• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visual Work

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Comparison of Display Visual Effects in Control Task under Limited Reaction Time (반응시간제한시 제어작업의 디스플레이 시각효과 비교)

  • 오영진
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.21 no.47
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 1998
  • Work environments have been changed with the advent of new technologies, such as computer technology. However, human cognitive limits can't pace up with the change of work environment. Designing human-computer system requires knowledge and evaluation of the human cognitive processes which control information flow workload. Futhermore, under limited reaction time and/or urgent situation, human operator may the work stress, work error and resultant deleterious work environment. This paper evaluate the visual factors of major information processing factors(information density, amount of information, operational speed of speed)on operator performance of supervisory control under urgent(limited reaction time)environments which require deleterious work condition. To describe the work performance int the urgent work situations with time stress and dynamic event occurrence, a new concept of information density was introduced. For a series of experiments performed for this study, three independent variables(information amount, system proceeding speed, information density) were evaluated using five dependent variables. The result of statistical analyses indicate that the amount of information affected on all of five dependent measure. Number of failure and number of secondary task score were influenced by both amount of information and operational speed of system. However reaction time of secondary task were affected by both amount of information and information density. As a result, the deleterious factors for the performances seemed to be a scanning time to supervise each control panel. Consequently, a new display panel was suggest to reduce operator work load for scanning task showing better operator performance.

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A Study on Visual Perception based Emotion Recognition using Body-Activity Posture (사용자 행동 자세를 이용한 시각계 기반의 감정 인식 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Ok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.18B no.5
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2011
  • Research into the visual perception of human emotion to recognize an intention has traditionally focused on emotions of facial expression. Recently researchers have turned to the more challenging field of emotional expressions through body posture or activity. Proposed work approaches recognition of basic emotional categories from body postures using neural model applied visual perception of neurophysiology. In keeping with information processing models of the visual cortex, this work constructs a biologically plausible hierarchy of neural detectors, which can discriminate 6 basic emotional states from static views of associated body postures of activity. The proposed model, which is tolerant to parameter variations, presents its possibility by evaluating against human test subjects on a set of body postures of activities.

Study on Analysis of Driver's Visual Characteristics in Road Traffic (도로교통에 있어서 운전자 주시특성분석)

  • 김대웅;임채문
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.7-25
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    • 1990
  • In road traffic, road circumstances, vehicle, and driver are closely related each other. When road facilities are established in road planning, only road structure has been considered. However, relatively little work has been done regarding the relation between road circumstances and human with respect to a driver. This dissertation focuses on analysis of driver's visual characteristics to improve road circumstances. In this study, driver's visual characteristics are measured with eye-mark recorder and analyzed statistically. This study includes that visual characteristics, visual range, visual time, distribution of fixation duration, and visual moving angle with respect to road circumstances are established qualitatively and quantitatively by driving testing vehicle on streets, roads and high-ways. The main features of this study are : The driver's visual ranges are different over 10% depending on lane in multi-lanes. The visual range on two-lanes is more than twice as big as that on multi-lanes at 85% of whole vision. The right and left visual ranges by as big as that on multi-lanes at 85% of whole vision. The right and left visual ranges by as big as that on multi-lanes at 85% of whole vision. The right and left visual ranges by as big as that on multi-lanes at 85% of whole vision. The right and left visual ranges by speed are $34^{\circ}$ for 30-50km/hr, $28^{\circ}$ for 50-70km/hr, $22^{\circ}$ for 70-90km/hr and 16^{\circ} for over 90km/hr at 95% of visual rate. Accordingly, increasing speed results in narrow visual range.

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A Study on the Improvement of Vibration Analysis of Visual Alignment System Using CAE Method (CAE를 이용한 Visual Alignment System의 진동해석 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Yoon;Kim, Sung-Rae;Jeong, Jay-I.;Yim, Hong-Jae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.838-842
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    • 2009
  • Vibrational analysis is presented for a visual alignment system of nano-imprint process in this study. For a nano-imprinting equipment, the visual alignment system is one of the essential parts in order to align the mold into the target panel. For the precision alignment, the vibration from inside and outside of the vision system should be avoided, and the elimination of the vibration should be considered in the design process of the visual alignment design. In this work, vibrational characteristics for the vision system frame is analyzed and topology optimization of a frame section area is carried out. With the results of the analysis, a new frame design are suggested. Design consideration for constructing a visual alignment system in view of optimal design is also discussed.

Development of Remote Visual Inspection Technology for Calandria & Internal of CANDU NPP (중수로 칼란드리아 내장품 원격 육안검사 기술 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Jin, Seuk-Hong;Moon, Gyoon-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2010
  • During the period of reinforcement work for the licensing renewal of CANDU NPP, the fuel channels, Calandria tubes and feeders of CANDU Reactor are replaced. The remote visual inspection of Calandria internal is also performed during the period of reinforcement work. This period is a unique opportunity to inspect the inside of the Calandria. The visual inspection for the Calandria vessel and its internals of Wolsong NPP Unit 1 was performed by Nuclear Engineering & Technology Institute(NETEC) of KHNP. To perform this inspection, NETEC developed equipment applied new technology such as the synchronization of 3D CAD, automatic alignment and control system. The inspection confirmed that the Calandria integrity of Wolsong NPP Unit 1 is perfect.

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A Study on Display Practice in the Domestic Fashion Industry (국내패션업체의 디스플레이 실무에 관한 조사연구)

  • 최형민;김혜경;이경미
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2000
  • In viewpoint of visual merchandising, display is recognized as important means of expressing fashion as well as essential factor of stimulating customers' interest in purchase. However, visual merchandising Is relatively new area and the number of specialized display personnels are limited Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the practice of display in domestic fashion industry. For this study the display personnels working in 51 fashion brands were interviewed. The result was analyzed by using frequency count and percentage. It was found that few human resources were undertaking display work in various and abundant stores with relatively frequent display replacement. And main part of display work was performed outside office hours which brought out extension of working tome. Comparatively more budget assigned for ladies 'brand than mens' brand, youngsters 'than middle-ages' and obtaining display-related information was belong done mostly via domestic documentary sources and market researches. In general, optimistic attitudes were significantly shown by the interviewees that the importance of display is increasingly recognized, in the domestic fashion industry and therefore the prospect of display found to be expected as prosperous.

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A Study on the Creative, Conceptual Using of Digital Technique (디지털 기법의 창조적, 개념적 활용의 유형에 관한 사례 연구 - 공간디자인 프로세스를 중심으로 -)

  • 박영태
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.28
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    • pp.158-166
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    • 2001
  • e-revolution makes a lot of changes in the methodology all over the world. That is, the theory of real time showing helps people to access audio and visual wherever and whenever they are. In the pst computers were considered as only tools which could make us work easily. However, the meaning of computer is changing with e-revolution nowadays. Computers are not just computers as they were; they have done a lot of things which we thought impossible and they will do in the future as well. This new wave encourages people who are teaching the design to use computers whatever they do. For example, instead of using pencil and a drafting board, most people in the design field work with monitors, mouse and plotter. Therefore, most people who are in the design field need to have the ability of computer skills. They have to use computers not only in their class but also in their office. However, if we use computers for visual presenting in the class, it will not be enough to catch the e-revolution. That is, we should work with computers in the creative and conceptual design such as the using of the design information and the applying digital techniques in the early stage of the work. The purpose of this study is to show how to work with computers in the spacial design process especially th using of the DIS(Design Information System) and the applying digital techniques in the early stage of the work.

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  • Tomoyuki Gondo;Atsufumi Yoshimura
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.303-310
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we conducted a work analysis at an active building construction site, utilizing three-axis acceleration sensors affixed to four plaster-board-pasting workers for five days. Although acceleration data is less accurate than visual or image recognition in identifying specific tasks, it can be easily captured using smartphones, even in challenging conditions such as poorly lit or obstructed construction sites. This accessibility facilitates continuous data collection over extended periods, enabling automated analysis without significant cost or time investment. In addition, this method can identify trends in worker behavior that elude conventional visual inspection. Our approach encompasses various evaluation indices, beginning with an analysis of average work time per plasterboard sheet and the differentiation of walking motions using acceleration data. Furthermore, we introduced a new evaluation index that quantifies the distribution of high- and low-intensity work based on acceleration readings. Through comparative analysis with evaluation indices from previous studies, we confirmed common trends and discussed the strengths and limitations of our proposed index. Our findings suggest a correlation between work experience and performance, as evidenced by smoother operational patterns among seasoned workers. In particular, proficient workers exhibited fewer instances of extremely intense or sporadic movements. This observation underscores the influence of experience on work dynamics.

A Co-Development Environment for Visual Programs (시각 프로그램을 위한 공동 개발 환경)

  • Cho Yong Yoon;Yoo Chae Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.1 s.33
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2005
  • Visual programs consist of user interfaces and process logics. Because most visual IDEs(Integrated Development Environment) are utilized by only one developer, many developers can't cooperate simultaneously in one large-scaled visual Program to promote the development efficiency. This paper suggests a co-development environment for visual programs through which developers can cooperate with each other in the type of distribution. Developers can maintain the coincidence and the confidence of cooperation through a communication window and a job controller to process the Priority of the events that developers make in co-development work. Especially in large-sealed visual Program, the suggested environment reduces the burden that developer takes about the heavy development work, and many developers can divide and take the complex and large program modules according to their ability. We hope that the suggested environment can improve the development productivity and effectivity because it can reduce the time and effort for developing user interfaces in visual programs.

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Visual System in Typograph education (타이포그라피 교육을 위한 Visual System 연구)

  • 박효신
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 1999
  • Typography is a subject of fundamental principle and considerable importance to the practice of design and visual language. In Typography education, we need to teach student with systematic, logic and holistic view prior to intuitive way. It must be emphasized as a foundation to all graphic design students who are familiar with digital media. despite the fact that high technology has invaded th design profession and the importance of learning how to deal with these new possibilities has grown, technological processes are not substituted nor are they excuses for not learning basic principles of Typography. Technology is merely and extension of these skills. The logic is objective and the intuition is subjective. Visual system exercises the student's ability to work objectively in thought and in method. Visual system presents the idea that logic and intuition can work together to give stronger results in problem solving than either can alone. I critically analyzed that what is system and how can we develop visual system which can be adapted to Typography education. I also have investigated visual system to find the possibility and flexibility in Typography education.

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