• 제목/요약/키워드: Supported Chemistry

검색결과 410건 처리시간 0.03초

3-N-2-hydroxyethylamine benzanthrone 및 3-N-2-aminoethylamine benzanthrone에 대한 Cu(II), Ni(II) 및 Co(II) 착물의 분광학, 열 및 생물학적 연구 (Spectroscopic, Thermal and Biological Studies on Newly Synthesized Cu(II), Ni(II) and Co(II) Complexes with 3-N-2-hydroxyethylamine Benzanthrone and 3-N-2-aminoethylamine Benzanthrone)

  • Refat, Moamen S.;Megahed, Adel S.;El-Deen, Ibrahim M.;Grabchev, Ivo;El-Ghol, Samir
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.28-37
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 Benzanthrone 치환체인 3-N-2-hydroxy ethylamine benzanthrone (HEAB)와 3-N-2-amino ethylamine benzanthrone (AEAB)의 Cu(II), Co(II) 및 Ni(II) 염화물 착물에 대한 분광학 (IR, UV-vis 및 $^1H$-NMR), 원소분석, 몰전도도, 열무게분석 (TGA/DTG) 및 생물학적 특성에 대해 고찰하였다. 이 연구의 결과에서 HEAB리간드가 히드록소 및 아미노기를 통하여 각 금속에 배위되어 [Cu(HEAB)$(Cl)_2$].$2H_2O$, [Co(HEAB)$(Cl)_2(H_2O)_2$].$8H_2O$ 및 [Ni(HEAB)$(Cl)_2(H_2O)_2$].$7H_2O$ 착물을 형성함을 알았다. 한편, AEAB는 [Cu(HEAB)$(Cl)_2$].$2H_2O$, [Co(HEAB)$(Cl)_2(H_2O)_2$].$8H_2O$ 및 [Ni(HEAB)$(Cl)_2(H_2O)_2$].$7H_2O$의 분자식을 갖는 팔면체 배위구조를 갖는다. $25^{\circ}C$ DMF에서 모든 착물의 몰전기전도도는 반응안한 리간드보다 약간 컸는데, 이는 염화 이온이 배위권 내부에 존재함을 의미한다. Benzanthrone계 리간드와 이들 착물을 이용하여 서로 다른 종류의 박테리아에 대한 생물활성을 조사하였다.

Syntheses and Characterizations of Serine and Threonine Capped Water-Dispersible ZnS:Mn Nanocrystals and Comparison Study of Toxicity Effects on the growth of E. coli by the Methionine, Serine, Threonine, and Valine Capped ZnS:Mn Nanocrystals

  • Lim, Eun-Ju;Park, Sang-Hyun;Byun, Jong-Hoe;Hwang, Cheong-Soo
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.1741-1747
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    • 2012
  • Water-dispersible ZnS:Mn nanocrystals were synthesized by capping the surface of the nanocrystals with conventional aminoacids ligands: serine and threonine. The aminoacids capped ZnS:Mn nanocrystal powders were characterized by XRD, HR-TEM, EDXS, ICP-AES and FT-IR spectroscopy. The optical properties were also measured by UV/Vis and solution photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies in aqueous solvents. The solution PL spectra showed broad emission peaks around 600 nm with PL efficiencies of 9.7% (ZnS:Mn-Ser) and 15.4% (ZnS:Mn-Thr) respectively. The measured particle sizes for the aminoacid capped ZnS:Mn nanocrystals by HR-TEM images were about 3.0-4.0 nm, which were also supported by Debye-Scherrer calculations. In addition, cytotoxic effects of four aminoacids capped ZnS:Mn nanocrsystals over the growth of wild type E. coli were investigated. Although toxicity in the form of growth inhibition was observed with all the aminoacids capped ZnS:Mn nanocrystals at higher dose (1 mg/mL), ZnS:Mn-Met and ZnS:Mn-Thr appeared non-toxic at doses less than 100 ${\mu}g$/mL. Low biological toxicities were seen at doses less than 10 ${\mu}g$/ mL for all nanocrystals.

P123-Templated Co3O4/Al2O3 Mesoporous Mixed Oxides for Epoxidation of Styrene

  • Jung, Mie-Won;Kim, Young-Sil
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.316-320
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    • 2012
  • $Co_3O_4$, $Al_2O_3$ and $Co_3O_4$/$Al_2O_3$ mesoporous powders were prepared by a sol-gel method with starting matierals of aluminum isopropoxide and cobalt (II) nitrate. A P123 template is employed as an active organic additive for improving the specific surface area of the mixed oxide by forming surfactant micelles. A transition metal cobalt oxide supported on alumina with and without P123 was tested to find the most active and selective conditions as a heterogeneous catalyst in the reaction of styrene epoxidation. A bBlock copolymer-P123 template was added to the staring materials to control physical and chemical properties. The properties of $Co_3O_4$/$Al_2O_3$ powder with and without P123 were characterized using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD), a Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM), a Bruner-Emmertt-Teller (BET) surface analyzer, and $^{27}Al$ MAS NMR spectroscopy. Powders with and without P123 were compared in catalytic tests. The catalytic activity and selectivity were monitored by GC/MS, $^1H$, and $^{13}C$-NMR spectroscopy. The performance for the reaction of epoxidation of styrene was observed to be in the following order: [$Co_3O_4$/$Al_2O_3$ with P123-1173 K > $Co_3O_4$/$Al_2O_3$ with P123-973 K > $Co_3O_4$-973 K>$Co_3O_4$/$Al_2O_3$-973 K > $Co_3O_4$/$Al_2O_3$ with P123-1473 K > $Al_2O_3$-973 K]. The existence of ${\gamma}$-alumina and the nature of the surface morphology are related to catalytic activity.

산성 조건에서 부드러운 강철용 부식억제제로 사용되는 플라보노이드계 화합물의 부식억제성질과 흡착성질 (Corrosion Inhibitive and Adsorption Properties of a Flavonoid compound for Mild Steel in Acidic Medium)

  • Ezhilarasi, J. Christy;Nagarajan, Prabavathy
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.495-501
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    • 2011
  • 플라보노이드계 화합물인 HMPC (3-hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-phenylchromen-4-one의 부식억제성질, HMPC와 TBAB(n-tetrabutylammonium bromide) 간 상승효과, 염산 조건하 부드러운 강철의 흡착성질을 무게 감량, 변전위 편극, 전기화학 임피던스 분광기를 사용하여 연구하였다. 다양한 온도에서 무게 감량 측정 실험한 결과 부식 억제 효율은 억제제 농도가 증가함에 따라 증가하였고, 계의 온도가 증가함에 따라 감소하였다. 전기화학 실험 결과 부식 억제는 여러 혼합된 형태의 억제 방법에 의해 가능하였다. 금속 표면에 흡착된 억제 화합물 분자는 보호막을 형성하였다.

Diffusion of Probe Molecule in Small Liquid n-Alkanes: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study

  • Yoo, Choong-Do;Kim, Soon-Chul;Lee, Song-Hi
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제29권8호
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    • pp.1554-1560
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    • 2008
  • The probe diffusion and friction constants of methyl yellow (MY) in liquid n-alkanes of increasing chain length were calculated by equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at temperatures of 318, 418, 518 and 618 K. Lennard-Jones particles with masses of 225 and 114 g/mol are modeled for MY. We observed that the diffusion constant of the probe molecule follows a power law dependence on the molecular weight of nalkanes, DMY${\sim}M^{-\gamma}$ well. As the molecular weight of n-alkanes increases, the exponent $\gamma$ shows sharp transitions near n-dotriacontane ($C_{32}$) for the large probe molecule (MY2) at low temperatures of 318 and 418 K. For the small probe molecule (MY1) $D_{MY1}$ in $C_{12}$ to C80 at all the temperatures are always larger than Dself of n-alkanes and longer chain n-alkanes offer a reduced friction relative to the shorter chain n-alkanes, but this reduction in the microscopic friction for MY1 is not large enough to cause a transition in the power law exponent in the log-log plot of DMY1 vs M of n-alkane. For the large probe molecule (MY2) at high temperatures, the situation is very similar to that for MY1. At low temperatures and at low molecular weights of n-alkanes, $D_{MY2}$ are smaller than $D_{self}$ of n-alkanes due to the relatively large molecular size of MY2, and MY2 experiences the full shear viscosity of the medium. As the molecular weight of n-alkane increases, $D_{self}$ of n-alkanes decreases much faster than $D_{MY2}$ and at the higher molecular weights of n-alkane, MY2 diffuses faster than the solvent fluctuations. Therefore there is a large reduction of friction in longer chains compared to the shorter chains, which enhances the diffusion of MY2. The calculated friction constants of MY1 and MY2 in liquid n-alkanes supported these observations. We deem that this is the origin of the so-called“solventoligomer”transition.

대면적 대기압 플라즈마-용액 시스템을 이용한 폴리프로필렌 표면 처리 (Surface Treatment of Polypropylene using a Large Area Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-solution System)

  • 트란꺽시;최호석
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.271-276
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    • 2011
  • 대면적 대기압 플라즈마 반응 장비를 플라즈마-용액 시스템에 적용하여 액상 내부에 잠입된 폴리프로필렌(PP) 필름의 표면손상 없이 관능기 도입 가능성을 탐색하였다. 액상으로 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate: $[BMIM]^{+}[BF_{4}]^{-}$ 이온성 액체 수용액을 사용한 경우, 안정적으로 플라즈마를 발생시킬 수 있었다. PP 필름의 플라즈마 처리 결과, PP 표면에 다양한 산소 함유 관능기들이 도입되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 플라즈마 처리 후 PP의 표면 자유에너지는 처리시간, 전압의 증가에 따라서 증가하며, 1.5M 이온성 액체 수용액 농도에서 가장 큰 값을 나타내었다. ATR-FTIR 분석 결과, 다양한 카르보닐 기(1,726 $cm^{-1}$, 1,643 $cm^{-1}$)와 하이드록시 기$(3,100{\sim}3,500\;cm^{-1})$의 흡광도가 증가하였고, XPS 분석은 ATR-FTIR 분석 결과를 뒷받침하여 주었다.

Investigation of Nanometals (Ni and Sn) in Platinum-Based Ternary Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Electro-oxidation in Membraneless Fuel Cells

  • Ponmani, K.;Kiruthika, S.;Muthukumaran, B.
    • Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2015
  • In the present work, Carbon supported Pt100, Pt80Sn20, Pt80Ni20 and Pt80Sn10Ni10 electrocatalysts with different atomic ratios were prepared by ethylene glycol-reduction method to study the electro-oxidation of ethanol in membraneless fuel cell. The electrocatalysts were characterized in terms of structure, morphology and composition by using XRD, TEM and EDX techniques. Transmission electron microscopy measurements revealed a decrease in the mean particle size of the catalysts for the ternary compositions. The electrocatalytic activities of Pt100/C, Pt80Sn20/C, Pt80Ni20/C and Pt80Sn10Ni10/C catalysts for ethanol oxidation in an acid medium were investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA). The electrochemical results showed that addition of Ni to Pt/C and Pt-Sn/C catalysts significantly shifted the onset of ethanol and CO oxidations toward lower potentials. The single membraneless ethanol fuel cell performances of the Pt80Sn10Ni10/C, Pt80Sn20/C and Pt80Ni20/C anode catalysts were evaluated at room temperature. Among the catalysts investigated, the power density obtained for Pt80Sn10Ni10/C (37.77 mW/cm2 ) catalyst was higher than that of Pt80Sn20/C (22.89 mW/cm2 ) and Pt80Ni20/C (16.77 mW/ cm2 ), using 1.0 M ethanol + 0.5 M H2SO4 as anode feed and 0.1 M sodium percarbonate + 0.5 M H2SO4 as cathode feed.

CrOx/γ-alumina 촉매상에서 Vinyl Chloride의 산화반응 속도해석 (Kinetics of Catalytic Oxidation of Vinyl Chloride over CrOx/γ-alumina)

  • 이해완;김영채;문세기
    • 공업화학
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 1999
  • 고정층 촉매 반응기를 이용하여 ${\gamma}$-알루미나에 담지한 크롬산화물 촉매상에서 vinyl chloride의 완전산화잔응을 $240{\sim}300^{\circ}C$의 온도와 600~3,500 ppm의 농도범위에서 조사하였다. 반응은 vinyl chloride의 농도에 대하여 비선형적으로 변하였으며, 산소의 농도에 대하여는 0차 거동을 보였다. 또한 반응 생성물인 $H_2O$와 HCl를 반응물에 첨가하였을 때 vinyl chloride의 전환율에 영향이 거의 없었다. Vinyl chloride의 산화반응에 대한 몇 가지 반응모델을 가정하고 실험결과와 상관시켜 가장 잘 일치하는 모델을 도출하였다. 속도식의 해석결과 vinyl chloride의 산화반응은 산소로 피복된 촉매표면에 vinyl chloride가 흡착한 후 산화분해되며, vinyl chloride가 촉매표면에 흡착하여 반응을 방해한다는 가정하에서 도출된 반응속도 모델이 실험결과를 가장 잘 표현하였다. 실험치와 예측치간의 표준편차 백분율은 약 5.2% 정도였으며 활성화에너지는 18.9 kcal/mol으로 계산되었다.

  • PDF

Green Synthesis of Platinum Nanoparticles by Electroreduction of a K2PtCl6 Solid-State Precursor and Its Electrocatalytic Effects on H2O2 Reduction

  • Kim, Kyung Tae;Jin, Sung-Ho;Chang, Seung-Cheol;Park, Deog-Su
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제34권12호
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    • pp.3835-3839
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    • 2013
  • A new synthesis route for Pt nanoparticles by direct electrochemical reduction of a solid-state Pt ion precursor ($K_2PtCl_6$) is demonstrated. Solid $K_2PtCl_6$-supported polyethyleneimine (PEI) coatings on the surface of glassy carbon electrode were prepared by simple mixing of solid $K_2PtCl_6$ into a 1.0% PEI solution. The potential cycling or a constant potential in a PBS (pH 7.4) medium were applied to reduce the solid $K_2PtCl_6$ precursor. The reduction of Pt(IV) began at around -0.2 V and the reduction potential was ca. -0.4 V. A steady state current was achieved after 10 potential cycling scans, indicating that continuous formation of Pt nanoparticles by electrochemical reduction occurred for up to 10 cycles. After applying the reduction potential of -0.6 V for 300 s, Pt nanoparticles with diameters ranging from $0.02-0.5{\mu}m$ were observed, with an even distribution over the entire glassy carbon electrode surface. Characteristics of the Pt nanoparticles, including their performance in electrochemical reduction of $H_2O_2$ are examined. A distinct reduction peak observed at about -0.20 V was due to the electrocatalytic reduction of $H_2O_2$ by Pt nanoparticles. From the calibration plot, the linear range for $H_2O_2$ detection was 0.1-2.0 mM and the detection limit for $H_2O_2$ was found to be 0.05 mM.

산화-환원 전처리에 따른 Ni/SiO2 촉매의 캐스터오일 수소화 (Effect of Oxidation-reduction Pretreatment for the Hydrogenation of Caster Oil over Ni/SiO2 Catalyst)

  • 최이선;김수영;고형림
    • 공업화학
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.326-331
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    • 2017
  • 캐스터오일은 수소화반응을 통해 계면활성제의 중간체 등 유용한 화학산업의 원료로 활용 가능하다. 본 연구에서는 캐스터오일의 수소화용 니켈촉매의 제조조건과 전처리 조건에 대한 영향을 연구하였다. 니켈촉매는 침전제와 pH를 다르게 하여 실리카 담체상에 침전법으로 담지되었고, 다시 산화와 환원의 반복된 전처리를 행하였다. 니켈촉매의 활성은 캐스터오일의 요오드 가를 측정하여 비교하였고, 니켈촉매의 분산도는 XRD, BET, TEM을 통하여 분석하였다. 니켈촉매의 활성을 CO산화반응실험을 통하여도 비교하였다. 산화와 환원 사이클의 반복에 의해 니켈의 재분산이 실리카 상에서 발생하였고, 이것이 캐스터오일 수소화반응 활성을 증진시키는데 기여하였다.