• Title/Summary/Keyword: adolescent males

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Emotional Evaluation of Adolescents for Learning Spaces Design in Apartment Complex Community Facilities (공동주택 커뮤니티시설 내 학습공간 디자인을 위한 청소년 감성평가)

  • Hwang, Yeon-Sook;Jung, Hyun-Won;Son, Yeo-Rym
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to determine adolescents' emotional response and preferences for varying interior designs of learning spaces available at community facilities in apartment across Seoul. In particular, the subjects have been fragmented by gender and age for comparative analysis of emotional responses across different demographics of adolescents. A survey on the preferred designs of learning spaces in community facilities revealed that 'elegant,' 'cheerful,' and 'temperate' are the three main emotional words selected for image tool development. Emotional assessment verified the validity of these terms. Between the two genders, adolescent males preferred 'temperate' images more while adolescent females preferred 'cheerful.' In terms of the design of learning space, adolescent females deemed the interior atmosphere and area space to be the most important factors, while adolescent males pointed to the color of furniture and lighting to be the most important. Such results imply that there is a clear difference of emotional response between adolescent males and females. The results also imply that different atmospheres and design priorities must be considered when designing gender-specific spaces.

Factors Related to Increasing Trends in Cigarette Smoking of Adolescent Males in Rural Areas of Korea

  • Hong, Nam Soo;Kam, Sin;Kim, Keon Yeop
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: Cigarette smoking prevalence among adolescent males in rural areas of Korea has increased in recent years. The aim of this study was to explore the factors related to increasing trends in cigarette smoking among adolescent males living in rural areas. Methods: The raw data from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey from 2006 to 2009 were used. Data were analyzed by using the method of complex survey data analysis considering complex sampling design. Multiple logistic regression models were used to explore the factors affecting cigarette smoking. We evaluated the linear time trends in the prevalence of factors that were related to current smoking status and the linear time trends in cigarette smoking in groups stratified by the exposure to each factor using logistic regression models. Finally, we examined the contributions of the factors to the time trends in cigarette smoking by adjusting for each of those factors in the baseline regression models and changes in the adjusted odds ratio by survey year. Results: A statistically significant increasing trend in smoking was observed after adjusting for the factors affecting cigarette smoking. Significant factors related to cigarette use were perceived stress, experience with depression, current alcohol drinking, exposure to secondhand smoke, and academic performance. The factor related to increasing trends in cigarette smoking was academic performance. Conclusions: Stress about academic performance is an important factor affecting the increase in cigarette smoking among adolescent males in a rural area of Korea.

The Relationship among the Parent-Adolescent Communication, Adolescents Self-Esteem, and Social Development (부모-자녀간 의사소통과 청소년의 자아존중감 및 사회성 발달과의 관계)

  • Lee, Hee-Ja;Kim, Kyoung-Won
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.283-295
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among parent-adolescent communication, adolescents self-esteem, social development, and home environment. Home environment includes sex, father's vocations, mother's employments, parents educational level, and religions. 275 adolescents (186 males and 89 females students) were selected from middle schools in Seoul. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in parent-adolescent communication, adolescents self-esteem and social development according to environmental factors, such as parents' age, educational level, and religions. Also adolescents self-esteem was highly correlated with parent-adolescent communication, especially with mother-adolescent open communication. Finally, adolescent development of sociality was highly correlated with parent-adolescent communication, but not significant relationship with mother-adolescent reverse-functional communication.

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Adolescent nutrition and growth (청소년의 영양과 성장)

  • Park, Sanghee
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.12
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    • pp.1263-1266
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    • 2006
  • Nutrition is an essential component of total adolescent health care. Two important changes occurring during adolescence can cause a crisis in the teenager's nutritional needs. First, growth in height, weight, and body component is greater and more rapid than at any time since infancy. Second, an adolescent's eating habits may change from regular meals prepared at home to irregular meals, skipped meals, and nutrition-poor snacks and fast-food meals. Adolescents have been found to have the highest prevalence of any age group of an unsatisfactory nutritional status. To understand the nutritional requirements of the adolescent, health practitioners should be aware of the intensity and timing of the adolescent growth spurt, the differences in the growth spurt between males and females, and the individual variation in timing of the growth spurt from teenager to teenager.

The Effects of Parental and Peer Attachment in Elementary School Children on Early Adolescent Delinquency : The Mediating Role of Problem Behavior and Delinquent Peers (초등학교 아동의 부모애착과 친구애착이 남녀 청소년 비행에 미치는 영향 : 문제행동과 비행친구 유무의 매개효과)

  • Song, Ji-Young;Park, Seong-Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2010
  • This study examined the effects of parental attachment and peer attachment in elementary school children upon early adolescent delinquency. The participants were 2,844 taken from data from the Korean Youth Panel Survey (KYPS). Data from secondary questionnaires data on parent and peer attachment, problem behavior, delinquent peers, and delinquency were used for this study. Data were analyzed by means of a Structural Equation Model using AMOS 5.0. Our results indicated that, firstly, parental attachment was negatively related to problem behavior for both male and female adolescents, whereas peer attachment was positively related to problem behavior only for males, but not for females. Secondly, problem behavior in childhood has a direct effect on adolescent delinquency, which also can be indirectly mediated by contact with delinquent peers. In conclusion, the path model from parental and peer attachment in early childhood to adolescent delinquency was supported only in the case of males.

Longitudinal relationship between depression and parents' child-rearing attitudes for adolescent (부모의 양육방식이 성별 청소년의 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Yee, Nan Hee;Song, Tae-Min
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: This study is aimed at exploring the temporal developmental relationship of adolescent depression and parents' child-rearing attitudes, and to examine gender differences in the relationship. The middle school students of the 2011-2013 1st Korea Children and Youth Panel data were used for analysis and the sample consisted of 2.073 individuals. Methods: Research questions were answered through the Latent Growth Model and Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Model. Results: As the results of the Latent Growth Model show, adolescent depression declines as time goes by and there are differences in the depression felt by individuals. An autoregressive cross-lagged model and multiple group analysis were executed by gender. The results show significant gender differences in the relationship between depression and Parents' child-rearing attitudes. Parental neglect has shown differences influencing adolescents depression between males and females. However, in case of parental abuse, no differences between males and females were observed. Conclusion: The results of this study imply that the policy on depression should be carefully considered when preparing for interventions targeting adolescents by gender.

The Distributional Changes in the First-Visit Psychiatric Child and Adolescent Outpatients at a University Hospital over a Ten-Year Period (지난 10년간 일 대학병원 정신건강의학과 소아청소년 초진환자 분포의 변화)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jin;Jung, Sung-Won;Jung, Chul-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in child and adolescent outpatients at a university hospital in Daegu from 2004 to 2013. Methods : The subjects were first-visit patients under 18 years old, who visited Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University, from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2013. Computerized medical records of 2,738 patients (male 1,906, female 832) were reviewed. Results : The ratio of male to female was 2.3 : 1 in the period of study. The most prevalent age category was 7-9 years. The mean age was $10.12{\pm}4.68$ years ($9.84{\pm}4.59$ years in males, $10.76{\pm}4.81$ years in females). The ratio of child and adolescent patients to total outpatients was 27.0%. The most common diagnostic category was the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) group, followed by the mental retardation (MR) group. In males, the ADHD, MR, communication disorder groups were more prevalent, but in females, the MR, ADHD, depressive disorder groups were more prevalent. Conclusion : The female to male ratio and total mean age were on the rise. The ADHD group was the most prevalent and the depressive disorder group was also on the rise in this period.

An Evaluation of the Nutritional Quality of Packaged Meal(Dosirak) Feeding of Adolescent Males in Kangnung (강릉지역 고등학교 도시락 급식에 있어서의 영양적 품질 평가)

  • 장미라
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.316-323
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to evaluate nutritional quality of the dosirak severed by 3 Dosirak manufacturing establishment in Kangnung. The subjects of this study came from 3 different male high schools in Kangnung. The portion amounts of Dosirak were weighed and the food intake was measured by substracting the leftover from the averaged portion amount. The leftover was measured by a modified aggregate selection plate waste measurement technique. The nutrient intakes were analyzed by a computer aided nutritional analysis program for professionals(CAN pro). The menu of the dosirak was too simple. The total amount of Dosirak was 714g and the percent of plate waste was 714g and the percent of plate waste was 7.2%. The male high school students were taking adequate energy, but the nutrients which did not meet 75% of the 1/3RDA(Recommended Dietary Allowances) were Ca, Fe, and vitamin B$_2$.

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Factors related with the adolescent cigarette smoking (청소년 흡연과 관련된 요인 -서울시 일부 남녀 고등학생을 대상으로-)

  • 강윤주;서성제
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.28-44
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the associated risk factors for adolescent cigarette smoking. In February 1995, a total of 1793 students from 17 general high schools in Seoul were assessed with a self-completing questionnaire pertaining current smoking status and school.family.peer environmental factors. The results are as follows; 1. The overall proportion of current smoker among students in the study was 17.3%; 27.7% in males and 6.6% in females. 2. There was significant association between smoking status and all school environmental factors (ranks at school, satisfaction at school, study hours after school, extracurricular activity) examined. 3. Siblings smoking in males and family structure in females were significantly associated with the smoking status of students. 4. Functional aspect of family environmental factors, such as APGAR score, parental supervision, attachment to father or to mother were related to smoking status of students. 5. Association with friends who smoke was significantly associated with smoking status of students. 6. In males, association with friends who smoke, ranks at school, siblings smoking were significant positive predictors and APGAR score, parental supervision, attchment to mother were significant negative predictors. In females, association with friends whosmoke, ranks at school, satisfaction at school were significant positive predictors and parental supervision, attchment to father were significant negative predictors. These findings suggest that strategies that influence smoking behavior need to be directed not only to the individual student but also to their peer group, family and school environment.

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Adolescent Sexual Consciousness, Behavior, and Characteristics in Internet Generation (인터넷 보편화 시대 청소년의 성의식.성행동.성관련 특성)

  • Cho, Kyoung-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.84-104
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    • 2008
  • In recent days, Korean society falls into disorder in sexual culture with transition of sexual consciousness by prevalence of sexual liberation trend through popularization of internet. Korean society, however, does not have essential counter-plans to cope with this disorder. In this paper, I investigated the realities about adolescent sexual consciousness, attitudes and behaviors around students in middle and high schools in order to propose educational courses for adolescent sexual problems. For the investigation, I made up a questionnaire and surveyed by 500 students in middle and high schools in a same area from 1st October, 2007 to 6th October, 2007 and I analyzed results from the survey. In the results, I found that males and the group having experience in acquaintance with the other sex reported more sexual consciousness. I also found that females and the group having no experience in acquaintance with the other sex reported more vestal consciousness.

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