• Title/Summary/Keyword: bed change

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The Study on Health-preserving Method in Child (소아(小兒) 양생론(養生論) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Sun-Hyung;Bang, Jung-Kyun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2009
  • The pediatrics has other diagnosis and treatment compared with an adult. It is therefore, the children have different pathogenesis, pathology from adult's. The special feature of the children is two. Firstly, children are the body of the pure Yang[純陽之體], which means the growth and development of them are very fast. Secondly, they have weak muscle, skeletal and digestive function. So we must consider health-preserving method in different physiology and pathology aspects of the children. The children have weak digestive functions, so they should be careful to avoid eating greasy food and overeating. They must eat the nourishing Eum[滋陰] food. The children should wear thin clothes as possible. If the children wear clothes so thick, it promote the Yang (陽), so the Eum(陰) is hurted. The children are to be lack of Eum[陰不足], so they need to grow and raise the Eum(陰) in this way which the lower body is cool. Sleep is important ways to generate Eum Essence[陰精]. So the children should take a bed as change of the season. Children's muscles and skeleton are growing so incomplete that they are hard to handle Wind-Cold pathogen[風寒邪]. Therefore, the children should be training vital Essence and Gi(氣) with appropriate exercise. We should be careful treatment the Hwayeoljeung(火熱證) with purgation[瀉下] - bitter in taste and cold in nature[苦寒藥], aromatic herb[芳香性藥物], sudorific herb[發汗藥] In addition, child has weak digestive function, so doctor should not use a lot of nourishment[滋補].

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Analysis of Particles Motion in Vertical Rayleigh Flow (수직 Rayleigh 유동내의 입자 거동 해석)

  • Ko, Seok-Bo;Jun, Yong-Du;Lee, Kum-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2007
  • Suspended particles behavior when they go through a vertical riser with heat transfer is of significant concern to system designers and operators in pneumatic transport, various processes such as in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. When it comes with the energy system, that knowledge is critical to the reliable design practices of related equipment as heat exchangers, especially in the phase of system scale-up. Without haying a good understanding of the related physics, many scale-up practices based on their pilot plant experience suffer from unexpected behaviors and problems of unstable fluidization typically associated with excessive pressure drop, pressure fluctuation and even unsuccessful particle circulation. In the present study, we try to explain the observed phenomena with related physics, which may help understanding of our unanswered experiences and to provide the designers with more reliable resources for their work. We selected hot exhaust gas with solid particle that goes through a heat exchanger riser as our model to be considered. The effect of temperature change on the gas velocity, thermodynamic properties, and eventually on the particles motion behavior is reviewed along with some heat transfer analyses. The present study presents an optimal riser length at full scale under given conditions, and also defines the theoretical limiting length of the riser. The field data from the numerical analysis was validated against our experimental results.

Study on the Sediment and Velocity Characteristics around Bridge Based on Shape of the Piers (교각의 기하학적 형상에 따른 유사 및 유속의 변화 특성)

  • Ahn, Seung-Seop;Lee, Hyo-Jung;Seo, Myung-Joon;Lee, Jeung-Seok
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2009
  • In this study, a river basin with a lot of measured data such as water level, flow rate, current speed, and sediment rate from the past to now was selected and geometrical shape of a pier was re-analyzed, in order to study the effects of the flow around the pier area as well as the riverbed alternation characteristics. A finite element mesh of the entire river was prepared, and via parameter revision, the section that the pier has influence on was decided, to analyze the shape of the pier using RMA-2 and SED2D-WES models. With regards to the section that the pier has influence on, analysis was done on the four pier shapes, namely circle, square, rectangle, and octagon. The results showed that the shape with the least influence around the pier around is the octagon, followed by circle, rectangle, and square, showing the different geometrical effects that the shapes have on the pier. Furthermore, it was shown that the distribution of sediment concentration had effect from about (+) 110 m of the upstream to about (-) 130 m of the downstream, from the pier installation point. Also, it was shown after analyzing drag forces for different sediment particle distributions that the shape with the greatest drag is the octagon, followed by circle, square, and rectangle.

Effect of Hand Acupuncture for Relieving Headache (수지침요법이 중학생의 두통 완화에 미치는 효과)

  • Cho Kyoul-Ja;Kang Hyun-Sook
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of hand acupuncture on reduction of headache. Method: This study used a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design. 45 middle school girls who complained of headache were selected as subjects. The study lasted from November 2002 to June 2003. There were 22 girls in the experimental group while 23 girls were control group; convenience assignment was used. The two groups were homogeneous on characteristics. The experimental group received hand acupuncture. The treatment was to puncture corresponding points (A33, B27, M1, I2) on both the palm and the back of a hand with disposable acupuncture needles, and then remove them after a 20-30 minutes recess during which the subjects reclined on a bed. The data were analyzed using the SPSS PC with Fisher's Exact -test, and Mann Whitney U-test. Result: The results of this study were as follows: 1) In the experimental group, objective pain decreased after hand acupuncture (U= -2.51, p= .01). As for the objective pain degree, a significant reduction in voice change was observed in the experimental groups (U= -2.35, p= .02). Facial expressional changes were observed (U= -1.87, p= .06) and perspiration degree (U= -.99, p= .32) has reduced. However, these differences were not statistically significant between the experimental and control group. 2) Subjective pain degree decreased after hand acupuncture in the experimental as compared to the control group. 3) No statistical significant difference in comfort (U= -.29, p= .78) or distress (U= -1.51, p= .13) between experimental and control group were found. Conclusion: These findings indicate that hand acupuncture is an effective method for reducing headache. Therefore, hand acupuncture can be considered as an independent nursing intervention for headache reduction.

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Effect of Si/Al2 Ratio on 2-butanol Dehydration over HY Zeolite Catalysts (HY zeolite 촉매 상에서 Si/Al2 비가 2-Butanol 탈수반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Euna;Choi, Hyeonhee;Jeon, Jong-Ki
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.116-120
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    • 2015
  • Synthesis of butenes through dehydration of 2-butanol was investigated over HY zeolite catalysts. 2-Butanol dehydration reaction was carried out in a fixed bed catalytic reactor. 2-Butanol conversion was increased with increase of $Si/Al_2$ ratio of HY zeolite catalysts, which can be ascribed to increase of acid strength with increase of $Si/Al_2$ ratio. Selectivities to 1-butene, trans-2-butene, and cis-2-butene were not greatly influenced by the change of the $Si/Al_2$ ratio of HY zeolite. As a result, it was advantageous to use a HY zeolite catalyst with 60 $Si/Al_2$ ratio for maximizing the yield of 1-butene in the dehydration of 2-butanol. The optimal reaction temperature for maximizing the yield of 1-butene was $250^{\circ}C$ over HY (60) catalyst.


  • Hyun, Soo Whang;Young, Kyu Ryu
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 1984
  • The author has observed the effects of collagenase on the relapse phenomenon and the histochemical changes during the relapse period. 50 rats were used. : 3rats as a normal group, 15rats as control groups, and 32rats as experimental groups. Rat's teeth were moved for 10days with helical spring applied, followed by injection of "collagenase in Hank's sol." to the experimental groups and the "Hank's sol." to the control group in the interdental gingiva on the 10th day, and the spring was removed on the 11th day. After injection, the experimental animals were sacrificed on the 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 20th, and 24th day and prepared histochemically for the Hematoxylin-Eosin, Van-Gieson, and Methyl Green-pyronin staining. The results are as follows: 1. Group I (11th day): In the control group the supracrestal fibers were stretched and the metabolic rate was high. Experimental group showed that supracrestal fibers were resor, bed, disarrayed, and the metabolic rate was low. 2. Group II (13th day): In the control group, the supracrestal fibers began to change from the vertical direction to tooth-axis to the parallel. Experimental group showed that supracrestal fibers were completely resorbed. 3. Group IV (17th day): The control group showed almost normal structure. Form this group the metabolic rates were low. Experimental group showed the most destructive pattern. 4. Group VI (24th day): Experimental group showed almost normal structure. It follows that experimental groups were relapsed less than the control groups, and collagenase was effective in the prevention of relapse after rat's experimental tooth movement.

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Characteristics of Pt/C-based Catalysts for HI Decomposition in SI process (SI 공정에서 HI 분해를 위한 백금담지 활성탄 촉매의 특성)

  • Kim, J.M.;Kim, Y.H.;Kang, K.S.;Kim, C.H.;Park, C.S.;Bae, K.K.
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2008
  • HI decomposition was conducted using Pt/C-based catalysts with a fixed-bed reactor in the range of 573 K to 773 K. To examine the change of the characteristic properties of the catalysts, $N_2$ adsorption analyser, a X-ray diffractometer(XRD), and a scanning electron microscopy(SEM) were used before and after the HI decomposition reaction. the effect of Pt loading on HI decomposition was investigated by $CO_2$-TPD. HI conversion of all catalysts increased as decomposition temperature increased. The XRD analysis showed that the sizes of platinum particle became larger and agglomerated into a lump during the reaction. From $CO_2$-TPD, it can be concluded that the cause for the increase in catalytic activity may be attributed to the basic sites of catalyst surface. The results of both b desorption and gasification reaction showed the restriction on the use of Pt/C-based catalyst.

Property enhancement of lightweight aggregate by carbonation processing (인공경량골재의 탄산화 반응에 따른 물성향상에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Junyoung;Kim, Yootaek;Choi, Yunjae
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.254-259
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    • 2012
  • The mechanical property enhancement was studied using fly ash produced from fluidized bed type boiler in power plant, which contains a lot of Ca component being used to carbonate for $CO_2$ fixation in the lightweight aggregates made of cement and some portion of fly ash as a cement substitution under the supercritical condition. Specimens having various fly ash substitution rates and curing periods were carbonated under the supercritical condition at $40^{\circ}C$. The weight change rate, carbonation rate by TG/DTA analysis, 1% Phenolphthalein test, specific gravity and mechanical compression strength test were performed to observe the mechanical property enhancement of the cemented materials after carbonation under the supercritical condition and to make sure those could be classified as lightweight aggregates having specific gravity under 2.0.

Carbonation of coal fly ash for construction materials (탄산화 건자재 제조를 위한 석탄 비산회의 탄산화)

  • Park, Jun-Young;Kim, Yoo-Taek;Kim, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.147-151
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    • 2012
  • Carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) could be stored in the form of Ca and Mg compounds including alkaline earth metal by carbonation. The possibility of $CO_2$ storage was tested by using desulfurized ash from fluidized bed type boiler as raw material. Autoclave was used for maintaining the reaction pressure and temperature for the carbonation. The analysis of weight change rate, XRD, and TG/DTA proved that more than 15 % of carbonation rate was obtained under 10 $kgf/cm^2$ and $120^{\circ}C$-10 min.

Basic Experiment of P8250 Educational Engine Performance (P8250 학습용 엔진성능의 기초 실험)

  • Lim, Chang-Su;Choi, Jun-Seop;Wang, So-Rang
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.218-231
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was made for the pre-teacher of university to enhance understanding for the concept of engine performance and to provide information regarding engine performance in the institute of teacher educator. This study was carried out through engine performance experiment with The Cussons Engine Test Bed P8250, internal combustion engine, in order to analyze data quantitatively, and apply and verify factors of controlling engine performance. The main results of this study are as follows: First, power and brake horsepower increased linearly, and torque over the mid-speed as engine rps(revolution per second) decreased. Second, the change of torque and specific fuel consumption were able to be verified and the concept of engine performance was able to be understood. Third, the experimental values of brake horsepower and torque on engine performance showed the same tendency as theoretical values. Fourth, air/fuel ratio increased proportionally as engine speed increased.