• 제목/요약/키워드: White gold

검색결과 114건 처리시간 0.019초

Growth Response and Arsenic Uptake of White Clover (Trifolium repens) and Evening Primrose(Oenothera odorata) Colonized with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Arsenic-Contaminated Soil

  • Kim, Dae-Yeon;Lee, Yun-Jeong;Lee, Jong-Keun;Koo, Na-Min;Kim, Jeong-Gyu
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2008
  • A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the role of the arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungus, Glomus mosseae(BEG 107) in enhancing growth and arsenic(As) and phosphorus(P) uptake of white clover(Trifolium repens) and evening primrose(Oenothera odorata) in soil collected from a gold mine having concentrations of 381.6 mg total As $kg^{-1}$ and 20.5 mg available As $kg^{-1}$. Trifolium repens and O. odorata are widely distributed on abandoned metalliferous mines in Korea. The percent root colonization by the AM fungus was 55.9% and 62.3% in T. repens and O. odorata, respectively, whereas no root colonization was detected in control plants grown in a sterile medium. The shoot dry weight of T. repens and O. odorata was increased by 323 and 117% in the AM plants compared to non-mycorrhizal(NAM) plants, respectively. The root dry weight increased up to 24% in T. repens and 70% in O. odorata following AM colonization compared to control plants. Mycorrhizal colonization increased the accumulation of As in the root tissues of T. repens and O. odorata by 99.7 and 91.7% compared to the NAM plants, respectively. The total uptake of P following AM colonization increased by 50% in T. repens and 70% in O. odorata, whereas the P concentration was higher in NAM plants than in the AM plants. Colonization with AM fungi increased the As resistance of the host plants to As toxicity by augmenting the yield of dry matter and increasing the total P uptake. Hence, the application of an AM fungus can effectively improve the phytoremediation capability of T. repens and O. odorata in As-contaminated soil.

16세기 감로도의 과학적 조사와 보존 (Scientific Analysis and Conservation of Nectar Ritual Painting in the 16th Century)

  • 안지윤;천주현;김수연
    • 박물관보존과학
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    • 제14권
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2013
  • 국립중앙박물관 소장 감로도(증7551)는 16세기에 제작된 것으로 추정되며 일본 교토[京都]의 류간지[龍岸寺] 주지인 에지마고도씨가 2010년 기증하였다. 전체적으로 화면과 회장 견의 결실, 얼룩, 꺾임, 충해 등에 의한 손상이 심하여 이에 대한 보존처리를 필요로 하였다. 보존처리는 표면오염을 제거하고 결실부위 보수 후 본래의 형식대로 장황하였다. 회장부분과 화면부분의 직물 조사결과 견직물과 마직물을 사용하였다. 채색안료는 크게 여섯 가지 색의 계열로 나눌 수 있으며, 붉은색은 진사, 연단, 노란색은 황단, 금, 백색은 연백, 녹색은 석록, 푸른색은 석청, 검정색은 먹을 사용하였다.

A Study of the Costumes and Make-up in the Movie "Anna Karenina"

  • Jung, Jeewon;Kim, Eunsil
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.14-30
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to establish how main characters' mental states are expressed through costumes and makeup by understanding and analyzing the relationship between the costumes and the makeup in the movie "Anna Karenina" and to compare the 19th century Russian costumes. The study methods are a literature review and an empirical case study. The results are as follows. First, the costumes in "Anna Karenina" are a mixture of late crinoline and early bustle style in general. However, the costumes were altered after the actress's movements and acting were considered. Regarding colors, Anna wears a lavender robe as the virtuous wife, a wine-colored robe for love and death, and a white robe for innocence, thus reflecting her mental states; through the colors, her changes of mental state are expressed. Second, the costumes of Alexei Vronsky, are similar in style and colors to those of mid-late 19th century Russian military uniforms. White, blue and black costume colors are used to describe his situations and emotional changes. Third, Alexei Karenin wears 19th century costumes of dark and achromatic colors without decorations, representing his conservative, authoritative character. However, he showshis rage with a wine and red-colored costume at the end of the movie. Fourth, regarding the makeup in the movie, Anna wears makeup of a soft pink-gold color influenced by 19th century naturalism. Male characters express their characteristics with their beards and hair styles. Vronsky's Hollywood mustaches and wavy blonde hair show his charm, and Karenin's chin curtain beard and bald head reveal his conservative character. The costumes of the three main characters in the movie are not very different from 19th century style in general, but mental states and situations are expressed through accessories, and colors maximize all of the effects. Through this research, it is illustrated that the costumes and makeup in a movie can not only express characters' emotional changes but also show the relationships between the characters in different scenes.

Evaluation of interest rate-linked DLSs

  • Kim, Manduk;Song, Seongjoo
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.85-101
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    • 2022
  • Derivative-linked securities (DLS) is a type of derivatives that offer an agreed return when the underlying asset price moves within a specified range by the maturity date. The underlying assets of DLS are diverse such as interest rates, exchange rates, crude oil, or gold. A German 10-year bond rate-linked DLS and a USD-GBP CMS rate-linked DLS have recently become a social issue in Korea due to a huge loss to investors. In this regard, this paper accounts for the payoff structure of these products and evaluates their prices and fair coupon rates as well as risk measures such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Tail-Value-at-Risk (TVaR). We would like to examine how risky these products were and whether or not their coupon rates were appropriate. We use Hull-White Model as the stochastic model for the underlying assets and Monte Carlo (MC) methods to obtain numerical results. The no-arbitrage prices of the German 10-year bond rate-linked DLS and the USD-GBP CMS rate-linked DLS at the center of the social issue turned out to be 0.9662% and 0.9355% of the original investment, respectively. Considering that Korea government bond rate for 2018 is about 2%, these values are quite low. The fair coupon rates that make the prices of DLS equal to the original investment are computed as 4.76% for the German 10-year bond rate-linked DLS and 7% for the USD-GBP CMS rate-linked DLS. Their actual coupon rates were 1.4% and 3.5%. The 95% VaR and TVaR of the loss for German 10-year bond rate-linked DLS are 37.30% and 64.45%, and those of the loss for USD-GBP CMS rate-linked DLS are 73.98% and 87.43% of the initial investment. Summing up the numerical results obtained, we could see that the DLS products of our interest were indeed quite unfavorable to individual investors.

성서에 나타난 제사장 복식의 상징적 의미 (The Symbolic Meaning of the Priestly Costume Depicted in the Bible)

  • 김현
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.377-389
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain the symbolic meaning of the priestly costume through the Bible. Based on corroborative the Bible, this thesis analyzes the costume of priest. This compares the two onyx stones on the shoulder pieces with four rows of precious stones on the breastpiece. This era falls on about from the 15th century before Christ. It was found that the breastpiece was a piece of the same multicolored linen as in the ephod, a span square when folded double. It symbolizes righteousness. It hung on the high priest's chest, supported by two golden chains attached to the shoulder clasps. It symbolizes love. On the breastpiece were twelve beautiful jewels, arranged in four rows of three jewels, each jewel symbolizing one of the tribes of Israel. The variety of jewels on the breastpiece suggests the variety of people. Urim is the Hebrew word for 'lights' and therefore would logically be associated with bright or white stones. Thummim is the Hebrew word for 'perfection'. The high priest's ephod was made of gold, and of blue, purple, and scarlet yam, and of finely twisted linen. The golden yam symbolizes faith. The robe of the ephod was made entirely of blue cloth. The blue color symbolizes an obligation and life. The robe of the ephod symbolizes calling and dignity. The woven tunic symbolizes holy duty.

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티베트 승려가 착용하는 의례용 관모의 종류와 특성 (The Types and Features of Formal Ritual Hats for Tibetan Buddhist Priests)

  • 권영숙;이경희
    • 복식
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    • 제62권5호
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    • pp.16-30
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    • 2012
  • This study examines the types and features of formal ritual hats for Tibetan Buddhist priests. Findings of the study are as follows. The types of formal hats that Tibetan Buddhist priests wear during religious rites or rituals include: u rgyan pad zhwa, pan zhwa, tshogs zhwa, rigs inga, zhwa nag, zhwa dmar and dwags zhwa. The reason why such formal ritual hats as listed above were developed is because the region had an alpine climate, and also because they were the symbolism of Buddhism, the most reverent priest, and reincarnated Buddha thoughts. They were an essential part of the culture of dressing Buddhist statues and offering utensils. Formal ritual hats' shapes originate from lotus. They are colored in red, yellow, indigo, green, white or black, that reflect the nationality and aesthetics of Tibetans. They are mainly made of woolen or silk fabrics. They are usually decorated with gold, git bronze or jewels and the patterns of the sun and the moon, vajra or clouds.

Analysis on Antioxidant Activity of the New Developed Waxy Corn Hybrids

  • Lee, Moon-Sub;Yang, Jae-Hyeon;Lee, Gyeong-Eun;Lee, Hee-Bong
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제60권2호
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    • pp.185-189
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    • 2015
  • A total of CNU 28 colored hybrids developed at the Chungnam National University were evaluated to identify new cultivars with functionality. These color waxy corn hybrids appeared to have high antioxidant activity. The SOD activity in the developed color waxy corn was high; CNU13H-3, in white hybrid, and CNU13H-44, in yellow hybrid, was 5% and 27% higher than the Yeonnong and Daehakchal Gold 1 of control hybrids, respectively. The DPPH activity in CNU13H-44, of yellow hybrid, and CNU13H-75 of purple hybrid were high as 32.6 mg/g and 40.1 mg/g, respectively. We have already reported that color hybrids have high antioxidant activity. In this study also was same results. On the basis of our findings, these hybrids will be planted in next time to compare their productivity and area adaptation.

도자기 유약용 wagnerite의 합성 및 발색원소의 영향 (Substitutions of coloring ions and their effects on wagnerite pigments for cetamic glazes)

  • 정용선;오근호
    • 한국결정성장학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.160-168
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    • 1998
  • 치환에 의한 wagnerite의 색상변화 및 고용체 형성한계를 살펴보기 위해 wagnerite ($A_2XO_4Z$)를 합성한후 각 구성원소들을 치환하였다. Ca-wagnerite의 Ca 대신에 Mg, Co, Ni, Cu로 치환하여 용해도가 한정된 고용체를 얻었다. 이들 중 (Mg,Ca)-wagnerite와 (Co,Ca)-wagnerite의 경우에만 단일상의 wagnerite를 합성하였으며 이들의 색상은 각각 백색과 자주색이었다. 그 외의 조성 및 (Ni,Ca)-wagnerite와 (Cu,Ca)-wagnerite의 경우에는 여러상이 혼재해 있는 것으로 나타났다. $A^{5+}$자리에 Li을 치환해 보았으며 또한 $X^{5+}$대신 V을 치환하여 진한 자주 및 금색, 옅은 노란색의 wagnerite를 합성하였으며, Z- 대신 Cl을 치환한 경우 단일상의 wagnerite을 얻지 못하였다.

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아킬레스건 손상 후 고정기간에 따른 기계적 수용기의 변화 (The Change of the Mechanoreceptors of Injured Achilles Tendon According to the Immobilization Periods)

  • 유종민;정진화;윤기식;주인탁
    • 대한족부족관절학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was designed to determine the quantitative changes of the numbers of the mechanoreceptors in the experimentally tenotomized Achilles tendon of rabbits as compared with short-term immobilization and long-term immobilization. Materials and Methods: 14 white rabbits were used. After tenotomizing the right Achilles tendon, the subjects were divided into 2 groups according to the periods of immobilizaton. The left side of each Achilles tendon of the rabbits were used as controls. The tendons were stained with a modified gold-chloride method. Results: The number of mechanoreceptor was significantly decreased in the tenotomized Achilles tendon group than the control group (p<0.01). There was no statistical difference between the two experimental groups in the numbers of the mechanoreceptors (p>0.01). Conclusion: The injured Achilles tendons may more vulnerable to injury because of the decreased numbers of mechanoreceptors, but no difference between the periods of immobilization. It may suggest that post-operative immobilization period may not affect on the outcome of operative treatment from the viewpoint of mechanoreceptors.

HOME DESIGN A design of Sampung Apartment

  • 이윤정;박부미
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 2008년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.71-73
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    • 2008
  • In early Highlighting the client's personality especially, home design demands very careful consideration. It's not an easy task to understand the characteristics of each family member, to take into account their requirements, and strike proper harmony among them. For this Sampung Apartment Project, I decided to create a cozy homelike atmosphere by using overall modern and antique furniture, props, and lighting. I tried a different sense of space by choosing wood as the main material, installing furniture that looked antique, and applying painting with touch instead of pictures or wallpaper By the use of the light bulb color overall, lighting was yellow and added more comfort. Local lighting was used in certain places to add more fun along with the props. After choosing white as the main color, point colors were determined according to the client's inclination toward green and blue. The color choice also matched the client's paintings that were in soft green and blue. Each room was planned and color coordinated according to their own characteristics. The children's rooms were planned with such point colors as pink, green, and blue. The master bedroom and the family room were produced around gold and grey color, respectively.

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