• Title/Summary/Keyword: and object location

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A Ship-Wake Joint Detection Using Sentinel-2 Imagery

  • Woojin, Jeon;Donghyun, Jin;Noh-hun, Seong;Daeseong, Jung;Suyoung, Sim;Jongho, Woo;Yugyeong, Byeon;Nayeon, Kim;Kyung-Soo, Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2023
  • Ship detection is widely used in areas such as maritime security, maritime traffic, fisheries management, illegal fishing, and border control, and ship detection is important for rapid response and damage minimization as ship accident rates increase due to recent increases in international maritime traffic. Currently, according to a number of global and national regulations, ships must be equipped with automatic identification system (AIS), which provide information such as the location and speed of the ship periodically at regular intervals. However, most small vessels (less than 300 tons) are not obligated to install the transponder and may not be transmitted intentionally or accidentally. There is even a case of misuse of the ship'slocation information. Therefore, in this study, ship detection was performed using high-resolution optical satellite images that can periodically remotely detect a wide range and detectsmallships. However, optical images can cause false-alarm due to noise on the surface of the sea, such as waves, or factors indicating ship-like brightness, such as clouds and wakes. So, it is important to remove these factors to improve the accuracy of ship detection. In this study, false alarm wasreduced, and the accuracy ofship detection wasimproved by removing wake.As a ship detection method, ship detection was performed using machine learning-based random forest (RF), and convolutional neural network (CNN) techniquesthat have been widely used in object detection fieldsrecently, and ship detection results by the model were compared and analyzed. In addition, in this study, the results of RF and CNN were combined to improve the phenomenon of ship disconnection and the phenomenon of small detection. The ship detection results of thisstudy are significant in that they improved the limitations of each model while maintaining accuracy. In addition, if satellite images with improved spatial resolution are utilized in the future, it is expected that ship and wake simultaneous detection with higher accuracy will be performed.

Collaboration and Node Migration Method of Multi-Agent Using Metadata of Naming-Agent (네이밍 에이전트의 메타데이터를 이용한 멀티 에이전트의 협력 및 노드 이주 기법)

  • Kim, Kwang-Jong;Lee, Yon-Sik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a collaboration method of diverse agents each others in multi-agent model and describe a node migration algorithm of Mobile-Agent (MA) using by the metadata of Naming-Agent (NA). Collaboration work of multi-agent assures stability of agent system and provides reliability of information retrieval on the distributed environment. NA, an important part of multi-agent, identifies each agents and series the unique name of each agents, and each agent references the specified object using by its name. Also, NA integrates and manages naming service by agents classification such as Client-Push-Agent (CPA), Server-Push-Agent (SPA), and System-Monitoring-Agent (SMA) based on its characteristic. And, NA provides the location list of mobile nodes to specified MA. Therefore, when MA does move through the nodes, it is needed to improve the efficiency of node migration by specified priority according to hit_count, hit_ratio, node processing and network traffic time. Therefore, in this paper, for the integrated naming service, we design Naming Agent and show the structure of metadata which constructed with fields such as hit_count, hit_ratio, total_count of documents, and so on. And, this paper presents the flow of creation and updating of metadata and the method of node migration with hit_count through the collaboration of multi-agent.

Implementation of A Vibration Notification System to Support Driving for Drivers with Cognitive Delay Impairment

  • Gyu-Seok Lee;Tae-Sung Kim;Myeong-Chul Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose a vibration notification system that combines navigation information and wearable bands to ensure safe driving for the transportation vulnerable. This system transmits navigation driving information to a linked application, converts it into a vibration signal, and provides notifications through a wearable band. Existing navigation systems focus on providing route guidance and location information, so the driver's concentration is dispersed, and safety and convenience are deteriorated, especially for those with mobility impairments, due to standard vision and delayed recognition of stimuli, resulting in an increasingly high traffic accident rate. To solve this problem, navigation driving information is converted into vibration signals through a linked application, and vibration notifications for events, left turns, right turns, and speeding are provided through a wearable band to ensure driver safety and convenience. In the future, we will use cameras and vehicle sensors to increase awareness of safety inside and outside the vehicle by adding a function that provides notifications with vibration and LED when the vehicle approaches or recognizes an object, and we will continue to conduct research to build a safer driving environment. plan.

The Study About Attenuation of Scatter Ray According to Distance Inverse Square Law at General Projection (일반촬영 시 거리역자승법칙에 따른 산란선 감약에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Min-Cheol;Lim, Hyun-Soo;Han, Man-Seok
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2011
  • We studied the optimal location where the radiation dose of radiological technologists is minimally measured. The measured scatter dose has been compared with the distance inverse square law. We measured the primary X-ray with different tube conditions (60, 70, 81 and 90 kVp) and distances (60, 120 and 180 cm). The scatter ray has been measured with various locations (42.5, 52.4 and 62.4 cm for front and back side, 0 to 60 cm with 10 cm interval for left and right side). The results of this study showed that the dose of primary X-ray was attenuated to 20.52 (27.20%), 28.58 (25.20%), 38.82 (26.32%) and 48.20 mR (26.27%) for each tube voltages at 120 cm. In addition, The dose were 7.06 (8.91%), 9.90 (8.73%), 13.64 (9.25%) and 16.60 mR (9.05%) at 180 cm. As for the scatter in front and back side, the attenuated dose were 0.15 mR (23.09%) and 0.15 mR (22.08%) at 120 cm, and 0.07 mR (10.43%) and 0.06 mR (8.83%) at 180 cm. Scatter was decreased in third quadrant. Therefore, it is recommended that radiological technologists should keep long distance from the object.

Localizing Head and Shoulder Line Using Statistical Learning (통계학적 학습을 이용한 머리와 어깨선의 위치 찾기)

  • Kwon, Mu-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2C
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2007
  • Associating the shoulder line with head location of the human body is useful in verifying, localizing and tracking persons in an image. Since the head line and the shoulder line, what we call ${\Omega}$-shape, move together in a consistent way within a limited range of deformation, we can build a statistical shape model using Active Shape Model (ASM). However, when the conventional ASM is applied to ${\Omega}$-shape fitting, it is very sensitive to background edges and clutter because it relies only on the local edge or gradient. Even though appearance is a good alternative feature for matching the target object to image, it is difficult to learn the appearance of the ${\Omega}$-shape because of the significant difference between people's skin, hair and clothes, and because appearance does not remain the same throughout the entire video. Therefore, instead of teaming appearance or updating appearance as it changes, we model the discriminative appearance where each pixel is classified into head, torso and background classes, and update the classifier to obtain the appropriate discriminative appearance in the current frame. Accordingly, we make use of two features in fitting ${\Omega}$-shape, edge gradient which is used for localization, and discriminative appearance which contributes to stability of the tracker. The simulation results show that the proposed method is very robust to pose change, occlusion, and illumination change in tracking the head and shoulder line of people. Another advantage is that the proposed method operates in real time.

Process Model for 6 Sigma(${\sigma}$) in Construction Management(CM) (건설사업관리(CM)에서의 6시그마(${\sigma}$) 적용 조건 분석을 통한 추진 모델 구축)

  • Kim, Chan-Gyo;Lee, Jea-Sauk;Chun, Jae-Youl
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.478-482
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    • 2006
  • The domestic enterprises in order to secure the freshness location of market from the international competition which is keen are propelling a price and a quality high position strategy steadily. It is put in competitive situation with the overseas enterprises and even from construction industry it follows in construction market opening and there is not another idea to the research the management strategies, directions and focus competitive elements of the enterprise against, what it sees consequently and to rise to the priority where the competitive power reinforcement of the enterprise is important, it becomes. Competitive power of like this enterprise for a reinforcement the technique which induces a big interest 6 Sigma is technique from the many companies. 6 sigma preceding researches of manufacturing and service industry the fact that it is accomplished with the object which will carry most. The research which relates with construction industry is staying to an introduction of 6 sigma the investigation phase, the actual introduction introduces and "S" construction there is not only a possibility against the application result of having a limit because it is applying. It is like that but like referring to a minute description for the international competitive power security which it follows in the change which market environment is sudden 6 sigma the introduction will judge, indispensability development of the logical propriety against hereupon and it will reach and it verifies the question investigation for to lead, 6 sigma of the construction companies it confirms the application possibility and presents the propulsion model as 6 sigma the fact that overcoming the limit characteristic of that introduction application as objective of sample research means it will do.

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A Study on Evaluation Analysis of Wind Formation Function using KLAM_21 -The Case of Daegu City- (KLAM_21을 활용한 바람생성기능 평가분석 연구 -대구시를 대상으로-)

  • Ryu, Ji-Won;Jung, Eung-Ho;Kim, Dae-Wuk;Cha, Jae-Gyu;Son, Kyung-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2008
  • This study, the one concerning the evaluation analysis of the function of the wind generation using KLAM_21, has examined closely how the wind really flows on the space of the city, working with the object of case location. In the first place, the cold air formed at upper stream of Sincheon river, a ravine of whole area of Gachang gully and an inclined plane of neighboring mountainous district, flows to the north and expands itself along the upper stream of the Sincheon river, and as the time passes, it is tending upwards in the change of the volume and height as well as of the velocity and direction, of the cold air. It was learned that this phenomenon has made it clear that the spatial features of this area give rise to very good condition in generating and flowing the cold air. Meanwhile, it has been shown that in the area of park in the Ap-mountain, the generation and flow of the cold air are much interrupted because of the overpass traversing the whole area of the park of Ap-mountain, the congested area of large-scaled apartments and the urban development activities constructing the building in the park, and the volume and height of the cold air has been grown very small. In conclusion, It has been learned that for maximization of the spatial effect of the wind corridor, the areas where the cold air is generated, flowed, accumulated, and maintained, have to be connected spatially, and this spatial connection has a close relation with spatial features of the area.

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The Application Methods of FarmMap Reading in Agricultural Land Using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용한 농경지 팜맵 판독 적용 방안)

  • Wee Seong Seung;Jung Nam Su;Lee Won Suk;Shin Yong Tae
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2023
  • The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs established the FarmMap, an digital map of agricultural land. In this study, using deep learning, we suggest the application of farm map reading to farmland such as paddy fields, fields, ginseng, fruit trees, facilities, and uncultivated land. The farm map is used as spatial information for planting status and drone operation by digitizing agricultural land in the real world using aerial and satellite images. A reading manual has been prepared and updated every year by demarcating the boundaries of agricultural land and reading the attributes. Human reading of agricultural land differs depending on reading ability and experience, and reading errors are difficult to verify in reality because of budget limitations. The farmmap has location information and class information of the corresponding object in the image of 5 types of farmland properties, so the suitable AI technique was tested with ResNet50, an instance segmentation model. The results of attribute reading of agricultural land using deep learning and attribute reading by humans were compared. If technology is developed by focusing on attribute reading that shows different results in the future, it is expected that it will play a big role in reducing attribute errors and improving the accuracy of digital map of agricultural land.

A Study on the Linkage Method between Emergency Simulation Model and Other Models (비상대비 시뮬레이션 모델의 타 모델 연동방안 연구)

  • Bang, Sang-Ho;Lee, Seung-Lyong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.301-313
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    • 2020
  • This study is a study on the interlocking method between emergency preparedness simulation model and military exercise war game model. The national emergency preparedness government exercises are being carried out by a message exercise and technology development for simulation models is being carried out to create a situation similar to the actual practice. In order to create a situation similar to the actual war, the military situation must be reflected and to do so, a link with the military exercise war game model is needed. The military exercise war game model applies HLA/RTI, which is a standardized interlocking method for various models such as Taegeuk JOS, and it is necessary to apply HLA/RTI linkage method to link with these military exercise war game models. In addition, since the emergency preparedness simulation model requires limited information such as enemy location and enemy attack situation on major facilities in the military exercise model, a method of interlocking that can select and link information is required. Therefore, in this study, the interlocking interface design plan is presented in order to selectively link the interlocking method and information between the emergency preparedness simulation model and the military exercise war game model. The main functions of interlocking interface include federation synchronization, storage and recovery, object management service, time management, and data filtering functions.

Analysis on Pilot Survey for Cadastral Non-correspondence Arrangements (지적불부합지의 정리를 위한 실험측량 분석 연구)

  • 강태석;권규태
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.269-275
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    • 2003
  • The cadastral system which accomplishes the base of national land administration with accuracy of proper data and the cadastral maintenance quickly is agreeing with the actual place in information ages in Inundation. But even in spite of many efforts, various Problems are exposed in accuracy of the data on the cadastral maps and local situation must agree accurately from the process which propels cadastral information systems. Therefore, it must be carried out the cadastral non correspondence arrangement first of all in link of the plan which it corrects the error of existing data and computerization quickly. It summarizes the research as follows ; Cadastral non correspondence of the land boundaries on the map and actual circumstance does not agree with cadastral maps accurately, The lands which exceed the standards with the position error excess of 50cm on lil ,200 and 240cm on 1/6,000 areas on the map scale are the registration correction objectives. It is investigated that the cadastral non correspondence parcels occur in various cause and long period, the area error corrections are mainly objectives, and about 80% of the test area comes to reveal within permitted the limit of the measurement of planimetric area for cadastral survey, so it is not difficult with the fact that the compensation back which it follows in area increase and decrease and the location error correction becomes the important object fer the cadastral non correspondence arrangement projects.