• Title/Summary/Keyword: Survey Finding

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Performance of Collaboration Activities upon SME's Idiosyncrasy (중소기업 특성에 따른 외부 협업 활동이 혁신성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hye Sun;Oh, Junseok;Lee, Jaeki;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2013
  • Recently, SME's Collaboration activities have become one of a vital factor for sustaining competitive edge. This is because of the rapidly changing and competitive market environment, and also to leverage performance by overcoming obstacles of having limited internal resources. Discussing about the effects and relationships of the firm's collaboration activities and its outputs are not new. However, as ICT and various technologies have been diffused into the traditional industries, boundaries and practice capabilities within the industries are becoming ambiguous. Thus contents of the products/services and their development methods are also go and come over the industries. Although many researchers suggested the relations of SME's collaboration activities and innovation performances, most of the previous literatures are focusing on broad perspectives of firm's environmental factors rather than considering various SME's idiosyncrasy factors such as their major product and customer types at once. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze how SME(Small Medium Enterprise)'s external collaboration activities by their idiosyncrasy act as an input to types of innovation performance. In order to analyze collaboration effects in detail, we defined factors that can represent the SME's business environment - Perceived importance of using external resources, Perceived importance of external partnership, Collaboration and Collaboration levels of Major Product types, Customer types and lastly the Firm Sizes. We have also specifically divided the performance of innovation types as product innovation and process innovation based on existing research. In this study, the empirical analysis is based on Probit Regression Model to observe the correlations with the impact of each SME's business environment and their activities. For the empirical data, 497 samples were collected which, this sample data was extracted from the 'Korean Open Innovation Survey' performed by ETRI(Korean Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute) in 2010. As a result, empirical test results indicated that the impact of collaboration varies depend on the innovation types (Product and Process Innovation). The Impact of the collaboration level for the product innovation tend to be more effective when SMEs are developing for a final product, targeting on for individual customers (B2C). But on the other hand, the analysis result of the Process innovation tend to be higher than the product innovation, when SMEs are developing raw materials for their partners or to other firms targeting on for manufacturing industries(B2B). Also perceived importance of using external resources has effected to both product and process innovation performance. But Perceived importance of external partnership was statistically insignificant. Interesting finding was that the service product has negative effects on for the process innovation performance. And Relationship between size of the firms and their external collaboration activities with their performance of the innovations indicated that the bigger firms(over 100 of employees) tend to have better for both product and process innovations. Finally, implications of the results can be suggested as performance of innovation can be varied depends on firm's unique business idiosyncrasy as well as levels of external collaboration activities. The Implication of this research can be considered for firms in selecting an appropriate strategy as well as for policy makers.

Gastroscopic Findings of Rural Residents with Symptoms of Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorder (만성(漫性) 위장장애증상(胃腸障碍症狀)을 가진 농촌주민(農村住民)들의 위내시경(胃內視鏡) 검사소견(檢査所見))

  • Park, Jung-Han;Chun, Byung-Yeol;Lee, Dong-Koo;Choi, Yong-Whan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.19 no.1 s.19
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted in July-August, 1984, to define the causes of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in rural population and to provide data for the management of such patients. A household survey was conducted to identify all the residents of Youngchun and Sungiu counties in Kyungpook province who were over 20 years of age, had chronic upper gastrointestinal symptoms for over the last 6 months, never had medical examination for the symptoms, and volunteered to participate in the gastroscopic examination. Gastroscopy was done for 106 males and 108 females. Gastric ulcer was found in 16.8% of all the examinees, duodenal ulcer in 15.4%, gastritis in 14.0%, and gastric cancer in 3.7%. No lesion was found by gastroscopy in 52.3%. Gastric ulcer more common in male(26.4%) than in female(7.4%) (p<0.01) and the same was true for duodenal ulcer(20.8% of male, 10.2% of female). Gastric cancer was found in 7.5% of the male while none of the female had gastric cancer. A higher proportion of the female (68.5%) showed normal finding in the gastroscopy than the male(35.9%) (p<0.01). No significant association was found between the upper gastrointestinal symptoms and the gastroscopic findings. The higher prevalence rate of gastric ulcer than that of duodenal ulcer in this study which is the reverse of the study findings of urban area in Korea and western countries may be related in part with the dietary habit and social environment of the rural population. Although early diagnosis is the most important for the treatment of gastric cancer, many of the people with chronic upper gastrointestinal complaints defer the diagnosis and treatment. It is may be due to lack of the knowledge of diseases and the health care attitude of the rural people. A national program for the health education and mass screening for the gastric cancer should be developed.

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Type and Dependency of R&D Cooperation Partners and Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study with Korean Venture Firms (R&D 협력 파트너 유형 및 의존도와 혁신의 성과: 한국 벤처기업들을 대상으로 한 실증연구)

  • Kim, Nami;Kim, Eonsoo
    • The Journal of Small Business Innovation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest an efficient way for ventures to achieve innovation performance through R&D cooperative arrangements. Achieving innovation is one of the critical factors for the survival of ventures. Unlike established firms, ventures often do not have the specialized assets necessary to take technological developments to the product and market stages. Young and resource-constrained firms can achieve innovation by finding and accessing to the complementary resources from R&D cooperation. In the current business environment, many firms are likely to engage in multiple simultaneous R&D cooperations with different partners. Recent research stream addresses the importance of efficient cooperation management from the holistic portfolio perspective. Since maintaining the multiple cooperative relations require substantial amount of time and effort, managing cooperative relationships play a more important role to resource-constrained firms. In order to find an efficient composition of R&D cooperative partners, we mainly focus on the diversity of partner type and dependence level in partnership. We analyze the data on Korean manufacturing ventures collected in the Korean Innovation Survey (KIS) which was conducted by the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI). The KIS questionnaire assesses the existence of cooperative relationships with different types of partners respectively. The types of cooperating partners are affiliated companies, suppliers, clients & customers, competitors or other firms in the same industry, consulting firms, universities, and research institutes. We confirm that ventures obtain relatively higher benefits from R&D cooperation compared with established firms in terms of innovation performance. The results show that a moderate level of diversity in cooperative partner type composition increases innovation. Moreover, diversity of cooperation dependency among the partners enhances innovation performance. Likewise, concentrating on the quality aspects of cooperative composition, such as diversity of partners and degree of dependencies, this study offers some implications for ventures in managing partners from an integrative perspective.

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Image analysis of Specialized Vocational high school recognized by middle school student (중학생이 인식하는 특성화 고등학교 이미지 분석)

  • Kim, Yeong-Hun;Kim, Tae-Hoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.114-135
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to provide base line data for right concept and identity establishment of Specialized Vocational high school, to identify recognition of Specialized Vocational high school, to analyze image of Specialized Vocational high school recognized by middle school student. The population was all middle school third year students in Korea. Using random sampling technique, 50 classes of 61 schools were sampled for the study. A survey questionnaire used Semantic Differential(SD) suggested by Osgood(1957). SD consisted of a number of adjective pairs, finally, this study used 11 adjective pairs to have validity. 1,198 out of 1,441 questionnaire were returned (a return rate of 83.14%), among which 935 were used for the analysis after data cleaning. An alpha level of 0.05 was established a prior for determining significance. All data analysis was accomplished using the SPSS 20.0 Win. Based on the finding of the study, the major results of the this study were as follows : 1. Higher average is female students' image of Specialized Vocational high school than male students' that, but, The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant. 2. It was only 20% that receive career education of Vocational high school. It is necessary to accomplish and expand career education of Specialized Vocational high school for proper career education from middle school, to realize career exploration and decide one's career path based on one's specialty. 3. They have positive images who hope for going on to the Specialized Vocational high school of education than the others. 4. It is necessary to accomplish and expand career education of Specialized Vocational high school for proper career education from middle school, to realize career exploration and decide one's career path based on one's specialty, because the result was statistically significant. 5. They have the more possitive image of Specialized Vocational high school, the more know it, totally.

A Study on the Strategic Use of an IMC Planning Model for the Distribution Industry (유통업 IMC 기획모델의 전략적 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Mo, Sun-Jong;Song, In-Am
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.113-145
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    • 2008
  • Marketing for the distribution industry is making an ongoing progress in the changes of customers, the competitive environment, and the internal marketing environment. Integrated marketing communication activities are required for the enhancement of efficiency in the market.oriented activities. In this study, IMC is defined as "a notion that a market oriented business integrated marketing communication means, conducting and evaluating marketing activities with consistent messages in order to communicate with customers based on databases." In this study, an IMC planning model for the improvement of marketing efficiency in the distribution industry was derived from a pilot study. This model may be broken down into the following phases: IMC goals setting, situational analysis (customer analysis, competition analysis and company analysis), customer data analysis, contact management, budgeting, the establishment of an IMC strategy, the IMC mix and execution, an evaluation system, and feedback. In consideration of the characteristics of the distribution industry, this study was accompanied by a vocational study on IMC means employed by, in particular, department stores and other distributors such as: advertising, sales promotion, sales promotion advertising, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling, the Internet, mobile, visual merchandising, words of mouth. In addition, this study also covered the correlation among variables such as IMC activities of distributors, the process of forming customer's brand attitudes, brand loyalty and repurchase intention. This research would enhance the utilization of IMC. The analysis on customer's brand attitudes toward the IMC activities of distributors requires the simultaneous consideration of how they are linked to purchase as well as their attitudes toward both distributors and stores. The formation of brand loyalty and repurchase intention is related to the integration of marketing communication and the maintenance of consistency in contents, which requires integrated brand communication (IBC) strategies. IBC is a concept of using IMC means to manage the brand in a continuing and consistent manner and measuring their effect, which is a process to establish enterprise.level brand identity and maximize brand loyalty and repurchase intention by integrating IMC means. For an empirical analysis in this study, an online questionnaire survey was conducted among those department store customers from 20's to 50's who reside either in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas and have made purchase at department stores. In this study, the research model consisted of four theoretical variables: IMC activities, IMC attitudes, brand loyalty, and repurchase intention, on which variables a pilot study was conducted. A number of hypotheses were constructed on the relations between IMC activities and IMC attitudes, between IMC attitudes and repurchase intention, and between brand loyalty and repurchase intention. The test of the hypotheses may be summarized as follows: Firstly, the test of the hypothesis concerning the relation between IMC attitudes and IMC activities - advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling, the Web, mobile, visual merchandising, and word of mouth - indicates that advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling, mobile, visual merchandising, and word of mouth have significant impact on IMC activities. In addition to the result similar to those of previous studies that such marketing communication means as word of mouth, advertising, personal selling and sales promotion, in particular, play very important roles, a notable finding of this study is that visual merchandising performed by department stores is shown to have very significant impact on IMC activities. On a separate note, it is also noteworthy that Internet marketing activities engaged by department stores are not shown to have significant impact on IMC attitudes. Secondly, the test of the hypothesis on the relation between IMC attitudes and brand loyalty attests that IMC attitudes for the distribution industry significantly affect brand loyalty. Thirdly, the test of the hypothesis concerning the relation between IMC attitudes and repurchase intention confirms that IMC attitudes for the distribution industry significantly affect repurchase intention. Fourthly, the test of the hypothesis concerning the relation between brand loyalty and repurchase intention indicates that brand loyalty significantly affect repurchase intention. A comprehensive view of these findings points to the conclusion that the IMC activities for the distribution industry do affect IMC attitudes, brand loyalty, and repurchase intention.

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The Rusticity and Spirit of Scholars Found at Suwoojae, the Birth House of Garam Byungi Lee (가람(嘉藍) 이병기 생가(李秉岐 生家) 수우재(守愚齋)에서 찾는 소박함과 선비정신)

  • Kim, Jung-Sik;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Jeong-Moon;Oh, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • This study examines the authentic meaning, location, garden layout, and structural characteristics of Suwoojae(守愚齋), the birth house of Garam Byungi Lee, which was the very epitome of the traditional house structure based on literature review, field survey, and the existing measured drawings. The followings explain how rusticity and spirit of scholars, the core concepts of Garam's poetry, were featured in structural and spacial arrangements of Suwoojae as well as its location and physical layout. 1. Suwoojae is enclosed by Cheonho mountain which fans out of Noryoung mountains in East and located on the tail of Yongwha mountain in West. It has proved to be Yangtack Myoungdang according to the Poongsoo theory, Inguljiryoungron; The energy of earth at a certain location results in the better fortune together with the energy emitted from human body. 2. Suwoojae is an official local monument which was built in 1844, late Joesoen Dynasty by Joheung Lee, Garam's grandfather. Some parts of inner-structure connect with the kitchen in the shape of called Gopae. Suwoojae consists of 4 Sarangchae, 3 Gobangchae, and a Jangdokdae behind Anchae. 3. Since inner and outer walls of Suwoojae are distinctly separate from the main structure, its look varies significantly from different angles. Suwoojae, in its entirety, discloses Garam's philosophy, ideas, and ideology on life and the universe. 4. Apricot trees, Japanese-magnolias, aromatic-trees, crape myrtle, white-magnolias, camellia-trees were planted on the left of the walls, and persimmon trees, jujube trees, plum trees, quince trees were at the inner-yard. Especially, trifoliate orange trees a natural monument of Jeonrabukdo draw substantial attention from visitors. 5. The main garden facilities are located in front of Sarangchae: A rectangle pond(14.72m in length and 3.87m in height), the surroundings of the pond and Anchae, rocks that have distinctive shapes. In general, the garden was designed to incorporate the scenery around Suwoojae as a part of its structure and contain the love for nature and aesthetic sense. 6. It seems that the natural surroundings of Suwoojae had helped form motives of Garam's poetry and assisted him in finding subject-matters and identifying the themes of his works. This is well revealed in his poem, Seungwoonjungee.

Effect of Sand Extraction on Meiobenthic Community of Jangbong-do in the Eastern Yellow Sea of Korea (서해 주문도 연안 사질 조하대에서의 해사채취가 중형저서동물 군집에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kang, Teawook;Min, Won-Gi;Hong, Jae-Sang;Kim, Dongsung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.138-152
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    • 2014
  • The objective of the study survey was to determine the effect of marine sand extraction on community composition and rate of recolonization of the meiobenthos following cessation of mining activities. Because of meiobenthic distribution in nature, high abundance, intimate association with sediments, fast reproduction, benthic larva period, sensitivity to pollution and rapid life histories, meiobenthos are widely regarded as ideal organisms to study the potential ecological indicator of natural and anthropogenic stresses. The community structure of meiobenthos was studied at seven stations within sandy tidal and sub tidal zones in Jangbongdo in the Yellow Sea, Korea from Aug. 2006 to Dec. 2007. Meiobenthic samples were collected by three core samples, with a 3.6 cm in diameter, from each sediment sample taken with a Smith-McIntyre Grab. It was found that sand mining often causes complete removal of the sediment and the damage to the habitats of meiobenthos. This study in the effect showed that sand mining resulted in a reduction in total abundance and biomass of meiobenthos in mining area. The finding of this study further showed that initial restoration of abundance and biomass within one year of the cessation of sand mining.

The Impact of Perceived Risks Upon Consumer Trust and Purchase Intentions (인지된 위험의 유형이 소비자 신뢰 및 온라인 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Il-Yoo B.;Kim, Woo-Sung;Lim, Byung-Ha
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2011
  • Internet-based commerce has undergone an explosive growth over the past decade as consumers today find it more economical as well as more convenient to shop online. Nevertheless, the shift in the common mode of shopping from offline to online commerce has caused consumers to have worries over such issues as private information leakage, online fraud, discrepancy in product quality and grade, unsuccessful delivery, and so forth, Numerous studies have been undertaken to examine the role of perceived risk as a chief barrier to online purchases and to understand the theoretical relationships among perceived risk, trust and purchase intentions, However, most studies focus on empirically investigating the effects of trust on perceived risk, with little attention devoted to the effects of perceived risk on trust, While the influence trust has on perceived risk is worth studying, the influence in the opposite direction is equally important, enabling insights into the potential of perceived risk as a prohibitor of trust, According to Pavlou (2003), the primary source of the perceived risk is either the technological uncertainty of the Internet environment or the behavioral uncertainty of the transaction partner. Due to such types of uncertainty, an increase in the worries over the perceived risk may negatively affect trust, For example, if a consumer who sends sensitive transaction data over Internet is concerned that his or her private information may leak out because of the lack of security, trust may decrease (Olivero and Lunt, 2004), By the same token, if the consumer feels that the online merchant has the potential to profit by behaving in an opportunistic manner taking advantage of the remote, impersonal nature of online commerce, then it is unlikely that the merchant will be trusted, That is, the more the probable danger is likely to occur, the less trust and the greater need to control the transaction (Olivero and Lunt, 2004), In summary, a review of the related studies indicates that while some researchers looked at the influence of overall perceived risk on trust level, not much attention has been given to the effects of different types of perceived risk, In this context the present research aims at addressing the need to study how trust is affected by different types of perceived risk, We classified perceived risk into six different types based on the literature, and empirically analyzed the impact of each type of perceived risk upon consumer trust in an online merchant and further its impact upon purchase intentions. To meet our research objectives, we developed a conceptual model depicting the nomological structure of the relationships among our research variables, and also formulated a total of seven hypotheses. The model and hypotheses were tested using an empirical analysis based on a questionnaire survey of 206 college students. The reliability was evaluated via Cronbach's alphas, the minimum of which was found to be 0.73, and therefore the questionnaire items are all deemed reliable. In addition, the results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) designed to check the validity of the measurement model indicate that the convergent, discriminate, and nomological validities of the model are all acceptable. The structural equation modeling analysis to test the hypotheses yielded the following results. Of the first six hypotheses (H1-1 through H1-6) designed to examine the relationships between each risk type and trust, three hypotheses including H1-1 (performance risk ${\rightarrow}$ trust), H1-2 (psychological risk ${\rightarrow}$ trust) and H1-5 (online payment risk ${\rightarrow}$ trust) were supported with path coefficients of -0.30, -0.27 and -0.16 respectively. Finally, H2 (trust ${\rightarrow}$ purchase intentions) was supported with relatively high path coefficients of 0.73. Results of the empirical study offer the following findings and implications. First. it was found that it was performance risk, psychological risk and online payment risk that have a statistically significant influence upon consumer trust in an online merchant. It implies that a consumer may find an online merchant untrustworthy if either the product quality or the product grade does not match his or her expectations. For that reason, online merchants including digital storefronts and e-marketplaces are suggested to pursue a strategy focusing on identifying the target customers and offering products that they feel best meet performance and psychological needs of those customers. Thus, they should do their best to make it widely known that their products are of as good quality and grade as those purchased from offline department stores. In addition, it may be inferred that today's online consumers remain concerned about the security of the online commerce environment due to the repeated occurrences of hacking or private information leakage. Online merchants should take steps to remove potential vulnerabilities and provide online notices to emphasize that their website is secure. Second, consumer's overall trust was found to have a statistically significant influence on purchase intentions. This finding, which is consistent with the results of numerous prior studies, suggests that increased sales will become a reality only with enhanced consumer trust.

Study on Factors Determining Labor Force Participation Rate of Older males : The Elderly Poverty Labor Hypothesis and Skill-Biased Technological Change Hypothesis (고령남성의 경제활동참가 결정요인 연구 - 노후빈곤노동가설 및 숙련편향기술진보설을 중심으로 -)

  • Ji, Eun-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.31-58
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    • 2008
  • This study examines applying the elderly poverty labor hypothesis and skill-biased technological change hypothesis to labor force participation rate(LFPR) of older males in Korea. These hypotheses have hardly been examined on the this group. The analysis is based on the data "Summary of economically active population($1965{\sim}2007$)", "Population projection($1965{\sim}2007$)", "Report on wage structure survey($1993{\sim}2005$)" and "Korea Labor and Income Panel Study($1998{\sim}2006$)". The method employed for this study is logistic regression. The main results from this analysis are summarized in five points. Firstly, Korean older males' LFPR have been increasing since 1965 when industrialization was expanding at full steam. This trend has been different from the decreasing trend of industrialized countries. The second finding is that poor older males' LFPR is, on the average, 5.2% higher than that of non-poor older males from 1998 to 2005. The third result is that the non-elderly man has been increasingly positioned at higher grade occupations, while the elderly man has been held at lower grade occupations. The fourth is that labor demand for highly educated workers has exceeded the increased labor supply of the group, while the demand for low educated workers has decreased far beyond the declined labor supply. As a result, college premium has increased from 139% in 1993 to 157.8% in 2005. The final main implication of this study is that the industrialization theory and modernization hypothesis still holds for the LFPR of Korean older males. However, the elderly affluence hypothesis of the LFPR of older males are hardly persuasive in explaining Korean phenomenon. Especially, we find that the elderly poverty is the main mechanism in determining the Korean LFPR in old ages. This supports the elderly poverty labor hypothesis presented in this study. Skill-biased technological change hypothesis partially explains the LFPR of older man. However, we believe that other factors; human capital specially high school education rather than university education and skill required in less skill biased occupations or the poverty; also have taken effect.

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Does the Layman Understand "the Whistling Sounds when Breathing out" as Real Wheezing? (일반인들은 숨쉴 때 "쌕쌕하는 소리"를 천명음으로 이해하는가?)

  • Jang, Seung-Hun;Jung, Seung-Hyun;Eom, Kwang-Seok;Shin, Taerim;Kim, Chul-Hong;Bahn, Joon-Woo;Kim, Dong-Gyu;Park, Myung-Jae;Hyun, In-Gyu;Jung, Ki-Suck
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2003
  • Background : Wheezing is an important clue in the diagnosis of asthma. Previously, a Korean National asthma survey used a written questionnaire, containing the question, "Have you ever experienced a breathing sound-like 'sack-sack' or a flute sound (the Korean description for wheezing) during the last 12 months?" The response to this question showed a large discrepancy between the prevalence of wheezing and physician diagnosed asthma. This might have resulted partly from a misunderstanding of the question, due to an inadequate description for wheezing. This study was aimed at finding how well the layman understands the term "wheezing" when described as a breathing sound-like 'sack-sack', a whistle or a flute. Subjects and method : Sixty subjects, without experience of wheezing(group I), and 45 subjects, with chronic cough alleging wheezing(group II), were recruited from the Hallym University's Sacred Heart Hospital, in Anyang, Korea. Four different breathing sounds; vesicular, wheezing, tracheobronchial and crackle, were played for the subjects, without any experience with wheezing, and they were asked "which sound is most like that you would imagine when asked about a breathing sound-like 'sack-sack', a whistle or a flute?" This was followed by replaying the true wheezing sound, and then a global assessment was requested for the concordance between the real wheezing sound and the imagined wheezing sound. The wheezing sound was played for those subjects alleging wheezing, and they were asked, "have you really experienced that sound". Results : Only 46.7% of group I answered correctly, with 13.3% choosing the vesicular sound, 16.7% the tracheobronchial sound, 5.0% the crackle and 18.3% failed to answer. The concordance between their imagined wheezing and the real sound was $69.3{\pm}22.4%(mean{\pm}S.D.)$. 77.8% of group II recognized the correct sound as the one they had experienced. Conclusions : Language is not sufficient to the layman for describing natural sounds, such as wheezing.