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A Study on the Marketing System of Walnut -With Special Reference to the Case Survey in Cheonwongun Districts- (호도의 유통체계(流通體系)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -천원군(天原郡)의 사례조사(事例調査)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Jeon, Sang-Don;Cho, Eung-Hyouk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.79 no.2
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 1990
  • The following conclusions have been obtained with special reference to the walnut marketing system in Cheonwongun districts 1. The marketing channel of walnut in the producing areas was mainly depended on the individual selling by 89.58%. and sale through farmer's coops and forest owner's association by 10.42%, and share of walnut through fatmer's coops was 84.58%. 2. The market structure in assembling stage of walnut can be represented as oligopoly considering the market share of 86.26% derived by CR3 method. 3. Direct selling from producers to consumers would be recommendable to reduce marketing margin considering the 77.20% of sale's dependency on assembler-commisioner. 4. Two major reasons to follow the marketing channel of assembler-commissioner were the convieniency (45.00%) and dealing with small quantity of walnut (20.00%). Let the walnut producers follow the institutional marketing channels such as farmer's coops and forest owner s association, special actions including better conveniency, smaller quantity and the procedures should be improved. 5. Farmer's share of walnut was estimated as 54.93% and total marketing margin was 45.0% of which 36.70% destined to the retail stage. 6. The price index in November was the lowest(83.63) due to the flood and hunger sale and the index in April was the highest(115.74). To cope with the severe price fluctuation and to stabilize seasonal walnut price, sale's in advance, credit supply and provision of storage facilities must be considered in policy-making decision for forest farmers.

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Studies on the Ecology of Field Mice in Mt. Chuisuh (취서산(鷲棲山) 들쥐류(類)의 생태(生態)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Nam, Jung Chil
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.6
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    • pp.707-716
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted four ecological survey of field mice of Mt. Chuisuh in Yangsan City, Kyungnam from June, 2000 to March, 2001 for the understanding of field mice damage to forest. The results are obtained as follows. 1. The species of field mice collected were Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus peninsulae and Eothenomys regulus, and Crocidura suaveolens of insectvore. 2. The total collecting rate were 8.1% collected 61 individuals of field mice from 758 trap. 3. The rate among the 61 field mice collected were 45.9% in Apodemus agrarius, 29.5% in Eothenomys regulus, 19.7% in Apodemus peninsulae, and 4.9% in Crocidura suaveolens. 4. The constitution of weight of field mice was 16-51.9g in Apodemus agrarius, 12-25.9g in Apodemus peninsulae, 16-45.9g in Eothenomys regulus, and 12-15.9g in Crocidura suaveolens. 5. The sex ratio of field mice was 48.0% : 52.0% in Apodemus agrarius, 50.0% : 50.0% in Apodemus peninsulae, 55.6% : 44.4% in Eothenomys regulus, and 66.7% : 33.3% in Crocidura suaveolens. 6. The average body lengh was 104.33mm in Eothenomys regulus, 96.04mm in Apodemus agrarius, 94.50mm in Apodemus peninsulae, and 76.33mm in Crocidura suaveolens. 7. The average tail lengh was 92.75mm in Apodemus peninsulae, 80.65mm in Apodemus agrarius, 41.0mm in Crocidura suaveolens, and 40.33mm in Eothenomys regulus. 8. The breeding period of field mice in Mt. Chuisuh presumes from about the early of March to end of October. Specially, The Eothenomys regulus was ascertained the breeding period in December, discovered first time in korea through this experimental study. 9. The average litter size of field mice was 4.5 in Apodemus agrarius, 4.7 in Apodemus peninsulae, and 3.4 in Eothenomys regulus.

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Pollen-Food Allergy Syndrome in Korean Pollinosis Patients: A Nationwide Survey

  • Kim, Mi-Ae;Kim, Dong-Kyu;Yang, Hyeon-Jong;Yoo, Young;Ahn, Youngmin;Park, Hae-Sim;Lee, Hyun Jong;Jeong, Yi Yeong;Kim, Bong-Seong;Bae, Woo Yong;Jang, An-Soo;Park, Yang;Koh, Young-Il;Lee, Jaechun;Lim, Dae Hyun;Kim, Jeong Hee;Lee, Sang Min;Kim, Yong Min;Jun, Young Joon;Kim, Hyo Yeol;Kim, Yunsun;Choi, Jeong-Hee;Work Group for Rhinitis, the Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology
    • Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.648-661
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Pollen-food allergy syndrome (PFAS) is an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergy in pollinosis patients caused by raw fruits and vegetables and is the most common food allergy in adults. However, there has been no nationwide study on PFAS in Korea. In this study, we investigated the prevalence and clinical characteristics of PFAS in Korea. Methods: Twenty-two investigators participated in this study, in which patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and/or bronchial asthma with pollen allergy were enrolled. The questionnaires included demographic characteristics, a list of fruits and vegetables, and clinical manifestations of food allergy. Pollen allergy was diagnosed by skin prick test and/or measurement of the serum level of specific IgE. Results: A total of 648 pollinosis patients were enrolled. The prevalence of PFAS was 41.7% (n = 270). PFAS patients exhibited cutaneous (43.0%), respiratory (20.0%), cardiovascular (3.7%) or neurologic symptoms (4.8%) in addition to oropharyngeal symptoms. Anaphylaxis was noted in 8.9% of the PFAS patients. Seventy types of foods were linked to PFAS; e.g., peach (48.5%), apple (46.7%), kiwi (30.4%), peanut (17.4%), plum (16.3%), chestnut (14.8%), pineapple (13.7%), walnut (14.1%), Korean melon (12.6%), tomato (11.9%), melon (11.5%) and apricot (10.7%). Korean foods such as taro/taro stem (8.9%), ginseong (8.2%), perilla leaf (4.4%), bellflower root (4.4%), crown daisy (3.0%), deodeok (3.3%), kudzu root (3.0%) and lotus root (2.6%) were also linked to PFAS. Conclusions: This was the first nationwide study of PFAS in Korea. The prevalence of PFAS was 41.7%, and 8.9% of the PFAS patients had anaphylaxis. These results will provide clinically useful information to physicians.

The Effect of Economic Status of Single-Parent famillies on Children's School Adjustment Mediating effects of neglectful rearing attitudes and mental health, Multi-Group Analysis on two-parent famillies (한부모가족의 경제적 수준이 자녀의 학교적응에 미치는 영향: 방임적 양육태도와 정신건강의 매개효과 및 양부모가족과의 다집단 분석)

  • Kim, Hyeon Suk
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.54
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    • pp.297-331
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating roles of neglectful rearing attitudes and mental health in the relationship between economic status of single-parent famillies and school adjustment, and the differences between single-parent and two-parent families, using structural equation modeling. Data were obtained from the Middle School 1 Panel(third-wave) of the Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey 2010. This study selected 2,195 middle school 3th-grade students (249 from single-parent families and 1,946 from two-parent families). Data were examined with structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis using AMOS 21.0, and mediating effects were tested using the Sobel test. The results were as follows; First, the single-parent children reported lower levels of economic status and school adjustment, and higher levels of neglectful rearing attitudes than the two-parent children. Second, multi-group analysis showed a statistically significant difference between single-parent and two-parent in structural equation modeling. Economic status of two-parent famillies affected school adjustment of children, but economic status of single-parent famillies did not affect school adjustment of children. Third, as a result of examining for total effect, the variable that most influenced school adjustment of children was neglectful rearing attitudes. Fourth, neglectful rearing attitudes and mental health did play a mediating role in the relationship between economic status and school adjustment in case of two-parent famillies, but neglectful rearing attitudes and mental health did not play a mediating role in case of single-parent famillies. Based on the result, this study stressed the following; First, the study suggested that problem of the single-parent famillies supporting standard which is concentrated on the low income single-parent famillies. Second, the study proposed multifaceted support measures which reflects characteristics of single-parent famillies to increase school adjustment of the single-parent children.

Meditating effect of Planned Happenstance Skills between the Belief in Good luck and Entrepreneurial Opportunity (행운에 대한 신념과 창업 기회 역량과의 관계에서 우연기술의 매개효과에 관한 연구)

  • Hwangbo, Yun;Kim, YoungJun;Kim, Hong-Tae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2019
  • When asked about the success factors of successful entrepreneurs and celebrities, he says he was lucky. The remarkable fact is that the attitude about luck is different. However, despite the fact that the belief that we believe is lucky is actually a dominant concept, there has not been much scientific verification of luck. In this study, we saw good luck not being determined randomly by the external environment, but by being able to control luck through the internal attributes of individuals. This study is significant that we have empirically elucidated what kind of efforts have gained good luck, whereas previous research has largely ended in vague logic where luck ends up with an internal locus of control among internal entrepreneurial qualities and efforts can make a successful entrepreneur. We introduced the concept of good luck belief to avoid confirmation bias, which is, to interpret my experience in a direction that matches what I want to believe, and used a good luck belief questionnaire in previous studies and tried to verify that those who have a good belief can increase entrepreneurial opportunity capability through planned happenstance skills. The reason for choosing the entrepreneurial opportunity capacity as a dependent variable was based on the conventional research, that is, the process of recognizing and exploiting the entrepreneurial opportunity is an important part of the entrepreneurship research For empirical research, we conducted a questionnaire survey of a total of 332 people, and the results of the analysis turned out that the belief of good luck has all the positive impacts of planned happenstance skills' sub-factors: curiosity, patience, flexibility, optimism and risk tolerance. Second, we have shown that only the perseverance, optimism, and risk tolerance of planned happenstance skills' sub-factors have a positive impact on this opportunity capability. Thirdly, it was possible to judge that the sub-factors of planned happenstance skills, patience, optimism, and risk tolerance, had a meditating effect between belief in luck and entrepreneurial opportunity capability. This study is highly significant in logically elucidating that people in charge of business incubation and education can get the specific direction when planning a training program for successful entrepreneur to further enhance the entrepreneurial opportunity ability, which is an important ability for the entrepreneur's success.

Establishment on Fertilizer Recommendation and Soil Characteristics of Rice Paddy with Environment-friendly Cultivation (농가실천 친환경 벼재배 논의 토양특성 및 시비추천량)

  • Yang, Chang-Hyu;An, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Taek-Kyum;Kim, Sun;Baek, Nam-Hyun;Choi, Weon-Young;Lee, Jang-Hee;Jeong, Jae-Hyeok;Kim, Si-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.347-352
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    • 2011
  • Environment-friendly agriculture (EFA) are aimed to reduce use of chemical inputs as possible the recycling of resources and the environment while preserving the local resources in the long term to ensure a constant productivity and profitability for producing safe food. This study was conducted to investigate characteristics on soil environment at paddy field of environment-friendly agriculture regions (EFARs) in Honam area. Survey point of EFARs Chungnam, Jeonbuk and Jeonnam, rice bran farming method in two districts, rice bran + snail farming method in eight districts, snail farming method in five districts and ducks farming method in three districts a total of 18 districts were selected. Annual of farming method, friendly-environment certification, amount of applied fertilizer, and history of cultivation to the farm household were surveyed. The content of available phosphate and silicate among the soil chemical properties in EFA paddy field were a little lower than optimum level, and those of agricultural methods fertilized with rice bran were a little lower than those of others. Hardness among the soil physical properties in EFA paddy field were a little lower than conventional practices, and that of agricultural methods fertilized with rice bran were a little lower than those of others. We showed fertilizer recommendation dose about soil nutritional shortages according to fertilization prescriptions index by crops.

Soil Characteristic of Plow and Compaction Layer in Fluvio-marine Deposit Paddy Soil (하해혼성 충적층 논토양 작토층과 경반층의 토양특성)

  • Yang, Chang-Hyu;Kim, Taek-Kyum;Ryu, Jin-Hee;Kim, Jae-Duk;Jung, Kwang-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.364-370
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to survey, analyze on the compaction layer and the plow layer at Jeonbug and Jisan series paddy soil, which is the representative soil in fluvio-marine and local alluvium, respectively. The depths of surface soil were 12.6 and 12.7 cm in Jeonbug and Jisan series, respectively. A plowing depth was 10.5 cm. The properties of compaction layer in two soil series were as follows. The hardness were 14.7kgcm2(25.3mm) and 8.7kgcm2(22.1mm) in Jeonbug and Jisan series, respectively. The thickness were 22.3 cm and 17.8 cm in Jeonbug and Jisan series, respectively. The depth of soil compaction, which means depth from surface, were 15 and 20 cm in Jeonbug and Jisan series, respectively. The relationship between the hardness of compaction layer and the depth of surface soil showed negative correlation, however relationship between the hardness and the thickness of compaction layer showed positive correlation. Soil temperature was lower in compaction layer than in plow layer. This temperature differences between compaction layer and plow layer were from 1.0 to 2.5C in Jeonbug series and from 0.7 to 2.1 in Jisan series. The soil physical properties of compaction layer were higher in bulk density and solid phase and lower in porosity and gaseous phase than those of plow layer in all soil series. The soil chemical properties of compaction layer were higher in pH, content of available silicate, exchangeable calcium and magnesium but lower in total nitrogen, content of organic matter and available phosphate than those of plow layer in all soil series. Cation exchangeable capacity and content of exchangeable potassium were similar between compaction layer and plow layer in Jeonbug series, however, in Jisan series these were lower in compaction layer than in plow layer. Elution amount of inorganic nitrogen were lower in compaction layer than in plow layer in all soil series. The content of soluble Fe and Mn were plenty in compaction layer compared with plow layer and these tendency was apparent in Jeonbug series. The water depth decrease were fast until the latter part of June, and were slow as 13mmday1 for July and August, and were fast again from september. Rice roots distributions as each soil series and tillage method were 25 cm at rotary plowing in Jeonbug series, 30 cm at deep plowing in Jeonbug series, and 20 cm at tillage in Jisan series. Dry weight per m2 at heading stage were much in order of deep plowing in Jeonbug series, rotary plowing in Jeonbug series, and tillage in Jisan series.

The Relationships Among Highly Caffeinated Beverage Intake and Depressive Symptom, Suicide in Adolescents (청소년의 고카페인 음료 섭취와 우울증상 및 자살의 관계)

  • Ahn, In-Young;Seo, Ji-Yeong;Lee, Dongyun;Lee, So-Jin;Cha, Boseok;Kim, Bong-Jo;Park, Chul-Soo;Choi, Jae-Won;Lee, Cheol-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : Despite the increased popularity of highly caffeinated beverages, there is little research examining psychiatric adverse effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among pattern of highly caffeinated beverage intake and depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan, suicidal attempt in Korean adolescents. Methods : The data was obtained from the 2014 Korean Youth's Risk Behavior Web-based Study by Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. All participants conducted web-based questionnaire survey. Chisquare test and multiple logistic regression analysis were performed to determine the association among highly caffeinated beverage intake pattern, depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and suicidal attempt adjusting for differences in age, gender, academic achievement, socioeconomic status. Results : A total of 71,638 participants were enrolled in this study. Depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and suicidal attempt were significantly more frequent in the group with presence of highly caffeinated beverage intake within 1 week than in non-drinker group(p<0.01). Highly caffeinated beverage intake was significantly associated with suicidal attempt(OR=1.99 ; 95% CI, 1.77-2.22). In addition, depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and suicidal attempt were significantly more common in the group with heavy-drinker who exceed recommended daily intake dose of caffeine than in the group with light-drinker(p<0.01). Heavy drinking of caffeinated beverage was significantly associated with suicidal attempt(OR=4.05 ; 95% CI, 3.02-5.43). Conclusions : We found that highly caffeinated beverage intake was related to more frequent depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, plan, attempt in adolescents. Also, caffeine intake which exceed recommended daily intake dose identified the predictor of suicidal attempt. Our result suggested that clinicians need to be aware of the possible psychiatric adverse effects of highly caffeinated beverage in vulnerable population including young adolescents.

Analysis of the Weight of SWOT Factors of Korean Venture Companies Based on the Industry 4.0 (4차 산업혁명 기반 한국 벤처기업의 SWOT요인에 대한 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Dongik;Lee, Sangsuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.115-133
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the concept and related technologies of the 4th industrial revolution that has been mixed so far and examines the socio-economic changes and influences resulting from it, and the cases of responding to the 4th industrial revolution in major countries. Based on this, by deriving SWOT factors and calculating the importance of each factor for Korean venture companies to prepare for the forth industrial revolution, it was intended to help the government and policymakers in suggesting directions for establishing related policies. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to suggest a direction for securing global competitiveness to Korean venture entrepreneurs and to help with basic and systematic analysis for further academic in-depth research. For this study, a total of 21 items derived through extensive literature research and data research to understand what are the necessary competency factors for internal and external environmental changes in order for Korean venture companies to have global competitiveness in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. After reviewing SWOT factors by three expert groups and confirming them through Delphi survey, the importance of each item was analyzed by using AHP, a systematic decision-making technique. As a result of the analysis, it was shown that Strength(48%), Opportunity(25%), Threat(16%), Weakness(11%) were considered important in order. In terms of sub-items, 'quick and flexible commercialization capability', 'platform/big data/non-face-to-face service activation', and 'ICT infrastructure and it's utilization' were shown to be of the comparatively high importance. On the other hand, in the lower three items, 'macro-economic stability and social infrastructure', 'difficulty in entering overseas markets due to global protectionism', and 'absolutely inferior in foreign investment' were found to have low priority. As a result of the correlation verification by item to see differences in opinions by industry, academia, and policy expert groups, there was no significant difference of opinion, as industry and academic experts showed a high correlation and industry experts and policy experts showed a moderate correlation. The correlation between the academic and policy experts was not statistically significant (p<0.01), so it was analyzed that there was a difference of opinion on importance. This was due to the fact that policy experts highly valued 'quick and flexible commercialization', which are strengths, and 'excellent educational system and high-quality manpower' and 'creation of new markets' which are opportunity items, while academic experts placed great importance on 'support part of government policy', which are strengths. The implication of this study is that in order for Korean venture companies to secure competitiveness in the field of the 4th industrial revolution, it is necessary to have a policy that preferentially supports the relevant items of strengths and opportunity factors. The difference in the details of strength factors and opportunity factors, which shows a high level of variability, suggests that it is necessary to actively review it and reflect it in the policy.

Estimation of sediment deposition rate in collapsed reservoirs(wetlands) using empirical formulas and multiple regression models (경험공식 및 다중회귀모형을 이용한 붕괴 저수지(습지) 비퇴사량 추정)

  • Kim, Donghyun;Lee, Haneul;Bae, Younghye;Joo, Hongjun;Kim, Deokhwan;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2021
  • As facilities such as dam reservoir wetlands and agricultural irrigation reservoir wetlands are built, sedimentation occurs over time through erosion, sedimentation transport, and sediment deposition. Sedimentation issues are very important for the maintenance of reservoir wetlands because long-term sedimentation of sediments affects flood and drought control functions. However, research on resignation has been estimated mainly by empirical formulas due to the lack of available data. The purpose of this study was to calculate and compare the sediment deposition rate by developing a multiple regression model along with actual data and empirical formulas. In addition, it was attempted to identify potential causes of collapse by applying it to 64 reservoir wetlands that suffered flood damage due to the long rainy season in 2020 due to reservoir wetland sedimentation and aging. For the target reservoir, 10 locations including the GaGog reservoir located in Miryang city, Gyeongsangnam province in South Korea, where there is actual survey information, were selected. A multiple regression model was developed in consideration of physical and climatic characteristics, and a total of four empirical formulas and sediment deposition rate were calculated. Using this, the error of the sediment deposition rate was compared. As a result of calculating the sediment deposition rate using the multiple regression model, the error was the lowest from 0.21(m3km2/yr) to 2.13(m3km2/yr). Therefore, based on the sediment deposition rate estimated by the multi-regression model, the change in the available capacity of reservoir wetlands was analyzed, and the effective storage capacity was found to have decreased from 0.21(%) to 16.56(%). In addition, the sediment deposition rate of the reservoir where the overflow damage occurred was relatively higher than that of the reservoir where the piping damage occurred. In other words, accumulating sediment deposition rate at the bottom of the reservoir would result in a lack of acceptable effective water capacity and reduced reservoir flood and drought control capabilities, resulting in reservoir collapse damage.