• Title/Summary/Keyword: TM image analysis

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Application of Change Vector Analysis for Monitoring Geomorphological Change Using Remote Sensing Data (원격탐사 자료를 이용한 지형변화 관측을 위한 변화벡터법 적용연구)

  • Won, Joong-Sun;Yoo, Hong-Rhyong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.405-414
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    • 1995
  • An algorithm for monitoring geomorphological change using remote sensing data is investigated and tested using two LANDSAT TM data sets acquired over the Kyunggi Bay on April 15 1986 and September 22 1992, respectively. The algorithm exploits change vector analysis and tasseled cap transform. Although change vector analysis is effective for change detection, efficiency is decreased as the number of variables are increased. In this algorithm, we overcome the problem by utilizing the tasseled cap transform which can reduce six bands of LANDSAT TM data into only two components called Brightness and Greenness. The test results demonstrate that the algorithm is very effective in monitoring small-scaled changes over coastal area as well as significant changes in geomorphology. The resulting change vector image, however, is more sensitive to the changes occurred by human activities than by pure geological processes mainly because of relatively short time interval between two LANDSAT TM data sets.

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Nanoscale Vibro-Contact Analysis of AFM Tip on Polymer Surface (폴리머 표면측정을 위한 AFM 팁의 나노스케일 접촉-진동 해석)

  • Lee, Soo-Il
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.2 s.245
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2006
  • In tapping mode atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM), the vibro-contact response of a resonating tip is used to measure the nanoscale topology and other properties of a sample surface. However, the nonlinear tipsurface interactions can affect the tip response and destabilize the tapping mode control. Especially it is difficult to obtain a good scanned image of high adhesion surfaces such as polymers and biomolecules using conventional tapping mode control. In this study, theoretical and experimental investigations are made on the nonlinear dynamics and control of TM-AFM. Also we report the surface adhesion is an additional important parameter to determine the control stability of TM-AFM. In addition, we proved that it was adequate to use Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) contact model to obtain a reasonable tapping response in AFM for the soft and high adhesion samples.


  • 박종현;최규홍;조성의;박경윤
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 1991
  • Automatching algorithm is suitable for cross-correlation, which showed correlation surface about maximal correlation coefficient. The size of the window area must be determined empirically, whereas window size generally chosen as a compromise between speed and accuracy. It is possible that epipolar transform prevented from mismatching and decreased search space. In application of the astronomical fields, automatching algorithm mainly used to planet surface recovery in satellite image.

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Establishing the Managerial Boundary of the Baekdu-daegan(II) - In the Case of Semi-mountainous District - (백두대간 관리범위 설정에 관한 연구(II) - 준산악형 구간을 대상으로 -)

  • Kwon, Taeho;Choi, Song-Hyun;Yoo, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.62-74
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    • 2004
  • Baekdu-daegan is the greatest mountain chain as well as the major ecological axis of the Korean Peninsula. In recent year, however, this area is faced with the various kinds of developmental urge. To cope adequately with these problems, this study was executed to prepare synthetic and systematic management with conservation-oriented strategy for Baekdu-daegan and to suggest spatially definite zoning for the managerial area. This study is to take into consideration the traditional concepts of stream and watershed as well as the actual disturbance on Baekdu-daegan area. The study area is selected with semi-mountainous type, from Namdeokyusan to Sosagogae. To propose the process for reasonably establishing the managerial boundary adjacent to the Ridges, the analysis was carried out that ArcGIS was mainly used for its analysis with digital maps, Landsat TM image and ArcGIS Hydro Model. Landsat TM image was classified by 5 land use types such as cultivated land, urban area, barren area, water body and forest. Based on these analyses results, the managerial boundaries as alternatives from the Ridges were produced by watershed expansion process, and used for tracing the changes of areal ratio of various land use types to the relevant watersheds to search out the adequate managerial boundary. The results show that watershed expansion process could be effective tool for establishing the managerial boundary, and eighth expanded watershed toward Muju-Gun(west) and fifth expanded watershed toward Geochang-Gun(east) might be included for the adequate managerial boundary of the case site.

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A Study on the Preparation Method of Fruit Cropping Distribution Map using Satellite Images and GIS (위성영상과 GIS를 이용한 과수재배 분포도 작성 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Bu, Ki-Dong;Lee, Jung-Hyoup;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2000
  • This study focused on extracting an efficient method in the fruit cropping distribution mapping with various classification methods using multi-temporal satellite images and Geographic Information Systems(GIS). For this study, multi-temporal Landsat TM images, in observation data and existing fruit cropping area statistics were used to compare and analyze the properties of fruit cropping and seasonal distribution per classification method. As a result, this study concludes that Maximum Likelihood Method with earlier autumn satellite image was most efficient for the fruit cropping mapping using Landsat TM image. In addition, it was clarified that cropping area per administrative boundary was prepared and distribution pattern was identified efficiently using GIS spatial analysis.

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A Study on the Environmental Changes of Coastal Area in Oncheon Gun of Pyeongnam Province by Neural Network Classification Using Satellite Images, West Coast of North Korea (위성영상의 신경망 분류에 의한 평안남도 온천군 해안지역의 환경 변화 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Lee, Gwang-Ryul;Han, Uk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.278-290
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    • 2005
  • This study deals with the geomorphic, environmental and land use changes by comparative analysis using Landsat TM images of 1988 year and ETM ones of 2002 year, partly together with the new Quick Bird images having 60cm resolution for more detail analysis, focusing on the Oncheon gun(county) in Pyeongnam Province, west coast zone of North Korea. The main analysis methodology is neural network classification, which is more advanced techniques for the classification of land cover and land use, with higher accuracy rate and lower errors. The TM images of 1988 year show, mainly, the on-construction tide embank for the reclamation at Gwangryangman bay and salt farm on the reclaimed tidal flat. But, ETM images of 2002 year present stabilized reclaimed land, salt farm and rice field, recently transformed from salt farm. Especially, new tidal land has been naturally developed on the coastal shallow out of tide embank and salt farm. The results of the study may help to database coastal environmental changes and to support for reasonable and productive land use of North Korea, and to manage and plan unified national land in the near future.

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Evaluating Green Network based on Pixel of Landsat TM Satellite Image (Landsat TM 위성영상 픽셀 기반의 녹지 연계망 평가)

  • Lee, Dong-Youn;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2010
  • At present, monitoring programmes for green network have been mainly based on field sampling, which relies on attributes of an area at one point in time, reflecting an emphasis on the small number of in-situ data. One of the major disadvantages of traditional field monitoring is that it is costly, laborious and time consuming due to the large number of samples required. The aim of this research was to evaluate green network based on pixel of Landsat TM satellite image. An empirical study for a case study site was conducted to demonstrate how a standard remote sensing technology can be used to assist in monitoring the green network based on pixel. The pixel-based analysis made it possible to identify area-wide patterns of green network subject to many different type of artificial structures, which cannot be acquired by traditional field sampling. It was demonstrated that the degradation trends of green network could be used effectively as an indicator to restrict further development of the sites since the quantitative data generated from remote sensing can present area-wide visual evidences by permanent record. It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference to support more scientific and objective decision-making in monitoring green network.

Comparison of Different Methods to Merge IRS-1C PAN and Landsat TM Data (IRS-1C PAN 데이터와 Landsat TM 데이터의 종합방법 비교분석)

  • 안기원;서두천
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.149-164
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    • 1998
  • The main object of this study was to prove the effectiveness of different merging methods by using the high resolution IRS(Indian Remote Sensing Satellite)-1C panchromatic data and the multispectral Landsat TM data. The five methods used to merging the information contents of each of the satellite data were the intensity-hue-saturation(IHS), principal component analysis(PCA), high pass filter(HPF), ratio enhancement method and look-up-table(LUT) procedures. Two measures are used to evaluate the merging method. These measures include visual inspection and comparisons of the mean, standard deviation and root mean square error between merged image and original image data values of each band. The ratio enhancement method was well preserved the spectral characteristics of the data. From visual inspection, PCA method provide the best result, HPF next, ratio enhancement, IHS and LUT method the worst for the preservation of spatial resolution.

A Practical Study of Unified Management System for Irrigation and Drainage Facilities (수리시설물 통합관리시스템 실용화 연구)

  • 김선주;박성삼
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 1998
  • About 50 percent of irrigation and drainage facilities in our country are deteriorated as they were constructed over 40 years ago. Worsening the problems in function might be caused by these facilities' constant exposure to the elements. With these reason, efficient maintenance and management of irrigation and drainage facili- ties are required. A computerized system is tailored on the basis of the each characteristics'data of irrigation and drainage facilities. The unified management system to be introduced in this study is a package program consisting of three subprograms. Facility Management(FM) system, the first component, is a relational database system for image processing and registering the characteristics of irrigation and drainage facilities. The objective of this program is to manage the ledger of each facilities and to scan the characteristics of facilities. Telemeter(TM) system, the second component, monitors and processes the data from the sensors statistically. This system is preprogramed for the complete design of TC/TM system. Hydrological Data Management(HDM) system, the third component, executes the hydrological analysis using meteorological data. The unified management system can provide the latest information, such as image data, lists and items of facilities, and items of reforming and rebuilding etc., of the facilities to the manager. At the same time, this system can manage hydrological and meteorological data in realtime.

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Lineament analysis in the euiseong area using automatic lineament extraction algorithm (자동 선구조 추출 알고리즘을 이용한 경북 의성지역의 선구조 분석)

  • 김상완
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 1999
  • In this study, we have estimated lineaments in the Euiseong area, Kyungbuk Province, from Landsat TM by applying the algorithm developed by Kim and Won et al. which can effectively reduce the look direction bias associated with the Sun's azimuth angle. Fratures over the study area were also mapped in the field at 57 selected sites to compare them with the results from the satellite image. The trends of lineaments estimated from the Landsat TM images are characterized as $N50^{\circ}$~70W, NS~$N10^{\circ}$W, and $N10^{\circ}$~$60^{\circ}$E trends. The spatial distribution of lineaments is also studied using a circular grid, and the results show that the area can be divided into two domains : domain A in which NS~$N20^{\circ}$E direction is dominant, and domain B in which west-north-west direction is prominent. The trends of lineaments can also be classified into seven groups. Among them, only C, D and G trends are found to be dominant based upon Donnelly's nearest neighbor analysis and correlations of lineament desities. In the color composite image produced by overlaying the lineament density map of these C-, D-, and G-trends, G-trend is shown to be developed in the whole study area while the eastern part of the area is dominated by D-trend. C-trend develops extensively over the whole are except the southeastern part. The orientation of fractures measured at 35 points in the field shows major trends of NS~$N30^{\circ}$E, $N50^{\circ}$~$80^{\circ}$W, and N80$^{\circ}$E~EW, which agree relatively well with the lineaments estimated form the satellite image. The rose diagram analysis fo field data shows that WNW-ESE trending discontinuities are developed in the whole area while discontinuities of NS~$N20^{\circ}$E are develped only in the estern part, which also coincide with the result from the satellite image. The combined results of lineaments from the satellite image and fracture orientation of field data at 22 points including 18 minor faults in Sindong Group imply that the WNW-ESE trend is so prominent that Gumchun and Gaum faults are possibly extended up to the lower Sindong Group in the study area.

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