• Title/Summary/Keyword: The imaginary

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Dongmu Lee Je-ma's minds of treatment presented in ${\ulcorner}Dongyi\;Soose\;Bowon{\lrcorner}$ ("동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)"에 나타난 이제마(李濟馬)의 치료의학정신(治療醫學精神))

  • Song, Il-Byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2001
  • Background and Purpose Through ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$, Dongmu Lee Je-ma supposed the minds of management for Sasang Constitutional Symptoms, which had been accomplished through several steps from his early writings to ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$ published in 1901. His basic minds of treatment for disease had been supposed early in ${\ulcorner}$Gyojapyungseongjam${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$Gyukchigo${\lrcorner}$, and had been completed to the Sasang Constitutional Symptoms and the minds of management for it, from ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon Sasang Chobongyun${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$ written in 1894 to ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$ published in 1901. In this paper, I tried to find the minds of treatment of ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$, through classifying and researching the early minds of treatment (presented in ${\ulcorner}$Gyojapyungseongjam${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Gyukchigo${\ulcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon Sasang Chobongyun${\lrcorner}$), and the latter minds of treatment (presented in ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\ulcorner}$ written in 1894, ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$ published in 1901) Methods It was researched as bibliologically with his writings such as ${\ulcorner}$Gyojapyungseongjam${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Gyukchigo${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon Sasang Chobongyun${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$ written in 1894, ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$ published in 1901. Results and Conclusions The conclusions were as follows. 1. At early, Dongmu Lee Je-ma pursued the minds of treatment at the autonomous control through 'Acquaintance and Self-control' based on 'the Knowledge of Nature and Desire', so emphasized 'self-control' as important point in treatment. 2. From ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon Sasang Chobongyun${\lcorner}$, Dongmu summarized Sasang constitutional symptoms structurally in view of Morpho-imaginary. In ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon Sasang Chobongyun${\lcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lcorner}$ written in 1894, It was described in view of small organ, but in ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lcorner}$ published in 1901, suggested more updated in view of both large and small organ and to which added the concept of Hot and Cold. 3. Through reinterpreting the concept of interior and exterior disease in ${\ulcorner}$Sanghanrhon${\lcorner}$, the concept of Sasang constitutional symptoms had started as the minds of treatment for individual disease, but in ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lcorner}$ published in 1901, it was accomplished as the minds of broad management for Sasang Constitutional Symptoms. 4. In ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lcorner}$ published in 1901, the broad therapeutic prescriptions for management of Sasang constitutional symptoms were proposed newly, according to the accomplishment of Sasang constitutional symptomatic patterns, so these have different aims and are more important than that proposed previously. 5. The control in view of 'Knowledge and Deed' and the minds of management for Sasang constitutional symptoms are the minds and spirits for treantment and prevention against disease, which can maximize the power of autonomous self-treatment and manage all disease broadly.

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A Study on the Radiation Source Effect to the Radiation Shielding Analysis for a Spent-Fuel Cask Design with Burnup-Credit (연소도이득효과를 적용한 사용후핵연료 수송용기의 방사선원별 차폐영향 분석)

  • Kim, Kyung-O;Kim, Soon-Young;Ko, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Gang-Ug;Kim, Tae-Man;Yoon, Jeong-Hyun
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2011
  • The radiation shielding analysis for a Burnup-credit (BUC) cask designed under the management of Korea Radioactive Waste Management Corporation (KRMC) was performed to examine the contribution of each radiation source affecting dose rate distribution around the cask. Various radiation sources, which contain neutron and gamma-ray sources placed in active fuel region and the activation source, and imaginary nuclear fuel were all considered in the MCNP calculation model to realistically simulate the actual situations. It was found that the maximum external and surface dose rates of the spent fuel cask were satisfied with the domestic standards both in normal and accident conditions. In normal condition, the radiation dose rate distribution around the cask was mainly influenced by activation source ($^{60}Co$ radioisotope); in another case, the neutron emitted in active fuel region contributed about 90% to external dose rate at 1m distance from side surface of the cask. Besides, the contribution level of activation source was dramatically increased to the dose rates in top and bottom regions of the cask. From this study, it was recognized that the detailed investigation on the radiation sources should be performed conservatively and accurately in the process of radiation shielding analysis for a BUC cask.

Between Dystopia and Utopia A Comparative Study on Cormac MacCarthy's The Road and J.M. Coetzee's The Childhood of Jesus (디스토피아와 유토피아 사이 - 코멕 매카시의 『더 로드』와 존 쿳시의 『예수의 어린시절』 비교연구)

  • Jeon, So-Young
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.40
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    • pp.91-110
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    • 2015
  • Both Plato and More imagined alternative ways of organizing society. What is common to both authors, then, is the fact that they resorted to fiction to discuss other options. They differed, however, in the way they presented that fiction. The concept of utopia is no doubt an attribute of modern thought, and one of its most visible consequences. But one of the main features of utopia as a literary genre is its relationship with reality. Utopists depart from the observation of the society they live in, note down the aspects that need to be changed and imagine a place where those problems have been solved. After the two World Wars, the twentieth century was predominantly characterized by man's disappointment at the perception of his own nature. In this context, utopian ideals seemed absurd and the floor was inevitably left to dystopian discourse. Both The Road by Cormac MacCarthy and The Childhood of Jesus by J. M. Coetzee can be called critical dystopia and critical utopia as they represent the imaginary place and time that author intended a contemporaneous reader to view as better or worse than contemporary society but with difficult problems that the described society may or may not be able to solve. As a changed adventure narrative, they have something in common like open ending, father and son relationship and religious allegory. But the most important thing is that they express the utopian impulse that is still energetic and transforming in the post-modern society.

Computation of Apparent Resistivity from Marine Controlled-source Electromagnetic Data for Identifying the Geometric Distribution of Gas Hydrate (가스 하이드레이트 부존양상 도출을 위한 해양 전자탐사 자료의 겉보기 비저항 계산)

  • Noh, Kyu-Bo;Kang, Seo-Gi;Seol, Soon-Jee;Byun, Joong-Moo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2012
  • The sea layer in marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic (mCSEM) survey changes the conventional definition of apparent resistivity which is used in the land CSEM survey. Thus, the development of a new algorithm, which computes apparent resistivity for mCSEM survey, can be an initiative of mCSEM data interpretation. First, we compared and analyzed electromagnetic responses of the 1D stratified gas hydrate model and the half-space model below the sea layer. Amplitude and phase components showed proper results for computing apparent resistivity than real and imaginary components. Next, the amplitude component is more sensitive to the subsurface resistivity than the phase component in far offset range and vice versa. We suggested the induction number as a selection criteria of amplitude or phase component to calculate apparent resistivity. Based on our study, we have developed a numerical algorithm, which computes appropriate apparent resistivity corresponding to measured mCSEM data using grid search method. In addition, we verified the validity of the developed algorithm by applying it to the stratified gas hydrate models with various model parameters. Finally, by constructing apparent resistivity pseudo-section from the mCSEM responses with 2D numerical models simulating gas hydrate deposits in the Ulleung Basin, we confirmed that the apparent resistivity can provide the information on the geometric distribution of the gas hydrate deposit.

Study on Storytelling of VR Cartoons (VR 카툰의 스토리텔링 연구)

  • Yoo, Taekyung
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2018
  • The virtual reality (VR) cartoon is a format of VR contents that leverage the characteristics of webtoons that provides the simple story line and graphical storytelling tools to strategically surmount limitations of VR contents design. The VR cartoon enables people to experience the imaginary three-dimensional space in the webtoon as a real space by the transformation of webtoon contents through VR prototyping. The VR cartoon successfully presents focused environment where people can readily pay attention to the contents without notable motion sickness. People have been familiar with the storytelling strategy in the context of published cartoons and webtoons, likely we've understood the narrative of a movie through the continuous scenes projected in the screen. Indeed, it has been recognized as a popular toolset of communication, where visual images are sequentially delivered by replacing multiple planar spaces to tell a story narrative. While there are discrete panels with the time and space resolution in the graphical cartoons, people can distill a commit closure based on their past experiences. This is a typical "grammar" of the cartoon, which can be extrapolated to the VR cartoon that provides a seminal storytelling strategy. In this article, we review how the storytelling strategy in webtoons has been transformed into that in VR cartoons, and analyze the key components of VR cartoons. We envision that our research can potentially create keystones to produce variety of new VR contents by reflecting various narrative media including cartoon as a 'sequential art'.

Economic Management of River Water Quality by Utilization of Self Purification-An Environmental Resource (환경자원의 자정능력 선용을 통한 경제적 하천 수질관리)

  • Koo, Ja Kong;Lee, Byung Kuk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 1987
  • The object of this study was to evaluate the management alternatives with respect to the attainable water quality and total cost(construction+O & M cost) in order to devise a reasonable water quality management system. Joong Ryang-cheon stream located Seoul, Korea was taken as the study area, and dissolved oxygen concentration as the water quality index. Water quality simulation model QUAL2E and linear programming optimization technique were used for scientific and rational analyses. It was assumed that the improvement of water quality could be obtained by the treatment of major point sources where imaginary treatment plants were constructed. And by this, the relationship between total cost of the treatment plants and the stepwise improvement of water quality was studied. The result showed that 3.5mg/l of DO(=dissolved oxygen) level at best could be attained in Joong Ryang-cheon stream during summer. When the DO standard was set 3.0mg/l in the severely polluted regions, more than 5.0mg/l of DO level can be achieved by the construction of 4 treatment plants. Also, the cost comparisons showed that the uniform treatment method is economically inefficient(\$24.8{\times}10^8$) in comparison with the least cost method(\$22.9{\times}10^8$), and there is little difference between the least cost method and the the zoned treatment method(\$23.0{\times}10^8$) that is regarded as more equitable, which shows the characteristics of this basin.

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South Korean Society and Disciplined Travel Fantasy in the 1960s -Focusing on Kim Chan-Sam's 『世界一周無錢旅行記』(1962) (규율된 여행 판타지의 60년대적 구성 -김찬삼의 『세계일주무전여행기(世界一周無錢旅行記)』(1962)를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Tae-Hun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.289-319
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    • 2019
  • Kim Chan-sam's 『世界一周無錢旅行記』 was released in 1962. This was a time when the general public was strongly restricted from traveling abroad. Most of the people lived in 'domestic'. Low development and political upheaval continued. The readership wanted a fantasy, which came out of a desire to escape from the peninsula. So was to become more popular around the popular characters called 'Kim Chan-sam'. Kim Chan-sam had to be a pushover to the public. This figure had to be secular and de-politicized. Above all, ideological bias had to be removed. The book's imaginary geography is the "world as a non-communist state" with a high purity. The Cold War ideology was prevalent throughout South Korean society. Kim Chan-sam knew exactly what he could and could not tell the South Korean reader. He couldn't tell you the reality of my readers not being able to travel abroad. Not to mention a society locked up 'domestic' on the Korean reality. The study analyzes Kim Chan-sam's storytelling strategy. Looking at the meaning of the travel fantasy,agenre of the 1960s, I would like to ask why travel writing in our time is still bound by its past limitations.

Effects of Inflation Indexed Excise Duties on Transportation Fuel Consumption Using Demand Analysis based on the Linear Expenditure System in Korea (선형지출체계 수요함수 추정을 통한 수송용 유류 종량세의 물가연동제 도입효과 분석)

  • Sung, Myung Jae
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.257-286
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    • 2017
  • This paper estimates the effects of imaginary repeated increases in excise duties on fuel oil consumption and on their income redistribution according to changes in consumer price index, if the inflation indexation system was introduced right after the second Energy Tax Reform ended in July, 2007 in Korea. In fact, nominal excise rates have not been adjusted since 2007. As a result, the real excise rates on fuel oils have been diminished inversely proportional to the consumer price index. Own- and cross-price elasticities of fuel oils such as gasoline and diesel oil are estimated under the general equilibrium framework based on the linear expenditure system. Counterfactual analyses through microsimulation in a static model are adopted to estimate the effects of introducing inflation indexation into the fuel tax in 2007 when the second Energy Tax reform ended on the fuel consumption and income redistribution in 2014. Microsimulations suggest that its introduction could have reduced the consumption of gasoline and diesel oil by 8.8% and 5.4%, respectively, ending up with increased excise revenue by 11.9%. The revenue increase in spite of decreased consumption is mainly because their demands are price inelastic. It could also have increased positive income redistributive effect by 0.01%p (from 0.12% to 0.13%), which is measured in terms of percentage decrease in Gini coefficient. In other words, the fuel excise on the two fuel oils decreased by 0.13% the Gini coefficient of before and after fuel tax income in 2014. This implies that the inflation indexation could have enlarged the income redistributive effect up to 0.13% in 2014, if it is introduced in 2007.

Accuracy Analysis of Cadastral Control Points Surveying using VRS case by Jinju city parts (가상기지국을 활용한 지적기준점 관측 정확도 분석 -진주시 일원을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Hyun;Kim, Kyu Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.413-422
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    • 2012
  • After development of GPS in the 1960's, the United States released SA(Selective Availability) in 2000 and then the GPS has become commercialized to the present. The result of repeatedly developed GPS observation, the GPS real-time observation methods is RTK which basically always needs two base stations and has a fault of the accuracy decreasing as the distance between a mobile station and a receiver is increasing. Because of these weakness, VRS method has come out. VRS(Virtual Reference Station) generates the imaginary point near mobile station from several observatory datum of GPS, sets the accurate location of mobile station, thus shows high reliability and mobility. Now, the cadastral datum point is used with azimuth, repetition, and graphical traversing method for traverse network. The result of measurement indicates many problems because of different accomplishment interval given point, restrictions on the length of the conductor, many errors on the observations. So, this study did comparative analysis of the cadastral datum points through VRS method by Continuously Operating Reference Station. Through the above comparative analysis, The comparative result between surveyed result with repetition method through total station observed Cadastral Control Points and surveyed result with VRS-RTK has shown that average error of x-axis is -0.08m, average error of y-axis, +0.07m and average distance error is +0.11m.

Hybrid Urbanscapes of PC Bangs and Their Socio-Spatial Effects on Human Bodies (피시방의 혼성적 도시경관과 인간 육체에 대한 사회-공간적 영향)

  • Lee, Hee-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.710-727
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    • 2007
  • This paper suggests an inquiry into the characteristics and implications of urbanscapes produced by Internet cafes, widely called PC Bangs in Korea, and their effects on the motions and boundaries of human bodies as cyborgs which exist in between actual and virtual spaces or between human and machine spaces in PC Bangs. The paper, which is organised into two main sections, first investigates the streetscapes of PC Bangs as electronic architectural spaces and suggests the urban electronic space of PC Bangs in terms of hypertext space. Then, it looks at the effects of PC Bangs on human bodies which exist as human-machine hybrids or cyborgs in PC Bangs. The paradoxical socio-spatial characteristics of PC Bangs as third, liminal or hybrid spaces between actual and virtual spaces or between human and machine spaces can be explained as follows. Firstly, there appear both nomadic and sedentary landscapes in that people in PC Bangs move in virtual spaces on the one hand, and are static in actual spaces on the other hand. Secondly, both open and closed spaces are shaped in that although PC Bangs act as open or public electronic spaces, they involve invisible social boundaries, forming the gendered space of masculinism. Thirdly, the boundaries of the human body are extended and are shrunk at the same time in that while the sensory boundaries of the body in PC Bangs are extended through electronic networks, its social boundaries are shrunk through the imaginary space of solipsism. Thus and finally, PC Bangs can be characterised not only as social spaces entailing embodied and gendered landscapes, but also as non-places involving the cyborg landscapes of human-machine connections.