• Title/Summary/Keyword: Writing process

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Comparative Analysis of Epistemic Thinking in Middle School Students in Argument-Based Inquiry(ABI) Science Class of No Face-to-Face and Face-to-Face Context (비대면 및 대면 상황의 논의기반 탐구(ABI) 과학 수업에서 나타나는 중학생들의 인식론적 사고 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Jihwa;Cho, Hye Sook;Nam, Jeonghee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.66 no.5
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    • pp.390-404
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics and changes in epistemic thinking when an argument-based inquiry science class was applied in no face-to-face and face-to-face situations. Participants of this study were 113 8th grade students of four classes from a coed educational middle school in a metropolitan city. Data collection was made over one semester during which ten argument-based inquiry science lessons on five subjects were conducted in both no face-to-face and face-to-face context. As a result of comparing and analyzing students' epistemic thinking in the argumentation of each group's generating question stage, the no face-to-face classes showed higher understanding of contents and more evidence suggestion validity than face-to-face classes did. Claim validity and categories of process in argumentation were higher in face-to-face classes than No face-to-face classes. Students were able to improve their understanding of knowledge through writing by discussing rather than direct communication in no face-to-face situations, and in face-to-face situations, students showed that their thoughts were influenced by interpersonal relationships with the group members.

Development and application of TPACK based STEAM program - Focused on the excretory organs in the 'structure and function of our body' unit - (TPACK 기반 융합프로그램 개발 및 적용 - '우리 몸의 구조와 기능' 단원 중 배설 기관을 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Dong Guk;Hong, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.443-459
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    • 2021
  • In this study, a TPACK-based STEAM program was developed and applied under the theme of excretory organs in the 'Structure and Function of Our Body' of the elementary science curriculum. The program was produced and conducted through curriculum analysis and learning goal detailing, learning environment analysis, teaching·learning method and technology selection, TPACK elements arrangement and teaching·learning material development, application and effectiveness verification. Teacher's TPACK considered in STEAM program design process is content knowledge (appearance and work of excretory organs), pedagogical knowledge (STEAM, problem-based learning, research learning, discussion learning, cooperative learning, scientific writing) and technology knowledge (3D printer and smart device application technology). The program consisted of a total of 8 hours of project learning activities and was applied to 29 students in the fifth grade as an experimental group. A program of the same theme developed mainly from textbooks was applied to 27 students in the fifth grade of a comparison group. As a result of the application of the program, the experimental group showed significant improvement in creative problem-solving ability and scientific attitude compared to the comparison group, and the class satisfaction with the STEAM program was also high. However, there was no significant difference in academic achievement ability.

Analysis of Eco-Citizenship Contents Elements in Home Economics Textbooks for the Introduction of Ecological Transformation Education (생태전환교육 도입을 위한 가정과 교과서의 생태시민성 내용 요소 분석)

  • Cho, Sung Mi;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to extract and analyze ecological citizenship elements in the middle school home economics textbook used in the 2015 national curriculum for the introduction of ecological transformation education in the 2022 national curriculum. As a result of the analysis, the content analysis of the ecological citizenship factor was validated by six experts who are incumbent middle school home economics teachers, and the S-CVI value was 0.97, ensuring the validity of the ecological citizenship factor analysis. The results of analyzing 242 ecological citizenship factors extracted from home economics textbooks are as follows. According to the content area of the 2015 national home economics curriculum, the 'human development and family' area had the highest presence of ecological citizenship factors followed by the 'resource management and self-reliance' area and the 'home life and safety' area. Among the categories of ecological citizenship factors, 'value⋅attitude' was the most frequent, followed by 'process⋅function' and 'knowledge⋅understanding'. For each textbook composition system, ecological citizenship elements were extracted in the order of pictures, text, activities, and supplementary materials. There was a significant variation in the number of ecological citizenship factors among publishers, indicating the importance of the textbook writers' perception, interpretation, and direction of writing. Based on these analysis results, ecological citizenship teaching and learning activities applicable to home economics education were presented. This study highlights the potential for practicing ecological citizenship education in line with the new orientation of the curriculum on ecological transformation education through home economics education. Furthermore, it provides valuable baseline data for the development and implementation of textbooks for the 2022 national curriculum.

Experiences of Military Prostitute and Im/Possibility of Representation: Re-writing History from a Postcolonial Feminist Perspective (기지촌 여성의 경험과 윤리적 재현의 불/가능성: 탈식민주의 페미니스트 역사 쓰기)

  • Lee, Na-Young
    • Women's Studies Review
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.79-120
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to illuminate the implication of feminist oral history from a postcolonial feminist perspective as critically reexamining the relationship between hearer and speaker, representer and narrator, the said and the unsaid, and secrecy and silence. Based upon oral (life) history of a U.S. military prostitute (yanggongju), I tried to show the experiences of a historically-excluded and marginalized 'Other,' and then critically reevaluate the meaning of encountering 'Other', not just through the research process but also in the post/colonial society in Korea. The narrative of an old woman in the "kijichon" (a formal prostitute in U.S. military base) shows how woman has navigated the boundaries between inevitability/coincidence, the enforced/the voluntary, prostitution/intimacy, and military prostitute/military bride while continually negotiating as well as having conflict with various myths and ideologies of the 'normative woman,' 'nationhood,' and 'normal family.' In addition, her narrative which causes the rupture of our own stereotypical images of a military prostitute not only proves the possibility of reconstructing the self-identity of a subaltern woman, but also redirects the research focus from the research object to the research subject (ourselves). Consequently, the implication in feminist oral history is that feminist researchers who whish to represent the experiences of other should first inquire 'what/how we can hear,' 'why we want to know others,' and 'who we are,' while simultaneously asking if subaltern woman can speak.

Challenges faced by elementary teachers in implementing the five practices for effective mathematical discussions (효과적인 수학적 논의를 위한 5가지 관행의 적용 과정에서 초등학교 교사들이 직면하는 어려움)

  • Pang, JeongSuk;Kim, Sohyeon;An, Hyojoo;Chung, Jisu;Kwak, Giwoo
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.95-115
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    • 2023
  • Even the teachers who agree with the necessity of effective mathematical discussions find it difficult to orchestrate such discussions in the actual lessons. This study focused on analyzing the difficulties 15 elementary school teachers faced in applying "the five practices for orchestrating productive mathematics discussions" to their lessons. Specifically, this study analyzed the process of planning, implementing, and reflecting on the lessons to which three or four teachers as a teacher community applied the five practices. The results of this study showed that the teachers experienced difficulties in selecting and presenting tasks tailored to the student levels and class environment, monitoring all students' solutions, and identifying the core mathematical ideas in student solutions. In addition, this study revealed practical and specific difficulties that had not been described in the previous studies, such as writing a lesson plan for effective use, simultaneously performing multiple teacher roles, and visually sharing student presentations. This study is expected to provide practical tips for elementary school teachers who are eager to promote effective mathematical discussions and to provoke professional discourse for teacher educators through specific examples.

Change and Characteristics of Interactions in a Homogeneous Group on Scientific Inquiry Experiments (동질모둠이 수행한 과학탐구실험에서 실험 진행에 따른 상호작용의 변화와 특성)

  • Seong, Suk-Kyoung;Choi, Byung-Soon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the factors affecting interactions as well as the students' learning process in small group activities. For this purpose, the changes and characteristics of students' interactions in scientific inquiry experiments were analyzed. This study focused on 2 homogeneous small groups of eighth graders. Students were involved in 13 inquiry experiments for one year and students' interactions in each experiments were observed and recorded using video/audio and the data recorded were transcribed. The analysis of data was based on the method of making a note by looking on and listening to the data repeatedly. Changes in the interactions of the two homogeneous groups differ remarkably. In small group A, owing to the conflicts of students' emotions, learning through social interactions became to be impossible. On the other hand, the interactions in small group B became more active. It seems that this changes are affected largely by the existence of peers who are able to mediate different opinions or feelings among group members. In general, middle school students were poor at receiving peers' opinion, cared a lot about writing reports. The less able students tended to be placed at a disadvantageous position in experiment lessons emphasizing social interactions. Four factors that affected the change of interactions were identified: Is the aim of experiments the understanding or completion of report? Is there any attitude towards peers' suggestions? Is there a disposition to care about peers? Is there any peer to mediate on peers' opinions or feelings? Educational implications of the progression of activities emphasizing interactions and the organization of grouping were drawn.

Digital Nudge in an Online Review Environment: How Uploading Pictures First Affects the Quality of Reviews (온라인 리뷰 환경에서의 디지털 넛지: 사진을 먼저 업로드 하는 행동이 리뷰의 품질에 미치는 영향 )

  • Jaemin Lee;Taeyoung Kim;HoGeun Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2023
  • Consumers tend to trust information provided by other consumers more than information provided by sellers. Therefore, while inducing consumers to write high-quality reviews is a very important task for companies, it is not easy to produce such high-quality reviews. Based on previous research on review writing and memory recall, we decided to develop a way to use digital nudge to help consumers naturally write high-quality reviews. Specifically, we designed an experiment to verify the effect of uploading a photo during the online review process on the quality of review of the review writer. We then recruited subjects and then divided them into groups that upload photos first and groups that do not. A task was assigned to each subject to write positive and negative reviews. As a result, it was confirmed that the behavior of uploading a photo first increases the review length. In addition, it was confirmed that when online users who upload photos first have extremely negative satisfaction with the product, the extent of two-sidedness of the review content increases.

Trends and Issues of the Korean National Curriculum Documents' Subject-Matter Content System Table: Focusing on the Science Subject Case (우리나라 국가 교육과정 문서상 교과 내용 체계표의 변천과 쟁점 -과학과 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Gyeong-Geon, Lee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2024
  • The content system table of the subject-matter curriculum is considered important in the Korean national curriculum, textbook writing, and teaching and learning in the classroom. However, studies that comprehensively organize the issues concerning the format of the subject-matter curriculum content system have been scarce. This study scrutinized the evolution of the content system from its inception in The 6th Curriculum to the most recent 2022 Revised National Curriculum, focusing on science curricular. The following issues and suggestions were derived for the format of the subject content system. First, caution should be exercised in using terms such as "domain," "field," and "category," and it should be clarified whether these terms are intended simply for logical differentiation or to serve as a content organizer with a specific emphasis. Second, the nature of components such as "core ideas," which can serve as innovative content organizers, should be strictly defined. Third, while the introduction of three-dimensional content elements such as "knowledge and understanding," "process and skill," and "value and attitude" is viewed positively, it is suggested that a further delineation be made, elaborating how each can be utilized to form core competencies. Fourth, the construction of the subject-specific content system in national curriculum needs caution because whether it will resolve or exacerbate the 'disparity between general curriculum and subject-matter curriculums' is uncertain. Finally, as an apparent pendulum motion of the subject-matter content system is observed in national curriculum documents, efforts should be made to ensure that it does not result in meaningless repetition, but instead achieves meaningful dialectical progress.

Concerns and Difficulties in Applying the National Curriculum in the Process of Developing Science Textbooks: Focused on 'Integrated Science' of the 2022 Revised National Science Curriculum (과학 교과서 개발 과정에서 교육과정 적용에의 고민과 어려움 -2022 개정 과학과 교육과정의 '통합과학'을 중심으로-)

  • Bongwoo Lee;Jaeyong Park;Jeongwoo Son;Ki-Young Lee;Wonho Choi;Kew-Cheol Shim
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the concerns and difficulties encountered by authors involved in the development of integrated science textbooks. Specifically, it focuses on their experiences with understanding and implementing the 2022 revised science curriculum. We collected 89 opinions from textbook authors and categorized them into several key areas: understanding the terminology and descriptors provided in the curriculum, structuring learning content, inquiries and activities, and the depth and scope of learning content. The analysis revealed that the most difficulty encountered by the textbook authors was in defining the level and scope of learning content. Many also expressed concerns and difficulties related to the ambiguity of terms and predicates. In terms of the composition of learning content, difficulties were identified in concerning the repetitive descriptions of achievement standards and the discrepancy between the arrangement of achievement standards and the flow of learning. Regarding inquiries and activities, there were experiments presented that were difficult to experience or actually implement, along with limitations in activity composition due to the need to optimize learning volume. Given the importance of high-quality textbooks for effective science education at the national level, it is crucial to establish effective communication channels between curriculum developers and textbook authors. Additionally, a robust support system for textbook development should be established.

The Records and Archives Administrative Reform in China in 1930s (1930년대 중국 문서당안 행정개혁론의 이해)

  • Lee, Won-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.10
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    • pp.276-322
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    • 2004
  • Historical interest in China in 1930s has been mostly focused on political characteristic of the National Government(國民政府) which was established by the KMT(中國國民黨) as a result of national unification. It is certain that China had a chance to construct a modern country by the establishment of the very unified revolutionary government. But, it was the time of expanding national crises that threatened the existence of the country such as the Manchurian Incident and the Chinese-Japanese War as well as the chaos of the domestic situation, too. So it has a good reason to examine the characteristic and pattern of the response of the political powers of those days. But, as shown in the recent studies, the manifestation method of political power by the revolutionary regime catches our attention through the understanding of internal operating system. Though this writing started from the fact that the Nationalist Government executed the administrative reform which aimed at "administrative efficiency" in the middle of 1930s, but it put stress on the seriousness of the problem and its solution rather than political background or results. "Committee on Administrative Efficiency(行政效率委員會)", the center of administrative reform movement which was established in 1934, examined the plan to execute the reform through legislation by the Executive Council(行政院) on the basis of the results of relevant studies. They claimed that the construction of a modern country should be performed by not political revolution anymore but by gradual improvement and daily reform, and that the operation of the government should become modern, scientific and efficient. There were many fields of administrative reform subjects, but especially, the field of records and archives adminstration(文書檔案行政) was studied intensively from the initial stage because that subject had already been discussed intensively. They recognized that records and archives were the basic tool of work performance and general activity but an inefficient field in spite of many input staff members, and most of all, archival reform bring about less conflicts than the fields of finance, organization and personnel. When it comes to the field of records adminstration, the key subjects that records should be written simply, the process of record treatment should be clear and the delay of that should be prevented were already presented in a records administrative meeting in 1922. That is, the unified law about record management was not established, so each government organization followed a conventional custom or performed independent improvement. It was through the other records administrative workshop of the Nationalist Government in 1933 when the new trend was appeared as the unified system improvement. They decided to unify the format of official records, to use marker and section, to unify the registration of receipt records and dispatch records and to strengthen the examination of records treatment. But, the method of records treatment was not unified yet, so the key point of records administrative reform was to establish a unified and standard record management system for preventing repetition by simplifying the treatment procedure and for intensive treatment by exclusive organizations. From the foundation of the Republic of China to 1930s, there was not big change in the field of archives administration, and archives management methods were prescribed differently even in the same section as well as same department. Therefore, the point at issue was to centralize scattered management systems that were performed in each section, to establish unified standard about filing and retention period allowance and to improve searching system through classification and proper number allowance. Especially, the problem was that each number system and classification system bring about different result due to dual operation of record registration and archives registration, and that strict management through mutual contrast, searching and application are impossible. Besides, various problems such as filing tools, arrangement method, preservation facilities & equipment, lending service and use method were raised also. In the process this study for the system improvement of records and archives management, they recognized that records and archives are the identical thing and reached to create a successive management method of records and archives called "Records and Archives Chain Management Method(文書檔案連鎖法)" as a potential alternative. Several principles that records and archives management should be performed unitedly in each organization by the general record recipient section and the general archives section under the principle of task centralization, a consistent classification system should be used by classification method decided in advance according to organizational constitution and work functions and an identical number system should be used in the process of record management stage and archive management stage by using a card-type register were established. Though, this "Records and Archives Chain Management Method" was developed to the stage of test application in several organizations, but it was not adopted as a regular system and discontinued. That was because the administrative reform of the Nationalist Government was discontinued by the outbreak of the Chinese-Japanese War. Even though the administrative reform in the middle of 1930s didn't produce practical results but merely an experimentation, it was verified that the reform against tradition and custom conducted by the Nationalist Government that aimed for the construction of a modern country was not only a field of politics, but on the other hand, the weak basis of the government operation became the obstacle to the realization of the political power of the revolutionary regime. Though the subject of records and archives administrative reform was postponed to the future, it should be understood that the consciousness of modern records and archives administration and overall studies began through this examination of administrative reform.