• Title/Summary/Keyword: active safety

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Formation of Ultra fine Particle by the Polonium-218 Ions under Different Humidity Conditions (다른 습도조건하에서 Po-218 이온들의 극소입자형성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Suk-Chul;Ha, Chung-Woo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1992
  • A number of investigators have reported the formation of the radiolytic ultrafine particles produced by the interaction of ionizing radiation with water vapor. Previous studies have suggested that a very high localized concentration of the OH radical produced by the radiolysis of water can react with trace gas like organic vapors and produce lower vapor pressure compounds that can then nucleate. In order to determine water vapor dependence of the active, positively charged, first radon daughter(Po-218), an experiment was conducted using a well-controlled radon chamber. The activity size distribution of the radon daughter in the range of 0.5-100nm was measured using the parallel graded wire screens system. Measurements were taken for different relative humidity. The resultant activity size distributions were analyzed. The addition of water vapor to the radon carrier gases resulted in the formation of ultrafine particles by OH radicals formed by radon radiolysis. It may be due to the neutralization of charged Po-218 ion with water vapor through the radio lysis.

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Review on improving measurement of cyber terror management system

  • Park, Jong-Ryeol;Noe, Sang-Ouk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2016
  • Damage and attack size of cyber terror is growing to the national size. Not only targeting at a certain companies or individuals but number of cyber terror targeting government bodies or unspecific people is increasing. This is because compared to traditional weapon, input cost is very cheap but ripple effect and shock are much stronger, affecting not only certain groups but also each individuals. 'Anti-terror measurement for protection of nation and public safety' passed last month is one of the renowned measurement passed regardless of objection from opposition party. The opposition party went against this through filibuster for 192 hours but this finally passed National Congress due to lack of oppositions. Korean government is taking post actions after passage of anti-terror measurement. Legislation of enforcement ordinance and regulations is due by 6th of next month. This regulation will be executed from June 4th after legislation. Whenever there is any security issues such as hacking of Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power and National Intelligence Service happens, lot of attention is made to those hackers. However, social recognition or management of those hackers need lot more improvement. Especially, as market of internet of things is increasing, there is an increased anxiety on information security. But as we only rely on security solutions, this problems are keep happening. Therefore, active investment on nurturing hackers who play the role of 'spear and shield' shall be made. Government should put more efforts to allow white hackers to show their abilities. We should have a policy for supporting high-quality programs such as BoB. To make information protection industry into future growth engine, it is necessary to nurture professionals for information protection and white hackers through special programs. Politicians should make related regulations as soon as possible to remove factors that prevent swift management of cyber attack due to lack of legislation. Government should pay lot more financial investment to nurturing professional manpower than now. Protecting life and asset of nation is responsibility and duty of our government. We all should recognize that controlling cyber attack is a part of national defense.

Publics Segmentation by the Issuance of Disaster-related Crisis Alert (재난 관련 위기경보 발령에 따른 공중유형 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Soon;Choi, Don-Mook
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2020
  • Recently, a new infectious disease, COVID-19, has been spreading not only in Korea but around the world. As a result, the Korean government raised the level of infectious disease crisis alerts to a serious level on February 23, 2020. The purpose of this study is to apply the situational theory of publics to publics segmentation according to the issuance of a crisis alert and to suggest ways to improve the crisis alert system. To this end, the level of public perception on crisis alerts was checked. The verification confirmed that the situational theory of publics is a suitable theoretical framework for analyzing the communication behaviors of the public toward crisis alerts. As a result of the public segmentation, 42.7% were classified as active publics. Based on this, it was suggested to reorganize the crisis alert system as a system for communicating with the public.

Case Study of Assisted Living Facility (ALF) as a 'Home' (집'으로서의 노인보호주택 사례연구)

  • 김영주
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the features that make residents feel “at home” in ALFs in Southwest Virginia and to suggest further policy and design guidelines for better Quality of ALFs as a “home.” For this purpose, residents' needs, experiences, and opinions of the physical environment, the social environment, and the organizational environments such as policies and programs of ALFs were identified. As a multi-case study, five ALFs in Southwest Virginia were studied using constant comparative methos of data analysis. In addition to face-to-face interviews with 25 residents and five administrators of five ALFs, observations were conducted with personal journal. Overall, the five sites selected presented homelike features showing the philosophy of assisted living which combines housing and services. Each facility was designed to be a single-family house or multi-family dwelling in outside appearance. As a whole, residents felt isolation and loneliness and they did not have active interaction with other residents because of diverse background among the residents. However, all of them had close relationships with the staff. The staff's attitude and behavior seemed to influence greatly the residents' feeling “at home.” Despite the provision of diverse activities by the facilities, many residents did not participate in the programs. Most of the residents agreed that the rule and regulations were fair. In spite of high satisfaction with the facility, many people did not think of their current dwelling as a real ‘home.’ As the biggest difference between living in their own homes and living in the ALF, people pointed out a lack of independence, freedom, and autonomy. Residents of ALFs may have reordered their priorities in their current life situation so that safety, security, and care were more important to them than feeling “at home.” Among the three factors --physical, social, and organizational-- that affect the residents' perception of ALFs as a “home, ” many emphasized the importance of social factors such as relationships with the staff and residents, and social support from their family or friends.

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Efficacy of Fluoroscopy-Guided Cutting Needle Lung Biopsy in Patients with Diffuse Infiltrative Lung Disease (미만성 침윤성 폐질환을 보이는 환자에서 방사선투시유도 절단침 폐생검의 유효성)

  • Choi, Soo-Jeon;Shin, Eun-Ah;Kim, Joung-Sook
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.70 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2011
  • Background: Open lung biopsy is used for diagnosis of diffuse infiltrative lung diseases (DILD), but it is invasive and relatively expensive procedure. Fluoroscopy-guided cutting needle lung biopsy (FCNLB) has merits of avoidance of admission and rapid diagnosis. But diagnostic accuracy and safety were not well known in the diagnosis of DILD. Methods: We included 52 patients (37 men, 15 women) having DILD on HRCT with dyspnea, except the patients who could be confidently diagnosed with clinical and HRCT findings. FCNLB was performed using 16G Ace cut needle (length 1.5 cm, diameter 2 mm) at the area of most active lesion on HRCT. Final diagnoses were made by the consensus. Results: The mean interval between the HRCT and FCNLB was 4.5 days. Most cases were performed one biopsy during 5~10 minutes. Specific diagnosis was obtained in 43 of 52 biopsies (83%). The most common diagnosis was nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (11 cases) and followed by cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (7 cases), diffuse alveolar hemorrhage and usual interstitial pneumonia (5 cases in each), hypersensitivity pneumonitis (3 cases), tuberculosis and drug induced interstitial pneumonitis (2 cases in each), the others are in one respectively. Mild complication was developed in 9 patients (8 pneumothorax, 1 hemoptysis). Most of complications were regressed without treatment except one case with chest tube insertion for pneumothorax. Conclusion: Fluoroscopy-guided 16 G cutting needle lung biopsy was an useful method for the diagnosis of DILD.

Standardization of rebar manufacturing for rebar work (철근 공사에 있어서 철근 가공 표준화)

  • Cho, Young-Keun;Jung, Sang-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2009
  • Due to a shortage of professional labor and the stagnant construction industry in recent days, there has been an increasing demand for securing profitability through cost reduction. Though its importance in the cost and its great influence on the safety and durability of structures, the labor intensiveness of rebar work has caused a serious problem of rising cost accompanied by the loss of rebar materials. In the plant manufacturing process, rebar is cut and bent at the automated facilities and conveyed to the construction site, which makes it possible to manufacture higher-quality bars and to reduce the losses from rebar materials. Different from the expectation, however, this type of plant manufacturing still has not been active since its first introduction in 1990s. In this study, a research on the actual condition of rebar manufacturing plant has been implemented and a standardized rebar manufacturing has been provided as a way to activate rebar manufacturing.

Consumer Movements, Consumer Policies, and Firms' Policies for Consumer Satisfaction in Japan (일본의 소비자운동, 소비자정책, 소비자지향적 경영에 관한 소고)

  • 허경옥
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.173-190
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    • 1998
  • This study reviewed both consumer movement and consumer policy of government in Japan. Their evolution since the Second World War will be reviewed and compared multiple periods, after the Second World war till the late 1960s, the period of the 1970s, the period after 1980s. In addition, firms' consumer satisfaction policies were briefly reviewed in order to fully understand consumer protection activities in japan. This study found four major characteristics of consumer protection activities led by both voluntary consumer organizations and government. First, consumer protection policy of government in Japan after the late 1960s was more active than that of consumer movement by consumer organizations. Second, major concerns for consumer protection were variant over time. The major goal in the first stage of period(during the 1960s) was to protect consumer safety from defective and dangerous goods and services, whereas the goal after the late 1970s was extended to cover various areas concerning the quality of life. Those areas refer to the quality of services, the way of sales and marketing, pollution of environment, and the quality of consuming life. Third, this study found that computer networks, aiming at collecting and analyzing the very useful to improve the consuming life of Japanese by providing sufficient consumer information to encourge rational choices of consumers. Forth, a close cooperation between the central and local administrations was crucial for the successful outcome In Japan This paper gives us useful guideline regarding how to improve consumer movement and govemments' policies for protecting consumer in Korea. In addition, other lessons on successful consumer satisfaction policies of Japanese firms may enable Korean firms to shape effective consumer policies of enhancing their competitiveness.

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Study on Combination of External Gosamgamibang and Internal Chenggihaedok-san for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis (아토피피부염에 대한 고삼가미방(苦參加味方)과 청기해독산(淸肌解毒散)의 겸용 투여 효과)

  • Ko, Hong-Yun;Kim, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1282-1291
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    • 2009
  • A combined prescription of GGB and CHS (G&C prescription group) was used to investigate its effects on immune related factors and histological changes in atopic dermatitis(AD) induced mice. Significant decrease of atopic dermatitis clinical index in G&C prescription group. In DLN, G&C prescription group significantly modulated the immune cells. G&C prescription group also showed significant effect on the immune cells of the dorsal skin as well as DLN. The group indicated significant decrease of the biosynthesis of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, GM-CSF, cytokines in serum. On the other hand, the biosynthesis of TNF-$\alpha$ was decreased. G&C prescription group significantly decreased the immunoglobulin IgE levels in serum. The results suggest that G&C prescription significantly improves atopic dermatitis through regulation of immune cells and cytokines. Comparative studies with Protopic ointment also showed that G&C prescription showed significant effect in AD patients, and active application of the prescription in clinicals is anticipated. However, the reason for the results that oppose to those of previous studies should be investigated. Also, therapeutic effects of both internal and external applications should be studied individually as well as for any synergistic effects. Safety, toxicity, as well as stability studies should follow to develop G&C prescription into long-term external clinical product.

Real Time Monitoring of Cars during European Rally Championships in Poland in 2005

  • Bartlomiej, Oszczak;Cezary, Specht;Stanislaw, Oszczak;Sitnik, Eliza
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2006
  • The paper presents the preparations work and experiences gained from realtime GPS car monitoring during the European Rally Championships organized on 10-12 June 2005 in Poland. The developed system is based on GPS and GSM/GPRS technology. Distribution and teletransmission of data are possible using different GSM operators in Poland, which makes the system fully independent. The system's server collects data from rally cars, processing and send data through VPN connections to the SQL server located in main control room. Data can be collected in real time via Internet or GPRS. Some information on GSM/GPRS range during rally championships are also presented in the paper. The study covered many trials and tests of different software and various configurations of the GPRS modems before finally the system started to work. Information coming from 10 Rally Cars were collected to the SQL Server continuously in one second interval. In real time mode these all data were displayed simultaneously in the rally main control room and in the rally press conference room. Paper describes also adopted emergency procedures and remote reconfiguration of GPS/GPRS boxes inside rally cars made during championships. Some problems and method of practical solutions are presented to avoid active jamming dangerous for a driver and his pilot, having system of communication intercoms jammed by teletransmission of GPRS 900/1800 MHz. In cooperation with rally teams special GPS/GPRS safety boxes were designed and made. Monitoring of all 7 rally stages with GPS receivers and method of calibrations of the maps were presented. GSM signal coverage was also checked in all stages. All data transmitted from rally cars were recorded in the computer. Some of our GPS cars had accidents and dispite them information were continuously sent to server. There is possibility to show in post mission mode the position of chosen cars in our rally application. Some information of best rally cars are presented also in the paper.

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Stability of Atenolol Tablet After Dispensing to Powder form at Community Pharmacies (근린약국에서 산제로 조제된 아테놀올정의 안정성)

  • Yong, Chul-Soon;Choi, Han-Gon;Rhee, Jong-Dal;Yoo, Bong-Kyu
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.299-303
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    • 2004
  • Prescription filling in powder form is performed in community pharmacy practice to adjust dose for children and patients who cannot swallow whole tablet. However, there are few reports regarding the stability of the active ingredient and possible microbial growth after the medication is dispensed to powder form. This study examined the stability of atenolol, an antihypertensive agent, and microbial growth in the unit dose pouches dispensed at twenty-one community pharmacies located in Taegu area. Randomly chosen first unit dose pouch contained 77.4% of the prescribed dose of the drug and there were only four community pharmacies that dispensed the drug within 10% deviation from the dose prescribed by physician. Surprisingly, there were three community pharmacies that dispensed the drug with greater than 40% deviation, which may pose a major concern regarding the efficacy and safety of the drug prescribed for the treatment of hypertension. Atenolol content during a month did not indicate significant change, showing 5.4%, 4.3%, and 3.3% of decrease in 50%, 80%, and 90% relative humidity conditions, respectively. Microbiological examination during a month showed less than 0.5 microorganism in high power field (hpf) in all the relative humidity conditions tested. Based on this study, pharmacy practice in community pharmacy needs to be rigorously regulated to ensure that the dose of the prescribed drug is properly incorporated into the unit dose pouch dispensed as powder form.