• 제목/요약/키워드: Tree History Management

검색결과 51건 처리시간 0.022초

컴포넌트 기반 방법론 및 핸드헬드형 RFID를 이용한 수목 생육 관리 시스템 (Tree Growth Management System using Hand-Held Type RFID based on CBD Methodolgy)

  • 정세훈;권용욱;심춘보
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2011
  • The many cities are changing in the city form where the person and nature are mixed. Namely, the government invests many expense in tree field of distance space for the change in the green city. In this paper, we design and implement a tree growth management system using PDA built in 13.56MHz RFID reader and CBD(Component Based Development) for ubiquitous computing environments. Our system provides history management to increase business efficiency for location coordinate of tree and history information of tree which using RFID, the RFlD tag is attaching the new tree and that is inputting GPS location information in PDA and provides tree information of tree by location coordinate to history management. Finally, we show from a performance analysis that our system achieves about 85% average tree read rate of RFID under test scenario environments.

Selection of Tree History Management System Items for Analyzing the Causes of Landscape Tree Defects in an Apartment Complex

  • Park, Sang Wook
    • 인간식물환경학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.347-362
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    • 2020
  • Background and objective: It is difficult to conclusively determine the exact cause of tree defects since multiple causes are involved such as climate change, plantation, tree quality and planting time, construction, planting base, drainage, sunshine conditions, maintenance, and microclimate. The data related to landscaping construction defects are scattered or fragmented by companies and years, but not managed systematically by the defect information management system. Most of the earlier studies associated with tree defects in apartment complexes suggested defect rates after examining tree defects in the completed construction site and proposed fragmentary and subjective conclusions about the causes of defects observed in trees with high defect rates. It is proposed to continue to conduct studies on the establishment and analysis of systematic databases to identify the exact causes of tree defects and measures to improve, and the need to accumulate systematic data in the construction process where many defects arises. This study was conducted to reduce the defects of trees planted in apartment complexes. Methods: Main factors related to tree defects were subdivided based on the results of literature review and a defect investigation at the completion site, and tree history management items were selected and subdivided during the construction stage. Results: The criteria for the preparation of subdivided items were obtained, and the tree history management checklist was written for the site under actual construction and a systematic database was established. Items that are categorized based to the causes of defects include the location of nurseries, date, tree quality, site conditions, planting techniques, microclimates, and maintenance. Conclusion: This study suggested tree history management items based on the tree defects that can be identified at the construction stage and applied them to the selected study site, which differentiates this study from earlier studies. It will be necessary to conduct a comprehensive and objective time series analysis on tree defects that occur over time by continuously monitoring and collecting data after construction.

RFID 기반 문화재 복원용 임목 이력 정보 시스템의 설계 및 구현 (Design and Implementation of RFID based Tree History Information System for Cultural Heritage Restoration)

  • 김삼근;문일환;박재표
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제35권9B호
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    • pp.1360-1368
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    • 2010
  • 최근 RFID 기술이 발전함에 따라 그 부가가치가 부각되고 있는 문화재 복원용 임목(금강송) 또는 보호수 등의 주요 임목에 대한 이력 및 위치 정보를 전자적으로 관리할 수 있는 서비스에 대한 요구가 증가하고 있다. 하지만 기존의 주요 임목 정보 관리 체계는 대상 임목의 이력 정보를 도면과 문서대장을 이원화하여 수기 중심으로 관리하거나, 또는 임목 정보를 한정된 PDA의 저장소에 데이터 파일 형태로 보관하여 내부업무로 컴퓨터에 입력 및 계산을 통하여 자료화하는 구조로 관리되어 왔다. 이러한 관리 구조는 대상 임목의 이력 및 위치 정보를 파악하는데 확장성과 범위성 측면에서 많은 어려움을 내포하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 RFID 기반의 문화재 복원용 임목 이력 정보 시스템을 설계 및 구현하였다. 제안 시스템의 특징으로는 문화재 복원용 임목 위치 및 이력 정보를 기존의 수기 중심의 시스템보다 체계적이고 효과적으로 관리할 수 있게 지원해주는 것이며, 또한 서비스 대상의 임목정보를 제공 및 관리할 수 있도록 무선인터넷 또는 무선 랜을 이용한 모바일 RFID 서비스를 구현하여 업무 프로세스를 개선하는 것이다. 제안한 시스템의 특징을 구현을 통하여 확인하였다.

경상남도 천연기념물 노거수의 생육환경 연구 (Growth Conditions of Natural Monument Old Big Trees in Gyeongsangnamdo, Korea)

  • 김효정
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2011
  • Old big tree transcends the simple meaning of trees as they are the natural monuments that embody the people's history and culture of this land. The Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea(CHA) defines and protects old big tree based not only on the size of the tree but also on its definitive cultural and natural factors such as value, implications, and originality. This research aims to identify and analyze the growth conditions, soil conditions and location character of 20 old big tree in Gyeongsangnamdo korea. The research examined the soundness of the arboreal form, the degree of damage on the bark, as well as the quantity of leafs levels to evaluate the overall condition of growth and development. Also, 9 elements such as soil texture, nitrogen and organic matter content, soil pH, phosphoric acid and EC were further analyzed The research analyzed in correlation of Growth condition and soil. Tree health related positivity that total nitrogen and organic matter. The result which analyzes location character, With natural monument old big trees raising a hand the area where is contiguous appeared with the fact that the farming village style where the rice field and the arable land of field etc. This research aimed at generating some foundational reference data for the analysis of the habitation and management conditions of natural monument old big tree within the Gyeongsangnamdo korea.

Rend 3D R-tree : 3D R-tree 기반의 이동 객체 데이터베이스 색인구조 연구 (Rend 3D R-tree: An Improved Index Structure in Moving Object Database Based on 3D R-tree )

  • 임향초;임기욱;남지은;이경오
    • 한국정보처리학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보처리학회 2008년도 추계학술발표대회
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    • pp.878-881
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    • 2008
  • To index the object's trajectory is an important aspect in moving object database management. This paper implements an optimizing index structure named Rend 3D R-tree based on 3D R-Tree. This paper demonstrates the time period update method to reconstruct the MBR for the moving objects in order to decrease the dead space that is produced in the closed time dimension of the 3D R-tree, then a rend method is introduced for indexing both current data and history data. The result of experiments illustrates that given methods outperforms 3D R-Tree and LUR tree in query processes.

의사결정을 위한 콘크리트댐 위험요인 분석 (Risk Factor Analysis of Concrete Dam for Decision Making)

  • 임정열;장봉석
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2006년도 춘계학술발표회 논문집(I)
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    • pp.554-557
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    • 2006
  • For various historical and technical reasons, the safety of dams has been controlled by an engineering standards-based approach, which has been developed over many years, initially for the design of new dams, but increasingly applied over the past few decades to assess the safety of existing dams. And some countries were asked for risk assessment on existing dam, which included structural, hydraulic safety of dam and social risk. Whereas other countries have developed and adapted as an additional tool to assist in decision-making for dam safety management. Dam risk analysis should need the reliability data of dam failures, the past constructed history and management records of existing dam. It is thought with risk analysis method of dams for structural safety management in domestic that suitable to use consider an event tree, fault tree and conditioning indexes method.

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서울시 보호수를 대상으로 한 노거수 공간의 문화적 활용 가치 연구 (Utilization of the Old Big Tree and Its Surrounding Space Pertaining to Cultural Value in Seoul)

  • 정욱주;윤상준
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.215-233
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    • 2014
  • Seoul is an ancient city with a long history but there is hesitancy over referring to as a historic city due to the lack of traceable historic urban landscape elements which resulted from numerous invasions and general destruction. From a diachronic perspective, the nature which was survived the influence of development, could be the key element that links the past with the city's radically changed image in modern times. Although "old big trees" may be not a dominant influence with regards to the historical authenticity of the city, they are objects which contribute towards the historical authenticity by providing a sense of place in terms of connected narratives, as well as their natural image. However, the protection policy for an "old big tree" would place too much emphasis on the aspect of the ecological value rather than its cultural value. Generally, trees have been protected by installing a fence and a signboard around them as well as receiving additional care. However, it is difficult to find that surrounding space around the "law-protected tree" is connected with its original historical and cultural values. Even though the space around trees are no longer utilized in the same way as was so in the past, they still have high-potential in terms of cultural utilization. Therefore, the subject of this study is the "old big tree" as a natural object which contributed to the historical authenticity of Seoul. The current status of these "old big trees", aged between 100 and 800 years old, currently indicate that there are 215 trees designated as "law-protected tree" by the Seoul metropolitan government. This study aims to investigate the status of protection and utilization of the existing "law-protected trees" in the city of Seoul and find a way to increase both ecological preservation and cultural utilization for the high-potential "law-protected trees" within the city itself. In order to achieve this, previously researched papers shall be reviewed and surveyed pertaining to present usage patterns of the 215 "law-protected trees". In addition, five cases have been reviewed which focus on a few of utilizing the "protected trees" and their surrounding spaces. The results of the research indicate that 21 "old big trees" have high-potential in terms of cultural utilization as well as ecological value. However, it was revealed that there are limitations to pursue the value of preservation and utilization simultaneously throughout current regimental management. In order to cope with the current situation, it is pointed out that management facilities should be designed and installed by creative and flexible methods of organizing with consideration to the surrounding space and context. Even though in the case where there may not be a connecting history or legendary stories, the "old big trees" can serve as the fundamental features of small scale parks -dependent on their location, condition and environment- which will be of value to the local communities. This study could serve as a practical reference for the management and utilization of "old big trees" nationwide with numbers reaching 12,300 besides the city of Seoul.

고문헌 고찰을 통한 중국 가로수의 역사에 대한 연구 (A Study on the History of Chinese Roadside Tree through Old Literatures Review)

  • 종타오;안계복
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 중국 가로수의 역사에 대한 체계적인 연구를 위하여 사상적 배경과 각 시대별 가로수의 식재 수종, 그리고 가로수의 관리제도 등에 대한 고문헌들의 분석을 수행하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 춘추전국시대의 제자백가 가운데 노자, 장자, 묵자, 맹자, 관자의 사상이 중국의 수목과 가로수의 관리에 대한 근본적인 태도 형성에 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 시대별 가로수의 수종은 상이한 것으로 나타났으며, 그 중에 가장 많이 심겨진 수종은 버드나무류, 그 다음은 소나무류인 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 주(周)나라 때부터 명나라에 이르기까지 복숭아나무와 자두나무 같은 유실수(有實樹)가 가로수로 많이 활용된 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 가로수의 명칭과 가로수를 담당하던 관리는 시대별로 다른 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 현재 중국에 남아 있는 가장 오래된 가로수 유적으로는 약 2,000년이 된 사천성(四川省)의 검각취운랑을 들 수 있다.

데이터 마이닝을 이용한 당뇨환자의 관리요인에 관한 연구 (A Study on Factors of Management of Diabetes Mellitus using Data Mining)

  • 김유미;장동민;김성수;박일수;강성홍
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.1100-1108
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구의 목적은 당뇨환자 관리와 관련된 요인을 규명하는데 있다. 2005년 국민건강 영양조사에 참여한 20세 이상의 성인 당뇨환자를 대상으로 하였다. 데이터마이닝 기법을 이용하여 로지스틱 회귀모형, 의사결정나무, 신경망 모형으로 당뇨환자관리모형을 개발한 결과 의사결정나무가 가장 설명력이 뛰어났다. 당뇨인지율과 관련된 요인으로는 연령, 거주지 및 직업이었고 중 연령이 가장 중요한 요인으로 나타났다. 당뇨치료율과 관련된 요인으로는 당뇨인지여부, 거주지 및 직업이었고 그 중 당뇨인지여부가 가장 중요한 변수로 나타났다. 당뇨환자의 관리프로그램은 당뇨환자의 특성별 군집으로 분류하고 그에 따라 관리해야 한다.

가뭄관리를 위한 수문학적 의사결정에 관한 연구 : 2. 가뭄관리를 위한 의사결정 방법 (A Study on the Hydrologic Decision-Making for Drought Management : 2. Decision-Making Method for Drought Management)

  • 강인주;윤용남
    • 한국수자원학회논문집
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.597-609
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구에서는 과거 가뭄분석에 의해 가뭄관리 기준을 설정하고 가룰 진행 상황에 따라 가룸을 감시 및 관리하는 의사결정 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 의사결정분기도를 작성하여 분석을 수행하고, 가뭄의 정도에 따라 구체적인 단계별 조치방안을 제안한다. 즉, 월강수의 전이확률과 강수량에 의하여 의사결정분기도를 작성하여 분석을 수행함으로써 가뭄의 진행상황을 파악해 가뭄주의보, 가뭄경보, 가뭄의 비상대책 등 3가지의 단계별 조치기준을 설정하는 것이다. 본 연구에서 제안된 방법은 다근 지역에서도 이용이 가능할 뿐 아니라 목적에 따라 분기도를 변환하여 이용할 수도 있을 것이다. 또한 지속적으로 기상자료를 보완하여 월 Parmer 지수(PDSI)의 등급 선정과 깅수량 분석을 수행할수 있어 보완된 의사결정분기도에 의한 기준값을 제공함으로써 계속적인 가뭄관리가 가능할 것으로 판단된다.