• 제목/요약/키워드: Using Motivation

검색결과 1,973건 처리시간 0.027초

Effect of Self-determination Motivation on Job Engagement and the Moderating Effect of Compensation Satisfaction in Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 자기결정성동기가 직무열의에 미치는 영향 및 보상 만족도의 조절효과)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Kim, Ji-Young;Ryu, See-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.173-184
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    • 2022
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was two-fold: to identify the effect of dental hygienist's self-determination motivation on their job engagement and to analyze the moderating effect of compensation satisfaction that affect the relevance. Methods : Data were collected using a structured self-report questionnaire administered to 260 dental hygienists working in dental hospitals and clinics in Busan, South Korea. These were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 26.0 and SPSS Process Macro 3.5. A frequency analysis, including the respondents' general characteristics, frequency, percentages, and standard deviations, was performed. A regression analysis was also performed using SPSS Process Macro to verify the moderating effect of compensation satisfaction in the effect of self-determination motivation on job engagement. Results : The self-determination motivation of the dental hygienists had a statistically significant positive effect on their job engagement, which was the dependent variable. Higher intangible compensation satisfaction levels led to a stronger effect of intrinsic motivation but a weaker effect of extrinsic motivation on job engagement. Moreover, higher tangible compensation satisfaction levels strengthened the effect of intrinsic motivation on job engagement. Conclusion : Recently, the demand for oral health care has been increasing, Competition in the dental medical service market warrants, high-quality dental services based on accurate diagnosis and treatment. In this context, dental hygienists' job engagement must be improved. For this purpose, increasing the satisfaction of dental hygienists with self-determination motivation and appropriate compensation is effective. In addition, attention must be paid to the moderating effect of compensation satisfaction on the relationship between intrinsic motivation and job engagement. On the basis of the implications of this study, the results can be used as basic data for improving dental hygienists' welfare system and manpower management.

The Influence of NCS (National Competency Standard) Food and Beverage Practice Class using the SCAMPER Method on Learning Motivation: Subject to Specialized High Schools

  • Jeong, Sangmin;Moon, Jinuk;Ha, Heon Su;Jung, Jihye
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the SCAMPER method which is a creative thinking method is applied in the food and beverage class of a specialized high school NCS study module to enhance creative thinking and investigate the influence on learning motivation of students. For verification, 10 sessions of 50 minutes classes were performed on 1, 2 grade students in H high school located in Gyeonggi-do Yangju City from August to November 2015 subject to 54 subjects in the experiment group and 54 subject in the control group. To look into the influence of the NCS food and beverage practice class using the SCAMPER method on learning motivation, pre post survey investigation was conducted on the students for measurements through surveys to deduct conclusions. As a result, it was verified that the NCS food and beverage practice class using the SCAMPER method had positive influence on the learning motivation of specialized high school students and positive change was also found in the awareness of SCAMPER method using classes and creative activities in the students. In this study, the influence of the NCS food and beverage practice class using the SCAMPER method on learning motivation subject to specialized high school students is investigated to have meaning as data to expand the research range of NCS food and beverage practice education.

Effect of Motivation, Leadership, and Organizational Culture on Satisfaction and Employee Performance

  • PAAIS, Maartje;PATTIRUHU, Jozef R.
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제7권8호
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    • pp.577-588
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    • 2020
  • The study investigates by empirical methods the effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational culture on job satisfaction, and employee performance at Wahana Resources Ltd North Seram District, Central Maluku Regency, Indonesia. This examination intends to be a critical review for academics researching the field of human resources management (HRM). The study's sample consisted of 155 employees who were selected using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method. At the same time, data were collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling on Amos. The results of data analysis showed that work motivation and organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on performance, but did not significantly influence employee job satisfaction. While leadership has a substantial impact on employee job satisfaction, it does not affect performance. The results of testing the coefficient of determination show that job satisfaction is influenced for 57.4% by motivation, leadership, and culture variables, while employee performance variables are influenced for 73.5% by motivation, leadership, culture, and job satisfaction variables. Other factors outside this study influence the rest. Motivation, leadership, and organizational culture of employees need to be improved to increase job satisfaction. Invariably, if employee job satisfaction increases, employee performance will also increase.

Comparison of Motivation of Choosing a Teaching Profession, Teacher Efficacy, and Satisfaction of Teaching Class by Motivation of Choosing a Teaching Profession Group among Pre-Health Education Teachers (예비 보건교사의 교직선택 동기, 교사효능감, 교직수업 만족도 연구: 교직선택 동기 그룹별 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Bo Kyung;Joung, Sunei
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the motivation of choosing a teaching profession, teacher efficacy, and satisfaction of teaching class of pre-health education teachers and compare the teacher efficacy, and satisfaction of teaching class by motivation of choosing a teaching profession group. Methods: The participants were 54 pre-health education teachers studying the teaching curriculum in 1 college located in S city. The collected data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis using SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. Results: The average motivation of choosing a teaching profession, teacher efficacy, satisfaction of teaching class were above medium. After cluster analysis, 3 distinct groups emerged: motivation of choosing a teaching profession high group, motivation of choosing a teaching profession middle group, motivation of choosing a teaching profession low group. And the results showed significant differences in teacher efficacy, satisfaction of teaching class according to motivation of choosing a teaching profession group. Conclusion: The findings indicate that motivation of choosing a teaching profession affect the teacher efficacy, satisfaction of teaching class. Therefore It is necessary to identify the variables that influence motivation of choosing a teaching profession.

Descriptive Study of Relationships between Depression, Family Support, and Rehabilitation-motivation in Patients with Cerebrovascular Accident (통원 뇌졸중 환자의 우울 및 가족 지지가 재활 동기에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hwa-Jin;Yi, Myung-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify relationships between depression, family support, and rehabilitation-motivation in patients with cerebrovascular accident. Method: The data were collected from 'S' hospital in Seoul from Feb. 1, 2004 to Apr. 30, 2004. The data were analyzed using a SPSS 10.0 program for descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression. Result: The results were as follows: The mean rehabilitation-motivation was 119.89, which was slightly high. The rehabilitation-motivation was influenced by religion, education level, occupation, economic status, treatment fee, duration of hospitalization, level of language ability and ADL. Rehabilitation-motivation has showed correlation with family support (r=.538, p=.000) and depression (r=-.417, p=.000). The variables related to rehabilitation-motivation were identified as family support, level of ADL, occupation, depression, and education level, using stepwise multiple regression. They were accounted for 57% of predictability of the rehabilitation-motivation, with the family support the highest at 29.3%. Conclusion: With increasing post stroke patients in Korea, we need to pay more attention to the rehabilitation of them. This study indicates that health professionals need to focus on the intervention especially in increasing family support and in decreasing depression of the patients with cerebrovascular accident.

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Micro Account Officer's Performance in New Era: Evidence from Banks in Indonesia

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제9권10호
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2022
  • Professional micro account officers create top-notch state-owned bank human resources using their knowledge, attitudes, characteristics, and talents. Therefore, it is vital to undertake study to ascertain how the performance of micro account officers will impact the personality and leadership style mediated through motivation. The goal of this study is to identify the mediated role of motivation (MOT) in the relationship between micro account officers' performance (citizenship behavior/CB) and leadership styles (LS) and personalities (BFP). Data was collected from 1.510 micro account officers of banks in Indonesia using the causal survey method to determine their citizenship behavior, leadership styles, personality, and role of motivation. The data collected was analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM), with the result that leadership style, personality, motivation, leadership style, and personality have a significant effect on motivation and citizenship behavior. The interesting findings are related to the role of leadership style, micro account officer's personality, and citizenship behavior mediated by motivation. It was determined that micro account officers' enhanced performance (CB) was assigned by taking into account how their perceived superordinate leadership style, whether transformational direction or reversely by transactional propensity, and features of micro account officer including their personality, which was affected by five factors as well would then be well mediated by motivation.

Employee Performance Distributions: Analysis of Motivation, Organizational Learning, Compensation and Organizational Commitment

  • Astri Ayu PURWATI;William WILLIAM;Muhammad Luthfi HAMZAH;Rosyidi HAMZAH
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aims to measuring the employee performance distributions of company in using relationship analysis between motivation, organization learning, compensation, and Organizational commitment. Research design and methodology: The study was conducted on 102 employees as a sample. Data were analyzed using Path Analysis in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with PLS. Results: the research result has shown that motivation and compensation have a positive significant effect on organizational commitment. While organizational learning has negative and insignificant effect on organizational commitment. Furthermore, motivation, organizational learning and motivation have no significant effect on employee performance distribution and organizational commitment has a positive significant effect on employee performance distribution. Results for mediating effect has obtained where organizational commitment mediates the effect of motivation and compensation on employee performance distribution, but cannot mediate the effect of organizational learning on employee performance distribution. Conclusion: Organizational commitment in this study can make employees feel comfortable and attached to the company so that employees can perform well to achieve company goals. Motivation and compensation are driving factors in improving employee performance distribution and will achieved if employees have good organizational commitment. In this study, organizational learning is not an important factor in improving employee performance distribution.

The Effects of Elderly's Motivation for Participating in Ball Game on Social Support and Subjective Happiness

  • Kim, Whabok;Park, Sunmun
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the elderly's motivation to participate in ball games on social support and subjective feelings of happiness. The subjects of this study were elderly people aged 65 or older who lived in Gwangju in 2020 and participated in the ball game movement. Besides, 150 males, 150 females, and 300 total subjects were selected using the convenient sampling method. The survey tool focuses on the motivation for participation in ball game movement, social support, and subjective happiness, and the data collected using this are used for the SPSS 20.0 version, and use statistics are processed according to the purpose of analysis. The results obtained through this research process are as follows. First, it was found that the elderly's motivation to participate in ball game exercise partially affected social support. Second, it was found that the elderly's motivation to participate in ball game exercises had a partial effect on subjective happiness. Third, it was found that the elderly's social support partially affected the subjective feelings of happiness.

The Effect of Tik Tok Users' Love Types on Love Videos' Motivation and User Satisfaction (틱톡(Tik Tok) 이용자의 연애유형이 연애 동영상의 이용 동기, 이용 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Zhao, Meng;Yang, Xi;Lee, Sang Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.703-720
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    • 2022
  • Based on the love styles theory used in psychology, this paper classifies users(Passionate Love, Game-playing Love, Friendship Love, Practical Love, Possessive Love, Altruistic Love) and investigates satisfaction with the motivation for using TikTok love videos(Entertainment, Social Relationship, Love skills-learning, Self-verification, Problem-solving) according to the theory of use and satisfaction. First, 414 users were selected to conduct TikTok surveys to collect data. Then, through the analysis of the research results, among the six love types, game-playing type and possessive type have a positive (+) impact on entertainment motivation and love skill-learning motivation. Game-playing type also have a positive (+) impact on social relationship motivation and self-verification motivation. In addition, altruistic type and possessive type are also factors to strengthen the motivation of self-verification. The altruistic type, possessive type and practical type will improve the problem-solving motivation. Finally, through hierarchial multiple regression analysis, it is confirmed that game-playing love type, entertainment motivation, love skill-learning motivation and self-verification motivation can improve user satisfaction. The above results enrich the research of user classification as well as providing inspiration for improving the quality and communication efficiency of TikTok's video and enhancing user experience.

Motivation in Using and Sharing Experience on Social Media among Multi-Generational Travelers

  • Hartijasti, Yanki;Cho, Namjae
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2018
  • Social media has been integrated into a part of travel industry. Subsequently, it has influenced tourists' travel behavior. Prior studies claim that individuals have different behaviors regarding the use of social media for travel purposes. With lack of studies focusing on age group, the objective of this study is to determine whether there is a difference in the motivation among three generations in using social media for the sake of sharing travel experiences. Finding shows that all generations use social media with similar motivation for travel purposes. They have high motivation in obtaining travel information before the trip and in sharing memorable travel experiences through social media. They also wanted to keep such information as personal document during and after the traveling.