• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tonality

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Variable Bitrate MPEG Audio (가변 전송율 MPEG 오디오)

  • Nam, Seung-Hyon
    • The Journal of Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 1997
  • Two psychoacoustic models used in MPEG-1 employ different masking patterns, different masking indexes, and different computational procedures. As a result, Model 1 is inferior to Model 2 due to its worst case approach in computing the SMR even though it determines tonality and masking levels accurately. In this study, we investigate the performances of psychoacoustic models when we modify the MPEG-1 audio coder for variable bitrates. Simulation results show that Model 2 has a gain of 30 kbps in the dual channel mode and 20 kbps in the joint stereo mode. It is generally known that the joint stereo mode has a gain in bitrate compare to the dual channel mode. For signals with frequent attacks, this gain becomes larger in Model 1 than in Model 2. This is due to the fact that Model 1 uses the worst case approach in computing the SMR to reduce pre-echo

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A Study on Changjak Gukak Composed by the Composers who Majored in Western Music (서양음악전공 작곡가에 의해 작곡된 창작국악작품 연구)

  • Kang, Sun-Ha
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.572-577
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to classify and examine Changjak Gukak composed by composers who majored in Western music and help the composers with the composition of Changjak Gukak. As a result, it was investigated that Korean traditional musical elements have been used on the basis of the traditional or modern Western composition technique. The traditional composition techniques such as motive, theme, keys, homophony, contrapuntal methods, fugue form, sonata form, baroque concerto form and borrowing of Western art works have been used, and the contemporary composition techniques such as timber melody, a-tonality, irregular meter, poly rhythm and aleatory have been used. In addition, it reflects the Korean expression and identity by applying the Korean traditional instruments, Sigimsae, Jangdan, traditional scale and mode, form and melody.

Integrated Analysis of Visual Story Telling and Original Sound Track of 'Alladin' Animation ('알라딘' 애니메이션에서 비주얼 스토리텔링과 오리지널 사운드 트랙 융합 분석)

  • Jang, So Eun;Lou, Liang;Kim, Jae Ho
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.24
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    • pp.375-388
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    • 2016
  • Integrated analysis of OST and VST of animation Alladin is carried out in this study. The OST is classified into 4 stages (Introduction, Bridge Passage, Climax, and Ending) and their OST and VST characteristics are found for each step. Especially, high dynamic characteristics of OST elements (sound, tonality, tempo, major range, intensity, and instrumentation) and VST elements (image structure, camera shot, camera movement) are found in the Climax stage. Full Shot is highly used up to 47.9% and this helps to show that the two characters become one in the completion stage of love. This is common factor shown in the previous analysis of OST "Beauty and the Beast". It is also found that specific musical instruments are matched to specific characters in "Beauty and the Beast" and high/low position or up/down movement of the object in the screen are matched to specific musical instruments in 'Alladin'.

Enhancement of SBR for Speech Signal Using Adaptive Noise Floor Level (가변 잡음 레벨을 이용한 음성신호에 대한 SBR 성능 항상 기술)

  • Lee, Se-Won;Oh, Seoung-Jun;Ahn, Chang-Beom;Lee, Tae-Jin;Kang, Kyoung-Ok;Park, Ho-Chong
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.148-154
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    • 2009
  • In audio coding, SBR technology synthesizes the high-bands using patched time-frequency information from low-bands and the correction parameters, Since SBR transmits only correction parameters for high-bands, it provides a low-rate coding of high-bands, and is used as a core module of MPEG-4 HE-AAC, SBR was originally designed for audio signal and its performance for speech signal tends to decrease, and the major reason is an excessive noise floor in high-bands which is caused by incorrect tonality computation, In this paper, a new method to determine noise floor level in an adaptive fashion according to the speech characteristics is proposed in order to solve the problem of SBR for speech signal, The proposed method maintains the compatibility with the standard SBR, and the subjective performance evaluation shows that the proposed method improves the SBR performance especially for male speech signal compared with the standard SBR.

Tonal Perception of Korean Traditional Musical Tones by Western Music Experts (국악음에 대한 서양 음악 전문가의 조성적 지각)

  • 권윤주;김경일
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2000
  • The tonal music organizes the tones based on the hierarchy of the relative importance of musical tones. So listeners who are familiar with a certain musical style internalize the tonal schema of that music in mind, though they have no formal training about these organizing principles. This research examined how the western music experts who are not familiar with classical Korean music interpret classical Korean music. In the other researches about musical styles outside the western music, the superficial informations such as the distribution and the duration of tones in the experimental stimulus might be used as cues to extract the tonal schema of that music. In this study, these superficial informations were controlled in order to reduce this possibility. The results showed that the western music experts might interpret classical Korean music with the tonal schema of western music. but, thought the western music experts perceived classical Korean music on the base of the western musical framework and so their interpretation was not match with the tonal schema of classical Korean music. their interpretation was more similar to classical Korean tonal schema than the non-musicians interpretation of classical Korean music. These results suggested that the extensive experiences in a specific musical style can facilitate the listeners proper apprehension of the other musical styles.

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Characteristics of Noise Emission from Wind Turbine According to Methods of Power Regulation (파워 조절 방법에 따른 풍력 터빈의 방사 소음 특성)

  • Cheong, Cheol-Ung;Cheung, Wan-Sup;Shin, Su-Hyun;Chun, Se-Jong;Choi, Yong-Moon;Jung, Sung-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.8 s.113
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    • pp.864-871
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    • 2006
  • In the development of electricity generating wind turbines for wind farm application, only two types have survived as the methods of power regulation; stall regulation and full span pitch control. The main purpose of this paper is to experimentally identify the characteristics of noise emission of wind turbines according to the power regulation types. The sound measurement procedures of IEC 61400-11 are applied to field test and evaluation of noise emission from each of 1.5 MW and 660 kW wind turbines (WT) utilizing the stall regulation and the pitch control for the power regulation, respectively. Apparent sound power level, wind speed dependence, third-octave band levels and tonality are evaluated for both of WTs. It is observed that equivalent continuous sound pressure levels (ECSPL) of the stall control type of WT continue to increase with increasing wind speed whereas those of the pitch control type of WT show less correlation with wind speed. These observed characteristics are believed to be due to the different airflow patterns around the blade between the stall regulation and the pitch control types of WT; the airflow on the suction side of blade in the stall types of WT are separated at the high wind speed. It is also found that the 1.5 MW WT using the stall control emits lower sound power than 660 kW one using the pitch control at wind speeds below 8m/s, whereas sound power of the former becomes higher than that of the latter in the wind speed over 8m/s. This wind-speed dependence of sound power leads to the very different noise omission characteristics of WTs depending on the seasons because the average wind speed in summer is lower than 8m/s whereas that in summer is higher. Based on these experimental observations, it is proposed that, in view of environmental noise regulation, the developer of wind farm should give enough considerations to the choice of power regulation of their WTG based on the weather conditions of potential wind farm locations.

Personal Credit Evaluation System through Telephone Voice Analysis: By Support Vector Machine

  • Park, Hyungwoo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2018
  • The human voice is one of the easiest methods for the information transmission between human beings. The characteristics of voice can vary from person to person and include the speed of speech, the form and function of the vocal organ, the pitch tone, speech habits, and gender. The human voice is a key element of human communication. In the days of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, voices are also a major means of communication between humans and humans, between humans and machines, machines and machines. And for that reason, people are trying to communicate their intentions to others clearly. And in the process, it contains various additional information along with the linguistic information. The Information such as emotional status, health status, part of trust, presence of a lie, change due to drinking, etc. These linguistic and non-linguistic information can be used as a device for evaluating the individual's credit worthiness by appearing in various parameters through voice analysis. Especially, it can be obtained by analyzing the relationship between the characteristics of the fundamental frequency(basic tonality) of the vocal cords, and the characteristics of the resonance frequency of the vocal track.In the previous research, the necessity of various methods of credit evaluation and the characteristic change of the voice according to the change of credit status were studied. In this study, we propose a personal credit discriminator by machine learning through parameters extracted through voice.

A Study of Ethnomusicological Elements in Modern Chinese Clarinet focus on 『the Shepherd Horse』 and 『the Voice of the Pamir』 (중국 현대 클라리넷 작품 중 민족음악 요소 연구 『목마의 노래』와 『파미이지음』을 중심으로)

  • Zeng, Guang;Ahn, Sung-Hie
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2022
  • During the China's long history, many ethnic groups have developed their own traditions of local music which is an important part of their precious cultures. Meanwhile, each ethnic group developed its own worldview and music culture according to its unique living environment, special lifestyle and mode of production. The clarinet is a Western instrument, and has been influenced to some extent by Chinese minority culture while being introduced to China. Therefore, musicians tried to find ways of using Western musical instruments to express various elements of Chinese minority music. Focusing on two clarinet works 'The Song of Grazing Horses' by Wang Yan and 'The Sound of Pamir Clarinet Concerto' by Hu Bijing, this paper aims to analyze the musical characteristics of minority groups expressed by the clarinet in two aspects: the formation of the music style, the artistic characteristics conveyed through the works. Specifically, it consists of five parts: ethnic mode and tonality, rhythm, time signature, melody making, and imitation of animals. It also analyzes the cultural characteristics of Tajik and Mongolian music reflected in the two works in combination with living environment, mode of production, life style, and ethnic emotions. This study aims to provide a theoretical basis for composers and performers who want to understand and acquire the musical style of modern Chinese clarinet works. It also helps to find a better way to play traditional Chinese music with Western instruments.

Analysis of Musical Characteristics and Changes in Different Periods on Yoon-Sang's Music (윤상의 곡에 나타난 음악적 특징과 시대별 변화)

  • Park, Ji-Eun;Chung, Jae-Youn
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to analyze music of Yoon-sang, as a part of musical research, which is the most fundamental approach among academic studies on Korean popular music. Yoon-Sang is a representative composer, who has gone through the 1980s to the present. The result of analysis of 21 songs created by Yoon-Sang showed that his songs are mostly characterized by tonal music, in which chord relationships develop focusing on keynotes. The reason why his music does not sound uniform pursuing stability is he properly added the progression of chromatic chords, based on diatonic chords and melodies. Dominant 7th chord and diminished 7th chord are used the most among diverse techniques adding chromatic colors. Along with these chords, chromatic intervals are used not only in chord progression but also in melodies. The successive, ascending or descending movement of the base line is his common composition and arrangement technique revealed in every song. One of formal changes with the stream of the times is that the number of measured in the pre-chorus and interlude that were of great importance in his songs of the 1990s decreased over time. With regard to harmonic changes, whereas modulation between parts was applied to his 2 songs created in the 2010s. Yoon-Sang's music had one strong tonality overall, but his music began to have more than two tonalities starting the 2010s, and this is a big variation in his music.

The Association of Auditive and Visual Meanings in (영화 <이미테이션 게임>에 나타난 청각적·시각적 의미의 연합)

  • Ahn, Soo Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2021
  • The goal of this paper is to explore the relationship between visual and auditive meanings of the film "The Imitation Game"(2013) which is directed by Morten Tyldum, and with music composed by Alexandre Desplat. The author accepted Zwikowski's idea of analyzing how film music and visual information created a chemical and meaningful signal for the audience. Lawrence Zbikowski has used Conceptual Integration Networks (CIN), devised by Golles Fauconnier and Mark Turner, to analyze latent meanings which was produced by the association of visual and auditive meanings. Therefore, The author applied the CIN analyzing methodology to the research combination of music and imagery in "The Imitaion Game." Desplat, the composer, has used aeolian instead of tonality to represent the main character. The aeolian melodic line was changed to create a similar atmosphere of imagery and narratives. The irregular time and minor chord was associated with unstable emotion and familiar intervals, while the major chord was associated with stable feelings. Desplat also applied instrumental diversity and extreme changes of dynamic to create positive or negative cognition. The author, therefore, found how the meanings of auditive materials and visual information combined and emphasized encoded messages in the film.