• Title/Summary/Keyword: and object location

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Concurrent Mapping and Localization using Range Sonar in Small AUV, SNUUVI

  • Hwang Arom;Seong Woojae;Choi Hang Soon;Lee Kyu Yuel
    • Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2005
  • Increased usage of AUVs has led to the development of alternative navigational methods that use the acoustic beacons and dead reckoning. This paper describes a concurrent mapping and localization (CML) scheme that uses range sonars mounted on SNUUV­I, which is a small test AUV developed by Seoul National University. The CML is one of such alternative navigation methods for measuring the environment that the vehicle is passing through. In addition, it is intended to provide relative position of AUV by processing the data from sonar measurements. A technique for CML algorithm which uses several ranging sonars is presented. This technique utilizes an extended Kalman filter to estimate the location of the AUV. In order for the algorithm to work efficiently, the nearest neighbor standard filter is introduced as the algorithm of data association in the CML for associating the stored targets the sonar returns at each time step. The proposed CML algorithm is tested by simulations under various conditions. Experiments in a towing tank for one dimensional navigation are conducted and the results are presented. The results of the simulation and experiment show that the proposed CML algorithm is capable of estimating the position of the vehicle and the object and demonstrates that the algorithm will perform well in the real environment.

Simulation on Energy Consumption in the Summer Season Operation of primary HVAC system for Multipurpose Building Complex (다목적 복합건물의 하절기 열원기기 운전시 소비전력에 관한 시뮬레이션)

  • Suh, Jae-Kyoung;Choi, Seung-Gil;Kang, Chae-Dong
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.903-908
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    • 2006
  • Building energy simulation has become a useful tool for predicting cooling, heating and air-conditioning loads for facilities. It is important to provide building energy performances feed back to the mechanical and electrical system operator and engineer for energy conservation and maintenance of building. From this research, we set up the typical weather data of location, basic description of building, geometric modelling data and the specification of Installed primary HVAC system for establishing the simulation model about energy consuming that take place in multipurpose building complex. The simulation tool of building energy - EnergyPlus (DOE and BLAST based simulation S/W), it has been used and accomplished calculations and analyses for evaluating the effect of the system types and operating condition of central HVAC plant on the building energy consumption. In this paper, we offer comparison and simultaneous results those involve electricity consumption pattern and amount between actual operation versus EnergyPlus simulation to the object building during summer season.

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A Study on the Estimation of Multi-Object Social Distancing Using Stereo Vision and AlphaPose (Stereo Vision과 AlphaPose를 이용한 다중 객체 거리 추정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-Min;Bae, Hyeon-Jae;Jang, Gyu-Jin;Kim, Jin-Pyeong
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2021
  • Recently, We are carrying out a policy of physical distancing of at least 1m from each other to prevent the spreading of COVID-19 disease in public places. In this paper, we propose a method for measuring distances between people in real time and an automation system that recognizes objects that are within 1 meter of each other from stereo images acquired by drones or CCTVs according to the estimated distance. A problem with existing methods used to estimate distances between multiple objects is that they do not obtain three-dimensional information of objects using only one CCTV. his is because three-dimensional information is necessary to measure distances between people when they are right next to each other or overlap in two dimensional image. Furthermore, they use only the Bounding Box information to obtain the exact coordinates of human existence. Therefore, in this paper, to obtain the exact two-dimensional coordinate value in which a person exists, we extract a person's key point to detect the location, convert it to a three-dimensional coordinate value using Stereo Vision and Camera Calibration, and estimate the Euclidean distance between people. As a result of performing an experiment for estimating the accuracy of 3D coordinates and the distance between objects (persons), the average error within 0.098m was shown in the estimation of the distance between multiple people within 1m.

YOLO-based Traffic Signal Detection for Identifying the Violation of Motorbike Riders (YOLO 기반의 교통 신호등 인식을 통한 오토바이 운전자의 신호 위반 여부 확인)

  • Wahyutama, Aria Bisma;Hwang, Mintae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.141-143
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    • 2022
  • This paper presented a new technology to identify traffic violations of motorbike riders by detecting the traffic signal using You Only Look Once (YOLO) object detection. The hardware module that is mounted on the front of the motorbike consists of Raspberry Pi with a camera to run the YOLO object detection, a GPS module to acquire the motorcycle's coordinate, and a LoRa communication module to send the data to a cloud DB. The main goal of the software is to determine whether a motorbike has violated a traffic signal. This paper proposes a function to recognize the red traffic signal colour with its movement inside the camera angle and determine that the traffic signal violation happens if the traffic signal is moving to the right direction (the rider turns left) or moving to the top direction (the riders goes straight). Furthermore, if a motorbike rider is violated the signal, the rider's personal information (name, mobile phone number, etc), the snapshot of the violation situation, rider's location, and date/time will be sent to a cloud DB. The violation information will be delivered to the driver's smartphone as a push notification and the local police station to be used for issuing violation tickets, which is expected to prevent motorbike riders from violating traffic signals.

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Deep-learning-based gestational sac detection in ultrasound images using modified YOLOv7-E6E model

  • Tae-kyeong Kim;Jin Soo Kim;Hyun-chong Cho
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.65 no.3
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    • pp.627-637
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    • 2023
  • As the population and income levels rise, meat consumption steadily increases annually. However, the number of farms and farmers producing meat decrease during the same period, reducing meat sufficiency. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has begun to be applied to reduce labor and production costs of livestock farms and improve productivity. This technology can be used for rapid pregnancy diagnosis of sows; the location and size of the gestation sacs of sows are directly related to the productivity of the farm. In this study, a system proposes to determine the number of gestation sacs of sows from ultrasound images. The system used the YOLOv7-E6E model, changing the activation function from sigmoid-weighted linear unit (SiLU) to a multi-activation function (SiLU + Mish). Also, the upsampling method was modified from nearest to bicubic to improve performance. The model trained with the original model using the original data achieved mean average precision of 86.3%. When the proposed multi-activation function, upsampling, and AutoAugment were applied, the performance improved by 0.3%, 0.9%, and 0.9%, respectively. When all three proposed methods were simultaneously applied, a significant performance improvement of 3.5% to 89.8% was achieved.

Generation of 3D Digital Map Using Photogrammetrically Compiled Data and Development of Editing System (도화원도 데이터를 이용한 3차원 수치지도 생성과 편집 시스템 개발)

  • Lee Dong-Cheon;Ryu Keun-Hong;Son Eun-Jeong;Kim Ho-Seong;Moon Yong-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2006
  • A map is defined as model of 3D spatial phenomena of the real world. Because most of the maps are represented on the 2D plane, limited information is provided. In consequence, applications are also limited with 2D maps and map users of various fields require 3D form of map. Without doubt, state-of-the-art information technology such as telematics and ubiquitous is location based system, therefore, role of the 3D mapping is getting more significant. It is obvious that 3D maps provide more visual perception than 2D maps. The main object of this stud)r is focused on generation of 3D digital maps in economical and efficient way using photogrammetrically compiled data. Topographic maps are required updating and revision in a certain period and the period is getting shorter Therefore, development of the map editing system is key issue for maintaining quality and updating of the maps to provide reliable geographic information. Special requirements should be taken account into 3D digital map editing. Therefore. design, configuration and functions of the editing system were explored.

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Calculation of Phase Center of Large Geomorphological Object on the Surface

  • Kim Jun-su;Park Sang-Eun;Kim Duk-jin;Moon Wooil M.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.741-744
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    • 2005
  • A numerical scattering model for artificial metal structure based on physical optics approximation is developed to identify the height of phase center, and the result is compared with interferometric SAR DEM. The interferometric SAR data were gathered by AIRSAR during PACRIM- II campaign on Jeju Island. Power transmission towers on piedmont pasture along the slopes of Mt. Halla look like elliptic risings in TOPSAR DEM. The heights of risings are quantitatively analyzed using a scattering model in the way of achieving the height of phase centers of power transmission towers. A numerical algorithm is developed on the basis of physical optics approximation. The structure of power transmission tower was decomposed into hundreds of rectangular metal plates, of which the scattering matrix is known in analytic form, and the calculated scattering fields were summed coherently. The effect of direct backscattering component, ground-scatterer component and scatterer-ground component are decomposed and computed individually for each rectangular metal plate. The $\Deltak-radar$ equivalent was used to calculate height of phase center of the scatterer. The heights of a selected power transmission tower and scattering algorithm results give existence and location of the transmission towers but not actual tower heights.

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Discourse Analysis on ICT and Home - From Electronic Cottage to Sharable Home - (정보통신기술과 주거에 대한 중요 담론 분석연구)

  • Han, Sooyeon;Kim, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2014
  • This paper draws the home into the stream of information and communications technology (ICT) development. Considering that homes and our home life are constantly affected by persistent change influenced by ICT, it is remarkable that ICT has been relatively neglected as an object of research in the field of housing studies. This study provides an overview of conceptual movements in ICT/home relationships and their design and social impact through a critical discourse analysis. The conceptual movements must be considered by professionals in the field of housing and built environment to stay attuned to changes in the 21st Century. Diverse debates took place in the discourse about ICT in relation to home. The stream of thought was started by futurists who saw the electronic cottage as a solution to the social problems caused by the separation of work and home life in industrial cities. ICT has now entered a new phase, with WiFi P2P networks and location-based social media that encourage sharable homes. Based on the analysis of the discourse on ICT and home, we drew from three issues related to the paradigm shifts in homes in the context of ICT development to provide future directions for housing studies: from space programming to time scheduling, from individual ownership to shared access, and from live+work dwelling to live+work+community.

Performance Analysis of Heating Nonslip using Solar Power Energy (태양광 에너지를 이용한 발열논슬립의 성능분석)

  • Moon, Jong Wook;Choe, Jae Won;Yun, Seok Heon
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to analyze the performance of Heated-nonslip using renewable energy to prevent nonslip freezing during winter. For this purpose, power generation system and congratulatory devices using solar energy are designed, and it is designed to provide regular electricity to heat up nonslip through Electrical storage system(ESS). In this study, It is intended to analyze the level of electrical energy suitable for nonslip using 24V or 48V, and to measure the temperature changes and temperature distribution according to the location of the test object. As a result of the experiment, nonslip's frame temperature was measured at $-7.5{\sim}-5^{\circ}C$ on average, and $-1{\sim}-2^{\circ}C$ on the heating cable during the supply of 24V and this could not be the solution for defrosting freezing nonslip in the winter. As a result of heating nonslip by supplying 48V with an electrical power of 8W, the temperature of the nonslip was shown to be between $5^{\circ}C$ and $11^{\circ}C$ to $13^{\circ}C$. Even if the power supply was switched on and off every minute, the temperature did not drop below $4^{\circ}C$ and the frozen ice melted on the nonslip without freezing.

A Study on China's "the Belt and Road" Initiative and the Collaboration Scheme for the Main Ports in Tumen River Region (중국의 "일대일로" 창의와 두만강 지역 주요 항만의 협력방안에 관한 연구)

  • Li, Zhong-Shi;Li, Xue
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2021
  • port is the intersection of highway, railway, waterway and other transportation modes, and is the key to realizing integrated transportation. There are many excellent ports around the Tumen River Region. With the obvious location advantages, Tumen River Region is an important part of Tumen River regional cooperation and development, and is the key to realizing the "borrow port to sea", which is raised in "China Tumen River regional cooperation and development planning outline -- regard Changjitu area as the development and opening leading area" (referred to as "planning outline"). This paper focus on the main ports in the Tumen River region, taking them as the research object. Furthermore, the paper makes the strategic plan for the port cluster in the Tumen River region as well as puts a collaboration scheme is proposed by analyzing the research reviews of the Tumen River region and the present situations of the main ports.