• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terrain analysis

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A Study on the Development and Application of High-Precision 3-D Spatial Analysis Technique applied to Terrain Features (지형특징을 고려한 고정밀 3차원 공간분석기법 개발 및 그 적용에 관한 연구)

  • 신봉호;양승룡;송왕재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2000
  • The modelling technique on the terrain of real-world in geo-spatial information system is a primary element for geo-information processing. This paper is designed to make use of TIN in geo-spatial information system and study the development and application of high-precision 3-D spatial analysis technique applied to terrain features. According to this research, MODEL 3 applied to breakline in mild slope/steep slope and MODEL 2 applied to peak in complex region show relatively low RMSE. This consequence proves that these two models have high precision in comparison with other models. This study also finds out optimal routines in the estimation method of slope grade and in the construction method of surface. N_T, LSP_T and LSQ_T in mild slope, N_T in steep slope, and LSQ_T in complex region turn out to be the optimal routines for high-precision 3-D spatial analysis.

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Equivalent static wind loads analysis of tall television towers considering terrain factors of hilltops based on force measurement experiment

  • Ke, Shitang;Wang, Hao;Ge, Yaojun;Zhao, Lin;Cao, Shuyang
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.63 no.4
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    • pp.509-519
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    • 2017
  • Wind field in mountainous regions demonstrates unique distribution characteristic as compared with the wind field of the flat area, wind load and wind effect are the key considerations in structural design of television towers situated in mountainous regions. The television tower to be constructed is located at the top of Xiushan Mountain in Nanjing, China. In order to investigate the impact of terrain factors of hilltops on wind loads, firstly a wind tunnel test was performed for the mountainous area within 800m from the television tower. Then the tower basal forces such as bending moments and shear strength were obtained based on high frequency force balance (HFFB) test. Based on the experiments, the improved method for determining the load combinations was applied to extract the response distribution patterns of foundation internal force and peak acceleration of the tower top, then the equivalent static wind loads were computed under different wind angles, load conditions and equivalent goals. The impact of terrain factors, damping ratio and equivalent goals on the wind load distribution of a television tower was discussed. Finally the equivalent static wind loads of the television tower under the 5 most adverse wind angles and 5 most adverse load conditions were computed. The experimental method, computations and research findings provide important references for the anti-wind design of high-rise structure built on hilltops.

A Study on the Terrain Information Effects in Combat Simulation (전투 시뮬레이션에서의 지형정보효과에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Gak-Gyu;Choi, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Heon
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2012
  • The past combats depended often on a number of firepower and manpower. However, integrated decision support viewpoint from communications, surveillance, reconnaissance, intelligence and so forth in combats witnessed in the Gulf, the Middle East, and Afghanistan have changed the trends of combat. That is, the force multipliers which many support systems enhance the combat potential of the fighting forces significantly become big issues to win or not in that combat. According to changing recent combat trend, Lanchester's combat model is being challenged to develop keeping pace with the new trend. We approach this paper as mathematical modeling about how the effect of terrain affects in the combat. Terrain information is invisible, but it is necessary to consider for analysis of warfare. Additionally, tangible or intangible elements affecting to attrition coefficients are continuely reflected to the combat model from decision-makers, then it will be a model closer to the reality and very suggestive to the actual world.

A performance analysis of terrain-aided navigation(TAN) algorithms using interferometric radar altimeter (간섭계 레이더 고도계를 활용한 지형참조항법의 성능 분석)

  • Jeong, Seung-Hwan;Yoon, Ju-Hong;Park, Min-Gyu;Kim, Dae-Young;Sung, Chang-Ki;Kim, Hyun-Suk;Kim, Yoon-Hyung;Kwak, Hee-Jun;Sun, Woong;Yoon, Kuk-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2012
  • The paper experimentally verifies the performance of Terrain-Aided Navigation (TAN) using an interferometric radio altimeter, which is recently used due to its accuracy. First, we propose a TAN system that utilizes an interferometric radio altimeter as a measurement system. Second, we implement extended Kalman filter, unscented Kalman filter, and particle filter to evaluate the performance of TAN according to the selection of filters and the difference of environments.

Development and Performance Analysis of a New Navigation Algorithm by Combining Gravity Gradient and Terrain Data as well as EKF and Profile Matching

  • Lee, Jisun;Kwon, Jay Hyoun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.367-377
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    • 2019
  • As an alternative navigation system for the non-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) environment, a new type of DBRN (DataBase Referenced Navigation) which applies both gravity gradient and terrain, and combines filter-based algorithm with profile matching was suggested. To improve the stability of the performance compared to the previous study, both centralized and decentralized EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) were constructed based on gravity gradient and terrain data, and one of filters was selected in a timely manner. Then, the final position of a moving vehicle was determined by combining a position from the filter with the one from a profile matching. In the simulation test, it was found that the overall performance was improved to the 19.957m by combining centralized and decentralized EKF compared to the centralized EKF that of 20.779m. Especially, the divergence of centralized EKF in two trajectories located in the plain area disappeared. In addition, the average horizontal error decreased to the 16.704m by re-determining the final position using both filter-based and profile matching solutions. Of course, not all trajectories generated improved performance but there is not a large difference in terms of their horizontal errors. Among nine trajectories, eights show smaller than 20m and only one has 21.654m error. Thus, it would be concluded that the endemic problem of performance inconsistency in the single geophysical DB or algorithm-based DBRN was resolved because the combination of geophysical data and algorithms determined the position with a consistent level of error.

Analysis on the Determinants of Land Compensation Cost: The Use of the Construction CALS Data (토지 보상비 결정 요인 분석 - 건설CALS 데이터 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sang-Gyu;Seo, Myoung-Bae;Kim, Jin-Uk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.461-470
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the determinants of land compensation costs using the CALS (Continuous Acquisition & Life-Cycle Support) system to generate data for the construction (planning, design, building, management) process. For analysis, variables used in the related research on land costs were used, which included eight variables (Land Area, Individual Public Land Price, Appraisal & Assessment, Land Category, Use District 1, Terrain Elevation, Terrain Shape, and Road). Also, the variables were analyzed using the machine learning-based Xgboost algorithm. Individual Public Land Price was identified as the most important variable in determining land cost. We used a linear multiple regression analysis to verify the determinants of land compensation. For this verification, the dependent variable included was the Individual Public Land Price, and the independent variables were the numeric variable (Land Area) and factor variables (Land Category, Use District 1, Terrain Elevation, Terrain Shape, Road). This study found that the significant variables were Land Category, Use District 1, and Road.

A Dynamic Modeling of 6×6 Skid Type Vehicle for Real Time Traversability Analysis over Curved Driving Path (곡선주행 실시간 주행성 분석을 위한 스키드 차량의 동역학 모델링)

  • Joo, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 2012
  • Real-Time Traversability should be analyzed from the equiped sensors' data in real time for autonomous outdoor navigation. However, it is difficult to find out such traversability that considers the terrain roughness and the vehicle dynamics especially in case of skid type vehicle. The traversability based on real time dynamic analysis was proposed to solve such problem but in navigation with strait driving path. To adapt the method into the navigation with curved driving path, a path following controller should be incorporated into the dynamic model even though it cause the real time problem. In this paper, a dynamic model is proposed to solve the real time problem in the traversability analysis based on real time dynamic simualtion. The dynamic model contains the control dummy which is connected to the vehicle body with a universal joint to follow the curved path without controller. Simulation and experimental results on $6{\times}6$ articulated unmanned ground vehicle demonstrate the method's effectiveness and applicability into the traversability analysis on terrain with bumps.

Application of Drones for the Analysis of Hazard Areas in Mountainous Disaster (산지재해 발생 위험지역 분석을 위한 드론의 적용)

  • Lee, Jeong Hoon;Jun, Kye Won;Jun, Byong Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2018
  • Terrain data for disaster analysis in hazardous or disaster areas is not only important but also needs to be built quickly. In particular, the introduction of drones is in the early stages of research using drones in a variety of fields such as shooting, analyzing and managing hazardous areas. It is expected that drone will be faster, safer and more effective than existing data collection method in case of small scale disaster hazard area and disaster area where equipment or manpower input is difficult. Therefore, in this study, drone shooting was performed for hazardous areas in mountainous roads located in Samcheok city, Gangwon province, and ground reference points were measured by RTK-GPS. The measured data were converted into DSM (Digital Surface Model) data by coordinate correction using Pix4D postprocessing program and then applied to the analysis of the hazard area of mountainous area. As a result, it was shown that it is effective to identify the risk by using the basic terrain data obtained from the drones.

Prediction of Soil Distribution Using Digital Terrain Indices (수치 지형인자를 활용한 토양수분분포 예측)

  • Lee, Hak-Su;Kim, Gyeong-Hyeon;Han, Ji-Yeong;Kim, Sang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2001
  • Several curvature parameters, solar radiation parameter and topographic flow generation parameters have been summarized and calculated to predict the spatial distribution of soil moisture content. The spatial distribution of soil moisture data can be obtained using Global Positioning System(GPS) and portable soil moisture monitoring equipment, Theta-Probe. Correlation analysis has been performed between the parameters of soil moisture prediction and measured data of soil moisture. Multiple regression analysis of soil moisture prediction shows the potential capability and limitations of existing methods of digital terrain analysis.

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Time-series Analysis and Prediction of Future Trends of Groundwater Level in Water Curtain Cultivation Areas Using the ARIMA Model (ARIMA 모델을 이용한 수막재배지역 지하수위 시계열 분석 및 미래추세 예측)

  • Baek, Mi Kyung;Kim, Sang Min
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the impact of greenhouse cultivation area and groundwater level changes due to the water curtain cultivation in the greenhouse complexes. The groundwater observation data in the Miryang study area were used and classified into greenhouse and field cultivation areas to compare the groundwater impact of water curtain cultivation in the greenhouse complex. We identified the characteristics of the groundwater time series data by the terrain of the study area and selected the optimal model through time series analysis. We analyzed the time series data for each terrain's two representative groundwater observation wells. The Seasonal ARIMA model was chosen as the optimal model for riverside well, and for plain and mountain well, the ARIMA model and Seasonal ARIMA model were selected as the optimal model. A suitable prediction model is not limited to one model due to a change in a groundwater level fluctuation pattern caused by a surrounding environment change but may change over time. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check and revise the optimal model rather than continuously applying one selected ARIMA model. Groundwater forecasting results through time series analysis can be used for sustainable groundwater resource management.