• Title/Summary/Keyword: University curriculum

검색결과 6,336건 처리시간 0.029초

체육교육학과 전공교육과정의 스코프 및 시퀀스 분석 (The Analysis on Scope and Sequence of Physical Education Major Curriculum In Korea Universities)

  • 이은화;김인형
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.436-450
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze scope and sequence of undergraduate curricula in the department of physical education. For this purpose, this paper has used the types of undergraduate subjects, which are based on analysis tools on the scope and the sequence of the Department of Education major curriculum by Kim and Lee(2005). The major results of this study were as follows. First, the proportion of major content knowledge is far more pedagogical content knowledge. Second, the scope of Physical Education major curriculum is too much stressed on 'the subjects of major content' and on 'the subjects of specific area' than 'the subjects of major skills' and 'comprehensive problem solving'. Third, the Physical Education major curriculum has shown the specific sequence; introduction/foundation courses and theory courses, application courses orderly. Whileas, application course and synthesis course are slim to none.

Engineering Theory: A Conversational Bridge Between Theoreticians and Practitioners in Discussion of Curriculum Development and Dissemination as Used in the DASH Program

  • Pottenger III, Francis M.;Son, Yeon-A;Kim, Joo-Hoon;Park, Hyun-Ju
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.758-773
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    • 2004
  • This paper advances the thesis that the barrier separating curriculum theorists and practitioners is more than a difference in experiential and methodological orientation and is in part a product of a lack of appreciation of the complexities involved in curriculum development and dissemination. Discussed here is the possible use of engineering theory to facilitate meaningful communication and understanding about products and development. This work is an extension of the observation that curriculum development and dissemination can be characterized as an engineering process and shows how engineering theory provides connectivity between the multiple embedded domains of theory and of practice. To illustrate the thesis this paper offers an analysis of the Developmental Approaches in Science, Health, and Technology (DASH) program that has employed engineering theory in curriculum construction and dissemination. In this study, the role and place of engineering theory as applied to the DASH program is discussed to show how the components were designed and assembled into a fully functional curriculum and dissemination system. Engineering theory is presented as an interfacing organizer with the potential to facilitate meaningful communication between theorists and practitioners.

교육학과 전공교육과정의 조직요소 분석 - 교육과정 교과를 중심으로 - (The Analysis on Scope of Major Curriculum in Department of Education)

  • 송숙경;김현정;이은화
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.477-489
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    • 2010
  • This study tends to analyze the organizational factors of major curriculum of education department. For this, the education department's major curriculum of ten universities is analyzed in three levels. Subjects are analyzed for the high level, lesson plans for the middle level, and sub-topics for the low level. This study utilized the learning classified table of the Natioanl Research Foundation of Korea and the In-sil Chang's curriculum scope classified table. The results from the study are following. First, some subjects such as educational philosophy, educational psychology, life-long education take largest portions in the major curriculum of education department. Second. the history, the evaluation, and the definition and the scope of the education curriculum take greatest parts in the subject of education curriculum. It is expected that the findings of the study may provide the opportunities to introspect on the discussion and the organization of the educational directions and goals of education department.

기혼 여성들이 지각하는 고등학교 가정교과 교육과정의 유용성과 활용성 (Housewives' Recognition of Usefulness and Application of Home Economics Curriculum Educated in High School)

  • 윤정화;이지연;박명자
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.200-213
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness and application of home economics curriculum to housewives. For this research, a survey was conducted using questionnaires against 427 housewives living in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and other provinces. The data analysis of this study was verified by frequency, mean, t-test, and Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ coefficient by using SPSS 12.0 program. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, more than 88% of the housewives recognize that home economics curriculum is necessary. Second, as for the areas of the usefulness and application of home economics curriculum, housewives recognize the "family and child" area was most useful, followed by "food, nutrition & cookery", "consumer and family financial management", "housing and residential interior design", and "clothing care, apparel design and making" areas. Third, the better perceive the housewives think of the home economics curriculum, the higher is the appreciation of the curriculum. Based on this research, home economics curriculum was proved very important and necessary in everyday life for housewives.

한의대생들의 교육과정 만족도 영향 요인 연구 - 전북지역 W대학교 한의과대학 재학생을 중심으로 - (A Study on the perception of Korean Medicine Students' curriculum of Korean Medicine College)

  • 박영규;임규상
    • 대한한의학방제학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.253-266
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This is to analyze the factors affecting the satisfaction of curriculum at korean medicine college and suggest the direction of the curriculum reformation of korean medicine colleges. Method : The collected data were conducted multiple linear regression analysis using the SPSS ver.26 statistical program, using 'curriculum satisfaction' as a dependent variable after analyzing the frequency of each variable. Result : The average score for curriculum satisfaction at Korean Medicine college was 2.87 points, which was relatively low. The factors affecting the satisfaction of the curriculum were 'A favorable impression of Korean Medicine College of W University' β=0.351(p<.001), 'connectivity between major subjects' β=0.312(p<.001), 'duplex between major subjects' β=-0.163(p<.05), 'recognition of the importance of Chinese characters' β=0.114(p<.0.5). Conclusion : The curriculum of Korean Medicine College should first, be organized to allow students to be proud of themselves, second, the goal of education should set goals optimized for job competency, third, the content of learning should be consisted of student led problem based learning, fourth, the link between major subjects should be intensified, fifth, the clinical practice time should be expanded significantly and lastly the assessment evaluates the performance process.

Alignment between National College Entrance Examinations and Mathematics Curriculum Standards: A Comparative Analysis

  • Hong, Dae S.;Bae, Yejun;Wu, Yu-Fen
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈D:수학교육연구
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.153-174
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    • 2019
  • Measuring alignment of various educational components is an important issue in educational research because with aligned educational system, we can have clear expectations about what to teach and assess. In this study, we examined the alignment between mathematics curriculum standards and college entrance examinations from Korea and China. The results indicate that curriculum standards and high stakes assessments from both countries are not well aligned to each other. Their Surveys of Enacted Curriculum (SEC) indices were lower than what previous studies have found and the critical values (Fulmer, 2011; Liu & Fulmer, 2008; Liu et al., 2009). There are several topics that are not assessed in both countries' national assessments. Also, discrepancies between the most frequently covered topics in the curriculum standards and the most frequently assessed mathematical topics in the national assessments caused topic level misalignment. We also found misalignment in cognitive level. Both national assessments included more perform procedures and demonstrate understanding items than their respective curriculum standards. Thus, previous findings about the inclusion of more items with higher cognitive demand in assessments is only partially true for either country. With these results, it is difficult to say that whether mathematical topics in the curriculum standards appropriately represent and support students to do well on the CSAT and the NCEE or that the mathematical items in the CSAT and the NCEE validly assess students' level of mathematical understanding.

4차 산업혁명시대 무역인력양성 방향과 전략에 관한 연구 (The Direction & Strategy of Human Resources Development in Global Business Practise in the 4th Industrial Revolution)

  • 조원길
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes the trade issues and curriculum issues of universities in the 4th Industrial Revolution era with the aim of finding strategies to improve the curriculum of international commerce and to cultivate trade manpower by matching them with the trade job competencies required by trade enterprises. To this end, trade college students, GTEP partners, industry-academia partners, and expert groups of N university were asked to provide information on trade curriculum for the current curriculum. The resulting data were analyzed by questionnaire frequency analysis and FGI method to reveal that both students and graduates are interested in improving the trade curriculum of the university, and that companies are also demanding talents who are responsible for the comprehensive process of trade practice and can perform sincerely and comprehensively. Therefore, we have established a new curriculum that is suitable for the 4th industrial age, opened a certificate acquisition course suitable for the needs of the company, and developed the commercial practice, trade simulation, capstone design, and PBL teaching method. Ways are suggesting to reduce mismatch between universities and companies.

제7차 교육과정 실행에 관한 교사의 인식 분석 (A Study on Teachers' Perception of the 7th Curriculum Implementation)

  • 원효헌;김귀순
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.260-269
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the teachers' perception of the 7th curriculum implementation. The subjects were 540 elementary school teachers. Investigation was conducted with questionaires which have 40 questions in 4 domains about the 7th curriculum. The results of the study were as follows: First, teachers' perception level of curriculum implementation was mechanical use(level 3). Second, in the comparison of level by implementing domains, the domains of the essential, ideology, educational objectives and evaluation were lower than the domains of educational contents, teaching methods and materials. Third, in the comparison of teachers' personal characterristics, there was no difference between male and female in all domains. But, by teaching career, experienced teachers were higher level in all domains. Also by length of in-service training with the 7th curriculum, when they have longer in-service training, they showed a higher level of curriculum implementation.

한국 환경과 교육 과정의 패러다임 변화에 대한 역사적 고찰 (A Historical Study on the Paradigm Shift of Environment Subject Curriculum in Korea)

  • 이순철;최돈형
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to find historical paradigm shift of the environmental subject in Korean school curriculum. For the purpose, two research questions guided this study. First, we would like to find out the changes in environmental education curriculum by interpreting the Korean national curriculum. Second, we want to know about the paradigm shift of environment education in Korea. In this study, curriculum documents, teachers' guide books, textbooks, and other educational materials were used for literature review. The results are as follows: First, Robottom and Hart's frame of three paradigms in environmental education research, positivism, interpretivism and social criticism, was suitable in interpreting curriculum. Second, the curriculum of environment subject has substantially changed from 6th to 2007 revised curriculum. Third, while the 6th curriculum was strongly affected by the positivism and education 'about' the environment, the 7th curriculum had been influenced by the interpretivism and education 'in/through' the environment, and the 2007 revised curriculum is under the influence of the education 'for' the environment and social critical paradigm.

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'2007 개정' 중.고등학교 '환경'과 교육 과정 개발의 과정과 고시된 결과에 대한 고찰 (A Study on the Process of Developing the New National Curriculum of the 'Environment' Subject for Middle and High Schools and the Announced Results)

  • 최석진;이두곤;정철;이동엽;윤석희
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.108-122
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    • 2007
  • Recently, a new revised national curriculum('2007 Revised') of the 'Environment' subject for middle and high schools was announced, which is namely the 7th revised national curriculum. In the new national curriculum, the name of the 'environment' subject for middle schools has been unchanged, but the name of the subject for high schools has been changed from the 'Ecosystem & Environment' to 'Environment'. And some of the contents have been revised to incorporate the changed status of environmental education areas since the last announcement of the 'Environment' curriculum, which was in the late of 1997. Especially, in this new curriculum, the concept of the 'Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)' was implemented. The purpose of this research is to investigate the process of developing the new 'Environment' curriculum for middle and high schools and to examine the resulted, new revised curriculum. In order to do these, this research examined the main directions of the revision, compared the new announced curriculum with the current and the proposed one, which was researched by the authors in this article. And this research discussed the process and the announced results of the revised national curriculum of the 'Environment' subject.

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