• 제목/요약/키워드: Tropopause height

검색결과 9건 처리시간 0.025초

대칭적 이산화탄소 증감에 대한 대류권계면 높이의 비대칭적 반응 (Asymmetric Tropopause Height Change to Symmetric CO2 Change)

  • 정서현;손석우
    • 대기
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2024
  • It has been widely documented how climate systems respond to net zero carbon emissions. While the reversibility of surface climate variables under CO2 removal has been reported, tropopause height change has not been addressed. By using multi-model simulations where CO2 concentrations are symmetrically ramped up and down, the present study investigates how zonal-mean temperature distribution and tropopause height respond to varying CO2 pathway. During the ramp-up period, tropospheric warming and stratospheric cooling get strengthened, causing tropopause to rise in both the tropics and extratropics. Such changes are reversed during the ramp-down period as CO2 concentrations are reduced. However, their recovery is slower, leaving the tropopause height at the end of CO2 removal higher than its initial state. Such asymmetric response in tropopause height is mainly attributable to upper tropospheric rather than lower stratospheric temperature changes. This finding suggests that hysteresis behavior of climate systems to CO2 removal may occur not only at the surface but also at the tropopause.

HadGEM2-AO를 이용한 연직기온 분포와 대류권계면 높이 변화 미래전망 (Vertical Distribution of Temperature and Tropopause Height Changes in Future Projections using HadGEM2-AO Climate Model)

  • 이재호;백희정;조천호
    • 대기
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.367-375
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    • 2013
  • We present here the future changes in vertical distribution of temperature and tropopause height using the HadGEM2-AO climate model forced with Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenarios. Projected changes during the 21st century are shown as differences from the baseline period (1971~2000) for global vertical distribution of temperature and tropopause height. All RCP scenarios show warming throughout the troposphere and cooling in the stratosphere with amplified warming over the lower troposphere in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes. Upper troposphere warming reaches a maximum in the tropics at the 300 hPa level associated with lapse-rate feedback. Also, the cooling in the stratosphere and the warming in the troposphere raises the height of the tropopause.

Aqua 위성 AMSU-A 고도별 온도자료를 이용한 열적 대류권계면 고도 산출 및 활용 (Retrieval of Thermal Tropopause Height using Temperature Profile Derived from AMSU-A of Aqua Satellite and its Application)

  • 조영준;신동빈;권태영;하종철;조천호
    • 대기
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2014
  • In this study, thermal tropopause height defined from WMO (World Meteorological Organization) using temperature profile derived from Advance Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A; hereafter named AMSU) onboard EOS (Earth Observing System) Aqua satellite is retrieved. The temperature profile of AMSU was validated by comparison with the radiosonde data observed at Osan weather station. The validation in the upper atmosphere from 500 to 100 hPa pressure level showed that correlation coefficients were in the range of 0.85~0.97 and the bias was less than 1 K with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of ~3 K. Thermal tropopause height was retrieved by using AMSU temperature profile. The bias and RMSE were found to be -5~ -37 hPa and 45~67 hPa, respectively. Correlation coefficients were in the range of 0.5 to 0.7. We also analyzed the change of tropopause height and temperature in middle troposphere in the extreme heavy rain event (23 October, 2003) associated with tropopause folding. As a result, the distinct descent of tropopause height and temperature decrease of ~8 K at 500 hPa altitude were observed at the hour that maximum precipitation and maximum wind speed occurred. These results were consistent with ERA (ECMWF Reanalysis)-Interim data (potential vorticity, temperature) in time and space.

극저기압에 의한 한반도 강설 발달기구 분석 (Analysis of Snowfall Development Mechanism over the Korean Peninsula due to Polar Low)

  • 김진연;민기홍
    • 한국지구과학회지
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    • 제34권7호
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    • pp.645-661
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구에서는 2010년 12월 27일부터 28일까지 서울을 포함한 수도권 지역에 많은 강설을 일으킨 사례의 종관적, 열역학적 및 역학적 특징을 조사하였다. 이 사례는 극저기압으로 분류할 수 있는 특성을 지녔다. 분석에 사용된 자료는 지상 및 상층 일기도, 강설량, 해수면온도, 위성사진, 연직프로파일 및 미국 국립환경예측센터의 전구 $1^{\circ}{\times}1^{\circ}$ 재분석자료 등이다. 극저기압은 대기 하층에서 양의 경압성이 강하게 나타나며 925 hPa에 온난이류가, 700 hPa에 한랭이류가 있어 조건부 불안정층이 뚜렷하게 보이는 곳에서 형성되는 것으로 사료된다. 극저기압의 발달기구는 대류권계면 접힘에 의한 성층권 공기의 유입과 그에 따른 위치 소용돌이도의 증가로 하층에 수렴과 저기압성 순환의 유발에 기인한다. 이는 눈구름의 발달로 이어져 서울 지역에는 10 cm, 남부지방에는 최고 20 cm까지 적설을 보였다. 강설의 발달기간동안 상층 500 hPa에는 $-45^{\circ}C$의 한랭핵이 존재하였고 단파골과 지상 기압골간의 위상차도 $3-5^{\circ}$를 이루어 극저기압이 온난역의 저기압성 소용돌이도 이류 지역에서 발달할 수 있었다. 발달의 최성기에는 역학적 대류권계면이 700 hpa까지 하강하였고 위치소용돌이도의 증가로 상승기류도 강화되었다. 전반적으로 강설의 발생과 대류권계면의 파상운동과는 깊은 관련을 보였다. 극저기압이 한반도를 통과하는 동안 대류권계면이 하강하는 지점의 동쪽에 소용돌이도와 상승기류가 강화되었고 동시에 많은 습기가 이류되는 곳에서 강설량도 최대로 나타났다.

2011년 2월 11~12일 부산 근해에서 발달한 극저기압에 대한 사례연구 (A Case Study on the Polar Low Developed over the Sea Near Busan on 11~12 February 2011)

  • 이재규;김해민;김유진
    • 대기
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.301-319
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    • 2016
  • The evolutionary process of the polar low, which caused the heavy snowfall in the East Coast area on 11~12 February 2011, was investigated to describe in detail using synoptic weather charts, satellite imageries, and ERA (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Re-Analysis) -Interim reanalysis data. It was revealed that 1) the polar low was generated over the sea near Busan where a large cyclonic shear in the inverted trough branched from the parent low existed, 2) during the developing and mature stages, there was a convectively unstable region in the lower layer around the polar low and its south side, 3) the polar low was developed in the region where the static stability in the 500~850 hPa layer was the lowest, 4) the result from the budget analysis of the vorticity equation indicated that the increase in the vorticity at the lower atmosphere, where the polar low was located, was dominated mainly by the stretching term, 5) the warm core structure of the polar low was identified in the surface-700 hPa layer during the mature stage, 6) there was a close inverse relationship between a development of the polar low and the height of the dynamic tropopause over the polar low, and 7) for generation and development of the polar low, large-scale circulation systems, such as upper cold low and its combined short wave trough, major low (parent low), and polar air outbreak, should be presented, indicating that the polar low has the nature of the baroclinic disturbance.

대류권계면 접힘에 의한 영동지방 집중호우사례의 특성분석 (An analysis of Characteristics of Heavy Rainfall Events over Yeongdong Region Associated with Tropopause Folding)

  • 이혜영;고혜영;김경익;윤일희
    • 한국지구과학회지
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.354-369
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    • 2010
  • 2006년 10월 22일에서 24일에 걸쳐 한반도 강릉지역에서 강한 집중호우가 발생했다. 이 기간에 대해서 집중호우가 발생하기 전과 강우강도가 가장 강했을 때 나타나는 종관적, 운동학적 특성을 조사하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 지상일기도, 상층일기도, 적외위성영상, 자동기상관측장비(AWS) 자료, NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction) 전구분석자료를 이용하였다. 분석 기간 동안 강릉에서 관측된 총 강수량은 316.5 mm이고, 최대 순간풍속은 $63.7m\;s^{-1}$이다. 일기도를 분석해보면 집중호우가 시작하기 전 온대저기압이 한반도 중부에서 발달하였으며 한반도 북부에 역전기압골이 형성되어 있다. 또한 300 hPa 상층일기도에서는 서해와 한반도 남부에 제트기류가 위치하며, 위치 소용돌이도 이상과 관련된 절리 저기압이 한반도 북서부에서 발달하고 있다. 강우강도가 가장 강했을 때의 특성을 좀 더 자세히 알아보기 위하여 강릉지역의 위치 소용돌이도 이상과 바람, 위치 소용돌이도의 시간-연직 단면도, 연직운동, 발산장과 수렴장, 역학적 온위의 연직분포에 대해 조사하였다. 종관적, 운동학적 과정을 분석해 본 결과 대류권계면 접힘이 집중호우 발생에 큰 역할을 한 것으로 사료된다.

Hadley Circulation Strength Change in Response to Global Warming: Statistics of Good Models

  • Son, Jun-Hyeok;Seo, Kyong-Hwan
    • 대기
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.665-672
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we examine future changes in the Hadley cell (HC) strength using CMIP5 climate change simulations. The current study is an extension of a previous study by Seo et al. that used all 30 available models. Here, we select 18-23 well-performing models based on their significant internal sensitivity of the interannual HC strength variation to the latitudinal temperature gradient variation. The model projections along with simple scaling analysis show that the inter-model variability in the HC strength change is a result of the inter-model spread in the meridional temperature gradient across the subtropics for both DJF and JJA, not by the tropopause height or gross static stability change. The HC strength is expected to weaken significantly during DJF, while little change is expected in the JJA HC strength. Compared to the calculations with all model members, selected model statistics increase the linear correlation between the changes in HC strength and meridional temperature gradient by 13~23%, confirming the robust sensitivity of the HC strength to the meridional temperature gradient. Two scaling equations for the selected models predict changes in HC strength better than all-member predictions. In particular, the prediction improvement in DJF is as high as 30%. The simple scaling relations successfully predict both the ensemble-mean changes and model-to-model variations in the HC strength for both seasons.

광학입자계수기를 이용한 안면도 연직 에어러솔 수농도 크기 분포 특성 (Features on the Vertical Size Distribution of Aerosols using Ballon-borne Optical Particle Counter at Anmyeon)

  • 최병철;;임재철;정상부;김윤석;;;;김상백;홍기만;이영곤;유희정
    • 대기
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.149-153
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    • 2005
  • A balloon-borne Optical Particle Counter (hereafter "OPC Sonde"), which was developed by the atmospheric research group of Nagoya University, is used for getting the information of vertical profile of particle size and concentration in Anmyeon ($36^{\circ}32^{\prime}N$ $126^{\circ}19^{\prime}E$) on 18 March 2005. A range of five different particle sizes is shown in the vertical profile of aerosol number density estimated from the OPC Sonde. It was found that small size particles have vertically larger aerosol number density than relatively big ones. For all size ranges the vertical aerosol number density shows a decreased pattern as the altitude becomes higher. The aerosol number density of $0.3{\sim}0.5{\mu}m$, $0.5{\sim}0.8{\mu}m$, $0.8{\sim}1.2{\mu}m$ size ranges at the 10km height, which is the tropopause approximately, are $1,000,000ea/m^3$, $100,000ea/m^3$, $10,000ea/m^3$ respectively. The data of OPC Sonde are also compared with the data of PM10 $\beta$-ray) and Micro Pulse Lidar which are operating at Korea Global Atmosphere Watch Observatory in Anmyeon.

2016년과 2018년 한반도 폭염의 특징 비교와 분석 (Characteristics and Comparison of 2016 and 2018 Heat Wave in Korea)

  • 이희동;민기홍;배정호;차동현
    • 대기
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed and compared development mechanisms leading to heat waves of 2016 and 2018 in Korea. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis Interim (ERA Interim) dataset and Automated Surface Observing System data are used for synoptic scale analysis. The synoptic conditions are investigated using geopotential height, temperature, equivalent potential temperature, thickness, potential vorticity, omega, outgoing longwave radiation, and blocking index, etc. Heat waves in South Korea occur in relation to Western North Pacific Subtropical High (WNPSH) pressure system which moves northwestward to East Asia during summer season. Especially in 2018, WNPSH intensified due to strong large-scale circulation associated with convective activities in the Philippine Sea, and moved farther north to Korea when compared to 2016. In addition, the Tibetan high near the tropopause settled over Northern China on top of WNPSH creating a very strong anticyclonic structure in the upper-level over the Korean Peninsula. Unlike 2018, WNPSH was weaker and centered over the East China Sea in 2016. Analysis of blocking indices show wide blocking phenomena over the North Pacific and the Eurasian continent during heat wave event in both years. The strong upper-level ridge which was positioned zonally near 60°N, made the WNPSH over the South Korea stagnant in both years. Analysis of heat wave intensity (HWI) and duration (HWD) show that HWI and HWD in 2018 was both strong leading to extreme high temperatures. In 2016 however, HWI was relatively weak compared to HWD. The longevity of HWD is attributed to atmosphere blocking in the surrounding Eurasian continent.