• Title/Summary/Keyword: Survey Finding

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The Gifted Students' View on Argumentation and the Aspects of the Argumentation in Problem-Solving Type Experiment (문제해결형 탐구실험에서 나타난 영재학생들의 논의 양상 및 논의활동에 대한 인식)

  • Shin, Ho-Sim;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.567-586
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the gifted students' view on argumentation and the aspects of the argumentation in problem-solving type experiment. As a result, very lively argumentation was identified but quality enhancement on argumentation wasn't found over time. Students made frequent use of dialogic argumentation component, and especially, request & response component was highly used. Though usage frequency is low, the component of ground & question on ground was shown in 3rd class, and simple agreement gradually reduced, and reinforcing elaboration & metacognitive question has slightly increased. Also, students' argumentation were closely related to teachers' teaching approaches as some teacher-led steps doesn't appear in students' argumentation. By comparison in steps, 'problem solving activity & result analysis' step included 2 times more argument components than the previous step. We also found that method grouping teams does not almost affect the argumentation of gifted students. By survey results, most students recognized that they experienced free argumentation and this program activate argumentation and 'strange things' or 'difficulty' of program topics are obstacles in vitalization of argumentation. 'Surface growth experiments' was the most lively argumentation topic. The argumentation was lively made in the step of 'finding solution. 'Teachers' scaffolding accelerate the argumentation and help resolve difficulties in argumentation. Thus, students have positive recognition for the argumentation process in the experiments and recognize that argumentation process is needed.

Factors Affecting the Mental Health of Adolescents : Mediating Effects of Alcohol Drinking (청소년의 심리건강 영향요인: 음주의 매개효과)

  • Sohn, Minsung;Kim, Mi Sun;Yoon, Ki Chan;Choi, Mankyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the relationship between social support and adolescent mental health was examined. A primary aim was to investigate how family, school, and friends affect adolescent mental health including depression, stress, and anger issues. This study also intended to investigate the indirect effect of these factors through the mediator, problem drinking. The study used survey data collected from the "2010 The Study on Mental Health of Korean Adolescents" conducted by National Youth Policy Institute, and 942 subjects were selected for this study. The study hypotheses were tested using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis. Analyses revealed that the appropriate functions and roles of the family members had the effect of promoting mental health of adolescents. Inappropriate functions and roles of the family members induced problem drinking, and this eventually had a negative impact on mental health causing depression, stress, and angel problems. Results also showed that having more friends who drink alcohol or smoke cigarette had no direct effect on the mental health of adolescents; however, there was an indirect effect through the mediator variable, problem drinking. The finding of this study revealed the need and importance of appropriate social support system and environment in order to promote mental health of adolescents.

A Study on Attitude of Clinical Nurses Toward Professional Nursing (일부지역 간호사의 간호전문직에 대한 태도 조사 연구)

  • Park, Youn-Suk
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 1992
  • As society has changed, the demand for improved health care has increased. To keep up with this type of social need, professional nursing care is seeking to efficiently satisfy the care needs of human beings. The goal of clinical nurse is to meet nursing care needs of patients. This study was designed to survey attitudes of nursing profession of clinical nurses. The following specific 5 objectives were investigated and the attitudes of clinical nurses were determined. 1. The social position of nursing as a profession. 2. Factors influencing the development of nursing. 3. The future of nursing. 4. Their work. 5. Job satisfaction. The subjects consisted of 120 nurses who are working at 5 general hospital over 150 beds Ill CHONG NAM. The nurses were surveyed by means of a questionnaire from May 24 to Jun 15, 1992. The tool used for this study was based on earlier work by Lee, Nam Hi(1978) and Kim, Myong Hee(1984). Computer was used for Data Analysis. Frequency and Percentage were used to examine the genera] characteristics of the subjects. ANOV A and t.test were used to test the relation in characteristics of the subjects and attitudes Loward nursing prfession. The finding of this study were as follows; 1. Social position of nursing as a profession; The response with the highest agreement was "The professional nursing organization is less power. ful than the other professional organization" 3.333 points, and the response with the lowest agreement was "Nursing get a big salary" 2.225 points. 2. Factors influencing the development of nursing; the response with the highest agreement was "Hospital environment should be improved" 4.267 points, and the response with the lowest agreement was "Nurses satisfaction with salary"2.175 points. 3. The future of nursing; the response with the highest agreement was "Along the deveiopmem of science technique will be elevated educational state and graduate to needed in nursing" 3.958 points, and showed generally positive response toward the future of nursing. 4. Their work; the response with the highest agreement was "Work loading due to nursing staff insufficient" 4. 308 points, the response with the lowest agreement was "Nurses are unkind to patient" 2.508 points. 5. The subject's view regarding job satisfaction;it showed that "Interpersonal nursing staffs" 3.508 points, showed generally unsatisfactory response toward job satisfaction. 6. The relationship between the subject's attitudes toward professional nursing and general characteristics showed a significant difference statistically in regard to the field of work(P<.05). 7. The relationship between general characteristics and the subject's attitudes toward factors influencing the development of nursing showed a significant difference statistically in regard to the age and the status of position(P<.05). The subject's attitude toward the future of nursing showed a significant difference statistically in regard to the age and the period of nursing career and the field of work(P<.05, P<.005). The subject's attitude toward the job satisfaction showed a significant difference statistically in regard to the age and the period of nursing career and the status of position and the field of work(P<.005).

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Analysis of Relationship among the Intake Frequencies of the Food Items on Food Frequency Questionnaire Administered to Middle Aged Korean Males (한국 중년 남성을 대상으로 한 식품 섭취빈도 조사에서 나타난 식품섭취빈도의 상관성 분석)

  • 백희영
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.202-215
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    • 2000
  • Intake frequency of one food is often associated with other food items, but few studies examined the relationship of food intake frequency among food items. Finding the relationship among intake frequencies of different food might be useful to understand the food intake patterns of population and correlated foods would be used as an indicators of another food intake. Relationship of food intake can be also applied to make a more simple and useful form of food frequency questionnaire to assess the association between diet and various diseases. The objective of this study was to examine the correlation of intake frequency among food items in food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). A FFQ with 84 food items was administered to 14533 Korean males who 40-65 years of age participating Korean cancer research survey. Data fromm 7647 subjects who completed FFQ were used to examine correlation among food items with three different methods-log linear regression models, Spearman correlation coefficients and cell frequency distribution. To examine the rank correlation, coefficients were calculated by Spearman correlation after scoring the frequency categories. Three most correlated foods were selected in every food intems by three methods each. In most food items, there was positive correlatin, except cooked rice and cooked brown rice, in intake frequency between foods that belonged to similar food groups. But serveral food items-Sausage (processed fish, cheese), Milk (whilte bread, orange juice), Soymilk(other juices), Cheese (pizza, butter), and Coffee(thick beef soup)-showed correlation among totally different food groups. Two sets of food items which were selected by log linear regression model and Sperman correlation coefficients were compared. There were exactly three common foods in 18 food items, 2 common foods in 47 items, 1 common food in 16 items and no common food in 3 items among 3 ranked foods. Three sets of selected food were compared. There were exactly three common foods in 5 food items, 2 common foods in 21 items, 1 common food in 34items and no common food in 24 items among 3 ranked foods. These results indicate that certain patterns exist among intake frequencies of specific food items in the FFQ. More researches are suggested to understand the relationshiops among the intakes of foods so that this information can be used in developing better FFQ or analyzing missing items from self-administered FFQ.

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The Influence of the Influential Factors on the Invigoration of the Traditional Market Places in Seoul through Urban Regeneration upon the Awareness on Invigoration: the Mediating Effect of Expectation (도시재생을 통한 서울지역 전통시장 활성화 영향 요인이 활성화 인식에 미치는 영향: 기대감의 매개효과)

  • CHOI, Jae-Hyun;LEE, Myeong-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.248-258
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    • 2020
  • In this study, an empirical analysis was performed with regards to traditional markets in Seoul, South Korea to find which physical maintenance elements, such as facility improvement for successful urban restoration, have greater effects on the expectation and activation awareness of successful urban restoration. This study targeted traditional markets located at the center of Seoul, which are visited by many domestic and international tourists as well as general consumers and are revitalizing the downtown area. A survey was conducted to collect a total of 515 completed questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 22.0. The results of the analyses in this study indicate relevant urban invigoration factors (psychological, physical, diversity, functional, and stability factors), and it was observed that the expectation of urban regeneration was under the direct influence of the invigoration factors. Such a finding is meaningful in that it suggests a set of criteria to evaluate the concept of traditional markets in a comprehensive manner for successful urban regeneration while highlighting relevant invigoration factors for traditional marketplaces for the purpose of urban regeneration.

Analysis on Key-factors in Worsening of Eyesight for Schoolchildren as a Consequence of Computer Usage Time (컴퓨터 사용 시간에 따른 초등학생의 시력저하 요인 분석)

  • Joo, Heon-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.477-486
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, I had tried to analyze the relationship between the time assigned for computer usage and weakening eyesight. First of all, students classified by gender, school year, eyesight, and wearing glasses along demographic characters took part in a poll, and The questionnaire included questions about computer time, factors of weakening eyesight, and purpose of computer use. The finding in this analysis composed of a cross-tabulations between annual eyesight change and the factors to change their eyesight is that 63.6 % of 165 students participated in this survey weakened their eyesight within a year. To show a correlation between computer usage duration and worsening eyesight in this paper, regression analysis indicated weakened vision by computer usage duration per day and week instead of a year. In addition, according to the analysis between computer usage duration and weakened vision for the people who wear glasses or not trough Independent-Samples T test, weakened vision was shown in computer usage duration per day and week, but not shown in the duration by the year. Therefore, weakening vision was also worse for the people who didn't wear glasses than the others. This study indicated 24..5% of teenagers had poor eyesight by using their computer. According to the frequency analysis on purposes of computer usage, the biggest purpose accounting for 36.4% of the total was the computer usage as a game consol, and the computer as a learning tool was the next biggest purpose at 32.1%. This paper showed the correlation between computer usage time and a factor of weakened eyesight through an analysis of the factor. Therefore, schoolchildren's parents should be more interested in their computer usage.

Studies about the bioactive component analysis and an oral glucose tolerance test of Add-Omit-Saenghyeoryunbu-eum(AO-SHU) for confirmation of diabetes therapy (가감생혈윤부음(加減生血潤膚飮)의 당뇨병 치료효과 확인을 위한 생리활성성분 분석과 경구포도당부하 연구)

  • In, Jeongdo;Im, Daisig;Kim, Won-Ill
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.80-99
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : Instrumental chemical analysis was utilized to investigate the effect of Add-Omit-Saenghyeoryunbu-eum(AO-SHU) on diabetic treatment. One of the most exciting, yet also controversial, arguments is the safety and biological mechanisms of the natural medicine on human body. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide a better understanding on bioactive chemical components, hazards of heavy metal contamination and biological mechanism of the diabetic medicine composed of 12 different natural herbs. Methods : To study bioactive compound and metallic component in the diabetic medicine in detail, LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography-Mass/Mass), GC (Gas Chromatography) and ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) were utilized to characterize the extract of the diabetic medicine and the result was compared with 18 marker substances selected from literature survey. In addition, in vitro assay experiments including GPR 119 activity and human DGAT-1 inhibition, and OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) were performed to verify the effectiveness of this medicine on diabetic treatment. Results : Out of 18 marker substances, 9 bioactive compounds were identified from LC-MS/MS analysis which include Citruline, Catalpol, Berberine, Ginsenoside Rb1, Ginsenoside Rg1, Oleanolic acid, β-Sitosterol, Mangiferin, and Schizandrin. ICP study on 245 residual pesticides revealed that 239 species were not detected but 6 species, Dimethomorph, Trifloxystrobin, Pyraclostrobin, Isoprocarb, Carbaryl and Flubendiamide, while the amounts are trace levels, below permitted concentrations. The biological activity was observed in vitro assay and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test(OGTT), which are consistent with a preliminary clinical test result, a drop in blood sugar level after taking this herbal medicine. Conclusions : Instrumental chemical analysis using LC-MS/MS, GC, and ICP was conducted successfully to identify bioactive compounds in AO-SHU for the treatment of diabetes, finding 9 bioactive compounds. Furthermore, in vitro assay experiments and OGTT show that AO-SHU has its biological activities, which imply that it can be a candidate for the future diabetes remedy.

A Study on the Development of a Dam Operation Table Using the Rainfall Matrix (강우 매트릭스를 활용한 댐 운영 조견표 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Changsam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2020
  • Recently, flood damage has been increasing in Korea due to frequent local torrential rains caused by abnormal weather conditions. According to the calculation of the recurrence period of torrential rain that occurred in North Chungcheong Province on July 16, 2017, it was estimated that the rainfall frequency in the upper are of Goessan Dam was around 1,524 years, and the highest level of Goesan Dam rose to EL.137.60 meters, leaving only 5 cm of margin until the height of the dam floor (EL.137.65 meters). The Goesan Dam, which operated for 62 years since 1957, needs to be prepared to cope with the increase of floodgate volume in the basin, the development of a single purpose dam for power generation only, and there are no measurement facilities for flood control, so efficient operation methods are needed to secure the safety of residents in upper and lower regions. In this study, a method of dam operation was proposed by constructing a rain matrix for quick decision making in flood prediction, calculating the highest level of dam for each condition in advance, and preparing a survey table, and quickly finding the level corresponding to the conditions in case of a situation.

The Effect of the Consumption Value of Classical Music Concert Audience on the Re-Spectating Intention through Flow and Satisfaction (클래식 관객의 소비가치가 관람몰입과 만족 그리고 재관람의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Byeon, Jiyun;Kim, Doyun;Ryu, Seungwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to understand the value pursued when consuming performances for classical music performance audiences, to identify the difference in influence by type, and to expand into the base of academic research focusing on audiences who are consumers in classical music performances, which was the existing supplier-centered. Also, this study tried to verify the effect of consumption value on flow and satisfaction. and we aimed to prove whether consumption value leads to re-spectating intention through structural relationship. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on the audience who watched classical music performances within one year by applying consumption value theory, and the analysis was conducted using smartPLS 3.0. As a result, functional value and emotional value had an effect on flow. The second one is that functional value had a positive effect on satisfaction. The third fact is that social value had a negative effect. Overall, the structural relationship between flow, satisfaction, and re-spectating intention had a strong effect on each other. Implications of this study are that the market characteristics and current status of classical music performances were examined, and that an effective marketing strategy to increase the re-spectator rate was sought by finding out the factors of audience's consumption value that affect viewing satisfaction.

Evaluation of Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage Using Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Four Dogs (개에서 컴퓨터단층촬영술과 자기공명영상을 이용한 창상성 두개관내 출혈의 평가)

  • Choi Ho-Jung;Lee Ki-Ja;Kang Sang-Kyu;Lee Hee-Chun;Chang Dong-Woo;Lee Ki-Chang;Jeong Seong-Mok;Cho Sung-Whan;Lee Young-Won
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2006
  • Four dogs with neurologic dysfunction resulted from intracranial hemorrhage by head trauma were referred to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Chungnam National University. There were no remarkable findings in survey radiography in four cases. CT and MRI scans were diagnostic in these cases. Three dogs underwent CT scanning. On CT images, the lesion was hyperdense and was not enhanced after intravenous contrast administration in dog 1 and dog 2. On CT of dog 4, there was no significant finding. All of four dogs were verified by dorsal, sagittal, and transverse T1-weighted (T1W) and T2-weighted (T2W) images. Appearance of the lesions in dog 1 and dog 2 was isointense (dog 2) or isointense with hyperintense rim (dog 1) on T1W images and hyperintense on T2W images. In dog 3 and dog 4, there were hypointense and hyperintense lesions on T1Wand T2W images respectively. The lesions in four dogs were located in the left intracerebral region, intracerebral and cerebellovestibular region, subdural space, and right cerebral hemisphere, respectively.