• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tall height

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Forage Yield and TDN by Cutting Time of Brittle Culm Rice (Brittle Culm 벼의 예취시기에 따른 청예수량 및 TDN)

  • Kim, Young-Doo;Park, Hong-Kyu;Ha, Ki-Yong;Cho, Soo-Yeon
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.483-488
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    • 1997
  • This experiment was conducted to determine cutting time on the yield and nutritive value of brittle culm rice. Plant height and number of tiller were significantly different between variety and cutting time, and regrowth plant height and rate of regrowth tiller were tall and high at the early cutting. Early cutting increased crude protein, fat and NFE(Nitrogen free extract) content in the harvested foliage but crude fiber and ash content were decreased in the first cutting. Those of second cutting also showed reverse tendency. Fresh and dry matter yield were highest on heading date cutting, and those of KL501 were higher than those of Seomjinbyeo. TDN(Total digestible nutrients) content was higher with earlier cutting for initiated cutting, but that of second cutting was reversed. KL501 showed higher TDN content than Seomjinbyeo did at the any cutting time. TDN yield of heading date cutting was higher than that of the other cutting time.

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Studies on Classification and Genetic Nature of Korean Local Corn Lines (한국(韓國) 재래종(在來種) 옥수수의 계통분류(系統分類) 및 유전적(遺傳的) 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, In Sup;Choi, Bong Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.396-450
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    • 1982
  • To obtain basic information on the Korean local corn lines a total of 57 lines were selected from 1,000 Korean local collection at Chungnam National University, classified by principal component analysis, and genetic nature was investigated. The results are summarized as follows. 1. There were a great variation in mean values of plant characters of the lines. The mean values of plant characters except for density of kernels varied with types of crossing. All characters except. for tasselling dates were reduced in magnitude when selfed, while those characters were increased when topcrossed. 2. The correlation coefficients among characters studied ranged front 0.99 to -0.59. The correlation coefficients among characters were not greatly changed depending upon types of crosses. 3. In order to classify the lines more effectively, selected 12 plant characters were used to classify 57 local lines by principal component analysis. The first four component could explain 86.4%, 83.4% and 81.1% of the total variations in sibbed lines, selfed lines and topcrossed lines, respectively. 4. Contribution of characters to principal component was high at upper principal components and low at lower principal components. 5. Biological meaning of the principal component and plant types corresponding to the each principal component were explained clearly by the correlation coefficient between principal components and characters. The first principal component appeared to correspond to the size of plant and ear. The second principal component appeared to correspond to the degree of differentiation in organs and the duration of vegetative growing period. But biological meaning of the third and fourth principal components was not clear. 6. The lines were classified into 4 lineal groups by the taxonomic distance. Group I included 52 lines which was 91.2% of total lines, group II 3 lines, group III 1 lines and group IV I lines, respectively. Four groups could be characterized as follows : Group I : early maturity, short-culmed, medium height plant, small ears, medium kernels and medium yielding. Group II : late maturity, medium height plant, small ears, small kernels, prolific ears and higher yielding. Group III : medium maturity, tall-culmed, small ears, small kernels and low yielding. Group IV : medium maturity, tall-calmed, large ears, one ear plant and me yielding. 7. The inbreeding depression varied with plant characters and lines. The characters such as yield, kernel weight per ear, ear weight and plant height showed great degree of inbreeding depression. Group I showed high inbreeding depression in such characters as 100 kernel weight, leaf number, plant height and days to tasselling, while group II showed high inbreeding depression in other plant characters. 8. Heterosis of plant characters varied also with lines. The ear weight, kernel weight per ear, yield, 100 kernel weight, and plant height were some of the plant characters showing high heterosis. Group II showed high values of heterosis in such characters as ear length, ear diameter, ear weight, kernel weight per ear, 100 kernel weight, and leaf length, while group I was high in heterosis in other plant characters. 9. The degree of homozgosity was highest in ear weight (79.1%) and lowest in ear number per plant (-21%). Group II showed higher degree of homozygosity than group I. 10. Correlation coefficients between characters of ribbed and topcrossed lines were positive for all characters. Highly significant. correlation coefficients between ribbed and topcrossed lines were obtained especially for characters such as ear number per plant, plant height, leaf length and yield per plot.

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Characteristics and Yield of Recommended Cultivars by Imported Forage Crop Regional Yield Trials in 2002 III. Mid-late Maturing, Good Quality, and High Yield of Forage Corn Hybrid "DK 7545", “Garst 8285” and “GW 737” (2002년 사료작물 수입적응성 인증품종의 생육특성 및 수양성 III. 중만숙 양질 다수성 사료작물 옥수수 교잡종 “DK 7545”, “Garst 8285” 및 “GW 737”)

  • Sung, B.R.;Choi, G.J.;Kim, K.Y.;Lim, K.B.;Park, K.J.
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.259-264
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    • 2002
  • DK 754S, a forage corn hybrid is bred by Dekalb plant Genetics Co.. Garst 8255 by Garst Seeds Co., and GW 737 by Crosbyton Co. in US, respectively. These have been tested in Suwon and Chonan for 3 years to test their regional yield trial. In result, we were able to confirm the excellence of above cultivars and these were selected as new recommended cultivars April of 2002 by NACF. The characteristics of these cultivars are as follows ; 1. DK 7545 a. This cultivar is mid-late maturing, high quality, high yielding forage corn hybrid. Its mean tasseling date is the 11th of July. It takes 78 days from emergence to tasseling date, which is almost same with Kwanganok. The culm length and the ear height are 231 cm and 127 cm. It is relatively strong to lodging. b. The color of ear is yellow, the number of ear row is nineteen. DK 7545 shows strength to H maydis and MBSDV has occurred between 0% and 4.1% in Chonan test area but it still does not affect yielding at all. It is relatively resistant to corn borer and its stay green is almost same level comparing to a check hybrid, Kwanganok. c. Dry matter yield of this cultivar is 19.6 tons, TDN is 13.4 tons per a ha, therefore these hybrids are increased by from 6 to 9% comparing to Kwanganok. The percent ear among total dry matters yield is 43.7%. 2. Garst 8255 a. This hybrid is mid-late maturing, high quality, high yielding forage corn like as Kwanganok. Its the mean tasseling date and the period from emergence to tasseling date are almost same with a check hybrid, Kwanganok. The Culm length and the ear height are 259 cm, and 146 cm which are tall. It resists to lodging and shows excellence of stay green. b. Garst 8285 resists to H maydis, and MBSDV, and corn borer as much as Kwanganok has. c. Dry matter yield of this cultivar is 21,735 kg. TDN is 14,627 kg per a ha, therefore this is increased by 21%, 16%, respectively, comparing to a check hybrid, Kwanganok. The percent ear among total dry matters yield is 44.2%. 3. GW 737 a. This hybrid is mid-late maturing, high quality, high yielding forage com hybrid like as Kwanganok. Its mean tasseling date is 13th of July which is 2 days late comparing with a check hybrid, Kwanganok and the period from emergence to tasseling date is 80 days. b. The culm length and the ear height are 274 cm and 150 cm, which are tall. It resists to lodging moderately and shows excellence of stay green. c. GW 737 resists to H maydis and MBSDV very well, corn borer moderately resistance. d. Dry matter yield of this cultivar is 18,025kg, TDN 15,164kg per a ha, therefore this hybrid remarkably increased by 26%, 20%, respectively, comparing to a check hybrid, Kwanganok.

Classification of the Korean Local Pearl Barley(Coix larcryma L.) by the Morphological Characters (재래종(在來種) 율무(의이인(薏苡仁))의 형태적(形態的) 특성(特性)에 의한 분류(分類))

  • Kim, Bo Kyeong;Choe, Bong Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 1986
  • To obtain basic information needed for developing better pearl barley varieties, a total of 148 lines of pearl barley were collected from nationwide survey except for Kangwon and Chejoo provinces and classified by principal component analysis. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Variabilities of characters for all lines except for leaf width and 100 K. Wt.(Unpolished) were high enough to indicate variation of lines. 2. Correlation coefficients among 18 characters were high enough and they showed the shape of normal distribution, more or less, inclined toward positive values. 3. The lines could be classified into four groups by correlation coefficient for 18 characters : Group I was characterized as the lines composed of grain and plant type, Group II maturity, Group III the number of tillers, and Group IV the nature of germination, respectively. 4. About 60% of the total variation could be appreciated by the first four principal components and about 89% of the total variation by the first ten principal components. 5. Contribution of characters to principal components was variable and was high at upper principal components and low at lower principal components. 6. The value of eigen vector corresponding to those which had high significant correlation coefficient between characters was almost of the same value. 7. The lines were classified into four groups by principal component analysis. 8. The lines were also classified into four groups by taxonomic distance. Group I included 79 lines, Group II 40 lines, Group III 22 lines, and Group IV 7 lines, respectively. 9. Four groups classified by taxonomic distance could be characterized as follow : Group I : medium height plant, small kernels, medium maturity, and narrow and short leaf, Group II : short height plant, small kernels, early maturity, and narrow and short leaf. Group III : tall height plant, large kernels, late maturity, and broad and long leaf. Group IV : short height plant, large kernels, medium maturity, and narrow and short leaf.

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Growth and Morphological Characteristics of Introduced Sorghum Germplasm (도입 수수 유전자원의 생육 및 형태적 특성)

  • 강정훈;이호진
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to obtain fundamental information on forage sorghum breeding in forage crop field of Livestock Experiment Station at Suwon from 1986 to 1991. The charcterization of sorghum germplasm was performed through 1986 to 1987, and after parental lines were selected from diverse sorghum germplasm on the basis of flowering date, plant height and several morphological characters for forage sorghum Fl hybrids. The range of variation of 50% flowering date and plant height were greater in order of forage sorghum sudangrass and male sterile line of grain sorghum. The average flowering date was earlier in sudangrass and male sterile line of grain sorghum than forage sorghum lines from the tested sorghum germplasms. And the average plant height was tall in order of forage sorghum, sudangrass and male sterile lines of grain sorghum. There were remarkable morphological variations between sudangrass lines and male sterile lines of grain sorghum such as plant color, leaf midrib color, glume color, seed coat color, head compactness and shape, awns, grain covering and 100 seed weight.

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Response of the Growth and Root Development of Shade Landscape Plants by Slit Ventilation Treatment into Indoor Container (실내용기 내 슬릿(Slit)처리가 내음성 조경식물의 생육과 뿌리발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Ju, Jin-Hee;Han, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2009
  • This study has attempted to facilitate various new technologies related to indoor containers and develop a desirable planting environment after investigating the growth (including root growth) of shade-tolerant landscape plants under slit processing, a natural indoor ventilation system. The following results were found: In terms of the shoot growth of Fatsia japonica in a slit container, no distinctive difference was observed in comparison with the control group. However, growth was good when the container 250mm tall or taller. Therefore, it was verified that optical soil depth is more important than slit processing in shoot growth of Fatsia japonica. In Fatsia japonica root length was observed as follows: Control 2(250mm) > Slit 2(250mm) > Control 1(195mm) > Slit 3(360mm) > Control 3(360mm) > Slit 1(195mm). The largest growth was observed in Control 2(250mm), which had no slit processing. In term of root width, this was lower than the initial value in all groups, which means that the root grew vertically, not horizontally. In terms of plant height of Ophiopogon japonicus, a gradual increase was observed in the control group that had no slit processing. No significant growth was detected in the slit system, however. In terms of shoot number, slit containers were generally higher than the control group. In terms of fresh and dry weights, on the contrary, slit containers were mostly lower than the control group. In Ophiopogon japonicus, root length was observed as follows: Slit 2(250mm) > Slit 1(195mm) > Control 2(250mm) > Control 3(360mm) > Slit 3(360mm) > Control 1(195mm). In Ardisia japonica, slit containers were mostly greater than control group in terms of plant height. The greatest plant height was observed at Slit 2(250mm) instead of Slit 1(195mm) and Slit 3(360mm). Except for plant height and shoot number, however, no significant shoot and root growth was observed. Root length was observed as follows: Slit 2(250mm) > Slit 3(360mm) > Control 3(360mm) > Slit 1(195mm) > Control 2(250mm) > Control 1(195mm). Therefore, root length in slit containers was mostly greater than in the control group. The width of root, however, declined in general.

Effects of Planting Density and Tiller Removal Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn Hybrids (재식밀도와 얼자제거가 단 옥수수의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Keun Yong, Park;Young Kil, Kang;Seung Ue, Park;Hyeon Gui, Moon
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.192-197
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    • 1989
  • Two sweet corn hybrids, 'Tanok l' and 'Golden Cross Bantam 70 (GCB 70)' were grown at five plant densities, of 4, 167. 5,556, 6,667. 8, 333, and 11, 111 plants per 10 ares, with or without tiller removal, to determine effects of tiller removal on growth and yield of sweet corn hybrids at various plant densities. Tillers were pulled when less than 15 cm tall. The number of tillers per plant linearly decreased as plant density increased. The two hybrids had similar plant height, ear length and diameter, ear weight and the number of ears per plant and 10 ares. Tanok 1 lodged approximately 20% at above 8,333 plants per 10 ares, while GCB 70 did not lodge at all, at any plant density. Tanok 1 had higher leaf area index (LAI), ear and stover yields than GCB 70. Except for root lodging and LAI, hybrid x plant density interaction was not significant at 5% probability level. Plant density did not affect silking data. Increasing plant density linearly increased plant height, LAI, and stover yield, but linearly decreased ear length, ear weight, and the number of ears per plant. Increase in LAI was greater in Tanok 1 than in GCB 70, with increasing plant density. The relationships between the number of ears and ear yield per 10 ares and plant density were Quadratic. The optimum plant density was estimated to be approximately 6500 plants per 10 ares, using the equation based on ear yield. Except for ear height and LA I, hybrid x tiller removal and plant density x tiller removal interactions were not significant. Hybrid x plant density x tiller removal interaction was not significant for any characters. When averaged over hybrids and plant densities, tiller removal reduced plant height and ear and stover yields by about 3, 10, and 16%, respectively, but did not significantly affect silking date, root lodging, ear length and diameter and the number of ears per plant and per 10 ares. The results indicate that the optimum plant density is approximately 6500 plants per 10 ares, regardless of tiller removal and tillers are not to be removed at any plant density.

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Morphological Variation of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.) Germplasm Collected in Korea, China and Pakistan (우리나라와 중국, 파키스탄에서 수집한 조 계통들에 대한 형태적 변이)

  • Kim, Eun Ji;Sa, Kyu Jin;Yu, Chang Yeon;Lee, Ju Kyong
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2010
  • To understand the morphological differentiation of the 26 accessions of Foxtail Millet collected in Korea (15 accessions), China (7 accessions) and Pakistan (4 accessions), we analyzed 9 morphological characteristics such as plant height, panicle length, leaf number, tiller number, heading time, seed weight and panicle color etc. Most accessions of foxtail millet collected in Korea showed late heading time, tall plant height and long conical panicles. While foxtail millet accessions of Pakistan showed early heading time, short plant height and short conical panicles. In case of Chinese accessions, some accessions of them showed similar characteristics with Korean accessions, and the other showed similar characteristics to Pakistan accessions. In ANOVA analysis, most of quantitative characteristics such as plant height, leaf number, internode number and heading time showed significant differences among foxtail millet accessions collected from Korea, China and Pakistan. Principal component analyses clearly discriminate foxtail millet accessions of Korea from those of China and Pakistan. In PCA analysis, most of quantitative characters such as panicle length, leaf number and internode number greatly contributed in positive direction, whereas several quantitative characters such as tiller number, seed weight and panicle color contributed in negative direction on the first axis. Thus, these morphological characteristics could be used to classify the foxtail millet accessions collected in Korea, China and Pakistan. The present results could expand our understanding of the morphological variation in foxtail millet accessions from Korea, China and Pakistan, and also could be useful for foxtail millet germplasm preservation.

Studies on Inheritance and Ecological Variation of the Culm Length and Its Related Characters in Short-Statured Rice Varieties (수도단간품종의 간장 및 관련형질의 유전과 생태적 변이에 관한 연구)

  • Sung-Ho Bea
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    • v.13
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 1973
  • These studies were aimed at clarification of genetic and ecological variation in culm length, panicle length and plant height of the $\textrm{F}_2$ plants in some selected crosses made between semi-dwarf rice varieties and tall Japonica ones. One Indica semi-dwarf, Taichung Native 1, one Indica $\times$ Japonica hybrid, IE51 and one Japonica semi-dwarf, Tankanbaekmang were used as short-gene donors while two of medium maturity varieties, Jinheung and Kwanok and one late veriety, Palkweng were used as the corresponding counterpart of respective dwarf varieties in a series of crosses. Five different crosses, Kwanok $\times$ Tankanbaekmang, Palkweng $\times$ Tankanbaekmang, Jinheung $\times$ T(N)1, Kwanok $\times$ T(N)1 and Kwanok $\times$ IE51, were made among the above six varieties. The $\textrm{F}_2$ plants of these crosses together with the concerned parental varieties were grown under several different conditions including three levels of each nitrogen and planting space, three planting seasons and three locations in 1968, to investigate variation in length of culm and panicle, and plant height. On the other hand, the F$_3$ progenies which were derived from the shortest 10 percent of the plants of three $\textrm{F}_2$ populations, Kwanok $\times$ T(N)1, Jinheung $\times$ T(N) 1 and Kwanok $\times$ IE51 grown in the previous year, were compared each other on the basis of selection efficiency in culm length. The experimental results could be summarized as follows; 1. Genetic behavior A. It was revealed that Tankanbaekmang, one of Japonica dwarf has a simple recessive gene responsible for short culm expression, showing a typical segregation ratio of three tall to one short culm plants in $\textrm{F}_2$ generation of the crosses either with Kwanok or Palkweng. B. In the both combinations, segregation pattern of the panicle length was exactly same as that of culm length. It seems that the same gene controls both culm length and panicle length. C. No difference between segregation of culm length and plant height in the above crosses was observed. D. T(N)1, one of Indica semi-dwarf did not show such a simple genetic behavior as detected from the crosses with Tankanbaekmang in segregation of culm length but formed a continuous and normal distribution curve. Therefore, some nonallelic genic actions might be involved in expression of culm length of the counterpart varieties of T(N)1. In particular, a transgressive segregation appeared toward the direction of longer culm length in case of Jinheung $\times$ T(N)1. The genetic behavior of panicle length and plant height generally coincided with that of culm length in all the cases. E. IE51 demonstrated exactly the same genetic behavior as that of T(N)1 when this variety was crossed with Kwanok. It was clearly clarified that the simple recessive gene controlling dwarfism from T(N)1 was well incorporated into this variety. 2. Ecological variation A. In general, there was a decreasing tendency in culm length and plant height of rice plant as seeding delayed while it was not so noticeable in panicle length. The decreasing magnitude varied from variety to variety and from cross to cross. Genetic behavior of the culm length and related characters of these materials was not disturbed by the variation of seeding season, nitrogen level, planting space and experimental location. E. The elongation mode of the upper three internodes was very similar to the segregation mode of culm length, panicle length and plant height in $\textrm{F}_2$ populations of . all the crosses investigated in this study. Accordingly, this result confirmed that the roles of the upper three internodes are very important in manifesting plant stature in rice. C. The effect of nitrogen on culm length and the related other two characters seemed to be meager. However, it was true to show an increasing tendency of those characters as nitrogen level got increased from 4 kg to 12kg per l0a, with different magnitude depending upon variety or cross. D. Also, the effect of planting space on culm length, panicle length and plant height was relatively small in all the cases. Those characters varied again depending upon variety or cross. However, a general increasing tendency was detected in manifestation of those traits under denser planting space condition. E. All the parental varieties produced shorter culm, panicle and plant height when they were grown at the lower latitude locations. It might be attributed to the fact that their reproductive growth accelerated with increased temperature prevailing at the lower latitude locations such as Iri and Mi1yang. On the countrary, $\textrm{F}_2$ population reacted differently to the different locations from the parental varieties. All the $\textrm{F}_2$ plants produced the longest culm, panicle and plant at Milyang. 3. Selection efficiency A. The heritability of culm length in Kwanok $\times$ T(N)1, Kwanok $\times$ IE51 and Jinheung$\times$T(N)1 was 92 percent, 74 percent and 55 percent, respectively. B. The actual genetic advance for culm length obtained from the progeny lines of the selected plants(10 precent) from the $\textrm{F}_2$ generation, was comparable to the expected advance calculated from the original $\textrm{F}_2$ populations. As compared with the $\textrm{F}_2$ population, the $\textrm{F}_3$ plants of Kwanok $\times$ T(N)l shortened on the average by 20.8cm, those of Kwanok $\times$ IE51 did 8.7cm and those of Jinheung$\times$T(N)1 20.0cm, respectively. C. Panicle length of the populations was differently affected from one cross to another by the selection based upon culm length in $\textrm{F}_2$ Kwanok $\times$ T(N)1 did not show any noticeable shortening of its culm length due to the selection pressure. On the other hand, both Kwanok $\times$ IE51 and Jinheung $\times$ T(N)1 showed a considerable shortening of their panicles in case of selection for culm length. Based upon the above results, it could be concluded that the ecological variation in culm length, panicle length and plant height was relatively small and fallen within the range of genetic variation. Considering from the fact that the simple recessive gene governing short height of Tankanbaekmang always accompanied with some undesirable characters such as short panicle and extremely small grain, the short gene of T(N)1 seemed to be more useful as dwarf gene source since it did not carry short gene together with such undesirable traits.

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Saikosaponin Contents and Growth Characteristics on Cutting and Flower Removal in Bupleurum falcatum L. (예취 및 적화처리에 따른 시호의 생육특성 및 saikosaponin 함량)

  • Lee, Ho;Kim, Kil-Ung;Son, Tae-Kwon;Lee, Ji-Ean;Lee, Sang-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.353-365
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of cultural methods(cutting, flower removal) on growth and quality of B. falcatum L. Jeongseon local cultivar collected in Korea and Mishima local cultivar introduced from Japan were used. Some of the results obtained are as follows; Jeongseon local cultivar showed less stem branches and shoot weight compared to Mishima. However, Jeongseon local cultivar showed tall plant height, high root fresh and dry weight, and high levels of saikosaponin-a and total-saikosaponin, but low saikosaponin-c content than that of Mishima. Both cultivars seeded on March 20 had longer main root, bigger stem diameter, few stem branch, and high saikosaponin-c content compared with those of late seeded one, April 30. Growth characteristics such as plant height, stem diameter, stem branch number, shoot weight, root diameter, root fresh and dry weight, and root branch number were increased in a low planting $density(30{\times}15\;cm)$, but the content of saikosaponin was not affected by planting density. Jeongseon and Mishima cultivars seeded on April 10 with $30{\times}15\;cm$ planting density and April 30 with $30{\times}10\;cm$ planting density contained highest total saikosaponin levels, respectively. However, average root dry weight was not affected by planting time or density in both Bupleurum cultivars. Both cutting and flower removal increased the length of main root, fresh and root weight, and saikosaponin-a, saikosaponin-d and total-saikosaponin in Jeongseon cultivar than that of Mishima. As the harvesting time was delayed, plant height, stem diameter, shoot weight, length of main root, root fresh and dry weight were increased, but content of saikosaponin-a, saikosaponin-d and total-saikosaponin were decreased.