• Title/Summary/Keyword: admissibility

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Theoretical formulation of double scalar damage variables

  • Xue, Xinhua;Zhang, Wohua
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.501-507
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    • 2017
  • The predictive utility of a damage model depends heavily on its particular choice of a damage variable, which serves as a macroscopic approximation in describing the underlying micromechanical processes of microdefects. In the case of spatially perfectly randomly distributed microcracks or microvoids in all directions, isotropic damage model is an appropriate choice, and scalar damage variables were widely used for isotropic or one-dimensional phenomenological damage models. The simplicity of a scalar damage representation is indeed very attractive. However, a scalar damage model is of somewhat limited use in practice. In order to entirely characterize the isotropic damage behaviors of damaged materials in multidimensional space, a system theory of isotropic double scalar damage variables, including the expressions of specific damage energy release rate, the coupled constitutive equations corresponding to damage, the conditions of admissibility for two scalar damage effective tensors within the framework of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes, was provided and analyzed in this study. Compared with the former studies, the theoretical formulations of double scalar damage variables in this study are given in the form of matrix, which has many features such as simpleness, directness, convenience and programmable characteristics. It is worth mentioning that the above-mentioned theoretical formulations are only logically reasonable. Owing to the limitations of time, conditions, funds, etc. they should be subject to multifaceted experiments before their innovative significance can be fully verified. The current level of research can be regarded as an exploratory attempt in this field.

Enforcement of opacity security properties for ship information system

  • Xing, Bowen;Dai, Jin;Liu, Sheng
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.423-433
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we consider the cybersecurity issue of ship information system (SIS) from a new perspective which is called opacity. For a SIS, its confidential information (named as "secret") may be leaked through the working behaviors of each Distributed Control Unit (DCU) from an outside observer called an "intruder" which is able to determine ship's mission state by detecting the source of each data flow from the corresponding DCUs in SIS. Therefore we proposed a dual layer mechanism to enforce opacity by activating non-essential DCU during secret mission. This mechanism is calculated by two types of insertion functions: Safety-assured insertion function ($f_{IS}$) and Admissibility-assured insertion function ($f_{IA}$). Due to different objectives, $f_{IS}$ is designed to confuse intruder by constructing a non-secret behaviors from a unsafe one, and the division of $f_{IA}$ is to polish the modified output behaviors back to normal. We define the property of "$I_2$-Enforceability" that dual layer insertion functions has the ability to enforce opacity. By a given mission map of SIS and the marked secret missions, we propose an algorithm to select $f_{IS}$ and compute its matchable $f_{IA}$ and then the DCUs which should be activated to release non-essential data flow in each step is calculable.

Unresolved Issues in Patent Dispute Evidence in Australia: Considering Arbitration as an Alternative to Litigation

  • Kwak, Choong Mok
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.121-147
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    • 2016
  • Factual issues in most patent litigation are related to very complicated techniques. Thus, the courts has emphasised that the technology in dispute has to be read and understood through the eyes of a person to whom it is directed. Therefore, among the various processes in federal litigation, most litigation in the field of patent infringement relies on at least some expert evidence. This paper focuses on issues regarding patent dispute evidence, and explore whether there are unresolved issues in evidential rules and procedures of patent proceedings. Further, this paper seeks to demonstrate that both the parties and the courts in patent disputes generally benefit from the current evidence system. However, in a number of Australian cases, the scope of expert evidence in patent cases has been strictly limited. Australian Government identified uncertain issues associated with the present patent enforcement system, due to factors such as a low level of knowledge about what patent rights entail, the high degree of uncertainty of outcome in legal proceedings, etc. Arbitration shall be reviewed and suggested as an alternative to tackling the ongoing problems in the trial system.

Meta Analysis on Digital Forensics Research Trends for Securing its Admissibility of Digital Evidence (디지털 증거능력 확보 강화를 위한 디지털 포렌식 연구동향 메타분석)

  • Ryu, Bora;Jeon, Minseo;Ji, Juyeon;Lee, Chanwoo;Chang, Hangbae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2017
  • With the development of information and communication technology, various data including digital data have increased exponentially. In a society where such data utilization is generalized, criminal investigation processes and trial processes have also been influenced. However, in comparison with the progress of the technical capability and analytical capability of digital certification which is increasing exponentially, the establishment of the digital forensic related legal system is still in short supply. Therefore, it is necessary to activate balanced research for legal recognition of digital certification. Therefore, in this research, meta analysis was conducted to grasp trends of research related to digital forensics and to provide objective data for research revitalization.

Partially BTIB Designs for Comparing Treatments with a Control (처리(處理)들과 대조(對照)와의 비교(比較)를 위한 부분(部分)BTIB실험계획모형(實驗計劃模型))

  • Kim, Kwang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.1
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    • pp.7-33
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    • 1990
  • Bechhofer and Tamhane(1981) developed a theory of optimal incomplete block designs for comparing several treatments with a control. This class of designs is appropriate for comparing simultaneously $p{\geq}2$ test treatments with a control treatment (the so-called multiple comparisons with a control (MCC) problem) when the observations are taken in incomplete blocks of common size $K{\<}p+1$. In this paper we want to extend to partially BTIB designs with two associate classes for the MCC problem. We propose a new class of incomplete block designs that are partially balanced with respect to test treatments. Because the class of designs that we consider is larger than the class of designs in Bechhofer and Tamhane and provides us with designs that improve on the optimal designs in their class. We shall use the abbreviation PBTIB to refer to such designs. We study their structure and give some methods of construction. Also we describe a procedure for making exact joint confidence statements for the MCC problem in PBTIB Designs with two associate classes. We study Optimality, Admissibility considerations in PBTIB designs with two associate classes.

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Legislation feasibility studies for expanding the business scope of paramedics: Focused on high level task in importance, need and allowance (응급구조사 업무범위 확대를 위한 입법 타당성 연구 : 중요도와 필요도 및 허용도가 높은 업무를 중심으로)

  • Han, Song-Yi;Ji, Hyun-Kyung;Yoon, Seong-Woo;Lee, Chang-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.117-138
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was performed targeted to paramedic and doctors, to examine the frequency, importance, and admissibility of the tasks of paramedics, and to establish as a basis for expanding their business scope. Methods: The subjects were 282 paramedics and 58 doctors, and the study was performed from October 20 to November 19, 2014. The statistical analysis was done by using SPSS/WIN 20.0. Results: The results showed the difference between the legal business scope of paramedics and the actually performed work. The frequently covered areas were trauma, cardiac arrest, and respiratory care; however, severity classifications were the most important. Concerning drug administration, epinephrine administration seemed to be the most necessary. Conclusions: The findings of this study can be used as basic data to broaden the capacity building and business scope of paramedics. Furthermore, to increase the resuscitation rate of emergency patients, the various tasks of paramedics must be incorporated, and these should be supported by laws and institutions.

Limitations and Improvements of Adoption Criteria for Digital Forensic Evidence (디지털 포렌식 증거 채택 기준의 한계와 개선 방안)

  • Kim, Minsu
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2018
  • Currently, digital evidence takes judicial discretion in adopting it, which does not clarify the criteria for adoption, and it can shorten the analysis time of digital evidence with distributed processing techniques. However, due to the development of cryptographic techniques, there is a problem in that it is not suitable for the 48 hour limit of the warrant request. In this paper, we analyze the precedents for admissibility of evidence and the probative power in the civil/criminal proceedings, and discuss the need for objective and detailed adoption criteria to replace judicial discretion. In addition, we'd like to propose a preliminary application form for analysis of digital evidence as a problem for limit time for warrant claims from the perspective of forensics and a solution to the problem.

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The application of digital forensic investigation for response of cyber-crimes (사이버범죄의 대응강화를 위한 디지털 포렌식 수사 활용방안)

  • Oh, Sei-Youen
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2015
  • This study will show the digital forensic model which fights against cyber-crimes to prepare various cyber-crimes. The digital forensic model will be more useful about the investigation of cyber-crimes and arresting criminals after researching the uses of the digital forensic model and cyber-crime rates in South Korea. This model conduct the standardized data with various languages by the language support system through the digital forensic analyzer. This model will send the data to law enforcement reviewing whether or not we ought to prove criminal charges. Moreover, law enforcement can access the file system to find out admissibility of evidence. And this model simplifies lawful investigation about additional investigation. The data, which is conducted and saved by the digital forensic system, will be helpful to protect against the future crimes because of the data.

Cyber forensics domain ontology for cyber criminal investigation (사이버 범죄 수사를 위한 사이버 포렌식 범주 온톨로지)

  • Park, Heum
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.1687-1692
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    • 2009
  • Cyber forensics is used the process and technology of digital forensics as a criminal investigation in cyber space. Cyber crime is classified into cyber terror and general cyber crime, and those two classes are connected with each other. The investigation of cyber terror requires high technology, system environment and experts, and general cyber crime is connected with general crime by evidence from digital data in cyber space. Accordingly, it is difficult to determine relational crime types, collect evidence and the legal admissibility of evidence. Therefore, we considered the classifications of cyber crime, the collection of evidence in cyber space and the application of laws to cyber crime. In order to efficiently investigate cyber crime, it is necessary to integrate those concepts for each cyber crime-case. In this paper, we constructed a cyber forensics domain ontology for cyber criminal investigation using the concepts, relations and properties, according to categories of cyber crime, laws, evidence, and information of criminals and crime-cases. This ontology can be used in the process of investigating of cyber crime-cases, and for data mining of cyber crime; classification, clustering, association and detection of crime types, crime cases, evidences and criminals.

Priority Scheduling of Digital Evidence in Forensic (포렌식에서 디지털 증거의 우선순위 스케쥴링)

  • Lee, Jong-Chan;Park, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.2055-2062
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    • 2013
  • Digital evidence which is the new form of evidence to crime makes little difference in value and function with existing evidences. As time goes on, digital evidence will be the important part of the collection and the admissibility of evidence. Usually a digital forensic investigator has to spend a lot of time in order to find clues related to the investigation among the huge amount of data extracted from one or more potential containers of evidence such as computer systems, storage media and devices. Therefore, these evidences need to be ranked and prioritized based on the importance of potential relevant evidence to decrease the investigate time. In this paper we propose a methodology which prioritizes order in which evidences are to be examined in order to help in selecting the right evidence for investigation. The proposed scheme is based on Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making, in which uncertain parameters such as evidence investigation duration, value of evidence and relation between evidence, and relation between the case and time are used in the decision process using the aggregation function in fuzzy set theory.