• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tax Benefits

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A Study on the Competitiveness Improvement of Coastal Shipping for Northeast Asia Logistics-Hub (동북아(東北亞) 물류거점화(物流據點化)를 위한 연안해운(沿岸海運) 경쟁력(競爭力) 제고방안(提高方案)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Yon-Jae;Ahn, Ki-Myung;Kim, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Duk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.441-449
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to present the improvement measure of lagging behind coastal shipping system to be a logistic hub-nation with a competitive edge. For this purpose, this research tries to find out major northeast asia environment factors and accordingly the effects of its. The effects of coastal shipping system's development strategy is analysed by structural equation model and multiple regression model. Research results show that three types of coastal shipping developing strategy(connected transportation system, structure of coastal shipping system, governmental support policy) will contribute much to be logistic hub-nation. The contribution effects is increasing cargo from strengthened feeder transport system and maximizing logistic service &minimizing logistic costs. From the result, some implications are derived as follow. First, familiar environmental balanced ocean-coastal transport system is required. Second the one-stop logistic service system is necessary to build excusive feeder port, and to establish Ro-Ro ship & high-speed ship, etc.. Third, governmental support policy and subsidy(tax exempted oil & various tax benefits) are required to bring up lagging behind coastal shipping system to be a logistic hub-nation with a competitive edge.

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Government Support for Animation as Audiovisual Policy (방송영상 콘텐츠로서의 애니메이션 지원제도 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jae
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.39
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    • pp.27-58
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    • 2015
  • The crisis in profit and funding for animation is in evidence around the world. The change in media environment has forced broadcasting advertising revenue down and animation viewers spread out. Now, animation players in the strongest position are either the US major studios, or producers benefiting from domestic support schemes. Government support is available in many countries because many governments believe that support for domestic animation carries both economic and cultural benefits. This paper is designed to suggest new policy schemes for Korean animation industry. The new paradigm of animation policy needs a new perspective on content industry as a whole, not centered on the animation itself. The researchers on public policy for culture, audiovisual and content industry argued that the government should, (i) play the role of facilitator for virtuous cycle of industry value chain, (ii) provide fiscal support through automatic and selective schemes, (iii) provide tax benefit to strengthen the competitiveness of industry, and (iv) enforce the broadcasters to contribute to domestic programming and financing. Comparative analysis on French and Canadian audiovisual policy supports such arguments, and animation industry of two countries are enjoying the high audience ratings and sustainable production volume. From the analysis, this paper suggests the new government schemes for Korean animation industry, which are, (i) securing the public funding for fiscal support, (ii) introduction of automatic production support, (iii) modification of broadcasting quota, (iv) broadcaster's performance envelope and production quota, and (v) tax benefit as indirect support.

Contemplation of Korean Offshore Wind Industry Development (한국의 해상풍력산업 발전전략 고찰)

  • Kim Jong-hwa
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2024
  • Offshore wind power generation has significant advantages, including enhanced energy security and job creation. However, despite these benefits, South Korea has not fully utilized its potential in this sector. In contrast, offshore wind power industry development in Europe has been driven by government leadership. Drawing from this experience, South Korea also needs to relax regulations, strengthen necessary infrastructure, and enhance financial support systems to activate the offshore wind power industry. For this, sustained government leadership is absolutely essential. Without addressing the capacity issues in the power grid, we cannot expect offshore wind power generation to succeed. To address grid issues, we propose the enactment of a special law called the "Special Act on Grid Expansion." Considering KEPCO's financial situation, private investment should be encouraged for grid construction. The role of developers is crucial for the successful development and operation of offshore wind power. They manage risks throughout various stages, from site acquisition to construction and operation, which have a significant impact on the success or failure of projects. Since domestic developers currently lack experience in offshore wind power, a cooperative strategy that leverages the experience and technology of advanced countries is necessary. Energy issues should be recognized as important tasks beyond mere political ideologies, as they are crucial for the survival of the nation and its development. It is essential to form a public consensus and implement ways for residents to coexist with offshore wind power, along with the conservation of marine ecosystems and effective communication with stakeholders. Expansion of the offshore wind power industry requires support in various areas, including financial and tax incentives, technology research investment, and workforce development. In particular, achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 necessitates the activation of offshore wind power alongside efforts by major corporations to transition to renewable energy. South Korea, surrounded by the sea, holds significant offshore wind power potential, and it is our responsibility to harness it as a sustainable energy source for future generations. To activate the offshore wind power market, we need to provide financial and tax support, develop infrastructure and research, and foster a skilled workforce. As major corporations transition to renewable energy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, offshore wind power must play a significant role. It is our responsibility to fully utilize South Korea's potential and make offshore wind power a new driver of growth.

The Problems and Tasks of Public Loan Programs in Fishery Industry (수산 정책자금의 현황과 과제)

  • Lee, Jae-Woo;Hong, Jae-Bum
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.37 no.3 s.72
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    • pp.45-63
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    • 2006
  • A number of public loans with lower interests and other tax benefits have been provided for farmers and fishermen. However, much of those loans have been accumulated as non-performing. The result is that a large part of fisheries debts are now on the verge of default, Those loans, that fail to pay interests, keep rapidly growing like a time bomb. Now something has to be done before it burst. Firstly, the government must clean up the debts caused by government's mismanagement in the past. The past debt must be repaid or written off by the government since its guarantee was committed several times in guidelines regarding public loans. As such a measure, the government can greatly enlarge its capital contribution to the Credit Guarantee Fund for Farmers and Fishermen and Loss Guarantee fund for Policy Loan. It would greatly help to compensate local branches of fisheries cooperatives for their loss incurred from carrying public loans. In the past, the government used to roll over old debts of fishermen with new debts whenever maturity came. It ends up growing the size of non - performing loans. For this reason, it is not delay of the debt payment, but its write - off that fishery society needs a lot. Secondly, the loan authorities must lower overall risk in providing public loans for fishermen in the future. The whole process must be thoroughly reviewed and changed to provide and manage government loans. To facilitate this, fisheries cooperative must stop being just a public agent, rather take a bigger responsibility in selecting, and checking loan beneficiaries, and securing debt repayment. Incentives must be arranged properly enough to induce fisheries cooperatives to treat public loans just like their own business. Finally, the so - called 'special account of policy loan in fisheries industry' must be set up to enhance the transparency and to check the performance of public loans programs.

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The Present state and tasks of Fishermen Credit Scoring Model (어업인 신용평가모형 개발현황 및 과제)

  • Hong, Jae-Bum;Kim, Jung-Uk
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.43-61
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    • 2008
  • Excessive public loan with low interest and other tax benefits have been provided for fishermen, but much of them turned out to be little performed. There were the moral hazards of Suhyup in the process of executing the public loans. As the government gave the reimbursement on the financial loss of Suhyup resulting from the public loans, Suhyup had no responsibility of the bad debt loss. Therefore, Suhyup gave little efforts to reduce the non-performing. The government perceived this problem and tried to reduce the under-performing loans. Thus, the government decided to take limited responsibilities. Suhyup made the progress to reduce the under-performing public loans. Suhyup dealt with these situation and made the credit evaluation model of the fisherman's public loan. This paper is for the credit evaluation model in the fisherman's public loan, which explains the model development methodology and the model characteristics in detail. This evaluation model is composed of two sub-component model. the one is the quantitative model and the other is the qualitative model. The quantitative sub-model is for the identification of fishermen financial status and is based on the financial transaction information. Its development methodology is the CSS modeling for the consumer market. The qualitative sub-model is for the evaluation the business prospect and is based on the business information such as fisherman's management skills, technology, equipment. Its development methodology is the AHP. It provides the detailed information in the model development methodology, which is the ideal example such as the public loan. In addition it gives the information to the interest parties such as policy makers, suhyup and fishermen.

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Improvement Plan of Seismic Retrofitting Support System for Establishing Earthquake Disaster Prevention Policy (지진 방재정책 수립을 위한 건축물 내진보강 지원제도 개선방안)

  • Hur, Jin-Ho;Kim, Hee-Kyu;Shin, Min-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.611-617
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    • 2017
  • In recent decades, unpredictable earthquakes around the world have caused massive damage. The incidence of earthquakes in Korea that are larger than M5.0 has increased the social demand for earthquake policies. As the seismic performance of buildings has been proven to be the most effective damage mitigation responsibility from past earthquake damage cases, the US and Japan are implementing a seismic retrofitting support system. In Korea, this is being implemented through tax benefits, but it is being neglected by the owners of private buildings. As a solution to this problem, this paper reviews, compares, and analyzes the domestic and overseas seismic retrofitting support systems, and suggests ways to improve the policy and support system for revitalizing the seismic retrofitting of private buildings based on the results.

The Effects of Profit-Sharing Schemes on Productivity through Firm's Contribution to the Employee Welfare Fund (사내근로복지기금제도를 통한 이윤공유참여의 생산성효과)

  • Cin, Beom Cheol
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.115-147
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    • 2003
  • This paper scrutinizes the robustness of the profit-sharing findings first employing an original panel data on the Employee Welfare Fund over the period from 1992 to 2000. In examining the effects of profit-sharing schemes on labor productivity, it controls for simultaneity among profit-sharing, production factors, and productivity using both the two-stage least squares procedure and the lagged variable method. The empirical results show that an increase in firm's contribution to the Employee Welfare Fund is associated with capital-embodied and disembodied productivity enhancement, which is both statistically and economically highly significant. The empirical results are in contrast with predictions of both agency and transaction cost theories, and they imply that more tax benefits and financial incentives for expansion of the Employee Welfare Fund should be required to get productivity gains.

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A Study on the Perception of Stakeholders on Sunken Costs of an Urban Development Project (도시재생 사업의 매몰비용에 관한 이해집단간의 의식조사 연구)

  • Shin, Seungil;Lee, Ung-Kyun;Cho, Hunhee;Kang, Kyung-In
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.591-596
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates the perception of the sunken costs of an urban development project, which is currently a social problem through a questionnaire survey. The results indicate that local and federal governments, political authorities, association members, landowners, etc. partially recognize their responsibility in bearing the sunken cost. It is also found that all stakeholders who participated in the maintenance project felt shared responsibility of bearing the sunken costs and exchanging solutions to mitigate the same, rather than making one party deal with the same. This study also suggests that with regard to reducing these sunken costs, the public sector should offer indirect support (by bearing the cost of infrastructure, tax benefits, regulation relaxation, etc.) rather than direct support so that the association members can make a reasonable choice on the project execution.

Evaluation of the Cultural(Collective) Village Development Projects in Rural Area and It's New Policy Guidelines -With Respect to the Cases of Gongju Gyeryong, Chungnam Province and Hyeongsung Ucheon, Kangwon Province- (농어촌지역(農漁村地域) 문화(文化)(집단(集團))마을 조성사업(造成事業)의 평가(評價)와 추진방향(推進方向) - 충남공주계롱지구(忠南公州鷄籠地區)와 강원횡역우천지구(江原橫域隅川地區)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lim, Jae Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.148-167
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    • 1994
  • The gap of the quality of life and living environment between urban and rural area have been widened since the industrialization and urbanization oriented five year economic development plans started in 1963. To mitigate the gaps, Korean government had commenced the cultural(collective) village development projects, as a pilot cases such as Gyeryong and Ucheon projects from 1991. This paper contains first the concepts of cultural village, types of village formation, types of village development, allocation problems of housing sites, procurement of project costs and other problems experienced during constuction of the projects. The main policy guidelines for the successful development of cultural villages are as follows: 1. Cultural village development should be carried out in coincide with the present status of farm household incomes. 2. The countermeasures should be consistant with the general objective of the cultural village development institutionally. 3. Propaganda of the cultural village development in rural area is prerequisite to success the projects. 4. Favourable terms and conditions of credit loans as loan amount of 30 million won with interest rate of 3% per annum and 25 years repayment period including 5 years grace period should be given by the Government. 5. Special benefits in the tax system should be given to rural peoples in the cultural villages. 6. The cultural village development should be classified into two groups as the cultural village development in rurban area and the cultural village development in rural area.

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A Study on the Relief Service Promotion Plan for Natural Disaster Victims (자연재해 이재민의 구호서비스 증진방안에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung Pyo;Cho, Wonchul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2013
  • Recently, 'Government 3.0' has become the topic since the inauguration of the new government. According to Government 3.0 Promotion Master Plan, this means providing bilateral customized administrative service based on the values of opening-up, sharing, and cooperation for the individuals of the people. Currently, if disaster victims, who have private property damaged by natural disasters such as typhoon and torrential rain, want to receive disaster relief service supports such as financial support, tax cut, reduction in electric and communication charges, they have to visit each of applicable organizations and apply for the relief service supports. The application forms and procedures are so diverse and complex that disaster victims undergo many discomforts. So this thesis established the solution of residents' discomforts and the providing of practical benefits through disaster victims' one stop application for service as the research objective. Accordingly, the solution plan was concretely presented through preparing the relief service promotion strategies comprising the establishment of administrative service supporting system and the preparation of legal and institutional device, the establishment of computing system for one stop service and the reinforcement of general publicity for successful promotion of cooperation projects.