• Title/Summary/Keyword: Transformational.transactional Leadership

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A Study on the Competence of the Private Security Guards (민간경비원의 업무능력에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hak-Bum;Lee, Jae-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.27
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    • pp.81-105
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    • 2011
  • Lately, with the increase of the private security industry, individual quality improvement of the private security guards is rising. Especially, in accordance with competence of the private security guards, in the base of individual technical or knowledge, the confidence of own ability is essential for the improvement of the private security industry. In accordance with the private security guards, the study of their competence is rare. But through the study of teenagers or members of the public organization, we can know the influence of variables competence. The purpose of this study is to show how the self-esteem, need for Achievement, relation with co-worker and supervisor, and leadership effect on competence. Consequently this study will offer effective ways to develop the private security guards competence. We can show that self-esteem effects competence of the private security guards between the need for achievement and self-esteem which are adjusted as the individual characteristic. Namely, the higher the self-esteem of the private security guards is, the higher competence is. The study shows that the relation with co-worker and supervisor of the private security guards doesn't effect competence. Unlike the previous studies, this study proves that contingent reward has a positive effect on the Private Security Guards competence in the transactional leadership. That is, the higher the contingent reward of leader is, the higher the level of competence of the Private Security Guards is. Lastly, We can know individualized consideration effect the competence of the private security guards in the transformational leadership.

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Evaluation of TQM(Total Quality Management) of Home Economics Education Department in the University by Students (가정교육과 교사교육의 TQM(Total Quality Management: 총체적 질 관리) 구성요소에 대한 재학생들의 평가)

  • Kim, Sung-Gyo;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.179-200
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    • 2008
  • This study is aimed at contributing to the future development of Home Economics Education Department by suggesting basic data of TQM(Total Qualify Management) for evaluating TQM of Home Economics Education Departmeut in education colleges. A survey was conducted involving all junior(3rd year) students of Home Economics Education Department in education colleges either by making a visit to 3 different schools or by sending it in the mail to 10 different schools. Responding answer-sheets, 302 copies(88.3%) out of 342 copies in total were returned. Finally, we used 285 copies(83.3%) as data for analysis. The results of this study are as follows: In terms of Professional Qualification of Home Economics Teachers, the students had passion for their Home Economics Education and also had a great pride and mission to be future Home Economics teachers. However, their ability proved to be poor and low in presenting a vision for Home Economics, in conducting extra-curricular activities, and the computer skills. In the case of college students, their satisfaction showed an average point 3.15 on a scale of 5. Those students who entered school voluntarily or those who hoped for re-entrance showed more satisfaction than those who entered school with good academic records or those who do not hope for re-entrance into school. In terms of professors' leadership, Students are perceived to choose 'Transactional Leadership' instead of 'Transformational Leadership'. Students', who have higher satisfaction and hopes for re-entrance, perception level about their professors' leadership style showed higher satisfaction than average. The students empowerment level showed average point 3.52, which is considered relatively high. Students at the college where professors majored in Home Economics Education are employed showed higher empowerment level than students at the college with professors who did not major in Home Economics Education. The result of evaluating general demand for renovating of Home Economics Education Dept. showed that: they perceived the "Teacher Education Course" of Home Economics Education Dept. as in need of cultivating practical skills in secondary school. They also said, "Teaching Method" is in great need of renovation. In the case of teaching method, they preferred laboratory work, and practical training. In earning credits, they emphasized the importance of faithfully completing the "Study of Content". For the Subject Matter Education, they required a training course to be set up in the secondary school. Finally they claimed that the teachers and students need to take the initiative in developing a Curriculum of Home Economics Education Dept. Based on the findings mentioned above, I would like to suggest further research on how to adopt and evaluate TQM in Home Economics Education, and faculty-centered evaluation methods. I also would like to suggest to vitalize quality research through the form of narrative research.

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