• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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Development of Distortion Correction Technique in Tilted Image for River Surface Velocity Measurement (하천 표면영상유속 측정을 위한 경사영상 왜곡 보정 기술 개발)

  • Kim, Hee Joung;Lee, Jun Hyeong;Yoon, Byung Man;Kim, Seo Jun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2021
  • In surface image velocimetry, a wide area of a river is photographed at an angle to measure its velocity, inevitably causing image distortion. Although a distorted image can be corrected into an orthogonal image by using 2D projective coordinate transformation and considering reference points on the same plane as the water surface, this method is limited by the uncertainty of changes in the water level in the event of a flood. Therefore, in this study, we developed a tilt image correction technique that corrects distortions in oblique images without resetting the reference points while coping with changes in the water level using the geometric relationship between the coordinates of the reference points set at a high position the camera, and the vertical distance between the water surface and the camera. Furthermore, we developed a distortion correction method to verify the corrected image, wherein we conducted a full-scale river experiment to verify the reference point transformation equation and measure the surface velocity. Based on the verification results, the proposed tilt image correction method was found to be over 97% accurate, whereas the experiment result of the surface velocity differed by approximately 4% as compared to the results calculated using the proposed method, thereby indicating high accuracy. Application of the proposed method to an image-based fixed automatic discharge measurement system can improve the accuracy of discharge measurement in the event of a flood when the water level changes rapidly.

A Study on Multi-modal Near-IR Face and Iris Recognition on Mobile Phones (휴대폰 환경에서의 근적외선 얼굴 및 홍채 다중 인식 연구)

  • Park, Kang-Ryoung;Han, Song-Yi;Kang, Byung-Jun;Park, So-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • As the security requirements of mobile phones have been increasing, there have been extensive researches using one biometric feature (e.g., an iris, a fingerprint, or a face image) for authentication. Due to the limitation of uni-modal biometrics, we propose a method that combines face and iris images in order to improve accuracy in mobile environments. This paper presents four advantages and contributions over previous research. First, in order to capture both face and iris image at fast speed and simultaneously, we use a built-in conventional mega pixel camera in mobile phone, which is revised to capture the NIR (Near-InfraRed) face and iris image. Second, in order to increase the authentication accuracy of face and iris, we propose a score level fusion method based on SVM (Support Vector Machine). Third, to reduce the classification complexities of SVM and intra-variation of face and iris data, we normalize the input face and iris data, respectively. For face, a NIR illuminator and NIR passing filter on camera are used to reduce the illumination variance caused by environmental visible lighting and the consequent saturated region in face by the NIR illuminator is normalized by low processing logarithmic algorithm considering mobile phone. For iris, image transform into polar coordinate and iris code shifting are used for obtaining robust identification accuracy irrespective of image capturing condition. Fourth, to increase the processing speed on mobile phone, we use integer based face and iris authentication algorithms. Experimental results were tested with face and iris images by mega-pixel camera of mobile phone. It showed that the authentication accuracy using SVM was better than those of uni-modal (face or iris), SUM, MAX, NIN and weighted SUM rules.

A Smart Image Classification Algorithm for Digital Camera by Exploiting Focal Length Information (초점거리 정보를 이용한 디지털 사진 분류 알고리즘)

  • Ju, Young-Ho;Cho, Hwan-Gue
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2006
  • In recent years, since the digital camera has been popularized, so users can easily collect hundreds of photos in a single usage. Thus the managing of hundreds of digital photos is not a simple job comparing to the keeping paper photos. We know that managing and classifying a number of digital photo files are burdensome and annoying sometimes. So people hope to use an automated system for managing digital photos especially for their own purposes. The previous studies, e.g. content-based image retrieval, were focused on the clustering of general images, which it is not to be applied on digital photo clustering and classification. Recently, some specialized clustering algorithms for images clustering digital camera images were proposed. These algorithms exploit mainly the statistics of time gap between sequent photos. Though they showed a quite good result in image clustering for digital cameras, still lots of improvements are remained and unsolved. For example the current tools ignore completely the image transformation with the different focal lengths. In this paper, we present a photo considering focal length information recorded in EXIF. We propose an algorithms based on MVA(Matching Vector Analysis) for classification of digital images taken in the every day activity. Our experiment shows that our algorithm gives more than 95% success rates, which is competitive among all available methods in terms of sensitivity, specificity and flexibility.

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Rectification of Smartphone Image Based on Reference Images for Facility Monitoring (시설물 모니터링을 위한 기준영상 기반 스마트폰 영상의 기하보정)

  • Kim, Hwiyoung;Choi, Kyoungah;Lee, Impyeong;Yoon, Hyuk-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2017
  • Monitoring of facilities such as roads, dams and bridges is important for their long-term sustainable usage. It has usually suffered with safety and cost problems, which makes more frequent monitoring difficult. As an efficient and economicalsolution to these problems, one may consider the use of smartphone to capture the status of the facilities. To derive quantitative analysis results with the smartphone images for facility monitoring, one should first rectify the images in a way as automatic and economical as possible. In thisstudy, we propose such a rectification method, which rectifiessmartphone images acquired from arbitrary locations based on reference images.In the proposed method, we determine the camera extrinsic parameters of each smartphone images using the reference imagesrather than ground control points, and project the image to the target surface of the facility based on the determined camera parameters. The method were applied to test data acquired from a small dam toward water-area facility monitoring. The experimental results showed that the camera extrinsic parameters were determined with the accuracy of 5 cm and $0.28^{\circ}$ in the position and attitude. The accuracy of the distance measured from the rectified image was evaluated to 10 cm. With the rectified images, one can accurately determine the location and length of the target objects required for facility monitoring.

Technology to create a 360-degree panorama of a square room using a single projector and a hemispherical mirror (1대의 프로젝터와 반구형 반사경을 이용한 사각방 360도 파노라마 생성 기법)

  • Lee, Jung-jik;Park, Yoen-yong;Lee, Yun-sang;Lee, Jun-yuep;Jung, Eun-yeong;Yu, Rim;Kang, Myongjin;Jung, Moon-ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2020
  • In this research, we describe the method of implementing a 360-degree panorama using one projector, in terms of hardware and in the production of projected pre-distortion images. We propose a method of installing a projector and a reflector on the central ceiling of the space to minimize the shadows generated based on the position of the spectators. We used a virtual camera and virtual space where the projector and hemisphere positions were set to the same as in the exhibition space in Unity. After the image projected on the screen was mapped on the wall of the virtual space, the pre-distortion image was created by the method of capturing from the virtual camera using the ray tracing technique. When the produced pre-distortion image is hemispherical reflected and projected by the projector installed at the same position as the virtual camera, the image is reflected and projected 360 degrees on the panoramic screen.

A Study on the Retina shaped Optical Path Shift Using the Prism

  • Kwon Yun Jung;Nam Sang Yep;Lee Sung Chang
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2004.08c
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    • pp.699-702
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    • 2004
  • This paper discusses about the mechanism of catching an image through an optical manipulation of each organizations in the eye, more specifically, mechanism of catching an image on a retina through a Camera and a Crystal Lens. In the retina, the macula roles as a fovea contrails and it leads the image which is about 3 mm to be shaped on there. However, even the macula may not properly function, our eyes still can catch the image by shifting the optical path to around of the macula, even if the sensitivity of the image is generally lower than the image on the macula. This paper proposes a method of shifting the shaped image on the retina by refracting the optical path through a prism located on the rear of a screen which consists of a 0.7' TFT LCD. Applying this method that throwing an image around on the macula, central visual disturbance patients among retinitis pimentos patients can expect to recover such a mechanism to catch an image.

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Image-based Visual Servoing for Automatic Recharging of Mobile Robot (이동로봇의 자동충전을 위한 영상기반 비쥬얼 서보잉 방법)

  • Song, Ho-Bum;Cho, Jae-Seung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.664-670
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    • 2007
  • This study deals with image-based visual servoing for automatic recharging of mobile robot. Because mobile robot must be recharged periodically, it is necessary to detect and move to docking station. Generally, laser scanner is used for detect of position of docking station. CCD Camera is also used for this purpose. In case of using cameras, the position-based visual servoing method is widely used. But position-based visual servoing method requires the accurate calibration and it is hard and complex work. Another method using cameras is image-based visual servoing. Recently, image based visual servoing is widely used for robotic application. But it has a problem that cannot have linear trajectory in the 3-dimensional space. Because of this weak point, image-based visual servoing has a limit for real application. In case of 2-dimensional movement on the plane, it has also similar problem. In order to solve this problem, we point out the main reason of the problem of the resolved rate control method that has been generally used in the image-based visual servoing and we propose an image-based visual servoing method that can reduce the curved trajectory of mobile robot in the cartesian space.

Subjective Imaging Effect Assessment for Intelligent Imaging Terminal Design: a Method for Engineering Site

  • Liu, Haoting;Lv, Ming;Yu, Weiqun;Guo, Zhenhui;Li, Xin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1043-1064
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    • 2020
  • A kind of Subjective Imaging Effect Assessment (SIEA) method and its applications on intelligent imaging terminal design in engineering site are presented. First, some visual assessment indices are used to characterize the imaging effect: the image brightness, the image brightness uniformity, the color image contrast, the image edge blur, the image color difference, the image saturation, the image noise, and the integrated imaging effect index. A linear weighted function is employed to carry out the SIEA computation and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique is used to estimate its weights. Second, a SIEA software is developed. It can play images after the settings of assessment index or assessment reaction time, etc. Third, two cases are used to illustrate the application effects of proposed method: the image enhancement system design for surveillance camera and the imaging environment perception system design for intelligent lighting terminal. A Prior Sequential Stimulus (PSS) experiment is proposed to improve the evaluation stability of SIEA method. Many experiment results have shown the proposed method can realize a stable system design or parameters setting for the intelligent imaging terminal in engineering site.

Implementation of DSP Embedded Number-Braille Conversion Algorithm based on Image Processing (DSP 임베디드 숫자-점자 변환 영상처리 알고리즘의 구현)

  • Chae, Jin-Young;Darshana, Panamulle Arachchige Udara;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.14-17
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    • 2016
  • This paper describes the implementation of automatic number-braille converter based on image processing for the blind people. The algorithm is consists of four main steps. First step is binary image conversion of the input image obtained by the camera. the second step is segmentation operation by means of dilation and labelling of the character. Next step is calculation of cross-correlation between segmented text image and pre-defined text-pattern image. The final step is generation of brail output which is relevant to input image. The computer simulation result was showing 91.8% correct conversion rate for arabian numbers which is printed in A4-sheet and practical possibility was also confirmed by using implemented automatic number-braille converter based on DSP image processing board.

Recent Technology Trends and Future Prospects for Image Sensor (이미지 센서의 최근 기술 동향과 향후 전망)

  • Park, Sangsik;Shin, Bhumjae;Uh, Hyungsoo
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2020
  • The technology and market size of image sensors continue to develop thanks to the release of image sensors that exceed 100 million pixels in 2019 and expansion of black box camera markets for vehicles in addition to existing mobile applications. We review the technology flow of image sensors that have been constantly evolving for 40 years since Hitachi launched a 200,000-pixel image sensor in 1979. Although CCD has made inroads into image sensor market for a while based on good picture quality, CMOS image sensor (CIS) with active pixels has made inroads into the market as semiconductor technology continues to develop, since the electrons generated by the incident light are converted to the electric signals in the pixel, and the power consumption is low. CIS image sensors with superior characteristics such as high resolution, high sensitivity, low power consumption, low noise and vivid color continue to be released as the new technologies are incorporated. At present, new types of structures such as Backside Illumination and Isolation Cell have been adopted, with better sensitivity and high S/N ratio. In the future, new photoconductive materials are expected to be adopted as a light absorption part in place of the pn junction.