Damping-off of summer spinach caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 has become a very important disease. For the control of summer spinach damping-off, antifungal activity of thirteen fungicides (pencycuron, trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin, azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl, validamycin, fluazinam, Benlate-T, flutolanil, cyazofamid, hexaconazole, tebuconazole, prochloraz) were evaluated in vitro and in vivo. Pencycuron, pyraclostrobin, validamycin, fluazinam, Benlate-T, hexaconazole, tebuconazole, and flutolanil significantly suppressed the mycelial growth of the pathogenic fungus. However, trifloxystrobin, azoxystrobia kresoxim-methyl, cyazofamid, and prochloraz did not represent good inhibition on the growth of R. solani. When applied by soil drenching (2,000 mg/L), pencycuron, pyraclostrobin, validamycin, fluazinam, Benlate-T, and flutolanil provided spinach survival ratios of 97.8%, 84.4%, 93.3%, 95.6%, 91.1%, and 86.7%, respectively. Also when treated in seed at 2,000 ing/L, pencycuron and pyraclostrobin displayed survival ratios of more than 85.1%.