• 제목/요약/키워드: aging population

검색결과 1,227건 처리시간 0.038초

지방자치단체 자체 복지사업 지출 영향요인 분석 : 사회보장정보시스템을 통한 접근 (Analysis on Factors Influencing Welfare Spending of Local Authority : Implementing the Detailed Data Extracted from the Social Security Information System)

  • 김경준;함영진;이기동
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.141-156
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    • 2013
  • 그 동안 한국 사회에서 지방자치단체(이하 지자체) 복지사업과 재정지출에 대한 연구는 장애인, 노인, 보육 등 복지사업 대상 등을 중심으로 부문별 복지지출에 대한 영향요인 연구가 대부분 이루어져 왔다. 최근 지자체의 자체적인 복지노력도 측면에서 자체 사업에 대한 연구가 특정 지역의 사례를 중심으로 이루어지기는 하고 있지만, 자료에 대한 접근과 조사의 한계로 여러 요인이 실증적으로 고려되지 못하여 정책적 함의를 도출해 내기 어려웠다. 현재 우리사회의 복지예산과 그 지출규모는 국가 예산의 30%에 이를 만큼 높은 비중을 차지하고 있다. 이에 따라 국가적 차원에서 공공복지 전달체계의 효율적 운영과 관리를 위해 사회보장 정보시스템을 구축, 운영하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존 연구에서 사용하는 지방재정시스템이 아닌 사회보장 정보시스템을 통하여 지자체 복지재정 지출과 관련, 기존 연구에서 한계점으로 지적되었던 전수데이터에 대한 접근과 조사를 실시하여 학문적이고 정책적인 함의를 도출해 내고자 한다. 사회보장정보시스템은 복지전달체계의 효율화를 위해 구축되었으며, 이를 통해 17개 부처 292개 복지사업이 집행되며, 230개 지자체 4만여 개 복지사업의 정보가 관리되고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 사회보장정보시스템을 통해 관리되는 지자체 복지사업을 중심으로 지자체 복지지출에 미치는 영향요인을 탐색하고자 한다. 이를 위해 지자체 복지노력도로 대변되는 순수 시 군 구 복지예산액을 종속변수로 설정하였으며, 기존문헌 검토를 바탕으로 인구사회학적, 지역 경제적 그리고 지자체 재정적 요인을 독립변수로 설정하였다. 또한 독립변수 요인간 다중공선성 문제를 점검하였고, 다중공선성의 문제가 없는 것으로 확인된 수급자 비율, 영유아 비율, 아동청소년 비율, 복지비 비율, 구인배율, 재정자립도, 재정자주도의 총 7개 독립변수와, 소속 정당을 통제변수로 사용하여 결정요인의 변화를 분석하였다. 연구결과를 살펴보면 기본모델에서는 복지비 비율, 영유아 비율, 재정자립도, 재정자주도, 구인배율이 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 기존 문헌에서 분석되지 못했던 시 군 구별 복지지출 영향요인의 차이점을 분석하였다. 또한 복지예산 총량 데이터에 근거한 기존 연구들이 논의하지 못했던 자체 복지사업 예산에 미치는 영향요인을 구체적으로 밝혀내는데 의의가 있다.

양배추에서 무테두리진딧물의 온도의존 발육 및 산자 단위모형 (Temperature-driven Models of Lipaphis erysimi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Based on its Development and Fecundity on Cabbage in the Laboratory in Jeju, Korea)

  • 오성오;권순화;김태옥;박정훈;김동순
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 양배추에서 무테두리진딧물의 온도발육실험, 성충수명, 산자실험을 통해 매개변수를 추정하여, 약충의 온도발육모형, 무시성충의 산자모형 작성에 필요한 기본모형들을 제공하기 위해 실시하였다. 6개의 온도(10, 15, 20, 25, 30, $35{\pm}1^{\circ}C$, 16L:8D)에서 실험한 결과로 저온인 $10^{\circ}C$에서는 성공적으로 발육하지 못했다. 약충 발육기간은 온도가 증가할수록 $30^{\circ}C$까지는 감소하였고 $35^{\circ}C$에서는 다시 증가하였는데, $15^{\circ}C$에서 18.5일, $30^{\circ}C$에서 5.9일 이었다. 약충전체 직선회귀식에서 발육영점온도(DT)는 $7.9^{\circ}C$로 나타났으며, 유효적산온도(DD)는 126.3일이었다. 전기약충(1+2령), 후기약충(3+4령), 전체약충 발육률에 대한 비선형모형(Lactin 2 model)과 발육기간 분포 모형(Weibull model)을 작성하였다. 성충수명은 $15^{\circ}C$에서 비정상적으로 18.2일을 보였고, $20^{\circ}C$에서 24.4일, $30.0^{\circ}C$에서 16.4일의 범위에 있었으며, 성충 생리적 연령계산을 위한 노화율 모형작성에 이용되었다. 총 산자수는 $20^{\circ}C$에서 91.6마리로 최대값을 보였다. 본 연구를 통하여 무테두리진딧물 무시성충 산란모형 작성에 필요한 온도별 총산자수, 연령별 누적산자율, 연령별 생존율 모형 등 3개의 기본모형을 추정하였다.

장애물 없는 생활환경 인증기준을 적용한 도시공원 개선계획 - 보라매공원을 대상으로 - (A Study of Improvement Plans for Urban Parks through the Application of Barrier-free Living Environment Certification Standards - A Focus on Boramae Park-)

  • 서은실;구본학
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제43권5호
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    • pp.100-110
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    • 2015
  • 고령화 및 다문화, 사회적약자의 외부활동이 증가됨에 따라 장애물 없는 생활환경의 구축이 요구되고 있어 공원에서도 이들의 편리한 이용을 위한 시설개선이 요구되고 있다. 이에 '장애물 없는 생활환경 인증제도'에 따른 기존공원의 BF인증 가능성을 분석하고, BF인증평가기준을 적용한 공원 계획을 수립하였다. 공원 오는 길 및 공원 내 주요 시설지를 연결하는 무장애 동선을 확보하고, 주요 시설이용에 불편함이 없도록 공원시설을 개선하며, 장애인 등의 이용이 편리하도록 안내체계를 개선하여 보라매공원을 무장애 공원으로 조성하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 기존 도시공원의 BF인증 가능성 여부를 진단해 보고, 누구나 이용하기 편리한 무장애공원 계획을 수립했다는데 의의가 있다. 연구를 진행하면서 BF인증제도의 한계점과 과제도 발견할 수 있었는데, 첫째는 BF인증제도에 대한 이해와 인식부족이다. 공원의 계획, 설계단계에서부터 장애물 없는 생활환경 조성을 위한 고려가 필요하나 설계 및 공사완료시점에 인증에 대한 검토를 함으로써 시간적, 경제적 손실이 큰 실정이다. 둘째는 공원의 BF인증 평가항목이 지형의 기복 및 기존 수목 등의 자연적 제약조건이 큰 외부공간의 특성이 반영되지 못한 세부평가항목을 적용하고 있다는 점이다. 셋째는 공원의 입지적 여건을 고려한 무장애 공원의 가이드라인 수립 및 공원의 BF인증 평가항목 등의 개선이 필요하다는 것이다.

국토경관 보호·관리·계획의 현재와 미래 - 전체론의 관점을 중심으로 - (The Present and Future for the Protection, Management and Planning of Landscape in the Country - A Perspective from Holism -)

  • 류제헌
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2015
  • 오늘날 유럽 국가들을 중심으로 경관이 정치, 행정, 학문, 시민사회 등을 망라하는 모든 분야에서 환경만큼 중요한 화두로 사람들의 입에 자주 오르내리고 있다. 그 동안 한국에서는 이러한 국제적 조류에 부응하기 위하여 각 학문 분야나 행정 분야별로 나름대로 경관 개념을 다양한 정책에 반영하려고 노력해 오고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 아직까지는 그 성과가 만족할 만한 수준에 있지 않은 실정이다. 이러한 실정을 감안하여 본고는 먼저 경관이 가지는 복합적 가치와 복수적 의미를 유럽의 연구 결과를 토대로 검토해 보았다. 그런 다음 아직까지 경관에 대한 관심이 상대적으로 저조한 한국이 앞으로 추구해 나가야 하는 국토경관의 정책과 연구의 미래 방향을 모색해 보았다. 경관은 지금까지 상황에 따라 다양한 의미로 정의되어 왔을 만큼 지극히 복합적인 개념을 가진 대상이므로 전체론(Holism)의 관점에서 이해되어야 한다. 경관을 연구하는 학문 분야들은 학제 간 또는 다학문적 협력에 그치지 말고 학문의 경계를 초월하는 종합적 접근방법을 공동으로 개발하여 적용해야 한다. 유럽의 경우와 같이, 한국에서도 경관의 질과 다양성의 악화와 퇴보가 사람들의 일상생활의 질에 대하여 부정적 영향을 끼친다는 사실을 법률을 통하여 인정할 필요가 있다. 농촌경관의 급변으로 사라져 가는 자연유산과 문화유산의 보존이 농촌이 노령화를 지나 공동화(空洞化) 되기 이전에 연구와 정책의 중요한 과제가 되어야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 전체론적 관점에서 학문의 경계를 초월하는 방법론을 토대로 경관 특성을 평가하고 그 유형을 분류하는 사업을 시급히 착수해야 할 것이다. 경관에 관한 업무를 취급하는 공무원은 물론이고 정치가, 일반 국민, 학교 학생 등을 상대로 하는 경관에 대한 교육이 시급히 요구된다. 또한 정부는 국가적 차원의 경관 정책을 총체적으로 수립해야 하는 한편 공간계획(Spatial Planning)이나 법률과 같은 분야에 경관 개념이 전반적으로 침투되도록 노력해야 한다.

강원 영서 북부 지역의 약물 중독 실태 (The Clinical Investigation of Drug Intoxication in the North-Youngseo District of Kangwon Province)

  • 옥택근;조준휘;박찬우;김성은;최기훈;배지훈;서정열;정재봉;안희철;안무업;유기철
    • 대한임상독성학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2004
  • Acute poisoning is one of the diseases which need the most fastest emergency measures at the very beginning. However, at present, The Korea doesn't manage the toxication all over the country, and in particular, there is no guide to medical cure paying due regard to the traits of each area. This paper focused on the issue that the necessary data in preparing the facilities for the treatment of the poisoned patients and materials for medical treatment including antidote would have to be collected, after finding the special features of the symptoms by searching the present conditions of the poisoning in small towns next to farm villages in the North area of Youngseo, Kangwon province. This study was based on the questionnaires from 111 patients who were carried into the emergency room by the poisoning in two university hospitals of the North area of Youngseo, Kangwon, for one year, 2002. Upon investigation, the patients(111) visiting emergency room by the acute poisoning during the research period was found to be 0.37 percent of all patients(30,085) visiting emergency room. Among them, the most high percentage was given in their twenties and thirties at the rate of $39.6\%$, and the ratio($40.5\%$) of the poisoned patients after their fifties was much higher than a research($10\%$) of other areas. Many poisoned patients came to their rescue in an emergency room generally in spring and in winter, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Agricultural chemical of the toxic materials had a majority at a ratio of $57.7\%$, and paraquat of the agricultural chemicals was found to have a lot of toxicity by $31.7\%$. As the trace of the toxication, the oral poisoning was common by $89.2\%$, and $55.9\%$ in the case of operating gastric lavage and nasogastric irrigation, but only $14.4\%$ for prescribing antidote. The mortality of the acute poisoned patients was $17.2\%$, and the toxication by paraquat held a majority. As a result, the acute poisoning of the North area in Youngseo, Kangwon had both of the characteristics of the rural and the city, and the patients over their fifties by the population aging had more attack of the disease than other regions. Also, with the high ratio of the toxication by the agricultural chemicals, especially, the lethal agricultural chemical was used frequently. Therefore, these dangerous situations need to find the ways to cope with.

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노인의 근력강화운동이 일상생활기능 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과 (An Effect of Muscle Strength Training Program on Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Quality of Life in the Institutionalized Elderly)

  • 김희자;홍여신
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.55-73
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    • 1995
  • An Effect of Muscle Strength Training Program on Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Quality of Life in the Institutionalized Elderly Recent statistics shows that the aged are the fastest growing segment of our population by increasing life span. The age group of over 60 shows multiple health problems and the most serious handicapping problem of these. are related to the changes in muscular skeletal system. With aging, people lose. their muscle mass and muscle strength resulting from biological changes and physical inactivity. Studies documented a 30-50% loss of muscle mass in an advanced age and thus, ordinary life activities can be seriously affected due to weakened muscle strength. Preservation of muscle strength of lower limb is especially important in the aged. Since it is readily affected from reduced physical activity in old age, sometimes to the detriment of moving or walking. So muscle strength exercise program designed for the elderly to improve leg muscle strength and leg muscle endurance. The research design used was nonequivalent control group pretest - protest design. The purposes of this study were to test the effect of muscle strength exercise program utilizing Leg Press on muscle strength, muscle endurance, instrumental activities of daily living(IADL), cognitive perceptual variables and quality of life. Forty nine subjects participating in this study consisted of twenty four male and twenty five female. Twenty four experimental group subjects were selected from C-institution in Chung Buk province, and twenty five control group subjects were selected from O-institution in Chung Nam province. The mean age of subjects was 72.8 years. Muscle strength training program utilizing Leg Press for the experimental group was carried out three times a week for 9 weeks. The data was collected from August, 1993 to October, 1993. Data were analyzed with $X^2-test$, t-test, ANCOVA test, Kruskal Wallis 1-Way ANOVA test using SPSS PC program. Results were obtained as follows : 1) The experimental group showed significantly higher scores on muscle strength (leg lift strength, back lift strength and grip strength) and muscle endurance than control group after the experiment $\ulcorner$F=52.35(p=.001), F=54.07(p=.001), F=6.97(p=.011), F=18.17(p=.001)$\lrcorner$ 2) Experimental group were significantly higher scores on IADL than control group(F=7.51, p=.009). 3) Experimental group showed significantly higher scores on economical state and self esteem aspects of the quality of life scale than control group $\ulcorner$F=10.59(p=.002), F=6.97(p=.011)$\lrcorner$. But there were no differences in emotional state, physical and functional state and relationship with reatives in the quality of life between groups. 4) Scores on IADL showed a significant difference with the level of muscle strength and muscle endurance $\ulcornerx^2=7.73(p=.025),\;x^2=8.86\;(p=.011)\lrcorner$ 5) Scores on self esteem and physical and functional state aspects of the quality of life scale showed a significant difference with the level of IADL $\ulcornerx^2=11.39(p=.003),\;x^2=9.02(p=.011)\lrcorner$. 6) Scores of experimental group after the experiment in cognitive perceptual variables (perceived benefit on exercise, perceived health status, self efficacy, emotion on exercise) were significantly higher than those of control group $\ulcorner$F=32.09(p=.001), F=5.07(p=.029), F=20.63 (p=.001), F=30.38(p=.001)$\lrcorner$. As a result of this study, the effect of strength training exercise program with Leg. Press had improved muscle strength, muscle endurance, IADL, and the perception of self esteem, physical and funtional state, and economical state. Thus strength training program could be beneficially applied for the prevention of disablity and promotion of health and wellbeing in the aged easily and safely. The subjects in the experimental group have maintained their exercises till six months after the cessation of the experiment. This seem to illustrate that changes in cognitive perceptual variables and the improvement in health status have reinforced motivation for the continuation of voluntary exercises. A further study is necessary to determine the factors affecting maintainance of muscle strength exercise and to assess the effect of weight training program on bone density.

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노인의 무력감 완화를 위한 심리 재활에 관한 연구 (A Study on Psychological Rehabilitation to Decrease Powerlessness in the Elderly Population)

  • 김조자;임종락;박지원
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.506-525
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    • 1992
  • Older people, because of the psychological and physiological changes related to the aging process are more vulnerable to experiencing powerlessness than any other age group. This self destructive cycle of depression in older people related to the experience of continued and long term powerlessness can lead even to death. The purpose of this study was to measure powerlessness and resources to increase power in older people, and to measure the effectiveness of a psychological rehabilitation program for reducing powerlessness. The research methodology used was a two step process. In the first step, a survey was done of perceived powerlessness and power resources comparing four groups of elderly people ; those living at home, those in hospital, those living in nursing homes and those attending educational programs for the elderly. The total sample size was 236. In the second step, a psychological rehabilitation program was carried out, pre and post measurements were taken related to this program. The sample consisted of 29 residents in a nursing home. The results of the study are as follows : 1. Powerlessness was classified as cognitive, emotional, activity and learning. The lowest score for powerlessness was in the area of activity, that is the people in the sample felt more power concerning their activities. The highest score was in the area of cognition where they felt they had less power. 2. When the different groups of elderly were compared, it was found that the residents of the nursing home had the highest score on perceived powerlessness and the group who were living at home had the lowest score. 3. Among the general characteristics, the factors influencing the powerlessness score were age, sex, level of education, financial resources and health status. In the interaction effects among these factors, it was found that level of education and health status were factors influencing perceived powerlessness. The elderly with lower education and poorer health status had the higher scores for perceived powerlessness. 4. The power resources could be classified into the following areas : physical strength, emotional strength, positive self-image, energy, knowledge, motivation and belief system. Belief system was given the highest score among the power resources and energy, knowledge and motivation were given low scores. 5. The group participating in an educational program for the elderly had the highest score for power resources while the group made up of residents of a nursing home had the lowest score as well as the highest score for perceived powerlessness. 6. The factors influencing the power resource scores were sex, level of education, financial resources and health status. In the analysis of the interaction effect among the factors, it was found that sex, level of education and financial resources were the factors that influenced the power resource score, that is, women, those with a low level of education and those with poor financial resources reported a lower level of power resources. 7. There was a negative correlation between perceived powerlessness and power resources in the elderly in this study. Since power resources explainded 49% of the variance for powerlessness, it can be concluded that the power resources can be used to reduce powerlessness. 8. The psychological rehabilitation program was carried out with the nursing home residents over a period of five weeks. No statistically significant difference was found in the scores on powerlessness between the pre and post tests, but there was a slight decrease in the raw scores on the post test for emotional, activity and learning powerlessness. There was a statistically significant increase in the power resource scores for emotional strength, positive self-image, energy, knowledge and motivation in the post test as compared to the pre test. In conclusion, the study indicates that a psychological rehabilitation program for the elderly could be effective in increasing power resources and this in turn could lead to a decrease in perceived powerlessness.

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농학계열 대학 졸업생의 농산업 분야 취업률 (Employment Rate of Graduates of Agricultural Science Colleges in the Fields of Agro-industry)

  • 김정태;배성의
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.1093-1124
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    • 2014
  • 농학계열 대학의 역할에 대한 논의들은 주로 농업의 본원적 기능인 농산물생산과 사회적 필요에 의해 새롭게 중요성이 강조되는 기능들로 구분되는데, 녹색혁명과 농업인 노령화가 심한 상황에서 농학계 학문은 현상유지 정도만이 필요한 분야로 바라보는 시각이 강하다. 그러나 농업은 전통적인 농산물 생산중심에서 벗어나고, 그 개념과 내용이 확장되면서, 농학적 배경지식이 필요한 분야는 보다 세밀해지고 확대되고 있다. 하지만 대학평가의 가늠자로 평가받는 취업률 조사에서 농학계열 대학의 역할이 반영된 분야는 영농인 육성으로 보는 시각이 강하다. 영농업종사자를 제외한 농산업부문은 농학계열 학문분야와 다른 모든 학문분야가 한데 묶인 공통의 일반산업부문 범주로 구성되어, 농산업부문에 취업을 해도 전공과 관련 없는 분야에 취업한 것으로 볼 수 있는 문제가 있다. 이러한 배경에서 본 연구는 농학계열 대학 졸업생의 농산업분야 취업상황을 중심으로 인력육성측면에서 농학계열 대학의 갖는 의의를 살펴보았다. 농학계열 학문연구 분야는 국가과학기술표준분류 중분류 16개 분야로 구분하고, 취업분야는 산업연관부문 통합소분류 168개를 활용하여 전국 37개 대학 220개 학과를 대상으로 2013년 졸업생의 취업상황을 조사하였다. 조사결과 전체 취업자 3명 중 1명인 33.0%가 농산업분야에 진출하고 있었고, 이 중 3.6%가 농산업분야에 창업하고 있었다. 특히 영농종사자의 경우 2013년 국내 대학졸업자의 0.1%만이 취업하는 것으로 조사되었으나, 조사결과는 13.3%로 농업인 육성에 농학계열 대학의 기여가 큼을 확인할 수 있었다. 연구결과를 통해 볼 때, 취업률 조사방식의 문제로 제대로 역할을 평가받지 못하고 있는 것으로 보이나, 농학계열 대학의 농업, 농산업분야에 대한 기여를 확인할 수 있었다.

일부 도시지역 주민의 약물 장기복용에 관한 사회의학적 연구 (A Study on the Long-Term Use of Drugs Among Some Urban Residents)

  • 유호상;송동빈;염용태;차철환
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.102-110
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    • 1987
  • One of the familiar medical facility that most people reach easily in Korea is the drug store. In Korea, it is possible to purchase all kinds of common drugs without physician's prescriptions, which caused some problems. In other words, such treatment without professional supervision has led to medical, social and economical problems. In view of the above, this study is aimed at revealing the actual status of long-term use of drugs in some urban residents. Long-term use of drugs is operationally defined as using certain drugs at least once a week for more than 3 months. This survey took the residents of Guro 6-Dong where was one of the target areas for Community Health Development Project managed by Korea University as a target population. A sample of 1,517 residents was selected by the multistage sampling method. The interview was conducted on September 21st and 22nd in 1985. The object of this study was to compare the result with that of the rural area which was obtained by the same method, tools and research team, prior to this study in 1984. The results were as follows; 1) The age-standardization of the study showed that 97 per 1,000 urban residents were actually on long-term drug use. The prevalance of long-term use is high in accordance with aging and low with education level. 2) Out of 1,000 urban samples the most popular item involved in the long-term drug use was antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflammatory drug (26), and next in order was vitamin (23), antibiotics (13), digestives (10) and antacids (7). In the rural samples as for compare, that was antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflammatory drug (100), antacids (36), digestives (23), adrenocortical hormones (12) etc. 3) With antipyrctic-analgesic-antiinflammatory drugs, 50% of the urban samples were taking for more than a year, whereas such were 82.7% of the rural samples. Using such a high percentage of antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflamatory drugs in the rural residents is probably due to the high prevalence rate of musculo-skeletal diseases. 4) The urban long-term drug users of antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflammatory drugs were influenced mostly by the mass media (43.6%), next in order was pharmacist (35.9%) and physician (10.3%). Comparing with the result from the rural areas the role of mass media was much more influencial in the urban areas. 60% of them consulted with pharmacists, 14.3% with physicians and 25.7% had no history of consultation in the urban samples. 5) Considering the incidence of knowing the possible side-effects of each drug, 28.2% of the urban residents had no recognition about side-effects prior to use antipyretic-analgesic-antiinflammatory drugs. In the rural residents, 29.67o had no knowledge about the side-effects before using the drug. 6) For the solution of the above problems, it is necessary to limit the advertisement of some drugs by the parmaceutical company. And therapeutic drugs which may bring on side effects in case of long-term use should not be sold at drug stores without physician's prescription.

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원격의료서비스 수용요인의 구조적 관계 실증연구 (Structural Relationships Among Factors to Adoption of Telehealth Service)

  • 김성수;류시원
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.71-96
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    • 2011
  • Within the traditional medical delivery system, patients residing in medically vulnerable areas, those with body movement difficulties, and nursing facility residents have had limited access to good healthcare services. However, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides us with a convenient and useful means of overcoming distance and time constraints. ICT is integrated with biomedical science and technology in a way that offers a new high-quality medical service. As a result, rapid technological advancement is expected to play a pivotal role bringing about innovation in a wide range of medical service areas, such as medical management, testing, diagnosis, and treatment; offering new and improved healthcare services; and effecting dramatic changes in current medical services. The increase in aging population and chronic diseases has caused an increase in medical expenses. In response to the increasing demand for efficient healthcare services, a telehealth service based on ICT is being emphasized on a global level. Telehealth services have been implemented especially in pilot projects and system development and technological research. With the service about to be implemented in earnest, it is necessary to study its overall acceptance by consumers, which is expected to contribute to the development and activation of a variety of services. In this sense, the study aims at positively examining the structural relationship among the acceptance factors for telehealth services based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Data were collected by showing audiovisual material on telehealth services to online panels and requesting them to respond to a structured questionnaire sheet, which is known as the information acceleration method. Among the 1,165 adult respondents, 608 valid samples were finally chosen, while the remaining were excluded because of incomplete answers or allotted time overrun. In order to test the reliability and validity of the assessment scale items, we carried out reliability and factor analyses, and in order to explore the causal relation among potential variables, we conducted a structural equation modeling analysis using AMOS 7.0 and SPSS 17.0. The research outcomes are as follows. First, service quality, innovativeness of medical technology, and social influence were shown to affect perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the telehealth service, which was statistically significant, and the two factors had a positive impact on willingness to accept the telehealth service. In addition, social influence had a direct, significant effect on intention to use, which is paralleled by the TAM used in previous research on technology acceptance. This shows that the research model proposed in the study effectively explains the acceptance of the telehealth service. Second, the research model reveals that information privacy concerns had a insignificant impact on perceived ease of use of the telehealth service. From this, it can be gathered that the concerns over information protection and security are reduced further due to advancements in information technology compared to the initial period in the information technology industry, and thus the improvement in quality of medical services appeared to ensure that information privacy concerns did not act as a prohibiting factor in the acceptance of the telehealth service. Thus, if other factors have an enormous impact on ease of use and usefulness, concerns over these results in the initial period of technology acceptance may become irrelevant. However, it is clear that users' information privacy concerns, as other studies have revealed, is a major factor affecting technology acceptance. Thus, caution must be exercised while interpreting the result, and further study is required on the issue. Numerous information technologies with outstanding performance and innovativeness often attract few consumers. A revised bill for those urgently in need of telehealth services is about to be approved in the national assembly. As telemedicine is implemented between doctors and patients, a wide range of systems that will improve the quality of healthcare services will be designed. In this sense, the study on the consumer acceptance of telehealth services is meaningful and offers strong academic evidence. Based on the implications, it can be expected to contribute to the activation of telehealth services. Further study is needed to assess the acceptance factors for telehealth services, such as motivation to remain healthy, health care involvement, knowledge on health, and control of health-related behavior, in order to develop unique services according to the categorization of customers based on health factors. In addition, further study may focus on various theoretical cognitive behavior models other than the TAM, such as the health belief model.