• Title/Summary/Keyword: a sky view

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Comparative Daylighting Performance of an Interior with Lightshelves and Conventional Glazing; A Mock-Up Experiment (Mock-up을 이용한 일반창호 및 경사형 광선반 창호의 채광성능에 관한 비교 실험)

  • Kim, Jeong Tai;Shin, Hwa Young
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2006
  • As sustainable design technologies, advanced daylighting systems with lightshelves have been developed and are currently under monitoring the daylighting performance. This study aims to evaluate the comparative daylighting performance of sloped lightshelf and conventional glazing window with mock-up model, reconstructed as a prototype of Korean office building, sized $12.0m{\times}7.3m{\times}3.7m$ ($w{\times}d{\times}h$) and $1.8m{\times}4.8m$($w{\times}h$) for the south facing side-window was installed on the rooftop of engineering building, Kyung Hee University in Korea. It has an identical configuration of reference room and the test room. For the test room, the sloped type lightshelf system was designed as 10mm transparency sheet glass, tilt angle degree $29^{\circ}$, and total sized 1.28m (interior length 0.88m, exterior length 0.49m). It consisted of daylighting collector, entrance glazing and reflector. To assess daylighting performance, the totally 37 measuring points for illuminance and 2 view points of luminance were monitored in every 30 minutes from 12:00 to 15:00. For the detailed analysis, photometric sensors of each room were installed at work-plane (8 points), wall (7 points), ceiling (3points), and exterior horizontal illuminance (1 point). Luminance of window, rare of the room was measured under clear sky. It is to be monitored by Agilent data logger, photometric sensor Li-cor and the Radiant Imaging ProMetric 1400. Comparisons with a light factor, increase-decrease ratio, uniformity, and luminance are discussed.

Analysis of the Relationship between Three-Dimensional Built Environment and Urban Surface Temperature (도시의 3차원 물리적 환경변수와 지표온도의 관계 분석)

  • Li, Yige;Lee, Sugie;Han, Jaewon
    • Journal of Korea Planning Association
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2019
  • This study examines the relationship between three-dimensional urban built environment and urban surface temperature using LANDSAT 8 satellite image data in Seoul city. The image was divided into 600m×600m grid units as an unit of analysis. Due to the high level of spatial dependency in surface temperature, this study uses spatial statistics to take into account spatial auto-correlation. The spatial error model shows the best goodness of fit. The analysis results show that the three-dimensional built environment and transport environment as well as natural environment have statistically significant associations with surface temperature. First, natural environment variables such as green space, streams and river, and average elevation show statistically significant negative association with surface temperature. Second, the building area shows a positive association with surface temperature. In addition, while sky view factor (SVF) has a positive association with surface temperature, surface roughness (SR) shows a negative association with it. Third, transportation related variables such as road density, railway density, and traffic volume show positive associations with surface temperature. Moreover, this study finds that SVF and SR have different effects on surface temperature in regard to the levels of total floor areas in built environment. The results indicate that interactions between floor area ratio (FAR) and three-dimensional built environmental variables such as SVF and SR should be considered to reduce urban surface temperature.

A Study on Exterior Configuration of Soswaewon in <30 Poems of Soswaewon> (<소쇄원30영(소쇄원삼십영(瀟灑園三十詠))>을 통하여 본 소쇄원 외원(外園)의 공간구성)

  • Cheon, Deuk-Youm;Jung, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2018
  • The purposes of this study are to analyze the spatial composition of the outer garden of Soswaewon that appears in Gyeong-Ji Yang's "30 Poems of Soswaewon" and examine its significance and symbols. These poems by Gyeong-Ji Yang are important historical records that portray the appearance of Soswaewon and the space outside it at the end of the 17th century. Unlike "48 Poems of Soswaewon" or "Soswaewondo," these poems arenot limited to Soswaewon and its surroundings; theyalso include areas from the village entrance upwardto the peak of the mountain behind the village. These poems can be divided into three main parts. Jiseok-ri and Changam-dong in poems 1 and 2 provide first impressions of the village in which the main Soswaewon garden is located, whereas poems 3 to 8 and poems 10 to 12 describe the space inside Soswaewon. Poems 13 to 30 depict the beautiful scenery around the outer garden of Soswaewon. In general, about 30% of the compilation in "30 Poems of Soswaewon" celebrates the inner Soswaewon, and the remaining 70% depicts the scenery around Soswaewon (i.e., views of the outer garden). It is presumed that Gyeong-Ji Yang employed this structure to achieve some type of order. Between the "48 Poems of Soswaewon" - also describing Soswaewon - and "Soswaewondo," which is a woodprint drawing of Soswaewon, "30 Poems of Soswaewon" offers the widest coverage of Soswaewon. Compared to "48 Poems of Soswaewon," which addresses the scene inside Soswaewon, new buildings such as the Jaeweoldang, Buhweondang, and Hancheonsa appear in "30 Poems of Soswaewon." Thus, the latter covers a much wider range. Chimgye Munbang - Gwangpunggak, Yangdandongo - Aeyangdang, Byeongseogjuggeun - Jajukchong, etc. are mentioned in both compilations. The use of a wide range of natural objects in these 30 poems, including mountains, birds, and the sky (instead of trees and flowers), shows that the author perceived Soswaewon as an area with a much higher and wider view than that of a typical living space. Moreover, natural regression ideologies, or seclusion ideologies, are evident.

A Study on the Sequence Analysis Technique of Urban Landscape Color and Urban Color Characteristics in accordance with Spatial Openness - Focusing on the View of the Daegu Monorail - (도시 경관색채의 시퀀스 분석기법과 공간 개방도에 따른 도시색채 특성연구 - 대구광역시 지상철 조망을 중심으로 -)

  • Koo, Min-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.120-136
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    • 2016
  • This study, views the color of scenery not as a static state, but rather as a continuous sequence of perceptions that incorporates the concept of time. This study derived techniques to quantitatively analyze the flow and data from this sequence. By utilizing this, urban color trends can be based on openness. This is very close to what would be experienced by an actual viewer: it extracted color data and visual amount from frames at 2-second intervals by shooting a video of the color sequence of the city as seen from both the left and right sides from the inside of the monorail (line 3 of the Daegu urban railway). These images were classified by color group, brightness, chroma, high chroma distribution derived techniques such as openness of space, brightness level, clarity level, high-chroma distribution and code, advantage of visual amount, dominant factor exposure, hot and cold color image and dynamic of sequence rhythm. During the derived sequence, the data determines the openness in the visual amount of sky and it was found that the tendency of the colors of the city was opening regression analysis. The more colorful the city is opening the brightness is lowered, the chroma increased slightly, cold colors significantly increased, which also had a very deep relationship with Lynch enclosed proportion, color change of the city trends through the actual scenery could grasp in more detail.

Paschen ${\alpha}$ Galactic Plane Survey with MIRIS: the Preliminary Results for $l=280^{\circ}-100^{\circ}$

  • Kim, Il-Joong;Pyo, Jeonghyun;Jeong, Woong-Seob;Han, Wonyong;Park, Won-Kee;Lee, Dukhang;Moon, Bongkon;Park, Sung-Joon;Park, Youngsik;Lee, Dae-Hee;Ko, Kyeongyeon;Seon, Kwang-Il;Kim, Min Gyu;Lee, Hyung Mok;Matsumoto, Toshio
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.78.2-78.2
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    • 2014
  • MIRIS (Multi-purpose Infrared Imaging System) is the primary payload on the Korean science and technology satellite, STSAT-3, which was launched on 2013 November 21. It is designed to observe the near-infrared sky with a $3.67^{\circ}{\times}3.67^{\circ}$ field of view and a $51.6^{{\prime}{\prime}}{\times}51.6^{{\prime}{\prime}}$ pixel resolution. Using two narrow-band filters at $1.88{\mu}m$ (Pa ${\alpha}$ line) and $1.84+1.92{\mu}m$ (Pa ${\alpha}$ dual continuum), the Paschen ${\alpha}$ Galactic plane survey has been carrying out, and the area for the Galactic longitude from $+280^{\circ}$ to $+100^{\circ}$ (with the width of $-3^{\circ}$ < b < $+3^{\circ}$) has been covered by 2014 August 31. In this contribution, we present the preliminary results of the MIRIS Paschen ${\alpha}$ emission maps and compare them with other wavelength maps such as $H{\alpha}$ and dust maps. Many of the Paschen ${\alpha}$ features have been detected along the plane, and some of them are weak or invisible in the $H{\alpha}$ map and coincide well with dense cloud regions.

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Inertial Sensor Error Rate Reduction Scheme for INS/GPS Integration (INS/GPS 통합에 따른 관성 센서 에러율 감소 방법)

  • Khan, Iftikhar;Baek, Seung-Hyun;Park, Gyung-Leen;Kang, Sung-Min;Lee, Yeon-Seok;Jeong, Tai-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2009
  • GPS and INS integrated systems are expected to become commonly available as a result of low cost Micro-Electro-Mechanical Sensor (MEMS) technology. However, the current performance achieved by low cost sensors is still relatively poor due to the large inertial sensor errors. This is particularly prevalent in the urban environment where there are significant periods of restricted sky view. To reduce the inertial sensor error, GPS and low cost INS are integrated using a Loosely Coupled Kalman Filter architecture which is appropriate in most applications where there is good satellite availability. In this paper, we present the GPS/INS sensor Integration using Loosely Coupled Kalman Filter approach. We also compare the simulation results of Wander Azimuth Strapdown Mechanization Scheme with the reference values generated by the ZH35C trajectory simulator that is describe mathematically either by the geometry of the path, or as the position of the object over time.

Deflection Analysis of Long Span Structures Using Under-Tension System (언더텐션 시스템을 이용한 장스팬 구조의 처짐 거동 해석)

  • Park, Duk-Kun;Lee, Jin;Ham, Su-Yun;Ahn, Nam-Shik;Lee, Ki-Hak;Lee, Jae-Hong
    • Proceeding of KASS Symposium
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 2008
  • This study presents deflection analysis of long span structures for pedestrian bridge on crossroads. For long span structures, the size of structural members should be determined considering the esthetic view and vehicle below the structures. As a result, the slenderness ratio of members is increased and the structure may be suffered from significant deflection. The under-tensioned system on lower part of the structure, is applied in order to reduce the deflection and the size of members. In this regard, the under-tensioned system enables the load of upper parts to carη to the end of beam by means of tensional force in cable. In addition, effectiveness of under-tensioned system can be different depending on the size of cable, the number and spacing of posts. This study is performed with conforming the effect by analytical various parameters (size of cable, number and spacing of post). Dead and live loads is supposed to apply in the slab, and the analytical result by MIDAS program are presented addressing the effect of the under-tensioned system.

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Identification of Influencing Factors of Forest Scenic Beauty for Outdoor Recreation (야외휴양(野外休養)을 위한 산림풍치(山林風致)의 영향인자(影響因子) 구명(究明))

  • Song, Hyung Sop;Kim, Seong Il;Cho, Eung Hyouk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.3
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    • pp.287-298
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    • 1992
  • The main purpose of this study is to obtain information on the factors influencing forest scenic beauty in order to make and manage scenic forest of recreation areas. 62 slides were taken for the study. Each photograph was independently judged by college students in 10 different major fields, with a total 264 observers after reliability test in the study. The ratings were scaled using a computer program developed by Brown & Daniel(1990). The results of rating scale analysis indicate that respondents' major field difference affects visual preference for forest scenic beauty. Similarly, with different sexual, forest visit frequency, and community type in childhood, people tend to rate their preference differently. The respondents' rating scale of relative scenic beauty of near-view forest scenes can largely be explained in terms of forest physical characteristics of forest landscape. Bare ground area and stash area are represented negative esthetic effects, while DBH, number of trees per hectare, sky area showed positive esthetic effects. These 6 variables in the model can be accounted for 74% of total variance in perceived forest scenic beauty. With this study result, it can be concluded that forest physical characteristics are significantly related to visual preference for near-view forest scenes.

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The Use of the Unified Control Points for RPC Adjustment of KOMPSAT-3 Satellite Image (KOMPSAT-3 위성영상의 RPC보정을 위한 국가 통합기준점의 활용)

  • Ahn, Kiweon;Lee, Hyoseong;Seo, Doochun;Park, Byung-Wook;Jeong, Dongjang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.539-550
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    • 2014
  • High resolution satellite images have to be oriented and geometrically processed from GCPs(Ground Control Points) to generate precise DEMs(Digital Elevation Models) and topographic maps. In Korea, thousands of national UCPS(Unified Control Points) are established and distributed all over the country by the Korean NGII(National Geographic Information Institute). For that reason, UCPs can be easily searched and downloaded by the national-control-point-record-issues system. Following the study, we suggested the sky-view and road-view from web-portals for searching and identifying UCPs on the images. To evaluate the usefulness of UCPs in RPCs(rational polynomial coefficients) adjustment of the high resolution satellite images, the one UCP, which of using simple the control point, has been applied to adjust the vendor-provided RPCs of the KOMPSAT-3 images. As a result, the positioning error of corrected RPCs was approximately one pixel and one meter. From this experiment, we conclude that the UCPs will be able to replace the survey GCPs for mapping with the satellite images or aerial images.

A Study on Ecology theory and Environment theory Research that is Loocked in Hayao Miyazaki work (미야자키 하야오(宮崎 駿)작품에 투영된 생태론과 환경론 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.44
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    • pp.183-209
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    • 2016
  • Hayao Miyazaki's product, , is evaluated that his work until present that product point of view and commercial point of view are highly filled at the same time. Miyazaki's showed new public entertainment possibility in genre that is animation inventing highest-grossing domestic film in Japan's history until it was taken over by another Miyazaki work. Also, it can high evaluate that not that see for interest simply beam about environment and human who writer has to spectator deep self-examination and way of problem pulling comprehension without burden through resected reflex which is not exigent delivery sympathy form. Analyzing his product, , ,, , , , this research allowed purpose to recognize that he present the alternative after arranges intent subject how and institute problem. And do to study whether his though and ideology met with viewpoints of ecologism and environment(environmentalism) in work how. There are his countenance have theme that is certain in Miyazaki director's works. If summarize had handled subject meantime, it is , , , etc. This subjects are that go first at importance order among problems which we face, it is that human desires essentially. If balance of society system that regulate various economical, moral value system and desire to our society is set, our society is that can become little more near in nature mode of life.