• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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Speaker Detection and Recognition for a Welfare Robot

  • Sugisaka, Masanori;Fan, Xinjian
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.835-838
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    • 2003
  • Computer vision and natural-language dialogue play an important role in friendly human-machine interfaces for service robots. In this paper we describe an integrated face detection and face recognition system for a welfare robot, which has also been combined with the robot's speech interface. Our approach to face detection is to combine neural network (NN) and genetic algorithm (GA): ANN serves as a face filter while GA is used to search the image efficiently. When the face is detected, embedded Hidden Markov Model (EMM) is used to determine its identity. A real-time system has been created by combining the face detection and recognition techniques. When motivated by the speaker's voice commands, it takes an image from the camera, finds the face inside the image and recognizes it. Experiments on an indoor environment with complex backgrounds showed that a recognition rate of more than 88% can be achieved.

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Implementation of Tele-Robot System for Remote Home-Management (원격 가정 관리용 텔레로봇 시스템 구현)

  • 윤창배;김형석;채희성
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.07c
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    • pp.2779-2782
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    • 2003
  • A tole-robot system for remote home-management has been developed. The tele-robot system is composed of a mobile robot system, server-computers and client-computers. The robot system is equipped with wireless camera and wireless controller so that the robot system captures the image remotely User makes the robot control command referring to the image feedback through internet. With such tole-robot system, the user can monitor and watch the inside of home by remotely maneuvering the mobile robot. The user can also save the received image of suspected scene on the client computer. Utilizing such function of tele-robot system, remote home-management and possible crime avoidance could be achieved.

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Development of Frost Thickness Measurement Method Using Optical Technique (광학적 기법에 의한 Frost 두께 측정방법의 개발)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hong;Yoon, Sang-Youl;Kim, Kyung-Chun
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06d
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    • pp.654-659
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    • 2001
  • A new non-contact method of the frost thickness measurement has been developed. The method is based on the digital image processing technique to identify the reflection edge of the image captured by a CCD camera under laser sheet light illumination. To insure the accuracy of frost layer thickness, an in-situ calibration procedure is carried out with a calibration target with 0.5mm holes. Using the mapping function obtained by the calibration procedure, the contour of frost surface can be estimated with sub-pixel resolutions. The developed method is applied to study the effect of cooling plate temperature on the frost thickness in a small low speed wind tunnel.

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A Study on the Turbulent Characteristics of Rushton Turbine Mixer by Simultaneous Measurement of Velocity and Concentration field with Stereo-PIV/PLIF Technique (Stereo-PIV/LIF의 속도장과 농도장 동시측정 기법을 이용한 러쉬톤 교반기내 난류특성에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Young-Uk;Kim, Yun-Gi;Kim, Kyung-Chun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.365-370
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    • 2004
  • Simultaneous measurement with PLIF(Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence) and Stereo-PIV(Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry) was performed to investigate the structural characteristics of flow field in Rushton Turbine Mixer. Instantaneous 3D velocity fields are measured by two 2K${\times}$2K CCD cameras focused on an object plane with the angular displacement methods while the concentration fields are obtained through the measurement of the fluorescence intensity of Rhodamine B tracer excited by the second pulse of Nd:Yag laser light. Image distortion due to the camera view-angle is compensated by a mapping function. Finally, the spatial structures of turbulent flow around Rushton turbine were identified by the calculation of synchronized data of the velocity field and concentration field.

Development of the Human Body Recognition System Using Image Processing (영상처리를 이용한 생체인식 시스템 개발)

  • Ayurzana, Odgerel;Ha, Kwan-Yong;Kim, Hie-Sik
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.11c
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    • pp.187-189
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents the system widely used for extraction of human body recognition system in the field of bio-metric identification. The Human body recognition system is used in many fields. This biological is appled to the human recognition in banking and the access control with security. The important algorithm of the identification software usese hand lines and hand shape geometry. We used the simple algorithm and recognizing the person by their hand image from the input camera. The geometrical characteristics in hand shape such as length of finger to whole hand length thickness of finger to length, etc are used.

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Implementation of Real Time Optical Associative Memory using LCTV (LCTV를 이용한 실시간 광 연상 메모리의 구현)

  • 정승우
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1990.02a
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    • pp.102-111
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    • 1990
  • In this thesis, an optical bidirectional inner-product associative memory model using liquid crystal television is proposed and analyzed theoretically and realized experimentally. The LCTV is used as a SLM(spatial light modulator), which is more practical than conventional SLMs, to produce image vector in terms of computer and CCD camera. Memory and input vectors are recorded into each LCTV through the video input connectors of it by using the image board. Two multi-focus hololenses are constructed in order to perform optical inner-product process. In forward process, the analog values of inner-products are measured by photodetectors and are converted to digital values which are enable to control the weighting values of the stored vectors by changing the gray levels of the pixels of the LCTV. In backward process, changed stored vectors are used to produce output image vector which is used again for input vector after thresholding. After some iterations, one of the stored vectors is retrieved which is most similar to input vector in other words, has the nearest hamming distance. The experimental results show that the proposed inner-product associative memory model can be realized optically and coincide well with the computer simulation.

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Vision Sensing for the Ego-Lane Detection of a Vehicle (자동차의 자기 주행차선 검출을 위한 시각 센싱)

  • Kim, Dong-Uk;Do, Yongtae
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.137-141
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    • 2018
  • Detecting the ego-lane of a vehicle (the lane on which the vehicle is currently running) is one of the basic techniques for a smart car. Vision sensing is a widely-used method for the ego-lane detection. Existing studies usually find road lane lines by detecting edge pixels in the image from a vehicle camera, and then connecting the edge pixels using Hough Transform. However, this approach takes rather long processing time, and too many straight lines are often detected resulting in false detections in various road conditions. In this paper, we find the lane lines by scanning only a limited number of horizontal lines within a small image region of interest. The horizontal image line scan replaces the edge detection process of existing methods. Automatic thresholding and spatiotemporal filtering procedures are also proposed in order to make our method reliable. In the experiments using real road images of different conditions, the proposed method resulted in high success rate.

An Experimental Study on Wakes behind a Circular and a Square Cylinder in a Horizontal Circular Tube (수평원통관 내에서 원형 및 정사각 실린더의 후류에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Chang, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Myung Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2003
  • An experimental study was performed for turbulent flow behind a circular and a square cylinder by using 2-D PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry) technique in a cylindrical tube. The Reynolds number investigated were 10,000, 30,000 and 50,000. The measuring system consists of CCD camera. Ar-ion laser, image grabber and a host computer. The mean velocity vector, time mean axial velocity, turbulent intensity and Reynolds shear stress were measured along the test tube. The results are compared each other for the circular and the square cylinder.

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The Estimation of Soil Erosion Fact of Cutting Slope Using Digital Image (디지털 영상을 이용한 절취단면의 토사유출인자 산정)

  • Lee Jong-Chool;Yang Won-Young;Heo Jong-Ho;Cho Yong-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.527-531
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the development project is conducting disaster effect estimation to breed disaster, and cope these disaster beforehand provoking soil erosion and flood. Therefore, it is became important to analysis and reduce of these disaster. In this study, receive value of LS and C factor of soil erosion through the digital image. The method of photogrammetry was employed for the efficient surveying and analysis of cutting slope using Remote Control Helicopter installed with a nonmetric digital camera. As a result, we obtain more objectivity value of soil erosion factor using digital image analysis.

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Image Retrieval Using Sequential Clustering and Projection Information (순차영역분할과 투영정보를 이용한 영상검색)

  • Won Hyuk-Joon;Kim Tae-Sun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.906-915
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    • 2005
  • In this paper we propose content based image retrieval method using sequential clustering and projection information. Proposed method uses the mean of color in clustered color regions by sequential clustering and the projection information in each clustered color regions, which combines spatial information with color information in images efficiently. The experimental results showed that the proposed method retrieval efficiency improved 11.6 percent over conventional methods. In addition, the proposed method robustly tolerates large changes in appearance and shape caused by changes in viewing positions, camera zooms, etc.

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