• 제목/요약/키워드: Vibration-Based

검색결과 5,335건 처리시간 0.033초

Optimum actuator placement for damping of vibrations using the Prestress-Accumulation Release control approach

  • Poplawski, Blazej;Mikulowski, Grzegorz;Pisarski, Dominik;Wiszowaty, Rafal;Jankowski, Lukasz
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes a quantitative criterion for optimization of actuator placement for the Prestress-Accumulation Release (PAR) strategy of mitigation of vibrations. The PAR strategy is a recently developed semi-active control approach that relies on controlled redistribution of vibration energy into high-order modes, which are high-frequency and thus effectively dissipated by means of the natural mechanisms of material damping. The energy transfer is achieved by a controlled temporary removal of selected structural constraints. This paper considers a short-time decoupling of rotational degrees of freedom in a frame node so that the bending moments temporarily cease to be transferred between the involved beams. We propose and test a quantitative criterion for placement of such actuators. The criterion is based on local modal strain energy that can be released into high-order modes. The numerical time complexity is linear with respect to the number of actuators and potential placements, which facilitates quick analysis in case of large structures.

Optimal lateral load pattern for pushover analysis of building structures

  • Habibi, Alireza;Saffari, Hooman;Izadpanah, Mehdi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2019
  • Pushover analysis captures the behavior of a structure from fully elastic to collapse. In this analysis, the structure is subjected to increasing lateral load with constant gravity one. Neglecting the effects of the higher modes and the changes in the vibration characteristics during the nonlinear analysis are the main obstacles of the proposed lateral load patterns. To overcome these drawbacks, whereas some methods have been presented to achieve updated lateral load distribution, these methods are not precisely capable to predict the response of structures, precisely. In this study, a new method based on optimization procedure is developed to obtain a lateral load pattern for which the difference between the floor displacements of pushover and Nonlinear Dynamic Analyses (NDA) is minimal. For this purpose, an optimization problem is considered and the genetic algorithm is applied to calculate optimal lateral load pattern. Three special moment resisting steel frames with different dynamic characteristics are simulated and their optimal load patterns are derived. The floor displacements of these frames subjected to the proposed and conventional load patterns are acquired and the accuracy of them is evaluated via comparing with NDA responses. The outcomes reveal that the proposed lateral load distribution is more accurate than the previous ones.

차량 현가장치 성능향상을 위한 댐퍼 최적화 설계에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Optimization Design of Damper for the Improvement of Vehicle Suspension Performance)

  • 이춘태
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2018
  • A damper is a hydraulic device designed to absorb or eliminate shock impulses which is acting on the sprung mass of vehicle. It converting the kinetic energy of the shock into another form of energy, typically heat. In a vehicle, a damper reduce vibration of car, leading to improved ride comfort and running stability. Therefore, a damper is one of the most important components in a vehicle suspension system. Conventionally, the design process of vehicle suspensions has been based on trial and error approaches, where designers iteratively change the values of the design variables and reanalyze the system until acceptable design criteria are achieved. Therefore, the ability to tune a damper properly without trial and error is of great interest in suspension system design to reduce time and effort. For this reason, a many previous researches have been done on modeling and simulation of the damper. In this paper, we have conducted optimal design process to find optimal design parameters of damping force which minimize a acceleration of sprung mass for a given suspension system using genetic algorithm.

Transiting test method for galloping of iced conductor using wind generated by a moving vehicle

  • Guo, Pan;Wang, Dongwei;Li, Shengli;Liu, Lulu;Wang, Xidong
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.155-170
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents a novel test method for the galloping of iced conductor using wind generated by a moving vehicle which can produce relative wind field. The theoretical formula of transiting test is developed based on theoretical derivation and field test. The test devices of transiting test method for aerodynamic coefficient and galloping of an iced conductor are designed and assembled, respectively. The test method is then used to measure the aerodynamic coefficient and galloping of iced conductor which has been performed in the relevant literatures. Experimental results reveal that the theoretical formula of transiting test method for aerodynamic coefficient of iced conductor is accurate. Moreover, the driving wind speed measured by Pitot tube pressure sensors, as well as the lift and drag forces measured by dynamometer in the transiting test are stable and accurate. Vehicle vibration slightly influences the aerodynamic coefficients of the transiting test during driving in ideal conditions. Results of transiting test show that the tendencies of the aerodynamic coefficient curve are generally consistent with those of the wind tunnel tests in related studies. Meanwhile, the galloping is fairly consistent with that obtained through the wind tunnel test in the related literature. These studies validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the transiting test method. The present study on the transiting test method provides a novel testing method for research on the wind-resistance of iced conductor.

필로티형 저층 내력벽주택의 내진설계 고려사항 (Considerations for Seismic Design of Low-Rise Residential Bearing Wall Buildings with Pilotis)

  • 이승제;엄태성
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the results of an analytical investigation on the seismic behavior of two residential 4-story bearing wall buildings with pilotis, each of which has symmetric or unsymmetric wall arrangement at their piloti level, are presented. The dynamic characteristics and lateral resistance of the piloti buildings were investigated through linear elastic and nonlinear static analyses. According to the results, the analytical natural period of vibration of the piloti buildings were significantly shorter than the fundamental period calculated in accordance with KBC 2016. In the initial elastic behavior, the walls resisting in-plane shear contributed to the lateral stiffness and strength, while the contribution of columns resisting flexural moments in double curvature was limited. However, after the shear cracking and yielding of the walls occurred, the columns significantly contributed to the residual strength and ductility. Based on those investigations, design recommendations of low-rise bearing wall buildings with piloti configuration are given.

서비스디자인방법론을 통해 분석한 CFRP CNT와 자전거의 적합성에 관한 연구 (A study on the suitability of CFRP CNT and bicycle through service design process)

  • 박성희;송성일;강승민
    • 한국결정성장학회지
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.271-276
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    • 2018
  • 서비스 디자인 방법론을 통해 시장의 상황과 사용자가 원하는 니즈를 파악하여 소재 선정에 있어 고려해야 하는 기준을 조사하였고, 이에 따라 자전거 디자인 개발에 있어 CFRP CNT 소재를 선정하였다. 이 소재를 이용하여 자전거 파트 중 프레임 디자인 개발을 진행하였고, 그 이후 시제품 제작 전 진동 감쇄 실험, 인장강도 실험, 강성 실험 결과를 통해 CFRP CNT 소재로 디자인한 자전거 프레임은 강도 및 경량성 등 기능적 측면에서 기존 CNT 소재로 제작된 자전거 프레임보다 향상된 결과를 보여줌으로써 자전거 프레임에 적합하다는 결과를 얻었다.

Dynamic response of railway vehicles under unsteady aerodynamic forces caused by local landforms

  • Chen, Zhengwei;Liu, Tanghong;Li, Ming;Yu, Miao;Lu, Zhaijun;Liu, Dongrun
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2019
  • When a railway vehicle runs in crosswinds, the unsteady aerodynamic forces acting on the train induced by the vehicle speed, crosswind velocity and local landforms are a common problem. To investigate the dynamic performance of a railway vehicle due to the influence of unsteady aerodynamic forces caused by local landforms, a vehicle aerodynamic model and vehicle dynamic model were established. Then, a wind-loaded vehicle system model was presented and validated. Based on the wind-loaded vehicle system model, the dynamic response performance of the vehicle, including safety indexes and vibration characteristics, was examined in detail. Finally, the effects of the crosswind velocity and vehicle speed on the dynamic response performance of the vehicle system were analyzed and compared.

주상 복합 구조물에 적용된 중간층 면진 시스템의 성능 검토 (Control Performance Evaluation of Mid-Story Isolation System for Residence-Commerce Complex Building)

  • 박광섭;김윤태;김현수
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2019
  • A seismic isolation system is one of the most effective control devices used for mitigating the structural responses due to earthquake loads. This system is generally used as a type of base isolation system for low- and mid-rise building structures. If the base isolation technique is applied to high-rise buildings, a lot of problems may be induced such as the movement of isolation bearings during severe wind loads, the stability problem of bearings under large compression forces. Therefore, a mid-story isolation system was proposed for seismic protection of high-rise buildings. Residence-commerce complex buildings in Korea have vertical irregularity because shear wall type and frame type structures are vertically connected. This problem can be also solved by the mid-story isolation system. An effective analytical method using super elements and substructures was proposed in this study. This method was used to investigate control performance of mid-story isolation system for residence-commerce complex buildings subjected to seismic loads. Based on numerical analyses, it was shown that the mid-story isolation system can effectively reduce seismic responses of residence-commerce complex tall buildings.

An intelligent health monitoring method for processing data collected from the sensor network of structure

  • Ghiasi, Ramin;Ghasemi, Mohammad Reza
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.703-716
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    • 2018
  • Rapid detection of damages in civil engineering structures, in order to assess their possible disorders and as a result produce competent decision making, are crucial to ensure their health and ultimately enhance the level of public safety. In traditional intelligent health monitoring methods, the features are manually extracted depending on prior knowledge and diagnostic expertise. Inspired by the idea of unsupervised feature learning that uses artificial intelligence techniques to learn features from raw data, a two-stage learning method is proposed here for intelligent health monitoring of civil engineering structures. In the first stage, $Nystr{\ddot{o}}m$ method is used for automatic feature extraction from structural vibration signals. In the second stage, Moving Kernel Principal Component Analysis (MKPCA) is employed to classify the health conditions based on the extracted features. In this paper, KPCA has been implemented in a new form as Moving KPCA for effectively segmenting large data and for determining the changes, as data are continuously collected. Numerical results revealed that the proposed health monitoring system has a satisfactory performance for detecting the damage scenarios of a three-story frame aluminum structure. Furthermore, the enhanced version of KPCA methods exhibited a significant improvement in sensitivity, accuracy, and effectiveness over conventional methods.

Self-healing and leakage performance of cracks in the wall of a reinforced concrete water tank

  • Gao, Lin;Wang, Mingzhen;Guo, Endong;Sun, Yazhen
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.727-741
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    • 2019
  • A reinforced concrete water tank is a typical functional liquid storage structure and cracks are the greatest threat to the liquid storage structure. Tanks are readily cracked due to seismic activity, thereby leading to the leakage of the stored liquid and a loss of function. In order to study the effect of cracks on liquid storage tanks, self-healing and leakage tests for bending cracks and through cracks in the walls of a reinforced concrete water tank were conducted. Material performance tests were also performed. The self-healing performance of bending cracks in a lentic environment and through cracks in a lotic environment were tested, thereby the self-healing width of bending micro-cracks in the lentic environment in the short term were determined. The through cracks had the capacity for self-healing in the lotic environment was found. The leakage characteristics of the bending cracks and through cracks were tested with the actual water head on the crack. The effects on liquid leakage of the width of bending cracks, the depth of the compression zone, and the acting head were determined. The relationships between the leakage rate and time with the height of the water head were analyzed. Based on the tests, the relationships between the crack characteristics and self-healing as well as the leakage were obtained. Thereby the references for water tank structure design and grading earthquake damage were provided.