• 제목/요약/키워드: The Japanese Colonial Rule

검색결과 117건 처리시간 0.023초

A Thoracic Surgical Case Presented at the First Academic Meeting of the Chosun (Korean) Medical Association Held in 1947

  • Kim, Won-Gon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제49권4호
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    • pp.325-328
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    • 2016
  • The late Prof. Kyeok Boo Han (1913-2005) was one of the pioneers in the early stages of the establishment of thoracic surgery in Korea. He was in charge of thoracic surgery at Seoul National University Hospital from 1948 to the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950. He presented a thoracic surgical case entitled "Adhesive (constrictive) pericarditis: one surgical case" at the first academic meeting of the Chosun (an old name for Korea) Medical Association, held in 1947. This presentation is considered to be the first thoracic surgical case presented by a Korean surgeon at a domestic medical meeting after the National Liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945. In this regard, this study was intended to analyze the content and the meaning of the case, published in a journal in 1948.

대한제국과 일제강점기의 홍삼 원료삼 경작지원 시스템 (Cultivation Support System of Ginseng as a Red Ginseng Raw MaterialduringtheKoreanEmpire andJapaneseColonialPeriod)

  • 조대휘
    • 인삼문화
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    • 제5권
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    • pp.32-51
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    • 2023
  • 홍삼이 19세기에 청나라로 대량 수출되면서 개성에 대규모로 홍삼 원료삼 재배 단지가 조성되었다. 개성 상인 간 특유의 민간주도형 대부 제도인 시변제(時邊制) 는 인삼 재배에 필요한 막대한 비용을 조달할 수 있게 하였다. 대한제국 황실은 1895년에 포삼규칙(包蔘規則)을 공포하였는데 이것이 홍삼 전매제의 효시이다. 1899년 일본인들에 의한 삼포 침탈이 심해지자 황실은 일본인들에 의한 인삼의 도난을 방지하기 위해 군대가 경비를 하고, 원료삼 수납대금의 50~90% 정도를 수확 전에 미리 지급하는 국가 주도형 배상금 선교제도(賠償金 先交制度)를 운영하였다. 1895년 종자 가격이 상승하자 일부 상인들이 중국과 일본의 저질 종자를 수입하고 판매하게 되었다. 이에 1920년 공포한 홍삼전매령에서는 정부 허가 없이 외국 종자 수입을 금지하게 되었다. 일제강점기 초기인 1906년~1910년의 인삼경작은 폐농 수준이 되어 1910년도 홍삼 원료 수삼 수납량은 불과 2,771근에 불과하였으나 1915~1919년과 1920~1934년까지 각 기간 중 연평균 수삼 수납량은 각각 약 11만 근, 15만 근 수준으로 크게 증가하였다. 이러한 홍삼 원료 수삼 생산량 증가는 1908년부터 실시된 수삼 배상가격 사전 공시, 신규면적 재배 비용 융자, 우수경작인 장려금 지급 등 다양한 삼업 육성정책에 기인한 것이다. 그러나 당시 일제의 궁극적 목표는 한인 삼포주의 육성이 아니라 홍삼 사업의 이익금으로 식민지 경영유지 비용을 마련하려 했던 것이다.

1922년 발행 고등보통학교 교과서를 통해 본 경주 금관총 발견에 따른 일본의 반응 - 경주의 신발굴품(濱田耕作: 하마다 코사쿠) - (Japan's excitement over the discovery of Gyeongju Geumgwanchong (Gold Crown Tomb) seen through high school textbooks published in 1922 during Japanese colonial period of Joseon (Korea) - Newly Excavated Artifacts of Gyeongju (濱田耕作: Kosaku Hamada) -)

  • 유우식
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.199-222
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    • 2022
  • 일제강점기였던 1921년 9월말, 경주 노서리(盧西里)에서 우연히 발견된 고분인 금관총(金冠塚)이 발굴된 지 100년이 되었다. 한반도뿐만 아니라 아시아 더 나아가서는 세계적인 발견으로 알려져 있는 금관총의 발굴보고서는 발굴 3년 후인 1924년과 1928년에 조선총독부가 일본어와 영어로 출판한 경주 금관총과 그 유보(慶州金冠塚と其遺寶: A ROYAL TOMB "KINKANTSUKA" or THE GOLD CROWN TOMB at KEISHU, AND ITS TREASURES)라는 책과 도판(圖版)으로 발행된 것이 있으며 이 책들을 2011년에 경주 문화재연구소에서 우리말로 번역하여 소개한 것이 있다. 발굴보고서는 조선총독부 고적조사위원이었던 하마다 코사쿠(濱田耕作)(후일 교토제국대학 총장)와 조선총독부 고적 조사 사무촉탁 우메하라 스에지(梅原末治)가 작성한 것이다. 본고에서는 이 보고서보다 훨씬 빠른 시기인 고분 발굴에서부터 약 반년 후인 1922년 7월에 서문이 작성된 조선의 고등보통학교(高等普通學校)의 5학년에서 교재로 사용된 '고본 고등 조선어 및 한문 독본 제5권(稿本 高等朝鮮語及漢文讀本 卷五)' 교과서를 발견하여 소개한다. 이 교과서에서 하마다 코사쿠(濱田耕作)는 '경주의 새로운 발굴품(慶州의 新發掘品)'이라는 제목과 우리말로는 조금 어색한 표현이지만 '매우 큰 발견'이라는 뜻으로 '절대의 발견(絶大의 發見)'이라는 부제목을 달아 하나의 단원으로 일본어가 아닌 우리말로 금관총 발굴의 성과와 학술적, 고고학적 발견, 문화사적인 측면에서 그 의미를 강조하고 있다. 발굴 직후에 작성된 원고이기 때문에 발굴 당시의 고고학 연구자로서 흥분된 느낌과 향후의 연구에 대한 기대를 그대로 읽을 수 있다. 본고에서는 금관총 발굴 후 조선총독부 조사책임자의 흥분된 현장의 목소리를 집필한 지 100년이 되는 2022년에 소개하고자 한다. 아울러 고분 발견부터 보고서의 작성에 이르기까지의 과정을 하나의 연표로 정리하여 일련의 흐름을 이해하기 쉽게 하였다.

한국(韓國)의 형사정책(刑事政策)에 관한 역사적(歷事的) 고찰(考察) (A Study on History of Criminal Policy in Korea)

  • 김형청
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제6호
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    • pp.1-46
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    • 2003
  • During the ancient times, there was no separative judicial system and administrative , legislative and judiciary functions were ultimately concentrated in the all-powerful monarch. And the three states developed state organization , adopting hieratical structures and placing at the pinnacle . State Codes were promulgated to initiate a legal system to rule the people, these codes instituted under influence of China codes. The people tradition sees crime control as the preservation of the authority of hereditary rulers. In the period of the Koryeo dynasty, government accepted a serious of detailed penal code from Tang dynasty . Legal response to crime stressed preservation of the dynasty rather than making citizen behave according to certain rules. In the period of Early Joseon , the compilation of Grand Code for state administration was initiated, the Kyeongkuk Taejeon ,became comer stone of the dynastic administration and provided the monarchial system with a sort of constitutional law in written form. This national code was in portant means of criminal policy at that time, Late Joseon , the impact of Western culture entering through China gave further impetus to pragmatic studies which called for socio-economic reforms and readjustment. Approach to criminal justice policy emphasized more equitable operation of the criminal justice system ,rehabilitation and crime control. Korea-Japanese Treaty concluded on 22 August ,1910 and proclaim a week later ,Japan gave the coup de grace to the Korea Empire and changed the office of the Resident - General into the Government - General . Thus korean criminal policy were lost during a dark ages ,which lasted for 36 years after fall of Joseon Dynasty (the colnial period,1910${\sim}$1945). After 1945 Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule, the occupation of devided Korea by the United States and Soviet Union frustrated the efforts of Koreans to establish an independent government, and the transplantation of two conflicting political ideologies to south and the north of the 38th parallel further intensified the national split. U.S. military government office occupied the south of the 38 the parallel and placed emphasis on democracy of criminal policy. ln 1948, the U.S. military government handed over to the ROK government its administrative authority.

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일제강점기 언해한의서 『단방비요경험신편』 연구 (A Study on the Korean Vernacular Script Medical Classic Danbang-Biyo-Gyeongheom-Shinpyeon Written during the Period of the Japanese Occupation)

  • 구현희
    • 한국의사학회지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2016
  • Hae-Yong Shin was a renowned merchant during the transitional period from Korean Imperialism to Japanese Occupation, and devoted his life during the period of Japanese Occupation as a proponent of patriotic enlightenment movement and translator. He also authored many medical and scientific works; in particular, he integrated the modern Western medicine into the Korean herbal medicine in his writings. His early works include New Edition of Natural History (1907), Physiology published in six series in the YaRoe, a magazine for the patriotic enlightenment movement, and the New Edition of Zoology (1908). These writings are assumed to have deepened Shin's knowledge of and insights into human and animal physiologies and anatomies. In the Danbang-Biyo-Gyeongheom-Shinpyeon (1913), he sought to incorporate the aspects of the Western medicine while mainly adopting the approach of the Korean herbal medicine. While keeping the contents and formations of Donguibogam, he recorded many empirical prescriptions and deleted theories incomprehensible for the general population, shamanic prescriptions, and poisonous and deadly ingredients. Its most salient features are the use of the Korean vernacular script for explications and simple ingredients for prescriptions. As medicinal materials, he presented commonly found low-cost native ingredients easily obtainable and affordable for. In the disciplines of childbirth, childbearing, and first aid, he adopted Western medical treatments. Danbangshinpyeon is particularly significant in that it contributed to public health by spreading practical basic medical knowledge in the vernacular script easily applicable at home in difficult situations for obtaining medical services under the Japanese colonial rule.

일제강점기 '전위미술론'의 전통관 연구 - '문장(文章)' 그룹을 중심으로 (A Study on Avant-Garde Fine Art during the period of Japanese Colonial Rule of Korea, centering on 'Munjang' (a literary magazine))

  • 박계리
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제4호
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    • pp.57-76
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    • 2006
  • From the late 1920s to the 1930s, Korea's fine art community focused on traditional viewpoints as their main topic. The traditional viewpoints were discussed mainly by Korean students studying in Japan, especially oil painters. Such discussions on tradition can be divided into two separate halves, namely the pre- and post-Sino-Japanese War (1937) periods. Before the war, the modernists among Korea's fine art community tried to gain a fuller understanding of contemporary Western modern art, namely, expressionism, futurism, surrealism, and so forth, on the basis of Orientalism, and borrow from these schools' in order to create their own works. Furthermore, proponents of Joseon's avant-garde fine arts and artists of the pro-fine art school triggered debate on the traditional viewpoints. After the Sino-Japanese War, these artists continued to embrace Western modern art on the basis of Orientalism. However, since Western modern fine art was regressing into Oriental fine art during this period, Korean artists did not need to research Western modern fine art, but sought to study Joseon's classics and create Joseon's own avant- garde fine art in a movement led by the Munjang group. This research reviews the traditional view espoused by the Munjang group, which represented the avant-garde fine art movement of the post-war period. Advocating Joseon's own current of avant-garde fine art through the Munjang literary magazine, Gil Jin - seop, Kim Yong-jun and others accepted the Japanese fine art community's methodology for the restoration of classicism, but refused Orientalism as an ideology, and attempted to renew their perception of Joseon tradition. The advocation of the restoration of classicism by Gil Jin-seop and Kim Yong-jun appears to be similar to that of the Yasuda Yojuro-style restoration of classicism. However, Gil Jin-seop and Kim Yong-jun did not seek their sources of classicism from the Three-Kingdoms and Unified Silla periods, which Japan had promoted as a symbol of unity among the Joseon people; instead they sought classicism from the Joseon fine art which the Japanese had criticized as a hotbed of decadence. It was the Joseon period that the Munjang group chose as classicism when Japan was upholding Fascism as a contemporary extremism, and when Hangeul (Korean writing system) was banned from schools. The group highly evaluated literature written in the style of women, especially women's writings on the royal court, as represented by Hanjungnok (A Story of Sorrowful Days). In the area of fine art, the group renewed the evaluation of not only literary paintings, but also of the authentic landscape paintings refused by, and the values of the Chusa school criticized as decadent by, the colonial bureaucratic artists, there by making great progress in promoting the traditional viewpoint. Kim Yong-jun embraced a painting philosophy based on the painting techniques of Sasaeng (sketching), because he paid keen attention to the tradition of literary paintings, authentic landscape paintings and genre paintings. The literary painting theory of the 20th century, which was highly developed, could naturally shed both the colonial historical viewpoint which regarded Joseon fine art as heteronomical, and the traditional viewpoint which regarded Joseon fine art as decadent. As such, the Munjang group was able to embrace the Joseon period as the source of classicism amid the prevalent colonial historical viewpoint, presumably as it had accumulated first-hand experience in appreciating curios of paintings and calligraphic works, instead of taking a logical approach. Kim Yong-jun, in his fine art theory, defined artistic forms as the expression of mind, and noted that such an artistic mind could be attained by the appreciation of nature and life. This is because, for the Munjang group, the experience of appreciating nature and life begins with the appreciation of curios of paintings and calligraphic works. Furthermore, for the members of the Munjang group, who were purists who valued artistic style, the concept of individuality presumably was an engine that protected them from falling into the then totalitarian world view represented by the Nishita philosophy. Such a 20th century literary painting theory espoused by the Munjang group concurred with the contemporary traditional viewpoint spearheaded by Oh Se-chang in the 1910s. This theory had a great influence on South and North Korea's fine art theories and circles through the Fine Art College of Seoul National University and Pyongyang Fine Art School in the wake of Korea's liberation. In this sense, the significance of the theory should be re-evaluated.

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임적조사사업(林籍調査事業)(1910)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Forest Survey Project(1910))

  • 배재수
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제89권2호
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    • pp.260-274
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문에서는 임적조사사업(林籍調査事業)(1910)의 수립 배경, 실시 과정, 결과 및 평가와 이 사업을 바탕으로 만들어진 "한국임야정리(韓國林野整理)에 관한 의견서(意見書)"가 일제의 초기 식민지 임정에 끼친 영향력을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 임적조사사업(林籍調査事業)은 일본인 관료 목내중사랑(木內重四郞)과 재등음작(齋藤音作)의 주도하에 조선의 소유별, 임상별 산림분포를 파악하고자 실행되었다. 그러나 경비부족과 짧은 조사기간으로 인해 조사의 정확도는 매우 낮았다. 특히 북부지방의 많은 촌락공유림(村落共有林)과 특수지역림(特殊地役林)이 임적조사사업(林籍調査事業)의 간략성(簡略性)과 자의성(恣意性)으로 인해 "관리기관이 없는 국유림"으로 편입되었다. 그럼에도 당시 일제는 이 조사결과를 바탕으로 조선의 임야정리에 관한 정책을 수립하였다. 이 정책은 "한국임야정리(韓國林野整理)에 관한 의견서(意見書)"로 종합되었는데, 그 중 임야정리에 관한 제안은 이후 삼림령(森林令)(1911) 및 일련의 임야정리과정을 거치면서 구체적이고 구속력을 더한 식민지 임정으로 현실화되었다. 결론적으로 임적조사사업(林籍調査事業)은 조사의 정확도는 떨어지지만, 일제 강점기 초기 식민지 조선의 임정을 수립하는데 가장 기초적인 자료로서 이용되었고 "한국임야정리(韓國林野整理)에 관한 의견서(意見書)"는 임야정리(林野整理)에 관한 구체적인 방향(方向)과 식민지 임정의 각론(各論)을 수립하는데 결정적인 역할을 한 정책제안서(政策提案書)라고 볼 수 있다.

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(구)충남도청사 본관 문양 도안의 상징성 연구 (A Study on the Symbolic Meaning of Pattern Design on the Main Building of Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Government)

  • 김민수
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the symbolic meaning of pattern designs attached on the main building of Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Government (CPG). While most of researches mainly focused on the value and evaulation of the CPG building in terms of architectural history, relatively little insight has been gained on the symbolic meaning and mature of the pattern designs. What king of connections are related between the emblem of Governor-General of Chosun(Korea) and those of CPG? What symbolic meanings are engraved on the pattern designs? The researcher then took up the task of elucidating symbolic meanings of patterns and their relation to the building. The existing pattern of the outer wall of the CPG building consists of the symbol of sun(太陽輪), mums(菊花輪), and angle of stairs(雁大角). According to the Japanese Studies of emblems, these visual elements symbolize 'the sun of Japan'((日の丸) or 'the emperor', 'the royal family', and 'rays of the sun'. Based on these preliminary findings, the researcher considered the following in-depth connections: (1) relations with the emblem of Governor-General of Chosun, (2) relations with the emblems of local autonomous entity, Kyoungsung in Chosun. (3) relations with the emblem designs of the local provinces in Japan etc. In conclusion, patterns of the main building were not just an architectural decoration, but they had significant meanings utilizing design elements and methods adopted by local autonomous entities in Japan, The patterns found at the ceilling and floor of hall in the CPG building were associated with the emblem of Governor-General of Chosun. Therefore, all the patterns of the CPG building are powerful symbols that have meanings for the colonial rule by using the shape and method of city identities that Japanese local provinces had enacted. That is, it came out into the open that they were designed for special meanings that Korean and Japanese are united as a single body(內鮮一體) for a subject of the Emperor of Japan(皇國臣民).

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한국 기록관리와 '거버넌스'에 대한 역사적 접근 (A Historical Approach to the Development of Democracy and the Archival Society in Korea)

  • 오항녕
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제11호
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    • pp.15-40
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    • 2005
  • 'Governance' is a subject that is widely discussed these days in the government and the academic world. I think that the new concept, 'governance', is a strategy to develop the democracy of the society in its institutional and functional aspects. When we are going to discuss about governance, public records and their relationships, without understanding the meaning of 'public' in Korea, we cannot expect to discuss the matter precisely. It is said that Korean public service sectors are awash with authoritarianism and unreasonableness, and that they are at the center of seething corruption and bribe scandals. It is the legacy that the regimes adopted in the aftermath of the Japanese colonial rule for 35 years. The colonial legacy included not simply the practice of the Japanese colony, but also people who had collaborated the Japanese. The American military government and Rhee, Sung-Man regime also appointed the same officials to government posts. As was the same case in other areas including economy, press, education, politics, law, etc. In this point of view, "Righting historical wrongs", a controversial issue now in Korea, aims at establishing the right relationships between an individual and the public, and eventually laying the foundation of democracy for future generation, a procedure of achieving good governance. Apparently, Korea has made progress in developing democracy, as well as in reforming the government policy and organization. Many independent commissions are performing the projects instead of the government institutions that mandated to do the job, but has not played their roles. The e-government projects in Korea was launched in 2001 by the former administration. However, the confusion of records-management after the promulgation of the act is the result of the lack of strategy and the inconsistency of the vision. Good record-keeping supports effective, transparent and accountable government. Accountability is a key element of good governance. It is a recognized fact that without information, there is no guidance for decision-making, and accountability. Thus without records, there is no accountability for the decisions of actions. Transparency means that the decisions taken and their enforcement are carried out based on led-out rules and regulations. When both accountability and transparency are non-existent, good governance is bound to fail. Archival institutions have to give an attention to inner-governance because of the new trend of archival practice, namely 'macro-appraisal'. This 'macro-appraisal' is a kind of a functions-based approach. However, macro-appraisal focuses not just on function, but on the three-way interaction of function, structure and citizen, which combined reflect the functioning of the state within civil society, that is to say, its governance. In conclusion, the public and democracy are major challenges in the Korean society. The so-called good governance requires good record management. In this respect, records managers are in the front line of instituting good governance, and achieving better public and democracy for future generation, a procedure of achieving good governance.

일제강점기 문화재 정책 형성과정 연구 -위원회 구성과 목록 변화를 중심으로- (Study on the Formulation of the Cultural Property Policy during the Japanese Colonial Period -with the Focus on the Composition of the Committee and Changes in the Listing of Cultural Properties-)

  • 오춘영
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제51권1호
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    • pp.100-125
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    • 2018
  • 일제는 그들의 통치목적을 달성하기 위하여 우리 문화재에 대한 조사와 제도화를 하였다. 이러한 과정은 일본인 관료와 학자들을 중심으로 진행되었으며, 몇 번의 변화를 거쳐 체계화 되었고, 1916년에 제정된 "고적 및 유물 보존규칙"과 1934년에 지정된 문화재들은 현재 우리나라 문화재 정책의 시작점이 되었다. 이 글은 일제강점기에 조선총독부 주도로 진행된 문화재 정책을 문화재에 관한 전반을 심의하던 '위원회'의 인원 구성과 '문화재 목록'의 변화상이라는 관점에서 살펴보았다. 이러한 사항들은 다음과 같이 요약된다. 첫째, 조선총독부는 문화재 정책을 입안하고 결정하기 위한 심의기구로 '위원회(보존회)'를 두었는데, 제도와 인적 구성 면에서 조선총독부 관료를 과반 이상 두도록 하여 조선총독부의 정책이 관철되도록 하였다. 이 속에서 조선인은 극소수가 참여하였는데, 그들마저 형식적인 구색 맞추기였다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 조선총독부가 조사하여 목록화한 문화재는 목록화 계기에 따라 크게 세 시기로 구분된다. 첫 번째 목록(1909~1916)은 등 급제로 대표되는 세키노타다시에 의해 주도되었고, 두 번째 목록(1917~1933)은 대장법으로 대표되는 구로이타가쓰미에 의해 주도되었다. 구로이타가쓰미는 문화재 제도를 입안하고 목록을 공식화 하면서 세키노타다시의 영향에서 멀어지려 하였는데, 이러한 정황이 제도와 실제 목록 내용에서 드러나고 있음을 확인하였다. 세 번째 목록(1934~1945)은 1934년 지정문화재 목록으로 만들어졌는데, 이 단계에서는 세키노타다시의 조사 성과도 반영이 되었으며, 종전의 규정에서 제외되었던 현존사찰의 중요 문화재도 포함이 되었다. 이렇게 1934년을 기점으로 현재 우리나라 문화재 목록의 기본적 체계가 만들어졌다.