• Title/Summary/Keyword: TSC

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The Properties of Thermally Stimulated Currents according to Electrical Stress in Epoxy Composites (전기적 스트레스에 따른 에폭시 복합체의 열자격전류 특성)

  • Oh, Hyun-Seok;Kim, Jin-Sa;Park, Geon-Ho;Lee, Joon-Ung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.11a
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    • pp.401-403
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    • 1995
  • The degradation phenomena according to electrical stress in epoxy composites were studied. The formation of electrets were observed by appling high voltages, 22.9[kW/cm], during 5[hr] to five kinds of specimens for a given mixing rate, and then TSC(thermally stimulated current) values were measured at the temperature range of $-160\sim200[^{\circ}C]$.

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Study on Dielectric Tests for SVC Thyristor Valves (SVC용 사이리스터 밸브 절연 시험에 대한 고찰)

  • Yun, Ji-Ho;Cho, Han-Je;Hong, Gi-Yong;Jung, Teag-Sun;Lee, Jin-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2015.07a
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    • pp.355-356
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    • 2015
  • LS산전은 전기적 트리거 방식의 사이리스터(electrical-triggered thyristor)를 이용한 Static Var Compensator(이하 SVC) 개발에 성공했다. 개발된 SVC는 ${\pm}100MVar$ 급으로 과전압에 대한 자체 보호 기능을 내장하고 있으며 LS산전표준과 IEC 규격에 따라 성능이 검증되었다. 본 논문에서는 SVC 시스템의 핵심 구성품인 Thyristor Controlled Reactor (이하 TCR) / Thyristor Switched Capacitor (이하 TSC) Valve 개발 시험의 일부로 진행한 절연 시험에 대해 상세히 소개하고자 한다.

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T1 Committee of the TSC Standadization Activity in U.S (미국 T1위원회의 기술표준화 활동에 대한 대응방안)

  • 이동철;김기문
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.556-559
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    • 2001
  • The America cognize the necessity to have been agreed standards that safely guard nation's communication network and maintain inter-connection/operation between users and the public communication provider. The FCC make to review the Electric-Communication Standards through the ECSA(Exchange Carriers Standards Association). This paper studies the research activity of each of the T1 committee section that lead the standards of the America vendors.

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Formal Specification for Real-Time Systems Using TSCR (TSCR를 이용한 실시간 시스템의 정형 명세)

  • 최수진;강인혜;양승민
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.531-533
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    • 2000
  • 실시간 시스템은 신뢰성이 중요하므로 실시간 시스템을 설계하는데 있어서 각 태스크의 기능적인 정확성의 검증은 물론 모든 태TM크에 대한 시간적인 요구사항들을 보장해야만 한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 조건 즉, 실시간 시스템의 정확성과 시간성 보장을 위하여 기존의 객체 지향적 모델을 기반으로 하는 실시간 시스템을 위한 정형명세 언어인 TSC(Timed State Chart)에 자원(resource)의 개념을 추가한 TSCR(Timed State Chart with Resource)를 제안한다. TSCR을 통하여 실시간 시스템의 다양한 요구 사항을 명세하며, 태스크들의 시간성 보장을 위한 스케줄링 가능성 분석(schedulability analysis)을 할 수 있다. 실시간 시스템의 대표적인 예로 철도 건널목 제어 시스템을 TSCR를 이용하여 명세한다.

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T.S.C of the P.V.D.F film using Data Acquisition under room temperature (실온 이하에서의 Data Acquisition을 이용한 PVDF 필림의 T.S.C)

  • Kim, K.J.;Park, S.H.;Hong, J.W.;Lee, J.U.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1987.11a
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    • pp.480-483
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    • 1987
  • Investigation has been carried out on the characteristics of thermally stimulated current for PVDF (polyvinylidene flouride) film, using Data Acquisition system, in the temperature range from -100[$^{\circ}C$] to 20[$^{\circ}C$]. The peaks observed, two of the diatinguished peaks such as $\delta$, $\gamma$ each of which appeared at -39[$^{\circ}C$] and -15[$^{\circ}C$] respectively. Their peaks exhibited by the depolarization in amorphous region. It proposed new numerical method for analysis of TSC spectra.

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Thermally Simulated Current of Corona-Charged PVDF Film (코로나 대전된 PVDF 필름의 열자격 전류)

  • Kim, C.H.;Kim, G.Y.;Hong, J.W.;Lee, J.U.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1987.11a
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    • pp.489-491
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    • 1987
  • It has been shown that the thermally stimulated current technique can be one of the most powerful methods for evaluating the electrical properties. An unstretched $\alpha$-form specimen of corona-charged, 50[${\mu}m$],t Polyvinylidene Fluoride shows four TSC peaks designated $\delta}$, $\gamma$, $\beta$ and $\alpha$ in assending order of temperature in temperature range $-100{\sim}200^{\circ}C$. The $\delta$, $\gamma$ peaks may be attributed to the dipolar depolarization in the amorphous regions and $\beta$, $\alpha$ peaks are associated with the detrap from trapped carriers in the crystalline regions.

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Generation of Inner Electrical Field in Hetero Structure of LB Ultra Thin Films (LB 초박막 Hetero 구조에서 내장전계의 발생)

  • Kwon, Young-Soo;Kang, Dou-Yol;Hino, Taro
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1987.11a
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    • pp.511-514
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    • 1987
  • Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of TCNQ(tetracyanoquinodimethane) with alkyl radical($C_{12}TCNQ$) were prepared on the sample of Al/LB film/Al type where Al are electrode, and polarization in LB film and dipolar moment of molecules in the films were measured by TSC. $Al_2O_3$ layer was yielded on the electrode by natural oxidation in air. According to the cooperation of $Al_2O_3$ dielectric layer and the polarization of $C_{12}TCNQ$-LB film, the macroscopic electrical field was yielded in LB film and $Al_2O_3$ layer. The field strength in $C_{12}TCNQ$-LB films was evaluated at about $1{\times}10^6{\sim}5{\times}10^6\;V/cm$.

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Generation of Open Circuit Voltage in LB Ultra Thin Films (LB 초박막의 전압발생)

  • Kwon, Young-Soo;Kang, Dou-Yol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1988.07a
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    • pp.796-798
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    • 1988
  • Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) films of arachic acid and TCNQ(tetracyanoquinodimethane) were prepared in the sample of Al/LB film/Al type where Al are electrodes, and polarization in LB film and dipolar moment of molecules in the films were measured by themally stimulated current(TSC). It is ascertaind in our experiments that dipolar mament of $C_{12}$TCNQ molecule was about 13-15 debye and the moment was directed from the alkyle chain toward TCNQ. Generation of the open circuit voltage was investigated on the z-type and Hetero structure of LB films.

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Effect of Elongation on Electrical and Structral Properties of Polyethylene (Polyethylene의 전기적,구조적 성질에 미치는 연신효)

  • 박대희;김동욱;임기성;임기조;이동영;한민구
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.601-606
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    • 1994
  • This paper describes the effect of elongation on electrical properties and molecular structrue of high density polyethylene. Thin polyethylene films films obtained dy roll elongation after extruded at 220$^{\circ}C$ and elongated to draw rations of 16. Crystallinity of polyethylene films was measured by X-Ray diffraction and electrical properties were estimated by conductivity and TSC(Thermal Simulated Current). It was foung that the crystallinity increases and the electrical conductivity decreases as the elongation increases. The elongation dependence of electrical conductivity may be explained by the trap density. Thus, the control of polymer structure and crystallinity makes its properties better and can be applicated in order to get more active properties.

A Study of Optimum Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Application of the Electret Sensor Using Computer Simulation (컴퓨터 시뮬레이션에 의한 일렉트렛트 센서의 최적 전계 해석과 응용)

  • 정동회;김상걸;김성렬;김용주;김영천;이준웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.435-438
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, Electret is formed to range voltage -5[kV] to -8[kV] by corona charging in PTFE film and sensor is manufactured by method of moments in sensing infra sonic. Charges of charged film are calculated also TSC measurement and induced potential of sensing electrode according to the charges is become aware of computer simulation. Electret Infra Sonic Transducer, which is designed and manufactured according to the potential and electric field simulation in using method of moments, is proved as it is effectively. Because sensitivity that measured under 10[Hz] is that average value of sensitivity rising rate is 6.34 [dB/oct] as average value is $\pm$1 [dB/oct] range -5[kV] to -8[kV] in corona charging film. As a result, it is believed that characteristic of acquired transducer can be application of medical treatment, industry, and animal life researches and the study of noise elimination, what's more, is required.

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