• Title/Summary/Keyword: Teacher competency assessment

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A Study on Performance Level of Pre-service Physics Teachers in Constructing Questions for classroom assessment - Focused on Analysis of Multiple Choice Question about Physics Conceptest for Formative Assessment (예비 물리 교사들의 학생평가 문항 제작 수행 수준 조사 - 형성 평가를 위한 선다형 물리 개념 검사 문항 분석 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hyun Sook;Kim, Jung Bog
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.458-475
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    • 2013
  • According to instruction of standard-based assessment system, teachers with higher level of competence in student assessment are required. The purpose of this study is to offer the basic data to enhance pre-service physics teachers' competency in student assessment. 17 pre-service physics teachers, who are sophomore in department of physics education, participated in the study for a whole semester. To do this, we gave the assignment of multiple choice question construction in physics conceptest for formative assessment to pre-service teachers and observed review questions constructed by them. We also analyzed multiple choice questions of 17 pre-service teachers. They had 5 classes for the review process of the question and improved their questions through it. 16 of 17 pre-service teachers completed test design. Our results show that pre-service teachers had a little low competence in test design for classroom assessment. In addition to, constructing and revising questions, almost of them didn't have various perspectives and didn't consider to get information about the pre-conceptions of students. These findings indicate that they have difficulties with constructing multiple choice question and more specific plan needs to enhance the overall student-assessment competency levels of pre-service teachers for successful settlement of the standard-based assessment system.

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Characteristics of Process-Focused Assessment in Science Classes from the Research Middle School Reports (연구학교 보고서에 나타난 중학교 과학과 과정중심평가의 특징)

  • Jong-Hee Kim;Jee-young Park;Nan Sook Yu;Min-Seon Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.182-195
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze reports from research middle schools based on the criteria for process-focused assessment to find out how the characteristics of process-focused assessment were being implemented in middle school science classes. The analysis criteria for the characteristics of process-focused assessment (integration of lessons and assessments, evaluation elements and methods, content and timing of feedback, and learner growth management) were extracted. Using the analysis framework, the result reports of seven research middle schools for process-focused assessment were analyzed. In terms of integration of lessons and assessments, when the process-focused assessment was operated, the class and evaluation plan were well implemented based on the curriculum achievement standards, but the process-focused assessment was recognized as a performance evaluation. In terms of evaluation elements and methods, the evaluation element for knowledge was the main component, and competency was presented in the planning stage, but competency was not dealt with in class execution. The evaluation method was biased toward teacher-centered observation evaluation and written test, and the setting of scoring criteria for each evaluation element was insufficient. In terms of the content and timing of feedback, feedback was mainly provided based on achievement confirmation, but no case was found in which scaffolding was provided at an appropriate time for insufficient parts in the learning process. In terms of the learner's growth management, the competencies cultivated through science classes were included in the detailed subject specialties of the school record. However, little was shown in the report on how to systematically manage the process of developing learners' competencies and reflect the evaluation results to teachers' class improvement.

The Quality of After-School Programs Focused on Artistic-Physical Activities and Children′s Emotional Regulation and Social Competence (예체능 방과후 교육프로그램의 질과 아동의 정서조절 및 사회적 능력)

  • 전은경;최보가
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.8
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2004
  • This study investigated the quality of after-school programs focused on artistic-physical activities, children's emotional regulation and social competence. The subjects were 224 elementary school children (1st through 6th grades) and 41 teachers. The measures were questionnaire(after-school activities), Assessment Profile for Early Childhood Programs(school-age), the Emotional Regulation Scale. and the Social Competency Scale. The data were analyzed by Cronbach's a, frequency, percentile, mean, and t-test. The results indicated that emotional regulation and, social competence were significantly different according to the quality of after-school programs: Children in a higher group of curriculum quality and interaction with teacher had better emotional regulation than did children in a lower group. Children in a higher group of curriculum quality and scheduling had better social competence(leadership and competence) than did children in a lower group.

Analysis of Trends of Mathematics Education in Korean Classes Based on TIMSS (TIMSS 결과에 나타난 우리나라 교실내 수학 교육의 변화 추이 분석)

  • Kim, Sun Hee;Kim, Soojin
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2012
  • This study researched the trends of mathematics education in Korean mathematics class in the aspects of teaching and learning method, assessment and teachers' competency based on TIMSS 1995, 1999, 2003 and 2007. For the mathematics teaching and learning method, the differentiated instruction rate is higher. The activities focused on students not teacher are more, and frequencies of homework are higher but time spent for homework is less than the past. Especially, mathematics teachers link homeworks to instructions. And mathematics teachers uses more multiple choice items and more various assessment methods than the past. The average age of mathematics teachers tends to become older since 1995. The major of mathematics teacher are primarily mathematics and mathematics education. Korean mathematics teachers have less self-esteem for teaching mathematics contents and have more various interactions with peers. The rate of participating in-service training is more or less according to training contents.

A Study on the Improvement of Teaching Competence of Pre-service Science Teachers based on the Teaching Evaluation and Reflective Journal Writings on Science Class (수업 평가와 반성 저널쓰기를 통한 예비 과학교사들의 수업 수행 능력 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Hong, Hun-Gi;Jeon, Hwa-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.836-849
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze changes of competency observed in teaching of pre-service science teachers through the teaching evaluation and reflective journal writings on science class during the period of student-teaching at high school. To do this, we videotaped all the science classes of six pre-service teachers participating in this study, evaluated their class teachings, and collected moving video clips recorded in their classes, reflective journals, interviews, instructional materials, and teaching evaluation they have provided. From the "Standards for teaching evaluation of science instruction" developed by Korea Education Curriculum and Assessment, sixteen evaluation elements were selected and used for the analysis. According to our results, all preservice teachers show improvement of teaching performance in most of the class evaluation elements as the number of science classes increases. They presented the lowest improvement in the 'to design meaningful learning program,' which was one of the sixteen elements. However, there are substantial individual differences in the pre-service teachers' teaching competence on each evaluation element. Although they thought that 'understanding of scientific concepts' is the most important part of a science class in the beginning of student-teaching training, they showed changes in recognition that 'interaction and respect' and 'managing student behaviors' are also important in the end. They have recognized that writing a reflective journal, based on the video clips recorded in class and teaching evaluation, helps improve their teaching competency. In addition, improvement in teaching competency has influence upon career-orientation towards the school teacher in the future.

Exploring Ways to Improve the First Major Area of the Examination for Appointing Secondary Science Teachers with the Change of Educational Environment (교육환경 변화에 따른 중등 과학교사 임용시험의 1차 전공영역에 대한 개선 방안 탐색)

  • Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.122-132
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the teacher expertise to be evaluated in the secondary science teacher employment test (TET, hereafter) in order to respond to changes in educational environments including the transition to competency-based curriculum, and ways to improve the first exam in major areas in the current TET. For this purpose, Delphi surveys and in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 professors of science education who have experience in the TET. According to the research results, teacher expertise such as subject teaching, student understanding, intelligence information utilization, community competencies, and so on were suggested. Ways to improve science content exam in the TET include securing fairness and validity by increasing the number of questions, strengthening the connection with the secondary school curriculum, updating assessment areas for certificate subjects periodically, etc. Ways to improve science education exam in the TET include research and development on the types of science education questions, introducing essay test to science education exam, development of a standardized curriculum on science education, etc. Based on the research results, the necessity of revising the curriculum for teacher training colleges, differentiating curriculum between teachers' colleges and natural science colleges, and reforming the teacher training system by introducing graduate school of education were suggested.

A Case of the competencies-based mathematics lessons of one French foreign school (핵심역량 제고를 위한 수학 수업 사례 고찰 - 한국내 프랑스 외국인학교를 중심으로 -)

  • Choe, Seung-Hyun;Hwang, Hye-Jeang
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.81-108
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    • 2012
  • One of the keyword in every nation's recent educational policy is key competencies. Considering national competitiveness originating from educational competitiveness, educational policy has been driven to identify key competencies and realize them through school education. Within this context some countries have developed competencies-based curriculum and discussed ways to relate key competencies and subject matter areas. However, there have been few researches on how to reflect or integrate key competencies into subject matter areas. Because of this reason, the ways to incorporate and integrate key competencies into three subject areas including mathematics were investigated. The recent trends of curriculum, teaching and learning, and assessment of domestic and foreign cases were explored by the subject of one Korean international middle school, one British foreign school in Seoul, one French foreign school in Seoul, and four middle schools in New Zealand. To establish competencies-based school education, there should be intimate connection system among curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, and teacher education. Through analysis of domestic and foreign cases, some conclusions regarding how these aspects have changed with the emphasis of key competencies were drawn. In this paper, through classroom observation and teacher interview, a case of the competencies-based mathematics lessons of one French foreign school was investigated. As a result, summaries and recommendations related to ways to improve subject teaching and teacher education in light of key competencies were presented. In these recommendations, the ways to reconstruct subject-based curriculum, the content-specific teaching and learning, and educational assessment were included.

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Investigation on the reality of school mathematics based on the learner's competencies (학습자의 핵심역량에 기초한 수학교육 실태 탐색 - 뉴질랜드와 프랑스를 중심으로 -)

  • Choe, Seung-Hyun;Hwang, Hye-Jeang;Nam, Geum-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.215-238
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    • 2012
  • One of the keyword in every nation's recent educational policy is key competencies. Considering national competitiveness originating from educational competitiveness, educational policy has been driven to identify key competencies and realize them through school education. Within this context some leading countries have developed competencies-based curriculum and discussed ways to relate key competencies and subject matter areas. However, there have been few researches on how to reflect or integrate key competencies into subject matter areas. Because of this reason, the ways to incorporate and integrate key competencies into three subject areas including mathematics were investigated. The recent trends of curriculum, teaching and learning, and assessment of domestic and foreign cases were explored by the subject of one Korean international middle school, one British foreign school in Seoul, one French foreign school in Seoul, and four middle schools in New Zealand. To establish competencies-based school education, there should be intimate connection system among curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, and teacher education. Through analysis of domestic and foreign cases, some conclusions regarding how these aspects have changed with the emphasis of key competencies were drawn. In this paper, through classroom observations and teacher interviews, the reality of competencies-based mathematics teaching of New Zealand and France was investigated. As a result, summaries and recommendations related to ways to improve subject teaching and teacher education in light of key competencies were presented. In these recommendations, the ways to reconstruct subject-based curriculum, the content-specific teaching and learning, and educational assessment were included.

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Educational Needs of the Core Competencies for Low-Carrier Technology Teachers (초임 기술교사를 위한 핵심 역량의 추출과 교육 요구도 분석)

  • Choi, Yuhyun
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.209-231
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to extract the factors of core competency required for technology teachers and to analyze the educational needs for extracted core competency factors and to search for the application of core competencies in the in-service technology teachers education. This study was conducted by literature review, expert validation, and needs assessment method. The survey was conducted by 92 low-carrier technology teachers who participated in in-service technology teachers education for upgrading to first grade teacher certificate. Data were analyzed the factor analysis, needs assessment, and IPA analysis using SPSS 24. The core competencies with high education needs were selected by the score of the Borich formula and the IPA analysis. As a result of the study, 29 factors of core competencies were chosen as the priority: challenge, planning ability, decision making ability, future orientation, intellectual property utilization ability, communication ability, and creative thinking etc. Based on the conclusions of this study, I would suggest the following. It is to create a new in-service education program reflected on core competencies that have high educational needs of low-carrier technology teachers. In addition, a strategy that reflects core competencies methodically in existing in-service teachers education program is needed. Future research should be followed by research on curriculum design to enhance high needed core competencies of low-carrier technology teachers.

An Exploratory Study on The Pre-service Teachers' Perception of Education Paradigm in The Fourth Industrial Revolution Era (4차 산업혁명 시대 사범대학 예비교사의 교육패러다임 인식에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Eunjin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.248-259
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the pre-service teachers' perception for education paradigm and teacher's teaching competency in the fourth industrial revolution era. For this study 53 pre-service teachers participated in the discussion instruction during one semester. The study result was to analyze the discussion reports of pre-service students using the grounded theory approach. As a result, the pre-service students responded that the school needs to change the learner-centered education and assessment method in the fourth industrial revolution era. Secondly, the result of the teachers' teaching competencies was the integrated curriculum reconstruction, information processing, empathy and understanding, creative teaching and instructional design, collaboration and communication. This study is expected to contribute to the change of education paradigm for pre-service teachers in the fourth industrial revolution era.