular Pattern Vector Algorithm (원형 패턴 벡터 알고리즘을 이용한 손가락 이동에 의한 커서제어)

  • 정향영;신일식;손영선
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.487-490
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we realize a system that moves a cursor with a finger using the circular pattern vector algorithm that in one of the image analysis algorithms. To apply this algorithm, we use central point of the biggest circle among the various circles that recognize the image of the hand , and find out the pointing finger by looking for the distance of the outline of the hand from the central point. The horizontal direction of the cursor on the display is controlled by converting the direction of the pointing finger to the analysis of the plane corrdinate. Because of setting up only one camera of the upper, the middle and the lower discretely. On account of the discrete movement of the cursor of the vertical direction, we move th cursor to the objective, which the user wants. by expanding the local are to the whole area.

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Mold Filling Analysis and Post-deformation Analysis of Injection-molded Aspheric Lenses for a Mobile Phone Camera Module (휴대폰 카메라용 비구면렌즈의 성형해석 및 후변형해석)

  • Park, Keun;Eom, Hyeju;Ahn, Jong-Ho
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 2012
  • In order to produce high-quality optical components, aspheric lenses have been widely applied in recent years. An aspheric lens consists of aspheric surfaces instead of spherical ones, which causes difficulty in the design process as well as the manufacturing procedure. Although injection molding is widely used to fabricate optical lenses owing to its high productivity, there remains lots of difficulty to determine appropriate mold design factors and injection molding parameters. In the injection molding fields, computer simulation has been effectively applied to analyze processes based on the shell analysis so far. Considering the geometry of optical lenses, a full-3d simulation based on solid elements has been reported as a reliable approach. The present work covers three-dimensional injection molding simulation and relevant deformation analysis of an injection molded plastic lens based on 3d solid elements. Numerical analyses have been applied to the injection molding processes of three aspheric lenses for an image sensing module of a mobile phone. The reliability of the proposed approach has been verified in comparison with the experimental results.

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Study on Bruise Detection of 'Fuji' apple using Hyperspectral Reflectance Imagery (초분광 반사광 영상을 이용한 '후지' 사과의 멍 검출에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Byoung-Kwan;Baek, In-Suck;Lee, Nam-Geun;Mo, Chang-Yeun
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.484-490
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    • 2011
  • Defects exist underneath the fruit skin are not easily discernable by using conventional color imaging technique in the visible wavelength ranges. Development of sensitive detection methods for the defects is necessary to ensure accurate quality sorting of fruits. Hyperspectral imaging techniques, which combine the features of image and spectroscopy to acquire spatial and spectral information simultaneously, have demonstrated good potentials for identifying and detecting anomalies on biological substances. In this study, a high spatial resolution hyperspectral reflectance technique was presented as a tool for detecting bruises on apple. The two-band ratio (494 nm / 952 nm) and simple threshold methods were applied to investigate the feasibility of discriminating the bruises from sound tissue of apple. The pixel wise accuracy of the discrimination was 74%. The resultant images processed with selected wavebands and morphologic algorithm distinctively showed the early stages of bruises on apple which were not discernable by naked eyes as well as a conventional color camera. Results demonstrated good potential of the hyperspectral reflectance imaging for detection of bruises on apple.