• Title/Summary/Keyword: Weather Observation

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Impact of Reconstructed Gridded Product of Global Wind/Wind-stress Field derived by Satellite Scatterometer Data

  • Koyama, Makoto;Kutsuwada, Kunio;Morimoto, Naoki
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.309-312
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    • 2008
  • The advent of high resolution products of surface wind and temperature derived by satellite data has permitted us to investigate ocean and atmosphere interaction studies in detail. Especially the Kuroshio extension region of the western North Pacific is considered to be a key area for such studies. We have constructed gridded products of surface wind/wind stress over the world ocean using satellite scatterometer (Qscat/SeaWinds), available as the Japanese Ocean Flux data sets with Use of Remote sensing Observation (J-OFURO). Using new data based on improved algorithm which have been recently delivered, we are reconstructing gridded product with higher spatial resolution. Intercomparison of this product with the previous one reveals that there are some discrepancies between them in short-period and high wind-speed ranges especially in the westerly wind region. The products are validated by not only comparisons with in-situ measurement data by mooring buoys such as TAO/TRITON in the tropical Pacific and the Kuroshio Extension Observation (KEO) buoys, but also intercomparison with numerical weather prediction model (NWPM) products (the NRA-1 and 2). Our products have much smaller mean difference in the study areas than the NWPM ones, meaning higher reliability compared with the NWPM products. Using the high resolution products together with sea surface temperature (SST) data, we examine a new type of relationship between the lower atmosphere and upper ocean in the Kuroshio Extension region. It is suggested that the spatial relation between the wind speed and SST depends upon, more or less, the surrounding oceanic condition.

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Analysis of Summer Rainfall Case over Southern Coast Using MRR and PARSIVEL Disdrometer Measurements in 2012 (연직강우레이더와 광학우적계 관측자료를 이용한 2012년 여름철 남해안 강우사례 분석)

  • Moon, Ji-Young;Kim, Dong-Kyun;Kim, Yeon-Hee;Ha, Jong-Chul;Chung, Kwan-Young
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.265-273
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    • 2013
  • To investigate properties of cloud and rainfall occurred at Boseong on 10 July 2012, Raindrop Size distributions (RSDs) and other parameters were analyzed using observation data collected by Micro Rain Radar (MRR) and PARticle SIze and VELocity (PARSIVEL) disdrometer located in the National center for intensive observation of severe weather at Boseong in the southwest of the Korean peninsula. In addition, time series of RSD parameters, relationship between reflectivity-rain rate, and vertical variation of rain rates-fall velocities below melting layer were examined. As a result, good agreements were found in the reflectivity-rain rate time series as well as their power relationships between MRR and PARSIVEL disdrometer. The rain rate was proportional to reflectivity, mean diameter, and inversely proportional to shape (${\mu}$), slope (${\Lambda}$), intercept ($N_0$) parameter of RSD. In comparison of the RSD, as rain rate was increased, the slope of RSD became less steep and the mean diameter became larger. Also, it was verified that reflectivities are classified in three categories (Category 1: Z (reflectivity) > 40 dBZ, Category 2: 30 dBZ < Z < 40 dBZ, Category 3: Z < 30 dBZ). As reflectivity was increased, rain rate was intensified and larger raindrops were existed, while reflectivity was decreased, shape (${\mu}$), slope (${\Lambda}$), intercept ($N_0$) parameter of RSD were increased. We expected that these results will lead to better understanding of microphysical process in convective rainfall system occurred during short-term period over Korean peninsula.

Adjoint-Based Observation Impact of Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) on the Short-Range Forecast in East Asia (수반 모델에 기반한 관측영향 진단법을 이용하여 동아시아 지역의 단기예보에 AMSU-A 자료 동화가 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Sung-Min;Kim, Hyun Mee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2017
  • The effect of Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) observations on the short-range forecast in East Asia (EA) was investigated for the Northern Hemispheric (NH) summer and winter months, using the Forecast Sensitivity to Observations (FSO) method. For both periods, the contribution of radiosonde (TEMP) to the EA forecast was largest, followed by AIRCRAFT, AMSU-A, Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), and the atmospheric motion vector of Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) or Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT). The contribution of AMSU-A sensor was largely originated from the NOAA 19, NOAA 18, and MetOp-A (NOAA 19 and 18) satellites in the NH summer (winter). The contribution of AMSU-A sensor on the MetOp-A (NOAA 18 and 19) satellites was large at 00 and 12 UTC (06 and 18 UTC) analysis times, which was associated with the scanning track of four satellites. The MetOp-A provided the radiance data over the Korea Peninsula in the morning (08:00~11:30 LST), which was important to the morning forecast. In the NH summer, the channel 5 observations on MetOp-A, NOAA 18, 19 along the seaside (along the ridge of the subtropical high) increased (decreased) the forecast error slightly (largely). In the NH winter, the channel 8 observations on NOAA 18 (NOAA 15 and MetOp-A) over the Eastern China (Tibetan Plateau) decreased (increased) the forecast error. The FSO provides useful information on the effect of each AMSU-A sensor on the EA forecasts, which leads guidance to better use of AMSU-A observations for EA regional numerical weather prediction.

A Study on Moving Object Recognition and Tracking in Unmanned Aerial Camera (공중 무인감시 카메라의 이동물체 인식 및 추적에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Oh;Kim, Young-Min;Lee, Jong-Keuk
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.684-690
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    • 2010
  • Digitalized Image Information is variously used like to substitute or help human's visual ability. Unmanned observation Camera is useful for the preventing disaster, risk factor and object observation but it is mostly to depend on awareness for human's vision. The purpose of this paper is to show that Unmanned Aerial Camera carries out object recognition and autonomous position tracking. when the informations about a specific object are given. For this purpose, we have to solve complicated problems like change according to object movement and variation of color and brightness information with refraction, interference and scattering of light and noise from environmental factors like weather. But, as the first step we limit the scope of this study with simplified environment in this paper. Our goal is the study and experience about object recognition and tracking via simplified environment with unmanned aerial camera. We obtained successful results of this study and experiment.

Typhoon Wukong (200610) Prediction Based on The Ensemble Kalman Filter and Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis (앙상블 칼만 필터를 이용한 태풍 우쿵 (200610) 예측과 앙상블 민감도 분석)

  • Park, Jong Im;Kim, Hyun Mee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.287-306
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    • 2010
  • An ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) with Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model is applied for Typhoon Wukong (200610) to investigate the performance of ensemble forecasts depending on experimental configurations of the EnKF. In addition, the ensemble sensitivity analysis is applied to the forecast and analysis ensembles generated in EnKF, to investigate the possibility of using the ensemble sensitivity analysis as the adaptive observation guidance. Various experimental configurations are tested by changing model error, ensemble size, assimilation time window, covariance relaxation, and covariance localization in EnKF. First of all, experiments using different physical parameterization scheme for each ensemble member show less root mean square error compared to those using single physics for all the forecast ensemble members, which implies that considering the model error is beneficial to get better forecasts. A larger number of ensembles are also beneficial than a smaller number of ensembles. For the assimilation time window, the experiment using less frequent window shows better results than that using more frequent window, which is associated with the availability of observational data in this study. Therefore, incorporating model error, larger ensemble size, and less frequent assimilation window into the EnKF is beneficial to get better prediction of Typhoon Wukong (200610). The covariance relaxation and localization are relatively less beneficial to the forecasts compared to those factors mentioned above. The ensemble sensitivity analysis shows that the sensitive regions for adaptive observations can be determined by the sensitivity of the forecast measure of interest to the initial ensembles. In addition, the sensitivities calculated by the ensemble sensitivity analysis can be explained by dynamical relationships established among wind, temperature, and pressure.

Evaluation of GPM IMERG Applicability Using SPI based Satellite Precipitation (SPI를 활용한 GPM IMERG 자료의 적용성 평가)

  • Jang, Sangmin;Rhee, Jinyoung;Yoon, Sunkwon;Lee, Taehwa;Park, Kyungwon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the GPM (Global Precipitation Mission) IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE retrievals for GPM) rainfall data was verified and evaluated using ground AWS (Automated Weather Station) and radar in order to investigate the availability of GPM IMERG rainfall data. The SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) was calculated based on the GPM IMERG data and also compared with the results obtained from the ground observation data for the Hoengseong Dam and Yongdam Dam areas. For the radar data, 1.5 km CAPPI rainfall data with a resolution of 10 km and 30 minutes was generated by applying the Z-R relationship ($Z=200R^{1.6}$) and used for accuracy verification. In order to calculate the SPI, PERSIANN_CDR and TRMM 3B42 were used for the period prior to the GPM IMERG data availability range. As a result of latency verification, it was confirmed that the performance is relatively higher than that of the early run mode in the late run mode. The GPM IMERG rainfall data has a high accuracy for 20 mm/h or more rainfall as a result of the comparison with the ground rainfall data. The analysis of the time scale of the SPI based on GPM IMERG and changes in normal annual precipitation adequately showed the effect of short term rainfall cases on local drought relief. In addition, the correlation coefficient and the determination coefficient were 0.83, 0.914, 0.689 and 0.835, respectively, between the SPI based GPM IMERG and the ground observation data. Therefore, it can be used as a predictive factor through the time series prediction model. We confirmed the hydrological utilization and the possibility of real time drought monitoring using SPI based on GPM IMERG rainfall, even though results presented in this study were limited to some rainfall cases.

Attitude Scenarios of Star Observation for Image Validation of Remote Sensing Satellite (영상검정을 위한 지구관측위성의 별 관측 자세 시나리오 생성 기법)

  • Yu, Ji-Woong;Park, Sang-Young;Lee, Dong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.807-817
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    • 2012
  • An optical payload needs to be validated its image performance after launched into orbit. The image performance was validated by observing star because ground site contains uncertainties caused by atmosphere, time of the year, and weather. Time Delayed and Integration(TDI) technique, which is mostly used to observe the ground, is going to be used to observe the selected stars. A satellite attitude scenario was also developed to observe the selected stars. The scenario is created to enable TDI to operate. Rotation angles of optical payload are determined in order for the selected stars to properly be passed at a desired angular velocity about rotation axis. The result of this research can be utilized to validate the quality of optical payload of a satellite in orbit. In addition, a quaternion for pointing selected stars is calculated minimizing the path from a given arbitrary attitude of satellite.

Occurrence Characteristics of Sea Breeze in the Gangneung Region for 2009~2018 (강릉지역 2009~2018년 해풍 발생 특성)

  • Hwang, Hyewon;Eun, Seung-Hee;Kim, Byung-Gon;Park, Sang-Jong;Park, Gyun-Myeong
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.221-236
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    • 2020
  • The Gangneung region has the complicated geographical characteristics being adjacent to East Sea and Taeback mountains, and thus sea breeze could play an important role in local weather in various aspects. This study aims to understand overall characteristics of sea breeze largely based on long-term (2009~2018) ground-based observation data. We also propose a selection criteria of sea breeze occurrence day; 1) daily precipitation is less than 10 mm, 2) surface wind direction is 0~110° (northerly to easterly) for more than 3 hours during the daytime, 3) wind direction is 110~360° for more than 3 hours during the nighttime, and 4) land and sea temperature difference is positive during the daytime, 5) sea and land sea-level pressure difference is more than 0.5 hPa. As a result, a total of 595 days was selected for the past 10 years. The occurrence of sea breeze is the highest in late Spring to early Summer (May to June). The passage time of sea breeze at the inland station (1.6 km farther inland) is one hour later than the coastal station. On the typical sea breeze event of April 12, 2019, the passage speed and duration of sea breeze was 15 km hr-1 and about 9 hours, respectively, with its depth of about 500 m and its head swelling. The current results emphasize the critical role of sea breeze in forecasting surface temperature and wind, and contribute to relieve heat wave especially in summer in the Yeongdong region.

A Examination about Application Possibility of GPS in Determination of Astronomic Latitude and Longitude (천문 경위도 결정에 있어서 GPS의 응용 가능성 검토)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Oh, Won-Jin;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Lee, Young-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 1995
  • The calculation of astronomic latitude and longitude have been carried by astrolabe, theodolite. Conventional procedures to determine it require clear weather conditions, time high cost. So we need more effective method to decide them. The objective here is to present method to computate astronomic latitude and longitude by mixing GPS observation result and geodetic height. Also to decide geodetic height we used GPS/leveling, DMA(n=m=180) and OSU91A(n=m=360) methods. Compared to conventional procedures we could obtain astronomic latitude and longitude using GPS by $1{\sim}3'$ difference. If the precise geoid model of Korea will be developed, we can compute astronomic latitude and longitude effectively using GPS observation only.

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Objective Classification of Fog Type and Analysis of Fog Characteristics Using Visibility Meter and Satellite Observation Data over South Korea (시정계와 위성 관측 자료를 활용한 남한 안개의 객관적인 유형 분류와 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Kyoung;Suh, Myoung-Seok
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.639-658
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    • 2019
  • The classification of fog type and the characteristics of fog based on fog events over South Korea were investigated using a 3-year (2015~2017) visibility meter data. One-minute visibility meter data were used to identify fog with present weather codes and surface observation data. The concept of fog events was adopted for the better definition of fog properties and more objective classification through the detailed investigation of life cycle of fog. Decision tree method was used to classify the fog types and the final fog types were radiation fog, advection fog, precipitation fog, cloud base lowering fog and morning evaporation fog. We enhanced objectivity in classifying the types of fog by adding the satellite and the buoy observations to the conventional usage of AWS and ceilometer data. Radiation fog, the most common type in South Korea, frequently occurs in inland during autumn. A considerable number of advection fogs occur in island area in summer, especially in July. Precipitation fog accounts for more than a quarter of the total fog events and frequently occurs in islands and coastal areas. Cloud base lowering fog, classified using ceilometer, occurs occasionally for all areas but the occurrence rate is relatively high in east and west coastal area. Morning evaporation fog type is rarely observed in inland. The occurrence rate of thick fog with visibility less than 100 meters is amount to 21% of total fog events. Although advection fog develops into thick fog frequently, radiation fog shows the minimum visibility, in some cases.