• Title/Summary/Keyword: The nature of Education

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Pre-service and In-service Elementary School Teachers의 Beliefs about 575 Interactions (예비 및 현직 초등교사의 STS 상호작용에 대한 신념)

  • 서승조;조태호;백남권;박강은;김성규;신명주
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.255-270
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to consider pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers' beliefs about STS (Science-Technology-Society), by investigating their opinions on STS interactions. 222 of the seniors in Jinju National University of Education, namely pre-service elementary school teachers, and 185 of the active teachers in Kyung-Nam Province were selected as the objects for researching these matters. Their beliefs about STS interactions were examined. The results were analyzed with a percentage as an examining tool of TBA-STS(Teachers' Beliefs about Science-Technology-Society). The results were as follows; First, on the nature of science, most of them showed simple opinions. On the nature of technology, most of them also showed simple opinions. most of them recognized the interactions among science, technology, and society affirmatively. They showed simple opinions on the interactions between science and technology. In fact, they didn't recognize the interactions between science and society, but they knew the influence of technology on society relatively concretely. Second, if one consider the cognitive situation or the distributing route of STS, he can easily find that most teachers never or little know it. At present, pre-service teachers learn STS from the lectures in their universities, and in-service teachers get information about it from science magazines/newspapers and training.

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10 Debating Points in Performance Management On the Job Training (공공부문 성과관리 현장실무교육을 위한 10가지 쟁점: 실무 성과관리 교육내용 구성을 위한 제언)

  • Lee, Seok-Hwan
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.221-239
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    • 2011
  • This study argues that traditional 'On the Job Training(OJT)' for performance management in the public sector has paid little attention to the innate nature of public performance management, while mainly focusing on introducing new techniques and differentiating new ones from existing ones. This neglection leads us to commit repetitive errors in practice and misunderstandings about the nature of public performance regardless of the introduction of new techniques. This study emphasizes that on the job training for performance management in the public sector should be able to foster critical thinking and debates over important issues to overcome the problems mentioned above. From such a point of view, 10 important debating points for training and education are suggested to balance both theoretical and practical perspectives in public performance management. Finally, this study maintains that the necessary first step for successful performance management is public employees' correct understanding on the nature of public performance management rather than on a new technique itself.

Perception Types of Nursing Students to Clinical Education: Q Methodological Approach (간호대학생의 임상실습에 대한 인식유형 : Q방법론적 접근)

  • Kim, Myung-Ae;Kim, Hyo-Eun;Nam, Sung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.327-339
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to explore perception types and to understand the nature of experience of nursing students' clinical education by using the Q methodology. A Q sample was developed through a review of the literature and descriptions about nursing students' experience in clinical practice. Thirty-six statements made up the finalized Q sample. The P sample consisted of 33 third grade nursing students in K university. Q statements were written on separate cards and were given to the 33 subjects to sort according to degree of agreement or disagreement. The Q-sorts by each subject were coded and analysed with the Quanl PC program. A a result, three major perception types, namely, 'alienation of ideal and reality', 'active participation', and 'perception of limitation of ability' were identified. By identifying the nature of the three types, this study suggests efficient strategies for developing clinical educational programs according to the perception types of nursing students. Clinical education would thereby be more valuable.

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An Exploration into Meanings of Ecological Citizenship: With Focus on the Values, Skills and Agreement Mechanisms (생태시민성 개념의 탐색적 논의: 덕성과 기능 및 합의기제를 중심으로)

  • Kim, So-Young;Nam, Sang-Joon
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2012
  • The most necessary thing for education now, is an ecological approach to look at and be conscious of the uncertainty of nature and the structural contradiction of society. In brief, we need to make a judgment on what standard and value are required for a forming righteous relation between nature and human being, and include it in the notion of citizenship. Based on this point of view, this study extracted moral virtues, skills and agreement mechanisms of new citizenship from ecologism, environmental justice and the ecological community, and systematized them. From ecologism and environmental justice, virtues that are inner values to lead ecological citizen's act and skills as capabilities required for correcting environmental injustice, were derived. Then, workings of citizens in a community and directions of each society and education were considered from the ecological community as an utopia where ecological citizens ultimately aim for. As the result, the ecological sensitivity, freedom, creativity, a sense of justice, a sense of responsibility, caring were found to be moral virtues that ecological citizens have to have. Next, ecological thinking skills like systemic thinking, quantitative thinking and empathetic thinking, and principles of deliberation and perturbation as mechanisms to improve communication skill and environmental injustice which have been considered importantly as components of democratic citizenship, were selected as skills of ecological citizens.

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A Study on the Nature of the Mathematical Reasoning (수학적 추론의 본질에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Dong-Yeop
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2010
  • The aims of our study are to investigate the nature of mathematical reasoning and the teaching of mathematical reasoning in school mathematics. We analysed the process of shaping deduction in ancient Greek based on Netz's study, and discussed on the comparison between his study and Freudenthal's local organization. The result of our analysis shows that mathematical reasoning in elementary school has to be based on children's natural language and their intuitions, and then the mathematical necessity has to be formed. And we discussed on the sequences and implications of teaching of the sum of interior angles of polygon composed the discovery by induction, justification by intuition and logical reasoning, and generalization toward polygons.

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Toddlers' Experience World through Play in the Nature-Friendly Outdoor Environment (자연친화적 실외 환경 놀이에서의 영아의 경험 세계)

  • Son, Won Kyoung;Jeon, Ju Young
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.143-164
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine toddlers' experienced world, which was shown in a play of the nature-friendly outdoor environment. Through this, the aim was to offer an opportunity of trying to seek a plan for activation in the nature-friendly outdoor play as for toddlers. This study targeted 9 toddlers between 22 months and 33 months who are attending S child care center where is located in Busan Metropolitan City, and was progressed with qualitative research method available for examining the in-depth significance of the phenomenon. A method of data collection was carried out the participatory observation and the in-depth interview. As a result of the study, the toddlers play experience in nature friendly outdoor environment provided special and various experience that can be limited in indoor at daycare center. First, toddlers were experiencing 'exploratory world of making a sense awakened.' Second, toddlers were experiencing 'communicative world of making emotion awakened.' Finally, on the early childhood education and the child-care education, a plan of offering enough time will need to be pursued now that toddlers can experience a play by being deeply immersed in nature, which is the space of free communication and the living sensational space, with escaping from the existing frame.

Nature Death Act -Taiwan Experience-

  • Lai, Enoch Y.L.
    • 한국호스피스완화의료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.19-21
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    • 2008
  • Hospice movement in Taiwan emerged early in 1983. There was a nurse visiting terminal cancer patients by herself in Taipei city. It was ceased after one year. This stage of hospice movement might be called as "compassionate era". In early 1990, the first in-patient hospice ward was set up in north Taiwan. She demonstrated high touch in the high technology medical atmosphere. There was a great echo in Taiwan society to this action. In the following years, quite a few new hospice settings were founded. Medical professionals were aroused again to talk and think about life and death, dignity of dying and holistic care. This stage of hospice movement might be called as "ethical stage". Around 2000, obstructions were discovered in our development. We do need system and rules. Standard of setting and care, Curriculum of education and training, Accreditation system and specialist system and Nature Death Act are some of the systems we approached. This stage of hospice movement might be called as "Act stage". Among the "Act stage", the Nature Death Act is actually the mile stone in our history. What listed below are the translated one for the reference:

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Effect of Proof Education through Informal Activities on the Proof abilities of Students in the Elementary Gifted Class (비형식적 활동을 통한 증명교육이 초등 영재학급 학생들의 증명 능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Jun-Seok;Song, Sang-Hun
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.501-524
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop teaching-learning materials for informal activities geared toward teaching the nature and structure of proof, to make a case analysis of the application of the developed instructional materials to students in an elementary gifted class, to discuss the feasibility of proof education for gifted elementary students and to give some suggestions on that proof education. It's ultimately meant to help improve the proof abilities of elementary gifted students. After the characteristics of the eight selected gifted elementary students were analyzed, instructional materials of nine sessions were developed to let them learn about the nature and structure of proof by utilizing informal activities. And then they took a lesson two times by using the instructional materials, and how they responded to that education was checked. An analysis framework was produced to assess how they solved the given proof problems, and another analysis framework was made to evaluate their understanding of the structure and nature of proof. In order to see whether they showed any improvement in proof abilities, their proof abilities and proof attitude were tested after they took lessons. And then they were asked to write how they felt, and there appeared seven kinds of significant responses when their writings were analyzed. Their responses proved the possibility of proof education for gifted elementary students, and seven suggestions were given on that education.

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Exploring Educational Models for Integrating Socioscientific Issues (SSI) with Risk Education (과학기술관련 사회쟁점 (SSI)과 위험교육의 통합적 접근의 필요성 및 교육 모형 탐색)

  • Hyunju Lee;Young-Shin Park;Hyunok Lee;Kongju Mun;Yohan Hwang
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.313-323
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to explore educational methods to help students and citizens, who are exposed to numerous manufactured risks, better understand the nature of science and technology. It also seeks to develop their ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate the risks associated with science and technology, ultimately enabling them to live safer lives in society. To achieve this, through an extensive literature review, we explored the definition of risk, the necessity of risk education, and the relationship between SSI (Socioscientific Issues) education and risk education. Based on the results, we proposed the SSI-CURE (Socioscientific Issues Centered on the Understanding of Risk and its Evaluation) model, which can systematically educate about risks in the context of SSI. The SSI-CURE model proceeds through the following four steps: 1) Confrontation of SSI, 2) Understanding the Nature of Science and Technology with SSI, 3) Risk Assessment in SSI, and 4) Enactment of Countermeasures for SSI. These steps represent the key elements for education on risks in the context of SSI: Conceptual understanding of risks (risk knowledge), competencies necessary for discussing or addressing risk situations (risk competency), scientific content knowledge needed to understand risks (knowledge in science), and knowledge required to understand the causes of risks and their impacts (knowledge about science). We expect that the SSI-CURE model can be used not only as a guide for instruction but also as a representative framework for developing programs to educate about risks in the SSI context.