• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technology Self-efficacy

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Effects of TR and Consumer Readiness on SST Usage Motivation, Attitude and Intention (기술 준비도와 소비자 준비도가 Self Service Technology 사용동기와 태도 및 사용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Shim, Hyeon Sook;Han, Sang Lin
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.25-51
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    • 2012
  • Researches about the relationship between SST(Self Service Technology) and TRI(Technology Readiness Index) have been carried out after TRI was developed by Parasuraman and his colleagues(2000). We hypothesize Consumer Readiness can also influence consumer's motivation, attitude, and intent to use SST. Currently, there has been no research on this subject. In this study, we investigated the relationship between TR, Consumer Readiness and SST Core Attitudinal Model which Dabholkar & Bagozzi(1994) proposed. The researchers also investigated moderating effects of consumer traits and situational factors to verify the acceptance of such forms of service delivery by all kinds of consumers and under different situational contexts. Self consciousness, the need for interaction with an employee, and the technology anxiety were used as consumer trait variables. Perceived waiting time and perceived crowding were used as situational variables. 380 questionnaires were distributed to a sample group of people in their 20's and 30's, and the data were analyzed with structural equation model using AMOS 18.0 program. All of Cronbach's alpha values representing reliabilities were satisfactory. The values of Composite Reliability(CR) and Average Variance Extracted(AVE) also showed the above criteria, thus providing evidence of convergent validity. To confirm discriminant validity among the constructs, confirmatory factor analysis and correlations among all the variables were examined. The results were satisfactory. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. Optimism and innovativeness of TR partially influenced the motivation to use SST. People who tend to be optimistic use SST because of ease of use and fun. The innovative however, usually use SST due to its performance. However, consumer readiness of role clarity, ability and self-efficacy influence all the components of motivation to use SST, ease of use, performance and fun. The relative effect of consumer readiness on the motivation to use SST was much stronger and more significant than that of TR. No other previous studies have examined the effects of Consumer Readiness on SST usage motivation, attitude and intention. It is academically meaningful that the researchers verified that Consumer Readiness is the important precedent construct influencing the self service technology core Attitudinal Model. Our findings suggest that marketers should consider fun and ease of use attributes to promote the use of self service technology. In addition, the SST usage frequency will rise rapidly when role clarity, ability, and self-efficacy which anybody can easily handle SST is assured. If the SST usage rate is increased, waiting times for customers could be decreased. Shorter waiting time could lead to higher customer satisfaction. It may also result in making a long-term profit owing to the reduced number of employees. Thus, presentation of using SST by employees or videos showing how to use it will promote the usage attitude and intent. 2. In SST core attitudinal model, performance and fun factors among SST usage motivation affected attitudes of using SST. The attitude of using SST highly influenced intent to use SST. This result is consistent with previous researches that dealt with the relationship between motivation, attitude and intention. Expectation of using SST could result in good performance just like the effect of ordering menu to service employees and to have fun since fun during its use could promote more SST usage rate. 3. In the relationship among motivation, attitude and intent in SST core attitudinal model, the moderating effect of consumer traits(self-consciousness, need for interaction with service employees and technology anxiety) and situational factors(perceived crowding and perceived waiting time) were tested. The results also supported the hypothesized moderating effects except perceived crowding. The highly self-conscious tended to form attitudes to use SST because of its fun compared to those who were less self-conscious because of its performance. People who had a high need for interaction with service employees tended to use SST for its performance. This result indicates that if ordering results are assured, SST is easily accessible to even consumers who have a high need for interaction with a service employee. When SST is easy to use, attitudes strengthen intent among people who had a high level of anxiety of technology. People who had low technology anxiety formed attitudes to use SST because of its performance. Service firms must ensure their self service technology is designed to be easy to use for those who have a high level of technology anxiety. Shorter perceived waiting times strengthened the attitude to use self service technology because of its fun. If the fun aspect is assured, people willing to use self service technology even perceive waiting time to be shorter than it actually is. Greater perceived waiting times form higher level of intent to use self service technology than those of shorter perceived waiting times. This implies that people view self service technology as a faster alternative to ordering service employees. The fun aspect of self service technology will attract a higher rate of usage for self service technology. 4. It has been proven that ease of use, performance and fun aspects are very important factors in motivation to form attitudes and intent to use self service technology regardless of the amount of perceived waiting time, self-consciousness, need for interaction with service employees, and technology anxiety. Service firms must consider these motivation aspects(ease of use, performance and fun)strongly in their promotion to use self service technology. Ease of use, assuring absolute performance compared to interaction with service employees', and adding a fun aspect will positively strengthen consumers' attitudes and intent to use self service technology. Summarizing the moderating effects, fun is the most valuable factor triggering SST usage attitude and intention. Therefore, designing self service technology to be fun will be the key to its success. This study focused on the touch screen self service technology in fast food restaurant. Although it has its limits due to the fact that it is hard to generalize the results to any other self service technology, the conceptual framework of this study can be applied to future research of any other service site.

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An Empirical Study on the Acceptance of Knowledge Management Systems in Public Institutions : Using Technology Acceptance Model (공공기관의 지식관리시스템 수용모형에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Jeong, Dae-Yul;Seo, Jeong-Sun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.22-48
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    • 2004
  • Information systems that are not used cannot be useful. In order to increase user acceptance, it is necessary to understand why people accept or reject information systems. Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) is one of the most influential research models for studying determinants how users accept information systems. Recently, Knowledge Management Systems(KMS) have become important components of corporate systems as the foundation of industrialized economics has shifted from natural resources to knowledge assets. This paper applies TAM to investigate users' acceptance of KMS in public administration institutions. It sampled 182 users who had experience in using KMS. Many empirical researches have suggested that TAM can be integrated with other organizational theories to improve its predictive and explanatory ower. We extended the basic TAM by the integration of appraisal and reward satisfaction theory. There are many external variables that influence the perception and the belief of system users. We introduced two external variables(job characteristics, IT self-efficacy) and one additional perception variable, perceived appraisal and reward(PAR) in the basic TAM model. The LISREL model analysis is used for finding out the causality among variables and testing the model fitness. As result, The IT self-efficacy influences to the perceived ease of use(PEOU) and the PAR, and the PEOU influences directly to the perceived usefulness(PU), the PAR, and the attitude toward KMS. The KMS participation intention(PI) was influenced by the PAR and the attitude directly,andbythePEOUindirectly. Finally, this paper suggests some guidelines for the adoption of KMS in public sectors on the basis of the study results.

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An explanatory model for Health Promoting Behaviors in Korean High School Students: An ecological approach (고등학교 청소년의 건강증진행위 설명모형:생태학적 접근)

  • Kang, Na-Gyeung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.1405-1422
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to construct and test a hypothetical model to explain health-promoting behaviors among high school students in Korea. Data were collected from a self-administered questionnaire of 395 first-year to third-year students at a high school in Gyeonggi-do area. The exogenous variables of this study were family function, friend support, school life environment, and social capital of the local community, and endogenous variables were self-efficacy, self-regulation, and health-promoting behaviors. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 22.0. The final model with 13 of the 9 analyzed paths showed a good fit to the empirical data: χ2/df=1.96, GFI=.90, AGFI=.88, CFI=.94, TLI=.93, RMSEA=.05, SRMR=.06. The variables included in these paths were family function (β=.57), self-efficacy (β=.29), self-regulation(β=.14), the social capital of local community (β=.14), and friend support (β=.13). The variables included in the nine significant paths explained 86% of variance in the explain model. Thus, it is necessary to build up a social support system for dysfunctional families and health-promoting behaviors of adolescents in the families and develop a program for creating the environment of the local community including schools.

What happens after IT adoption?: Role of habits, confirmation, and computer self-efficacy formed by the experiences of use (정보기술 수용 후 주관적 지각 형성: 사용 경험에서 형성된 습관, 기대일치, 자기효능감의 역할)

  • Kim, Yong-Young;Oh, Sang-Jo;Ahn, Joong-Ho;Jahng, Jung-Joo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.25-51
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    • 2008
  • Researchers have been continuously interested in the adoption of information technology (IT) since it is of great importance to the information systems success and it is also an important stage to the success. Adoption alone, however, does not ensure information systems success because it does not necessarily lead to achieving organizational or individual objectives. When an organization or an individual decide to adopt certain information technologies, they have objectives to accomplish by using those technologies. Adoption itself is not the ultimate goal. The period after adoption is when users continue to use IT and intended objectives can be accomplished. Therefore, continued IT use in the post-adoption period accounts more for the accomplishment of the objectives and thus information systems success. Previous studies also suggest that continued IT use in the post-adoption period is one of the important factors to improve long-term productivity. Despite the importance there are few empirical studies focusing on the user behavior of continued IT use in the post-adoption period. User behavior in the post-adoption period is different from that in the pre-adoption period. According to the technology acceptance model, which explains well about the IT adoption, users decide to adopt IT assessing the usefulness and the ease of use. After adoption, users are exposed to new experiences and they shape new beliefs different from the thoughts they had before. Users come to make decisions based on their experiences of IT use whether they will continue to use it or not. Most theories about the user behaviors in the pre-adoption period are limited in describing them after adoption since they do not consider user's experiences of using the adopted IT and the beliefs formed by those experiences. Therefore, in this study, we explore user's experiences and beliefs in the post-adoption period and examine how they affect user's intention to continue to use IT. Through deep literature reviews on the construction of subjective beliefs by experiences, we draw three meaningful constructs which theoretically have great impacts on the continued use of IT: perceived habit, confirmation, and computer self-efficacy. Then, we examine the role of the subjective beliefs on the cognitive/affective attitudes and intention to continue to use that IT. We set up a research model and conducted survey research. Since IT use implies interactions among a user, IT, and a task, we carefully selected the sample of users using same/similar IT to perform same/similar tasks, to exclude unwanted influences of other factors than subjective beliefs on the IT use. We also considered that the sample of users were able to make decisions to continue to use IT volitionally or at least quasi-volitionally. For each construct, we used measurement items recognized for reliability and widely used in the previous research. We slightly modified some items proper to the research context and a pilot test was carried out for forty users of a portal service in a university. We performed a full-scale survey after verifying the reliability of the measurement. The results show that the intention to continue to use IT is strongly influenced by cognitive/affective attitudes, perceived habits, and computer self-efficacy. Confirmation affects the intention to continue indirectly through cognitive/affective attitudes. All the constructs representing the subjective beliefs built by the experiences of IT use have direct and/or indirect impacts on the intention of users. The results also show that the attitudes in the post-adoption period are formed, at least partly, by the experiences of IT use and newly shaped beliefs after adoption. The findings suggest that subjective beliefs built by the experiences have deep impacts on the continued use. The results of the study signify that while experiencing IT in the post-adoption period users form new beliefs, attitudes, and intentions which may be different from those of the pre-adoption period. The results of this study partly demonstrate that the beliefs shaped by the behaviors, those are the experiences of IT use, influence users' attitudes and intention. The results also suggest that behaviors (experiences) also change attitudes while attitudes shape behaviors. If we combine the findings of this study with the results of the previous research on IT adoption, we can propose a cycle of IT adoption and use where behavior shapes attitude, the attitude forms new behavior, and that behavior shapes new attitude. Different from the previous research, the study focused on the user experience after IT adoption and empirically demonstrated the strong influence of the subjective beliefs formed in the post-adoption period on the continued use. This partly confirms the differences between attitudes in the pre-adoption and in the post-adoption period. Users continuously change their attitudes and intentions while experiencing (using) IT. Therefore, to make users adopt IT and to make them use IT after adoption is a different problem. To encourage users to use IT after adoption, experiential variables such as perceived habit, confirmation, and computer self-efficacy should be managed properly.

Influencing Factors of Research Collaboration Intention in Virtual Academic Communities in China

  • Yan, Chunlai;Li, Hongxia
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.83-98
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    • 2021
  • Research collaboration is an important strategy to improve research output, and virtual academic communities (VACs) have become an important platform to collaborate on. This paper reveals the influencing factors of researchers' collaboration intention in VACs from two attributes: individual, and inter-members. On the basis of the Social Cognitive Theory, Social Exchange Theory, social network theory, and Five-Factor Model, this paper constructed a model demonstrating the influencing factors of VACs researchers' collaboration intention. A self-administered questionnaire was employed on members of four VACs in China to collect data; subsequently, 558 usable responses were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that openness, conscientiousness, reciprocity, trust, and the social network characteristic had a significant influence on the collaboration intention of researchers in VACs, while self-efficacy, agreeableness, extroversion, neuroticism, and experience had no significant effects on the collaboration intention of researchers in VACs. This model plays a positive role in promoting the research collaboration intention of Chinese VACs researchers and in guiding the construction of VAC platforms.

Development of Educational Program of STEAM-based Project for Circle Activities in Middle School: Focused on the Theme of "Photography of Earth" (중학교 동아리활동을 위한 STEAM 기반 프로젝트 교육 프로그램 개발: '지구사진 촬영' 주제를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Young-Min;Kim, Jin-Yeon;Huh, Hye-Yeon;Kim, Jong-Nam;Kim, Ki-Soo
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.195-217
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to develop educational programs of STEAM-based project under the theme of "Photography of Earth" for the circle activities of the creative experiential activity, to be applied this program to them and to identify technology subject self-efficacy and change in attitude toward engineering. In order to achieve the research objectives, this program was applied to middle school student in Cheonan, STEAM-based circle during 9 class instruction. The results of this study are as follows. First, the STEAM program contents for circle activities were selected through utilizing a five-stage design model(preparation, design, development, implementation and evaluation) and analyzing the curriculum. After that we have developed a teaching plan, STEAM-Story, student activity sheets from the viewpoint of cultural fusion and have applied the circle activities of the creative experiential Activity during 4 months. Second, The result of the test(pre- and post-test) about STEAM program that has been developed were different about technology subject self-efficacy and attitude toward engineering. Therefore, we have verified that the effect of the STEAM-based project under the theme of "Photography of Earth" for the circle activities on the attitudes toward engineering and self-efficacy in middle school is effective.

The Effect of Smoking Prevention and Smoking Cessation Program using Smoking Cessation Supporters on the Smoking Knowledge and Beliefs and Self-efficacy of Smoking Cessation of Nursing Students (금연서포터즈를 활용한 흡연예방 및 금연프로그램이 간호대학생의 흡연 지식 및 신념, 금연 자기효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Hye-Suk;Choi, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of smoking prevention smoking cessation program using smoking cessation supporters on the smoking knowledge and beliefs and self-efficacy of smoking cessation of nursing students. The smoking prevention and smoking cessation program developed for this study consisted of general education on smoking (8 times for 30 minutes each time) and the activities of college student smoking cessation supporters. The 30 college student smoking cessation supporters consisted of 6 people per team, a total of 5 teams, and conducted online video promotions by team, smoking cessation promotion and campaign activities, recruiting and mentoring for smoking cessation challengers. As a result of the study, smoking prevention and smoking cessation programs using smoking cessation supporters were effective in increasing nursing students' smoking knowledge and changing their beliefs about smoking negatively. In particular, by understanding the awareness and overall situation of smoking among nursing students, and operating a smoking prevention and smoking cessation program, it made them realize that smoking prevention and secondhand smoke among non-smokers are threatening the health of others. It contributed to the spread of the smoking cessation culture in the university by providing a way to motivate people to quit smoking and to maintain their success in quitting smoking.

A Study on the Impact of College Students' Major Satisfaction on Career Decision Self-efficacy and Employment Preparation Behavior -Focusing on College Students Majoring in Tourism in the Metropolitan Area- (대학생의 전공만족도가 진로결정 자기효능감 및 취업준비행동에 미치는 영향 연구 -수도권 관광전공 대학생을 중심으로-)

  • Moon-Ho Kwon;Hong-bo Shim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.299-306
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    • 2024
  • This study sought to suggest improvement measures by analyzing how major satisfaction of college students majoring in tourism in the metropolitan area affects career decision self-efficacy and employment preparation behavior. A survey was conducted on college students majoring in tourism-related fields from April 1 to May 31, 2024, and 217 out of a total of 250 were used for analysis. As a result of the study, hypotheses 1 and 3 established in this study were found to have a significant positive influence, and hypothesis 2 was partially accepted. Therefore, the improvement plan of this study is to make continuous efforts to improve the competitiveness of universities, such as developing educational policies and educational programs to improve the satisfaction of majors, satisfaction with curriculum and classes, and customized teaching methods for each subject, and prior to students' full-scale job preparation activities. There is a need to improve individualized employment strategies for major students and employment counseling methods between professors and students. In particular, it is necessary to establish an efficient employment preparation system through educational facilities and environments, curricula, educational programs, and professor consultations where major students can make their own career decisions.

Maternal Behavior to Preventing Childhood Accident in the Home (아동사고에 대한 어머니의 예방행위 영향요인)

  • Kim, Kwuy-Bun;Son, In-A
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2002
  • Injury has now replaced disease as the biggest single cause of death in children after their first birthday. Each day child dies from preventable, unintentional injury and the medical cost of these injury is increasing remarkably. It is necessary to develope injury prevention models to explain, predict, manage, evaluate and analyze the information about accident. The purpose of this paper is, firstly, to investigate parent's actions regarding safety measures at home and secondly, to identify the influencing factors of parents' safety behaviors. The selection of such factors is guided by the theoretical framework of the Pender's Health Promotion Model. Method ; The questionnaire was developed on the basis of other investigations, through pilot testing, peer review, and review by field health workers. The questionnaire was completed by 231 mothers of young children. Data was collected between April and May 2002. Variable Use of three different domains of safety behavior, safety habits, supervision and perception of safety devices, were listed. Mothers were self reported on internal locus of control, mother & child relationships, and marital intimacy. Also the elements of the Health Promotion Model: perceived benefit, barrier, threat, and self-efficacy, were surveyed. Results & discussion The results indicate that most parents take considerable action to reduce household hazards. The constructs derived from the Model were statistically significant differences for a small part of the variables on parental behavior to reduce hazards in the home, such as age, education, economic status, self-efficacy, perceived benefit, internal locus of control. Future studies ought to include social influences, such as expectations, perceived norms, knowledge, and child-related variables, relevant to parental safety measures in their home.

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Influencing factors on oral health behavior and dental clinic use in industrial workers by Andersen model (앤더슨 모형을 적용한 산업체 근로자 직업유형에 따른 구강보건행위와 치과이용에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Im, Ae-Jung;Heo, Yun-Min;Kim, Hyoung-Joo;Lim, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the oral health and oral health beliefs in industrial workers and to analyze the influencing factors on dental health care utilization. Methods: The subjects were 280 adults from 16 to 64 years old in Seoul and Gyeonggi from June 20 to July 31, 2014, A self-reported questionnaire was completed after receiving informed consent. The independent variables consisted of predisposing, enabling, and need factors. The predisposing factors included gender, age, residence area, number of family. The enabling variables included monthly income, education, occupation, type of employment. The need factors included subjective oral health recognition and oral health belief model. These three variables had a direct and indirect influence on dental clinic use. The types of occupation were classified into desk duties, merchandizing and service duties technology and others by KSCO-6. Results: The relating factors to dental health care utilization were sex, oral health beliefs perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and self-efficacy. Female tended to have the higher oral health beliefs perceived benefits, perceived barriers(p<0.01), self-efficacy(p<0.05). Conclusions: Those who received frequent oral examination and health instruction tended to have a favorable impact on maintenance of oral health status and improvement in quality of life.