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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Temperature field measurement

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Fabrication of CNT Field Effect Transistor (탄소나노튜브 트랜지스터 제작)

  • Park, Yong-Wook;Yoon, Seok-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.389-393
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    • 2007
  • We fabricated field-effect transistor based carbon nanotubes(CNTs) directly grown by thermal chemical vapor deposition(CVD) and analyzed their performance. The Ethylene (C2H4), hydrogen(H2) and Argon(Ar) gases were used for the growth of CNTs at 700C. The growth properties of CNTs on the device were analyzed by SEM and AFM. The electrical transport characteristics of CNT FET were investigated by I-V measurement. Transport through the nanotubes is dominated by holes at room temperature. By varying the gate voltage, we successfully modulated the conductance of FET device by more than 7 orders of magnitude.

Field Test Facilities for Composite Long Rod Insulator (고분자(高分子) 장간애자용(長幹碍子用) 옥외(屋外)시험장(試驗場) 구축(構築))

  • Hahn, Key-Man;Kim, Dong-Wook;Kwon, Hyuk-Sam;Yoo, Sung-Jong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1994.07b
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    • pp.1499-1501
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    • 1994
  • This paper studies on the outdoor field test facilities which are established for weather-resist and mechanical-resist property teat of composite insulator. We have established measuring and data acquisition system for various test conditions -leakage current, temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind velocity and rainfall. The merry-go-round test and salt fog test have been studied in order to evaluate non tracking property of rubber material. Especially we have checked the relationship between hydrophobicity and outdoor exposure degree by contact angle measurement.

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Leakage Current Characteristics of 18kv ZnO Lightning Arresters by Accelerated Aging Test (가속열화시험에 의한 18kV ZnO 피뢰기의 누설 전류 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Ju-Yong;Song, Il-Geun;Kim, Chan-Yeong;Mun, Jae-Deok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.62-67
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    • 2002
  • This paper provides the results of accelerated aging test of 18kV ZnO lightning arresters to investigate the leakage current characteristics. It was impossible to establish the replacement criterion for field operating lightning arrester because conventional aging test was only focused on the aging of ZnO elements. In general, it is possible to replace the aged arresters before the failure in the field using the leakage current measurement because it must be increased by the aging. But we can not use the method because we don't know the characteristics of the installed lightning arresters. Therefore in this paper we applied operating voltage and accelerating cycle which consists of temperature and humidity to the arresters. Then we measured the variation of total and resistive leakage current and found out the characteristics of the acted lightning arresters.

2019 Total Solar Eclipse Expedition of KASI

  • Bong, Su-Chan;Yang, Heesu;Lee, Jae-Ok;Kim, Jinhyun;Jeon, Young-Beom;Jang, Bi-Ho;Seough, Jungjoon;Park, Young-Deuk
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.69.2-69.2
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    • 2020
  • Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is developing a coronagraph to measure the coronal electron density, temperature, and speed utilizing spectral change of the K-corona around 400 nm. However, near UV light is more affected by atmospheric effect on the ground than visible light. For the total solar eclipse on July 2 2019, KASI organized an expedition team to test the possibility of the similar measurement scheme in the visible light. The observation site was in Las Flores, San Juan, Argentina. We built an imaging spectrograph using micro lenslet array and grism, named Coronal Integral Field Spectrograph (CorIFS). In addition, images of white light corona, wide field background, and all sky were taken with various camera settings. We present the preliminary results of the expedition.

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A Comparative Analysis of Sea Ice Material Properties in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica (남극 아문젠해에서 계측된 해빙의 재료특성 비교 분석)

  • Choi, Kyungsik;Kim, Hyun Soo;Ha, Jung Seok;Lee, Chun-Ju
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.254-258
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    • 2014
  • Field trial in ice-covered sea is one of the most important tasks in the design of icebreaking ships. To correctly estimate ice load and ice resistance on ship's hull, It is essential to understand the material properties of sea ice during ice field trials and to perform the proper experimental procedure by gathering sea ice data. A measurement of sea ice properties was conducted during February and March of 2012 with the Korean Icebreaking research vessel "ARAON" in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. This paper describes a test procedure to obtain sea ice data which provide basic information to estimate ice loads and icebreaking performance of the ship. The data gathered from sea ice field trials during the 2012 Antarctic voyage of the ARAON includes ice temperature/salinity/density and the compressive/flexural strength of sea ice. This paper analyses the gathered Antarctic sea ice material properties comparing with the previous data obtained during ARAON's Arctic and Antarctic voyages in 2010.

Development of ITER TF Cable-in-Conduit Conductors and Their Characteristics (ITER TF 초전도 도체 개발과 특성)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Chan;Oh, Dong-Keun;Park, Su-Hyeon;Kim, Kee-Man;Bruzzone, P.
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2009
  • As a participant taking part in the ITER TF conductor R&D program, we developed two toroidal field conductors with variations of conduit thickness resulting in the different void fraction of the conductors. The estimated void fractions of the conductors are 31% and 33%. In this paper we present the details of the TF conductor development and performance test results of them carried out by the measurement of current sharing temperature under cyclic loading. Regarding the conductor development, the internal-Sn-processed Nb3Sn strand characteristics, strand cabling, twist pitch and characteristics of the conduit materials are presented. For the understanding of the conductor design and performance, the conductor test results are presented and the effect of the conductor design parameters such as void fraction and twist pitch is discussed based on the results.

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Study on Polarization Properties of BaTiO3by Using Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Current (열자극 탈분극전류 방법에 의한 BaTiO3의 분극 특성 연구)

  • Song, Ho-Jun;Lee, Yong-Ryeol;Park, Yeong-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.613-616
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    • 2002
  • The polarization properties of BaTiO3 were investigated by using thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) technique. Two peaks were observed at about 400 K (peak A) and 435 K (peak B) from TSDC spectra obtained from the temperature range of 280-500 K. Peak A shows a sharp decrease of TSDC due to extinction of spontaneous polarization above the phase transition temperature of BaTiO3. The values of activation energy of peak A and peak B were calculated to be 0.70 eV and 0.87 eV respectively. From the results of TSDC measurement with a variation of polarizing electric field strength, we found that saturation of total current of TSDC was started from 3kV/cm. However, the amount of total current of TSDC was not affected by the variation of polarizing time.

Measurement of Velocity and Temperature Field at the Low Prand시 Number Melt Model of the CZ Crystal Growth

  • Kim, Min-Cheol;Lee, Sang-Ho;Yi, Kyung-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Crystal Growth Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.169-172
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    • 1998
  • A phyaical model of the Czochralski method for silicon single crystals is designed to measure the change of velocities and temperature profilles in the melt. Wood's metal(Bi 50%, Pb 26.7%, Sn 13.3%, Cd 10%, m.p. 70℃) is used to simulate the silicon melt in the crucible. To measure the local velocity change, electromagnetic probe is adopted as a velocity sensor. The output voltage of the sensor shows linear relationship to the velocity of the melt.

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Experimental Study on the Natural Convection in an Enclosure with an Adiabatic Body Using the Two-Color LIF Method (Two-color LIF 기법을 이용한 단열체가 있는 밀페계 내에서의 자연대류에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kwo S. H.;Jeong E. H.;Min Y. U.;Kim K. C.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2005
  • Most of the previous studies on natural convection were based on the numerical analysis, and some experimental studies considered the classic case of thermal convection. In this study, an adiabatic square body was located at the center of an enclosure between the bottom hot and top cold walls. And the measurement of the detailed temperature fields was conducted by the method of two-color Laser Induced Fluorescence using a Nd:Yag laser. As a result, heat transfer characteristics of natural convection with an adiabatic body was estimated as a function of time over a range of Rayleigh numbers.

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Experimental study on the natural convection in an enclosure with an adiabatic body using the two-color LIF method (Two-color LIF 기법을 이용한 단열체가 있는 밀폐계 내에서의 자연대류에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kwon Su Hyun;Jeong Eun Ho;Kim Kyung Chun
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.104-107
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    • 2004
  • Most of the previous studies on natural convection were based on the numerical analysis, and some experimental studies considered the classic case of thermal convection. In this study, an adiabatic square body was located at the center of an enclosure between the bottom hot and top cold walls. And the measurement of the detailed temperature fields was conducted by the method of two-color Laser Induced Fluorescence using a Nd:Yag laser. As a result, heat transfer characteristics of natural convection with an adiabatic body was estimated as a function of time over a range of Rayleigh numbers.

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