• Title/Summary/Keyword: Students Management System

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Study on Time of Mobile Game and Stresses Reduction of University Students (대학생의 스트레스 감소와 모바일 게임시간에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Eun-Hyeon;Lee, Dong-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2015
  • Recent university students are under a lot of stresses due to academic performance, employment, and anxiety about the future in the fierce competition. Mobile games can be used as a plan which can reduce the stresses of these students. However, if they play too long the games, it will cause another big problems. In this paper, we experimented to look for the best mobile game time to alleviate the stresses of university students as follows. First, we chose 16 people which have more stress load than the average student through stress tests by the basic diagnosis questionnaire. Second, we did total eight experiments on the stresses of the subjects in the study. That is, the experiment was carried out once before the test, 6 times for the mobile game (60 minutes), and once before the experiment. Third, we did T-test and multivariate analysis on the collecting data. As a result, it is proved that the mobile game for about 20 minutes could derive the effect on reducing stresses.

Structural relationship analysis between perceived ease of use, acceptance attitude, user satisfaction, and intention to continue using the electronic attendance-absence recording systems (전자출결시스템에 대한 지각된 용이성, 수용태도, 사용자 만족, 지속 사용 의도 간의 구조관계분석)

  • Park, Hyejin;Kwon, Youngae
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the intention of continuous use of the electronic attendance-absence system. Perceived ease of use, acceptance attitude, and user satisfaction variables were selected to analyze the factors affecting the intention of continuous use. To achieve the purpose of this study, a survey was conducted targeting students who had experience in using the electronic attendance-absence system at K University located in Chungcheongbuk-do. The use environment of the electronic attendance-absence system was non-face-to-face, and the questionnaires answered by 921 students were analyzed. The study results are as follows. First, perceived ease of use and acceptance of the electronic attendance-absence system were found to have a positive effect on user satisfaction. Second, it was found that the learner's perceptual ease, acceptance attitude, and user satisfaction for the electronic attendance-absence system had a positive effect on the intention of continuous use. This study is meaningful in that it identified the intention of continuous use based on the experience of the electronic attendance-absence system in a non-face-to-face environment.

Open Merit and Demerit Management System for School Considering Interactions between Teacher and Student (교사.학생간의 상호작용을 고려한 개방형상벌점관리시스템)

  • Moon, Chang-Bae;Kim, Han-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.465-472
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    • 2008
  • Diverse methods of life guidance adopted by the teacher's subjective standards including corporal punishment have inherent problems. Some schools have introduced and exercised the merit and demerit system, which uses merits and demerits to guide the children for desirable life habits and etiquette. And most of them are done off-line and thus have difficulties with real time reference, statistical process, filling out logs, and management. The merit and demerit management system(MDMS) was developed to support the process, statistics, reference, and authority features as well as card issuing. It also promotes life guidance, personality education, participation of the parents, and further desirable cooperation among the teachers, students, and parents. The system has lots of advantages such as reducing resistance from the students against life guidance rules, enabling the students to check their life guidance status at school, allowing the parents to check how their children are doing at school, increasing efficiency of data management, and taking some burden off the shoulders of the teachers doing statistics. MDMS helps the teachers base corporal punishment on the guidance rules, deter direct punishment on certain body parts, and pursue more systematic, scientific, and human life guidance.

Exploring the Instructional Use of Instagram for Korean Language Learning (한국어 교육에서의 인스타그램 활용 가능성 탐색 -미국 대학교의 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Ahn, Jaerin;Shim, Yunjin
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.65-92
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    • 2018
  • This study explored how a particular social media can be used to supplement elementary-level Korean language course in the US public university. The researchers administered a survey measuring students' patterns and habits of social media use. Based on the survey results, researchers designed six different types of learning materials and uploaded them regularly to Instagram throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, a survey was conducted to find out students' satisfactory level. From the 44 students' responses, the study found out that using Instagram 1) is more accessible to students than any other learning management system, 2) is fun and students are willing to participate, 3) increased the target language exposure and authentic language use, 4) increased interaction between teachers, students and even other native speakers, and 5) is helpful to improve listening and other language skills. The study closes with the suggestion for further experimental studies.

A Study on Google Classroom as a Tool for the Development of the Learning Model of College English

  • Lee, Jeong-Hwa;Cha, Kyung-Whan
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2021
  • The aim of this study was to explore the use of Google Classroom as a learning management system for College English. The study targeted 34 university students. They took part in various activities, such as writing reactions to video lectures, peer-editing essays, and recording video presentations, et cetera. For the study, a t-test was conducted to evaluate the English development of the students. The two essays that each student wrote were used as the data sources. The result (t=-5.854, p=.000) indicated an improvement in their English writing proficiency. In addition, a survey was conducted to gather students' feedback regarding their perceptions towards the course. The study covered five aspects of their experience: Google Classroom, language development, Quizlet, classroom experience, and essay-writing experience. From the results, students indicated a positive response to the program. The use of Google Classroom in an online learning setting accomplishes two things; it helped the students in the development of their English proficiency, and provided activities that students find interesting, which in turn stimulates their self-learning spirit.

A Study on the Management Improving Plan for Graduate School Library (대학원대학 도서관 운영 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Jin-Sik;Oh, Mi-Seong
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.21-46
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    • 2008
  • The Result of this study (1)In the case of KDI school of public policy and management, since it makes up a very interesting and diversified racial environment that shapes the multinational global community, there must be careful considerations for foreign students together with wide publicity about Korea on the side of the school headquarters. (2)The library must become familiar with the ways to utilize outside organizations in order to provide user education to the foreign students. (3)In order to make it perfectly sure for them to provide not only the secondary materials such as bibliography, index, and abstract, but also the necessary full-text from the preparatory stage of the students' studies. (4)The library must grasp the students' needs through communication and must promote the efficiency of library operation by introducing an information service strategy measure similar to that of FISP so they can acknowledge and provide necessary information to fulfill the students' academic needs in advance.

A Study on Importance and Satisfaction of Students about Forest Healing Instructor Training Program Using ISA Analysis (ISA 분석을 이용한 산림치유지도사 양성과정에 대한 수강생의 중요도와 만족도 연구)

  • Kim, Soyeon;Kim, Mina;Kim, Gyuri;Choi, Jungkee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.1
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2019
  • The objectives of this study was to analyze the importance and satisfaction (ISA) of forest healing instructor training program, targeting on the students educated in 2018. As a result, it was found that students older than forties are the majority as 81 %, and they preferred forest healing instructors as their second future job. When comparing the importance and satisfaction, the students evaluated satisfaction with low grade compared to importance with high grade in all questions. In ISA analysis, it was needed to improve the updated textbook information, to list the example problems by subject, to expose the test subjects in the textbooks, to disclose the test questions and answers, to control the test difficulty, to adjust the test pass rate, to expand the number of test and test sites, to increase the effort for making students understand, to prepare lectures appropriate to practice for forest healing instructor training program by priority.

A Comparative Study Recognition of Future Career and Nurse's Characteristics According to Nursing School System (학제에 따른 진로인식, 간호사자질인식의 비교연구)

  • Bae, Du-Yi;Eun, Young
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 2014
  • This study was to compare the recognition of future career and nurse's characteristics according to nursing school system. This study was based on cross sectional descriptive method. The data were analyzed by $x^2$-test, t-test, and ANOVA using PASW WIN 18.0 program. The data represented that students who were doing associated degrees or bachelor degrees, showed the similar level recognition of future career and nurse's characteristics. However they showed differences in recognition of the career where they could create and new things(t=2.933, p=.004) and working part time(t=2.328, p=.021). In regards to recognition of nurse's characteristics bachelor degrees students had higher professional ethics($4.59{\pm}.44$). This study proposed that these research results could be used for improving methodology of nursing education.

A Case Study of Flipped Learning in Calculus of one Variable on Motivation and Active Learning

  • JEONG, Moonja
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.211-227
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    • 2015
  • Information Technology influenced on classroom to change the teaching and learning method. Recently, flipped learning method became a hot issue in education by using Information Technology. Learning management system that is introduced in our university in the spring semester 2015, made it possible to apply flipped learning method. So, we used the flipped learning method in a calculus course. In this paper, we found that flipped learning in Calculus we was a little bit affirmative in the aspect of motivation and active learning from students' response on flipped learning method. We analyzed the reason that students were not so positive in continuing flipped learning even though they liked flipped learning a little bit better than traditional learning. We suggest what we pay attention to for applying the flipped learning method effectively.

Two Phase Heuristic for Test Set Generation Using Simulated Annealing in Cyber Testbank System (사이버 문제은행에서 시뮬레이티드 어닐링을 이용한 2단계 문제세트 생성 휴리스틱)

  • 황인수
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2001
  • The widespread diffusion of Internet has enables every college and education institute to develope cyber education systems to meet the multiple needs of students, but it is not true that the effectiveness of cyber education is fruitful in terms of evaluation systems. Most of the early developed web-based evaluation systems for cyber education require that all the students should solve uniformed test set which are included in the predetermined static HTML pages. Therefore, it is impossible to dynamically provide a test set with consistency and reliability. This paper purpose to describe the employment of simulated annealing in cyber testbank system for test set generation that satisfy all constraints. The constraints include number of items for each skill, method, domain, topic, and so on. This research developed two phase heuristic combining sequential test set generation algorithm with simulated annealing. As a result of computer simulations, it was found that the two phase heuristic outperforms the other algorithms.

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