• Title/Summary/Keyword: Transplanting of seedling

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The Growth of Cucumber Seedlings Grown in Paper Pot Trays Affected by Nutrient Management During Seedling Period, Seedling Age, and Night Temperature After Transplanting (종이포트 묘 육묘시 양분관리, 육묘일수 및 정식 후 야온에 따른 오이의 생육)

  • Jang, Yoonah;An, Sewoong;Chun, Hee;Lee, Hee Ju;Wi, Seung Hwan
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.396-403
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the growth of grafted cucumber seedlings in biodegradable paper pot trays influenced by seedling age, nutrient management before transplanting, and night temperature after transplanting. Grafted cucumber seedlings in paper pot trays were supplied with different nutrient solution concentrations of 0.5 x full strength (S) (EC $0.8dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$), 1.0S(EC $1.6dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$), 2.0S(EC $3.2dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$) two times a week until transplanting. 26, 33, 40, and 47 day-old cucumber grafted seedlings were transplanted and grown at three levels of night temperature (10, 15, and $25^{\circ}C$) during ten days. Increasing nutrient solution concentration enhanced the shoot length, number of leaves, leaf area, dry weight, and relative growth rate of seedlings. With increasing seedling age, the differences in growth were greater among nutrient treatments. The dry matter percentage increased with the seedling age, but was lower with higher nutrient concentration. The specific leaf area showed the opposite results. In cucumbers transplanted at 26- or 33-day seedling ages, night temperature did not affect the growth at ten days after transplanting. However, the growth of 40 or 47 day-old seedling decreased at $10^{\circ}C$. Compared with $25^{\circ}C$, the dry weight of cucumbers transplanted at 40- or 47-day seedling ages was depressed by 58% or 71%, respectively, at $10^{\circ}C$. Accordingly, it was concluded that the optimum nutrient solution concentrations and seedling age for the production of grafted cucumber seedlings in biodegradable paper pot trays can be 1.0S and about 30 days, respectively, and night temperature should be maintained at the range of $15-25^{\circ}C$ for promoting the growth after transplanting.

Effect of Initial Seedling Size and Root Pruning Intensity on Above-ground and Root Development in Quercus serrata Seedlings after Transplanting (초기 묘목크기와 단근강도가 이식 후 졸참나무의 지상부 및 뿌리발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Na, Sung-Joon;Kim, In-Sik;Lee, Do-Hyung;Lee, Wi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to determine the optimum intensity of root pruning and the initial seedling size of 1-year-old Quercus serrata for producing 2-year-old healthy seedlings. Large( > 26 cm hight) and small size ( < 24 cm hight) seedlings were pruned their root by the length of 5, 10, and 15cm and then transplanted on nursery. Stem height, root-collar diameter(RCD), height to RCD ratio(H/D ratio), shoot dry weight(DW) and root development were measured during first growing season after transplanting. Seedling size and pruning intensity influenced on shoot growth such as height, RCD, H/D ratio and DW after transplanting. In addition, the development of lateral roots such as number, length, DW and diameter were affected by the seedling size. Taproot pruned by 15cm was shown excellent above-ground growth in large seedling group, but pruned by 10 and 15cm showed respectively better shoot growth in small seedling group. Large seedlings increased their above-ground growth, taproot regrowth, and number of lateral roots more than those of the small seedlings. But the length and DW of lateral roots were increased in the small seedlings. In conclusion, in order to produce high quality 2-year-old seedlings, it is important to produce large size of Q. serrata seedlings. Also root pruning length of 1-year-old Q. serrata was reasonable on 15 cm in taller than 26 cm or 10cm in less than the height.

Weed Occurrence and Competitive Characteristic under Different Cultivation Types of Rice(Oyriza sativa L.) - 1. Distribution and Dominance of Weed and Rice (수도(水稻) 재배유형별(栽培類型別) 잡초발생양상(雜草發生樣相)과 경합특성(競合特性) - 제(第) 1 보(報). 잡초발생양상(雜草發生樣相)과 우점도(優占度) 변이(變異))

  • Im, I.B.;Guh, J.O.;Park, K.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 1993
  • Differences in weed occurrence was investigated among five types of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation. The five types employed were three transplanting cultivations such as conventional hand transplanting, machine transplanting with 30-day-old seedling, and machine transplanting with 10-day-old seedling and two direct-seedings such as flood direct-seeded rice by pregerminated seed and dry direct-seeded rice by dry seed. Weed specie, occurred varied from 7 to 20, depending on the different cultivation types. Weeds were more diverse in transplanting with l0-day-old seedling than in other transplanting cultivations and in direct-seeding than in transplanting practice. Dominant weed species also varied with cultivation types. In transplanting cultivations Scirpus juncoides Roxb., Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv., and Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi were dominant, whereas occurrence of annual weeds such as Cyperus difformis L. and Monochoria vaginalis Presl. aside from the three weed species increased in direct-seeded cultivations.

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Effect of Ceramics on Growth of Rice Seedlings for Machine Transplanting (벼 기계이앙용 상자묘 생육에 미치는 세라믹 분말의 효과)

  • 이철원;한충수;손석용
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.141-145
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    • 1997
  • The long wave infrared which is ranged to 4~1, 000 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ is a kind of electromagnetic wave, and the wave is being absorbed by higher plant easily. The absorbed wave in the plant promotes the metabolism of plant cell by way of resonance with the water molecules of plant cell. This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of long wave infrared radiation ceramic on growth of rice seedling, and to make the optimum mixture rate of ceramic powder when ceramics was mixed with bed soil at 4, 8, 12, 16% levels for machine transplanting. The results of this study indicate that the growth of the seedling significantly higher in the treatment sites than that of control sites. However, there was no significant differences in dry matter weight between the treatment and control sites. At the 9.6% mixing ratio, the highest growth of rice seedling was found.

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Effects of the Loess Coating on Seed Germination and Seedling Growths of the Eelgrass, Zostera marina

  • Park, Jung-Im;Lee, Kun-Seop
    • ALGAE
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.141-146
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    • 2007
  • Seagrass bed is an important component in coastal and estuarine ecosystems, providing food and habitats to a wide variety of marine organisms. Recently, seagrass coverage has declined significantly due to anthropogenic impacts such as cultural eutrophication and reclamation, and thus efforts are under way to prevent further losses and restore disturbed seagrass habitats worldwide. Seagrass transplantation techniques for habitat restoration include vegetative and seed-based methods. Seagrass seeds can be collected easily, and sowing seeds is an economically effective method for large-scale restoration. However, large numbers of seed can be lost by seed predation and physical disturbance in the planting areas. In the present study, Zostera marina seeds were coated with loess to reduce seed loss by predation and sweeping away by the water currents, and germination rates of coated seeds and seedling growth were examined to assess the feasibility of the seed-coating method for large-scale restoration. Germination rate of the coated seeds with loess was significantly higher than that of the uncoated seeds. Additionally, seedling growths were not significantly different between the coated and the uncoated seeds. These results suggest that coating of eelgrass seeds with loess enhances success of seed germintion with no harmful effects on seedling growth. Therefore, the seed coating method using loess may be an effective and applicable seedbased transplanting technique for large-scale restoration.

Study on the Bottom Watering for Growing of Tobacco Seedling I. Effect of Bottom Watering on Seedling Growth arid Temperature of Seedbed (담배육묘를 위한 저면관수 연구 I. 저면관수가 묘의 생장 및 묘상 온도에 미치는 영향)

  • 반유선;한종구;신승구;류익상
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of the bottom watering method on seedling growth, temperature of seedbed and working hours. The results of compared conventional watering with bottom watering were as follows: 1. The lowest and highest temperature on surface of bottom watering seedbed were higher about 2-3$^{\circ}C$ and 3-5$^{\circ}C$ than those of conventional plot, respectively. 2. At 30 days after seeding, flesh and dry weight of seedling in bottom watering seedbed were heavier about 121% and 62% than those of seedling in conventional plot, respectively, while dry ratio of that was lower about 30.2%. 3. Plant height of transplanting seedling in bottom watering seedbed was higher about 4-5cm than that of seedling in conventional plot. Otherwise, ratio of top to root and length of root were not significant. 4. Working hours of bottom watering for growing seedling were reduced 40.9% and 53.4% in primary and secondary seedbeds as compared with those of conventional plot, respectively.

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Study on Flowering, Bearing Fruit, Seed Harvesting and Seedling Transplanting Cultivation of Valeriana fauriei Briquet (쥐오줌풀 개화·결실 특성과 적정 채종방법 및 육묘이식재배에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Young-Sup;Hur, Mok;An, Tae-Jin;Park, Chun-Geun;Kim, Young-Guk;Park, Chung-Berm;Baek, Wan-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.365-371
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to know the characteristics of flowering and bearing fruit, the optimum period, regions and methods for seed harvesting, the optimum temperatures for seed storage and germination, and the optimum period for sowing at nursery bed and seedling transplanting of Valeriana fauriei Briquet. The flowering and bearing fruit of Valeriana fauriei was developed from the before-year root. Optimum period for seed harvest of Valeriana fauriei was from late July to middle August, and optimum areas were the high elevated areas over 500 m above the sea level as Jinbu-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do. Using of net-bag for seed harvesting was the effective method to gather the full ripe seed, and bagging of net-bag was necessary from the season of middle May that was the flowering middle-stage. Germination rates don't show the difference among the different temperatures of storage as approximately 41% at $-20^{\circ}C$, $2^{\circ}C$ or $20^{\circ}C$ of seed storage temperatures. The optimum temperature range was in $15{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ for seed germination at nursery bed. The optimum period for seed sowing at nursery bed was the late February, and the optimum period for seedling transplanting was the middle April.

Effects of Night Temperature Treatment of Raising Seedlings before Transplanting on Growth and Development of Pepper (육묘(育苗) 야간온도(夜間溫度) 처리(處理)가 고추의 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Seo Jin-Ug;Hwang Jae-Moon;Oh Sei-Myung
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate effects of different night temperature treatments during nursery period on flower bud differentiation and growth of pepper cv. Cheongyang. Number of leaves, top fresh weight and top dry weight of pepper seedlings were increased with increasing the night temperature during nursery periods. And also flower bud differentiation and days to flowering were accelerated as increasing the night temperature. Plant height, stem diameter, branch length and intermode length of pepper after transplanting were height at the low night temperature ($28/11^{\circ}C$), but they were retarded at the high night temperature ($28/21^{\circ}C$) treatment. Number of lateral branches was significantly reduced at the high night temperature, but there was no a regular tendency in branching habit of the main stem by temperature treatments. Seedling growth before transplanting was retarded at the low night temperature but gradually recovered after transplanting into the plastic house. However, seedling growth at the high night temperature was shown in contrast to above response of the low night temperature.

Influence of Polyethylene Film Mulch and Seedling Types on Growth and tuber Yield of Fall-Grown Potato (폴리에틸렌필름 멀칭 및 종묘종류가 가을감자의 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 강봉균;강영길;강시용
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.147-151
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    • 2003
  • Normal seed tubers and plug seedlings raised from stem cutting and mini-tubers ($10\pm3$ g) were planted or transplanted on August 20,2001 in bare soil or under transparent and black polyethylene film mulches to evaluate the effects of mulch material and seedling type on the growth and tuber yield of fall-grown potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Dejima) in Jeju region. Total tuber number per plant was 4.6 regardless of mulch treatment, and direct planting seed potatoes resulted in the greatest tubers (5.14)/plant and followed by transplanting seedlings raised from cutting and mini-tubers (4.15 and 5.15 tubers/plant). Transparent and black polyethylene film mulches increased total tuber yield by 16 and 8%, respectively, and average tuber weight by 14 and 12%, respectively, compared with no mulch (21.16 t/ha and 72.2 g/tuber). Transplanting plug seedlings raised from cutting resulted in the greatest tuber yield, followed by transplanting plug seedlings raised from mini-tubers and direct planting seed potatoes.