• Title/Summary/Keyword: boundary zone method

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Application of Slip-line Method to the Evaluation of Plastic Zone around a Circular Tunnel (원형터널 주변의 소성영역 평가를 위한 slip-line 해석법 활용)

  • Lee, Youn-Kyou
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.312-326
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    • 2022
  • The generalized Hoek-Brown (GHB) criterion, which is recognized as one of the standard failure conditions for rock mass, is specialized for rock engineering applications and covers a wide range of rock mass conditions. Accordingly, many research efforts have been devoted to the incorporation of this criterion into the stability analysis of rock structures. In this study, the slip-line analysis method, which is a kind of elastoplastic analysis method, is combined with the GHB failure criterion to derive analytical equations that can easily calculate the plastic radius and stress distribution in the vicinity of the circular tunnel. In the process of derivation of related formulas, it is assumed that the behavior of rock mass after failure is perfectly plastic and the in-situ stress condition is hydrostatic. In the formulation, it is revealed that the plastic radius can be calculated analytically using the two respective tangential friction angles corresponding to the stress conditions at tunnel wall and elastic-plastic boundary. It is also shown that the plastic radius and stress distribution calculated using the derived analytical equations coincide with the results of Lee & Pietruszczak's numerical method published in 2008. In the latter part of this paper, the influence of the quality of the rock mass on the size of the plastic zone, the stress distribution, and the change of the tangential friction angle was investigated using the derived analytical equations.

Reconstruction of internal structures and numerical simulation for concrete composites at mesoscale

  • Du, Chengbin;Jiang, Shouyan;Qin, Wu;Xu, Hairong;Lei, Dong
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2012
  • At mesoscale, concrete is considered as a three-phase composite material consisting of the aggregate particles, the cement matrix and the interfacial transition zone (ITZ). The reconstruction of the internal structures for concrete composites requires the identification of the boundary of the aggregate particles and the cement matrix using digital imaging technology followed by post-processing through MATLAB. A parameter study covers the subsection transformation, median filter, and open and close operation of the digital image sample to obtain the optimal parameter for performing the image processing technology. The subsection transformation is performed using a grey histogram of the digital image samples with a threshold value of [120, 210] followed by median filtering with a $16{\times}16$ square module based on the dimensions of the aggregate particles and their internal impurity. We then select a "disk" tectonic structure with a specific radius, which performs open and close operations on the images. The edges of the aggregate particles (similar to the original digital images) are obtained using the canny edge detection method. The finite element model at mesoscale can be established using the proposed image processing technology. The location of the crack determined through the numerical method is identical to the experimental result, and the load-displacement curve determined through the numerical method is in close agreement with the experimental results. Comparisons of the numerical and experimental results show that the proposed image processing technology is highly effective in reconstructing the internal structures of concrete composites.

The Process and Method to Set a Mountainous Scenic Site's Designated Area

  • Han, Gab Soo;Kim, Soonki;Ham, Kwang Min
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2020
  • A "Scenic Site" is an official heritage category legally defined as a "scenic site of outstanding artistic value with excellent scenic views." However, the subjective interpretation of the term causes several problems. This study suggested a systematic, organized process of designating a listed area as a scenic site after careful and detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis. Indicators were identified for each of the two analyses, and then scored and weighted. Quantitative indicators were distributed within 5 points for each indicator. Water, which is a natural indicator, based on distance from river boundaries. Forest landscapes were assigned in consideration of forest physiognomy and age class. Land use was allocated in consideration of land cover type and, in case of development site, '-' score was assigned. Cultural heritage conservation area, which is historical and cultural indicator, was distributed by distance within a maximum of 500 meters. Visibility, an indicator of landscape value, was assigned according to the frequency of visibility. The weight of each indicator was calculated by considering the value of each item. The weight of distribution of cultural resources is relatively high, while other items were set the same. In case of land use, however, '-' score was given according to the grade. Qualitative indicators, on the other hand, were considered terrain, landscape zone, ownership, intellectual boundary, and land category. The applicability of the proposed process and method was examined by applying the existing methods and criteria used for designating scenic spots. Opinions of subject-matter experts were incorporated in the identification of the indicators and in the result review stage. In the future, it is necessary to apply this method while designating scenic sites so as to establish an objective, scientific designation process.

Numerical Investigation of Mixing Characteristics in a Cavity Flow by Using Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Method (혼성 격자볼츠만 방법을 이용한 공동 형상 내부에서의 혼합 특성에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Shin, Myung Seob;Jeon, Seok Yun;Yoon, Joon Yong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.683-693
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the mixing characteristics in lid-driven cavity flows were studied numerically by using a hybrid lattice Boltzmann method (HLBM). First, we compared the numerical results from single-relaxation-time (LB-SRT) and multi-relaxation-time (LB-MRT) models to examine their reliability. In most of the cavity flow, the results from both the LB-SRT and the LB-MRT models were in good agreement with those using a Navier-Stokes solver for Re=100-5000. However, the LB-MRT model was superior to the LB-SRT model for the simulation of higher Reynolds number flows having a geometrical singularity with much lesser spatial oscillations. For this reason, the LB-MRT model was selected to study the mass transport in lid-driven cavity flows, and it was demonstrated that mass transport in the fluid was activated by a recirculation zone in the cavity, which is connected from the top to the bottom surfaces through two boundary layers. Various mixing characteristics such as the concentration profiles, mean Sherwood (Sh) numbers, and velocity were computed. Finally, the detailed transport mechanism and solutions for the concentration profile in the cavity were presented.

Electrical Resistivity-Measurements for the Detection of Fracture Zones in the Woraksan Granitic-Bodies (월악산화강암체의 파쇄대규명을 위한 전기비저항탐사)

  • 김지수;권일룡
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 1997
  • Electrical resistivity methods of dipole - dipole array profiling and Schiumberger array sounding were tested on a segment of the Woraksan granitic batholith for the research into the imaging of irregular attitudes of fracture zones in the crystaaline rock in terms of processing and interpretation schemes. By the dipole - dipole array method, inhomogeneities such as small scale of fracture zones were properly delineated down at some depth even within hard rock environment. Fracture zones were interpreted to be at the boundaries between the high amplitude zone and very low amplitude zone in the resistivity plot and they were also successfully outlined in two - dimensional layer and pseudo - three - dimensional volume constructed by the incorporation of vertical sounding data. The surface location of the fracture zones was correlated by the zero - crossing point in the VLF(very low frequency) electromagnetic data. Pseudo - three - dimensional attitudes of fracture zones were efficiently illuminated by optimum projection angle. The mean of bulk resistivity for the Woraksan granite and the near fracture zones is estimated to be approximately of 4,000 ohm - m which is much higher than the value of 700 ohm - m for the Rwachunri limesilicate environment. This difference is due to both the rock type, i.e., biotite granite vs limesilicate, and the occurrence of secondary openings of fold and fault associated with the intrusion of granite. In this study statistical analyses on the resistivity color plot were performed in terms of three representative statistical moments, i.e., standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. The fracture zones in the standard deviation plot were characterized by the higher value, compared to the value of homogeneous portion. The upper boundary of the high resistivity zone was also successfully delineated in the skewness and kurtosis plots.

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Mobile IP local pre-registration scheme for accommodating real-time data traffics in cdma2000 Networks (cdma2000 네트워크에서 실시간 데이터 트래픽을 수용하기 위한 Mobile IP 지역내 사전등록 기법)

  • 박민철;임재성
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.7A
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, to solve some problems of the Mobile IP and local registration strategy we propose a method that can effectively support real-time traffics sensitive to delay time and packet loss. The proposed method reduces the registration time after a Mobile Node's movement between networks by carrying out the pre-registration for the domain which it will move into the network information of the link layer of cdma2000 system, at the boundary cell's handoff zone. Through the cost analysis and simulation it is shown that the proposed scheme yield a better performance compared with the Mobile IP and local registration strategies in terms of packet loss for parameters; variation of the velocity of a Mobile Node, and a distance between the Mobile Node and home networks, etc.

Numerical Analysis of the Electro-discharge Machining Process of a Conductive Anisotropic Composite (전기전도성 이방성 복합재료 방전가공의 수치 해석)

  • Ahn, Young-Cheol;Chun, Kap-Jae
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2009
  • For the electro-discharge machining of an electro-conductive anisotropic composite, an unsteady state formulation was established and solved by Galerkin's finite element method. The distribution of temperature on work piece, the shape of the crater and the material removal rate were obtained in terms of the process parameters. The $12{\times}12$ irregular mesh that was chosen as the optimum in the previous analysis was used for computational accuracy and efficiency. A material having the physical properties of alumina/titanium carbide composite was selected and an electricity with power of 51.4 V and current of 7 A was applied, assuming the removal efficiency of 10 % and the thermal anisotropic factors of 2 and 3. As the spark was initiated the workpiece immediately started to melt and the heat affected zone was formed. The moving boundary of the crater was also identified with time. When the radial and axial conductivities were increased separately, the temperature distribution and the shape of the crater were shifted in the radial and axial directions, respectively. The material removal rate was found to be higher when the conductivity was increased in the radial direction rather than in the axial direction.

Analysis of Traversable Candidate Region for Unmanned Ground Vehicle Using 3D LIDAR Reflectivity (3D LIDAR 반사율을 이용한 무인지상차량의 주행가능 후보 영역 분석)

  • Kim, Jun;Ahn, Seongyong;Min, Jihong;Bae, Keunsung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.41 no.11
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    • pp.1047-1053
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    • 2017
  • The range data acquired by 2D/3D LIDAR, a core sensor for autonomous navigation of an unmanned ground vehicle, is effectively used for ground modeling and obstacle detection. Within the ambiguous boundary of a road environment, however, LIDAR does not provide enough information to analyze the traversable region. This paper presents a new method to analyze a candidate area using the characteristics of LIDAR reflectivity for better detection of a traversable region. We detected a candidate traversable area through the front zone of the vehicle using the learning process of LIDAR reflectivity, after calibration of the reflectivity of each channel. We validated the proposed method of a candidate traversable region detection by performing experiments in the real operating environment of the unmanned ground vehicle.

A study on the granulometric and clastshape characteristic of gravel terrace deposit at Jeongdongjin area (정동진 단구 자갈층과 충진 물질의 입도 및 형상 특성에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Yeon;Yang, Dong Yoon;Shin, Won Jeong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2016
  • Samples from newly exposed outcrop of sedimentary layers forming Jeongdongjin coastal terrace in Gangreung area are collected and analyzed to find the sedimentary environment. The site are located at the gentle hillslope of the terrace surface area. The height of the outcrop is about 8m and the altitude of it's highest part is 68~73m MSL. The lowest part of this out crop is the partly consolidated sand layer with gravel veneer within it. It is found that this part is not in-situ weathered sand stone through the OSL method. This sand layer is overlain by the gravel layer with sand matrix. The shapes of the gravels from this part are mainly 'platy', 'elongated', and 'bladed' by the index of Sneed and Folk(1958). In addition, mean roundness is not so high. It is sceptical to regard this part as marine sediments which are continuously exposed to erosional processes. The boundary between the lowest sand layer and gravel layer showing the abrupt change in forming material without any mixture or transitional zone, so gravels are seemed to deposited after some degree of consolidation of the lowest sand layer. In addition, the hight of the boundary between layers are changed by the place, so the surface of the partly consolidated sand layer is not flat and has irregularity on topography when it buried by gravels. Main part of this out crop is the poorly sorted coarse gravel(22.4mm) with sand matrix($1.36{\phi}$) layer with at least 2m thick covering the relatively fine gravels discussed above. Over 20% of particles have 'very platy', 'very elongated' and 'very bladed' shape and only less than 5% of particles have 'compact' shape, So this particles are also very hard to be regard as marine gravels which are abraded by marine processes. It can be concluded that this gravel layer formed by fluvial processes rather than coastal processes base on the form of the clast and sedimentary structure. The gravel layer is covered by fine($3{\sim}4{\phi}$) material layers of psudo-gleization which showing inter-bedding of red and white layers. Chemical composition of matrix and other fine materials should be analyzed in further studies. It is attempted to fine the burial ages of the sediment using OSL method, but failed by the saturation. So it can be assumed that these sediments have be buried over 120ka.

A Characteristic of Vegetation Distribution in Jangdo Wetland (장도 습지보호지역의 식생 분포 특성)

  • An, Kyung-Whan;Lim, Jeong-Cheol;Lee, Yeoul-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basis information for ecological conservation and restoration of Jangdo wetland conservation area through the survey of vegetation diversity and spatial distribution characteristics. Syntaxonomic account of plant communities were carried out field survey by Z.-M. school method at 14 sites and relationship analysis between plant community and environment variables with Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA). Based on the floristic composition, all the plots were classified into xeric and hydric type and arranged in seven plant communities. Spatial distribution of plant communities is determined primarily by the soil moisture condition and amount of organic matter. Hydric vegetation is around 8% ($7,337m^2$) of the protected area and distributed swamp forest of dominating willows under 18 years. Proliferation of willows are recognised extended from edge to centre after in 1990's caused by fallow and control of livestock grazing on wetland. Jangdo wetland will have to readjust the protection boundary because wet meadow zone and swamp forest have been distributed outside the protection area.