• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographic variation

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Estimation of Solar Radiation Distribution Considering the Topographic Conditions at Jeju Island (지형조건에 따른 제주도의 일사량 분포 추정)

  • Park, Jin Ki;Park, Jong Hwa
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2013
  • The solar radiation is the primary energy source that drives many of the earth's physical and biological processes and climate change. Understanding its importance to the solar radiation observation is a key to understanding a broad range of natural processes, agricultural, energy and human activities. The purpose of this study is to estimate solar radiation using sunshine duration, and to estimate distribution of solar radiation using a topography factor considering surface slope and aspect in complex terrain. The result of regression analysis between ratio of solar radiation and sunshine duration from 2001 to 2010 shows high $R^2$ value of 0.878. Regression analyses indicated that topographic attributes including elevation, slope and aspect had significant effects on solar radiation. The variation of topographic factor with aspect and slope for the summer and winter are considered. The highest month of daily mean solar radiation at Jeju island appears in April of 20.61 $MJ{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}day^{-1}$, and the lowest month appears in December of 6.90 $MJ{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}day^{-1}$. These results provided useful quantitative information about the influence of topography on solar radiation in the island region.

Calculation of Watershed Topographic Index with Geographic Information System (지리정보시스템을 이용한 유역에서의 지형지수 산정)

  • 김상현;한건연
    • Water for future
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 1996
  • The multiple flow direction algorithm to calculate the spatial variation of the saturation tendency, i.e. topographic index, is integrated into the Geogrphic Information System, GRASS. A procedure is suggested to consider the effect of a tile system on calculating the topographic index. A small agricultural subwatershed (3.4$\textrm{km}^2$) is used for this study. The impact of a tile system on the groundwater table can be effectively considered by the Laplace's equation to the DEM. The analysis shows that a tile system has a high degree of saturation compared to the case without tile drainage, and the predicted riparian area is well fitted to the actual watershed condition. A procedure is suggested to consider the effect of tile system on calculating the topographic index.

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Estimation of Spatial Soil Distribution Changed by Debris Flow using Airborne Lidar Data and the Topography Restoration Method (항공 Lidar 자료와 지형복원기법을 이용한 토석류 토사변화 공간분포 추정)

  • Woo, Choongshik;Youn, Hojoong;Lee, Changwoo;Lee, Kyusung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2012
  • The flowed soil volume is able to be estimated simply from topographic data of before and after the debris flow. However, it is often difficult to obtain high resolution topographic data before debris flow because debris flow was occurred in mountainous area and airborne Lidar data was mainly surveyed in urban area. For this reason, Woo(2011) developed the topographic restoration method that can reconstruct the topography before the debris flow using airborne Lidar data. In this study, we applied the topographic restoration method on Inje county, Bongwha county and Jecheon city, produced topography data before debris flow that RMSE is from 0.16 to 0.34 m. Also, a soil variation was analyzed by topography data before and after debris flow, and it was used to estimate a real soil volume flowed to downstream and a spatial distribution showing collapses, flows, sedimentations appeared to debris flow.


  • Gangodagamage, Chandana;Flugel, Wolfgang;Turrel, Dr.Hagh
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.82-84
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    • 2003
  • Watershed boundaries and flow paths within the watershed are the most important factors required in watershed analysis. Most often the derivation of watershed boundaries and stream network and flow paths is based on topographical maps but spatial variation of flow direction is not clearly understandable using this method. Water resources projects currently use 1: 50, 000-scale ground survey or aerial photography-based topographical maps to derive watershed boundary and stream network. In basins, where these maps are not available or not accessible it creates a real barrier to watershed geo-spatial analysis. Such situations require the use of global datasets, like GTOPO30. Global data sets like ETOPO5, GTOPO30 are the only data sets, which can be used to derive basin boundaries and stream network and other terrain variations like slope aspects and flow direction and flow accumulation of the watershed in the absence of topographic maps. Approximately 1-km grid-based GTOPO 30 data sets can derive better outputs for larger basins, but they fail in flat areas like the Karkheh basin in Iran and the Amudarya in Uzbekistan. A new window in geo-spatial hydrology has opened after the launching of the space-borne satellite stereo pair of the Terra ASTER sensor. ASTER data sets are available at very low cost for most areas of the world and global coverage is expected within the next four years. The DEM generated from ASTER data has a reasonably good accuracy, which can be used effectively for hydrology application, even in small basins. This paper demonstrates the use of stereo pairs in the generation of ASTER DEMs, the application of ASTER DEM for watershed boundary delineation, sub-watershed delineation and explores the possibility of understanding the drainage flow paths in irrigation command areas. All the ASTER derived products were compared with GTOPO and 1:50,000-based topographic map products and this comparison showed that ASTER stereo pairs can derive very good data sets for all the basins with good spatial variation, which are equal in quality to 1:50,000 scale maps-based products.

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Effect of Artificial Structures on the Long-Term Topographic Changes at Daehang-ri Intertidal Flat, the West Coast of Korea (인공구조물에 의한 대항리 갯벌의 장기 지형변화)

  • Choi, Tae-Jin;Jeong, Eui-Young;Yang, Young Jin;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2020
  • The Daehang-ri intertidal flat located the just outside of the Saemangeum dike has been reported to show new-developing flats. Based on the topographic surveys of 21 times from 2000 to 2016 by a leveling method every year, this site clearly shows variation of deposition/erosion in time and space. Deposition has consistently occurred at the rate of +3.75 cm per year at the area along the dike (Zone 1), and this tidal flat is expanding and prograding seaward. In the area of far from the dike (Zone 2), on the other hand, erosion prevails at the rate of -2.38 cm per year, and this zone tends to retreat landward. However, the erosional trend of Zone 2 has slightly slowed down since 2014. As a whole from 2000 to 2016, net deposition is recorded over 3.0 m at the upper beach and the area adjacent to the dike (Zone 1), while erosion up to 1.0 m in Zone 2. In conclusion, the results at the Daehang-ri intertidal flat clearly revealed that its topographic changes were induced by the artificial structures and water masses through its sluice gate. Counter-clockwise gyre newly created after the sea dikes construction probably results in relocating of sediment outside the dike 1 by transportation of materials eroded from the south to the north along the coast.

Application of Topographic Index Calculation Algorithm considering Topographic Properties (지형적 특성을 고려한 지형지수 산정 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeong;Kim, Sang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2000
  • The impact of land slope to the degree of flow divergence was considered employing distributional applications of slope exponents in the now directlOn algoriUnns. Lmear, exponential and ]X)wer law of distributional functIons were employed to address the variation of slope exponents m a terrain analysis. Dongok subwatershed at Wichun test watershed was selected as a study area. Digital Elevation Models of 20m, 30m, 40m and 50m grid size were made to perfonn the analysis. Various calcualtion methodologies of topographic index and the impact of grid sizes were investigated in terms of statistical and spatial aspects. DIstributional applications of slope e.xponents made it possible to represent the flow divergence and convergence about the ten-ain characteristics. The Monte~Carlo method was used to simulate six runoff events to check the impact of topographic factor in the runoff simulation.

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Impact of Topographic Forcing and Variation of Lower-level Jet on Local Precipitation in Southeast Region of Korean Peninsula (지형 강제력과 하층제트 변화가 한반도 남동 지역 국지 강수에 미치는 영향 분석 연구)

  • Chae, Da Eun;Kim, Eun Ji;Kim, Ji Seon;Lee, Soon-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • Recently, a heavy rainfall with high spatial variation occurred frequently in the Korean Peninsula. The meteorological event that occurred in Busan on 3 May 2016 is characterized by heavy rain in a limited area. In order to clarify the reason of large spatial variation associated with mountain height and location of low level jet, several numerical experiments were carried out using the dynamic meteorological Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. In this case study, the raised topography of Mount Geumjeong increased a barrier effect and air uplifting due to topographic forcing on the windward side. As a result, wind speed reduced and precipitation increased. In contrast, on the downwind side, the wind speed was slightly faster and since the total amount of water vapor is limited, the precipitation on the downwind side reduced. Numerical experiments on shifting the location of the lower jet demonstrated that if the lower jet is close to the mountain, its core becomes higher due to the effect of friction. Additionally, the water vapor convergence around the mountain increased and eventually the precipitation also increased in the area near the mountain. Hence, the location information of the lower jet is an important factor for accurately predicting precipitation.

Spatial Variation in Land Use and Topographic Effects on Water Quality at the Geum River Watershed (토지이용과 지형이 수질에 미치는 영향의 공간적 변동성에 관한 연구 - 금강 권역을 중심으로)

  • Park, Se-Rin;Choi, Kwan-Mo;Lee, Sang-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we investigated the spatial variation in land use and topographic effects on water quality at the Geum river watershed in South Korea, using the ordinary least squares(OLS) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) models. Understanding the complex interactions between land use, slope, elevation, and water quality is essential for water pollution control and watershed management. We monitored four water quality indicators -total phosphorus, total nitrogen, biochemical oxygen demand, and dissolved oxygen levels - across three land use types (urban, agricultural, and forested) and two topographic features (elevation and mean slope). Results from GWR modeling revealed that land use and topography did not affect water quality consistently through space, but instead exhibited substantial spatial non-stationarity. The GWR model performed better than the OLS model as it produced a higher adjusted $R^2$ value. Spatial variation in interactions among variables could be visualized by mapping $R^2$ values from the GWR model at fine spatial resolution. Using the GWR model, we were able to identify local pollution sources, determine habitat status, and recommend appropriate land-use planning policies for watershed management.

Flood Runoff Analysis of Small River Basin using Geographic Information System (지리정보시스템을 이용한 소하천유역의 홍수유출 해석)

  • Lee, Yeon-Kil;Park, Sung-Chun;Lee, Kwan-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.24-36
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    • 2003
  • Many rainfall-runoff model, which is applied discharge calculation for effective water-resource planning and management needs topographic and parameter of basin character. But it is very difficult to apply real a phase. Accordingly in this study filling up these problems. Applying GIS(geographic information system) through environment creating input data or concerning with GIS and rainfall runoff model. We built environment that analyze hydrograph showing discharge variation by time. GIS software for constructing input data is used by ArcView. For analysis of hydrograph in Basin, TOPMODEL applied topographic index. Besides for estimate of appliance to rainfall-runoff model, simple storm event and complex storm event are applied rainfall data which was before.

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Evaluation and Improvement of the KMAPP Surface Wind Speed Prediction over Complex Terrain Areas (복잡 지형 지역에서의 KMAPP 지상 풍속 예측 성능 평가와 개선)

  • Keum, Wang-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Doo-Il;Lee, Sang-Sam;Kim, Yeon-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2021
  • The necessity of accurate high-resolution meteorological forecasts becomes increasing in socio-economical applications and disaster risk management. The Korea Meteorological Administration Post-Processing (KMAPP) system has been operated to provide high-resolution meteorological forecasts of 100 m over the South Korea region. This study evaluates and improves the KMAPP performance in simulating wind speeds over complex terrain areas using the ICE-POP 2018 field campaign measurements. The mountainous measurements give a unique opportunity to evaluate the operational wind speed forecasts over the complex terrain area. The one-month wintertime forecasts revealed that the operational Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System (LDAPS) has systematic errors over the complex mountainous area, especially in deep valley areas, due to the orographic smoothing effect. The KMAPP reproduced the orographic height variation over the complex terrain area but failed to reduce the wind speed forecast errors of the LDAPS model. It even showed unreasonable values (~0.1 m s-1) for deep valley sites due to topographic overcorrection. The model's static parameters have been revised and applied to the KMAPP-Wind system, developed newly in this study, to represent the local topographic characteristics better over the region. Besides, sensitivity tests were conducted to investigate the effects of the model's physical correction methods. The KMAPP-Wind system showed better performance in predicting near-surface wind speed during the ICE-POP period than the original KMAPP version, reducing the forecast error by 21.2%. It suggests that a realistic representation of the topographic parameters is a prerequisite for the physical downscaling of near-ground wind speed over complex terrain areas.