• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stream Slope

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Geomorphic Features of Bing-gye Valley Area(Kyongbuk Province, South Korea) -Mainly about Talus- (의성 빙계계곡 일대의 지형적 특성 -테일러스를 중심으로-)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 1998
  • Bing-gye valley(Kyongbuk Province, South Korea) is well known as a tourist attraction because of its meteorologic characteristics that show subzero temperature during midsummer. Also, there are some interesting geomorphic features in the valley area. Therefore, the valley is worth researching in geomorphology field. The aim of this paper is to achieve two purposes. These are to clarify geomorphic features on talus within Bing-gye valley area, and to infer the origin of Bing-gye valley. The main results are summarized as follows. 1) The formation of Bing-gye valley It would be possible to infer the following two ideas regarding the formation of Bing-gye valley. One is that the valley was formed by differential erosion of stream along fault line, and the other is that the rate of upheaval comparatively exceeded the rate of stream erosion. Especially, the latter may be associated with the fact that the width of the valley is much narrow. Judging that the fact the width of the valley is much narrow, compared with one of its upper or lower valley, it is inferred that Bing-gye valley is transverse valley. 2) The geomorphic features of talus (1) Pattern It seems to be true that the removal of matrix(finer materials) by the running water beneath the surface can result in partly collapse hollows. Taluses are tongue-shaped or cone-shaped in appearance. They are $120{\sim}200m$ in length, $30{\sim}40m$ in maximum width. and $32{\sim}33^{\circ}$ in mean slope gradient. The component blocks are mostly homogeneous in size and shape(angular), which reflect highly jointed free face produced by frost action under periglacial environment. (2) Origin On the basis of previous studies, the type of the talus is classified into rock fall talus. When considered in conjunction with the degrees of both weathering of blocks and hardness of blocks, it can be explained that the talus was formed under periglacial environment in pleistocene time. (3) The inner structure of block accumulation I recognize a three-layered structure in the talus as follows: (a) superficial layer; debris with openwork texture at the surface, 1.3m thick. (b) intermediate layer: small debris(about 5cm in diameter) with fine matrix(including humic soil), 70cm thick. (c) basal layer: over 2m beneath surface, almost pure soil horizon without debris (4) The stage of landform development Most of the blocks are now covered with lichen, and/or a mantle of weathering. It is believed that downslope movement by talus creep well explains the formation of concave slope of the talus. There is no evidence of present motion in the deposit. Judging from above-mentioned facts, the talus of this study area appears to be inactive and fossil landform.

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The Topographical Factors Affecting the Water Quality of Iwonchon Basin (이원천 유역의 하천수질에 미치는 지형요인)

  • 이호준;방제용
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 1999
  • This survey was performed from March 1993 to March 1998, in order to clarify the relationships between water quality and topographical factor. The study sites were two reservoir basins; Kaesim and Jangchan in Iwon-myon, Okchon-gun, Chungcho'ngbukdo Province. Basin shape factors of Kaesim reservoir were at 0.030∼0.210 (mean value 0.090), those of Jangchan reservoir were at 0.217∼0.452 (mean value 0.325). The mean basin shape factor of Jangchan reservoir was 3.61 times larger than that of Kaesim reservoir because its stream width was narrower and mean stream length was shorter. In the correlation between distance from the source of stream (L) and basin area (A), Iwonchon basin was calculated as L=1.44A/sup 0.6/. Circularity ratio was 17.114 in Kaesim (22% of Kum River), and 7.444 in Jangchan. Elongation ratio was 0.357 in Kaesim, 0.636 in Jangchan and 0.282 in Kum River. Precipitation summation period of Jangchan was 1.54 times slower than that of Kaesim. Rainfall reaching time in each small basin was 337.53 min. in A'(Jangchan-ri) basin of Jangchan and 49.26 min in H (Iwon-ri) basin of Kaesim. In the relationship between watershed frequency (Df) and drainage density (Dd), the regression equation was Df=0.023Dd² in Kaesim and Df=0.189Dd² in Jangchan reservoir. As slope degree increased, DO became higher (Y/sub DO/=0.19X+6.5927, r=0.8l), but COD(Y/sub COD/=-0.2092X+9.7104, r=0.52) became lower. Total nitrogen was increased with the increase of basin shape factor and circularity ratio. Ratio of B/sub OD/ to COD was 1/1.2(Y/sub BOD/ = 1.2984 X/sub COD/-3.2004, r=0.9l).

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Potential of River Bottom and Bank Erosion for River Restoration after Dam Slit in the Mountain Stream

  • Kang, Ji-Hyun;So, Kazama
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.46-46
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    • 2011
  • Severe sediment erosion during floods occur disaster and economic losses, but general sediment erosion is basic mechanism to move sediment from upstream to downstream river. In addition, it is important process to change river form. Check dam, which is constructed in mountain stream, play a vital role such as control of sudden debris flow, but it has negative aspects to river ecosystem. Now a day, check dam of open type is an alternative plan to recover river biological diversity and ecosystem through sediment transport while maintaining the function of disaster control. The purpose of this paper is to verify sediment erosion progress of river bottom and bank as first step for river restoration after dam slit by cross-sectional shear stress and critical shear stress. Study area is upstream reach of slit check dam in mountain stream, named Wasada, in Japan. The check dam was slit with two passages in August, 2010. The transects were surveyed for four upstream cross-sections, 7.4 m, 34 m, 86 m, and 150 m distance from dam in October 2010. Sediment size was surveyed at river bottom and bank. Sediment of cobble size was found at the wetted bottom, and small size particles of sand to medium gravel composed river bank. Discharge was $2.5\;m^3/s$ and bottom slope was 0.027 m/m. Excess shear stress (${\tau}_{ex}$) was calculated for hydraulic erosion by subtracting the values of critical shear stress (${\tau}_{c}$) from the value of shear stress (${\tau}$) at river bottom and bank (${\tau}_{ex}=\tau-{\tau}_c$). Shear stress of river bottom (${\tau}_{bottom}$) was calculated using the cross-sectional shear stress, and bank shear stress (${\tau}_{bank}$) was calculated from the method of Flintham and Carling (1988). $${\tau}_{bank}={\tau}^*SF_{bank}((B+P_{bed})/(2^*P_{bank}))$$ where $SF_{bank}=1.77(P_{bed}/p_{bank}+1.5)^{-1.4}$, B is the water surface width, $P_{bed}$ and $P_{bank}$ are wetted parameter of the bed and bank. Estimated values for ${\tau}_{bottom}$ for a flow of $2.5\;m^3/s$ were lower as 25.0 (7.5 m cross-section), 25.7 (34 m), 21.3 (86 m) and 19.8 (150 m), in N/$m^2$, than critical shear stress (${\tau}_c=62.1\;N/m^2$) with cobble of 64 mm. The values were insufficient to erode cobble sediment. In contrast, even if the values of ${\tau}_{bank}$ were lower than the values for ${\tau}_{bottom}$ as 18.7 (7.5 m), 19.3 (34 m), 16.1 (86 m) and 14.7 (150 m), in N/$m^2$, excess shear stresses were calculated at the three cross-sections of 7.5 m, 34 m, and 86 m distances compare with ${\tau}_c$ is 15.5 N/$m^2$ of 16mm gravel. Bank shear stresses were sufficient for erosion of the medium gravel to sand. Therefore there is potential to erode lateral bank than downward erosion in a flow of $2.5\;m^3/s$. Undercutting of the wetted bank can causes bank scour or collapse, therefore this channel has potential to become wider at the same time. This research is about a potential of sediment erosion, and the result could not verify with real data. Therefore it need next step for verification. In addition an erosion mechanism for river restoration is not simple because discharge distribution is variable by snow-melting or rainy season, and a function for disaster control will recover by big precipitation event. Therefore it needs to consider the relationship between continuous discharge change and sediment erosion.

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Physical Geography of Munkyung (문경의 자연지리)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 1998
  • Physical geography is the discipline which deals with the relationship between man and natural environment. Therefore, it should be studied as the organized unity. In this paper I recognize the drainage basin as a framework outlining physical geography, describe the difference of inhabitant's life style due to the difference of natural environment in the drainage basin, and consider the meaning of drainage basin as a unit of life(and unit of regional geography). Munkyung is divided into three regions(intermontane basin region, middle mountainous region, marginal hilly region of the great basin) owing to the topographic characteristics. Subdivision in these regions is related closely to drainage network distribution, specially in intermontane basin region. And small regions have developed with the confluence point of $3{\sim}4$ order streams as the central figure. Intermontane basin region is the valley floor of Sinbuk-Soya-Kauun-Nongam stream located in the limestone region which is exposed according to Munkyung fault at its northern part. Small streams are affected strongly by the influence of the NNE-SSE or WNW-ESE tectolineament. Thus Kaeripryungro(鷄立嶺路), Saejaegil(새재길), Ewharyungro(伊火嶺路) and so on are constructed through the tectolineament. In the valley floors of small streams which flow into the intermontane basin, there are large floodplains. Floodplain in Sinbuk, Joryung, and Yangsan stream is used to paddy field or orchard, and in Nongam stream is used to paddy field or vegetable field. Hills are distributed largely in the periphery of intermontane basin. Limestone hills in Kauun and Masung basin are not continuous to the present low and flat floodplain, and most of those are used to forest land and field. On the other side. granite hills in Koyori are continuous to be used to the present floodplain, and they are used to residential area and field. In the middle mountainous region are there hilly mountains constructed in the geology of Palaeozoic Pyeongan System in northern area and Chosun System's Limestone Series in southern area, and banded gneiss and schist among Sobaeksan Gneiss Complex. In Palaeozoic Pyeongan System region are there relatively rugged mountains and ingrown meanders developed along tectolineaments. Chosun System's Limestone Series region builds up a geomorphic surface, develops various karst landforms. Mountainous area is used to field. On the other hand, especially in case of Hogye, valley bottom is wide, long, and discontinuous to slope, is used to paddy field dominantly. And schist region in Youngnam Block of Pre-Cambrian is rugged mountainous. Marginal hilly region of the great basin is hilly zone located in the margin of erosional basin(Bonghwa-Youngju-Yechon-Hamchang-Sangju). This region is lower geomorphic surface which is consisted of hills of $50{\sim}100$m height. Hills are used to field or orchard, and dissected gentle depression is used to paddy field.

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Studies on the Woody Vegetation in the Edge of Natural River for Ecological Restoration in Korea (하천의 생태적 복원을 위한 자연하천변의 목본성 식물군락에 대한 연구)

  • Bang, Je-Yong;Hu, Un-Bok;Kim, Hyea-Ju;You, Young-Han
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 2015
  • In order to get as ecological basic data for river restoration, vegetation investigation was conducted in natural river and analysed it synecological methods, such as ordination cluster. 29 plant communities units were identified and the major dominant plant communites were Quercus mongolica community, Pinus densiflora community, Populus davidiana community, Q. variabilis community and Prunus sargentii community. River vegetations were classified into ravine and gorge forest type and riverine softwood forest type. Ravine and gorge forest was dominanted by hardwood which located in steep slope and in high elevation, and riverine softwood forest by softwood, salix spp. Naturality was an important criterion for the selection of rivers, so many of the selected rivers are located in the upper stream and mid stream rather than the lower stream, where more human intervention is involved. Plant communities were consisted of hardwood forest(44 plots, 92%) and softwood forest(4 plot, 8%), respectively. PCA with total layer data showed 5 groups of communities: Q. mongolica community group, Prunus sargentii community group, Pinus densiflora community group, Prunus sargentii community - Pinus densiflora community group and the rest communities group. PCA with tree layer showed 3 groups: Q. mongolica community group, Prunus sargentii community group, and the rest community group. Cluster analysis also a showed a similar communities group to PCA ordination, but Magnolia sieboldii community and Prunus sargentii community were distinguished from the PCA result. From the result, it can be concluded that the plant communities of riparian be divided into hardwood and softwood forest by statistical techniques. It was appropriate to plant species such as Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora, Populus davidiana, Quercus variabilis and Prunus sargentii, at levee zone and high water level. And Sliax spp. were appropriate for planted plants at waterfront and low water level. The herb species to be planted on the floodplain were recommanded in the species composition co-occurred with the woody species.

Earthquake impacts on hydrology: a case study from the Canterbury, New Zealand earthquakes of 2010 and 2011

  • Davie, Tim;Smith, Jeff;Scott, David;Ezzy, Tim;Cox, Simon;Rutter, Helen
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.8-9
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    • 2011
  • On 4 September 2010 an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 on the Richter scale occurred on the Canterbury Plains in the South Island of New Zealand. The Canterbury Plains are an area of extensive groundwater and spring fed surface water systems. Since the September earthquake there have been several thousand aftershocks (Fig. 1), the largest being a 6.3 magnitude quake which occurred close to the centre of Christchurch on 22February 2011. This second quake caused extensive damage to the city of Christchurch including the deaths of 189 people. Both of these quakes had marked hydrological impacts. Water is a vital natural resource for Canterburywith groundwater being extracted for potable supply and both ground and surface water being used extensively for agricultural and horticultural irrigation.The groundwater is of very high quality so that the city of Christchurch (population approx. 400,000) supplies untreated artesian water to the majority of households and businesses. Both earthquakes caused immediate hydrological effects, the most dramatic of which was the liquefaction of sediments and the release of shallow groundwater containing a fine grey silt-sand material. The liquefaction that occurred fitted within the empirical relationship between distance from epicentre and magnitude of quake described by Montgomery et al. (2003). . It appears that liquefaction resulted in development of discontinuities in confining layers. In some cases these appear to have been maintained by artesian pressure and continuing flow, and the springs are continuing to flow even now. In spring-fed streams there was an increase in flow that lasted for several days and in some cases flows remained high for several months afterwards although this could be linked to a very wet winter prior to the September earthquake. Analysis of the slope of baseflow recession for a spring-fed stream before and after the September earthquake shows no change, indicating no substantial change in the aquifer structure that feeds this stream.A complicating factor for consideration of river flows was that in some places the liquefaction of shallow sediments led to lateral spreading of river banks. The lateral spread lessened the channel cross section so water levels rose although the flow might not have risen accordingly. Groundwater level peaks moved both up and down, depending on the location of wells. Groundwater level changes for the two earthquakes were strongly related to the proximity to the epicentre. The February 2011 earthquake resulted in significantly larger groundwater level changes in eastern Christchurch than occurred in September 2010. In a well of similar distance from both epicentres the two events resulted in a similar sized increase in water level but the slightly slower rate of increase and the markedly slower recession recorded in the February event suggests that the well may have been partially blocked by sediment flowing into the well at depth. The effects of the February earthquake were more localised and in the area to the west of Christchurch it was the earlier earthquake that had greater impact. Many of the recorded responses have been compromised, or complicated, by damage or clogging and further inspections will need to be carried out to allow a more definitive interpretation. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to provisionally conclude that there is no clear evidence of significant change in aquifer pressures or properties. The different response of groundwater to earthquakes across the Canterbury Plains is the subject of a new research project about to start that uses the information to improve groundwater characterisation for the region. Montgomery D.R., Greenberg H.M., Smith D.T. (2003) Stream flow response to the Nisqually earthquake. Earth & Planetary Science Letters 209 19-28.

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A Study on the Construction and Landscape Characteristics of Munam Pavilion in Changnyeong(聞巖亭) (창녕 문암정(聞巖亭)의 조영 및 경관특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Ung;Ahn, Gye-Bog
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to investigate the history, cultural values prototype through literature analysis, characteristics of construction, location, space structure and landscape characteristics by Arc-GIS on the Munam pavilion(聞巖亭) in Changnyeong. The results were as follows. First, Shin-cho((辛礎, 1549~1618) is the builder of the Munam pavilion and builder's view of nature is to go back to nature. The period of formation of Munam pavilion is between 1608-1618 as referred from document of retire from politics and build a pavilion. Secondly, Munam pavilion is surrounded by mountains and located at the top of steep slope. Pavilion was known as scenic site of the area. But damaged in a past landscape is caused by near the bridge, agricultural facilities, town, the Kye-sung stream of masonry and beams. Thirdly, Munam pavilion is divided into the main space, which is located on the pavilion, space in located on the pavilion east and west and the orient space, which is located on the Youngjeonggak. Of these, original form of Munam pavilion is a simple structure composed of pavilion and Munam rock, thus at the time of the composition seems to be a direct entry is possible, unlike the current entrance. Fourth, Spatial composition of Munam pavilion is divided into vegetation such as Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, ornament such as letters carved on the rocks and pavilion containing structure. The vegetation around the building is classified as precincts and outside of the premises. Planting of precincts was limited. Outside of area consists of front on the pavilion, which is covered with Lagerstroemia Indica forest and Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion. Ofthese,LargeLagerstroemiaIndicaforestcorrespondstothenaturalheritageasHistoricalrecordsofrarespeciesresourcesthatareassociated withbuilder. Letterscarvedontherocksrepresenttheboundaryof space, which is close to the location of the Munam pavilion and those associated with the builder as ornaments. Letters carved on the rocks front on the pavilion are rare cases that are made sequentially with a constant direction and rules as act of record for families to honor the achievements. Fifth, 'The eight famous spots of Munam' is divided into landscape elements that have nothing to do with bearing 4 places and landscape elements that have to do with bearing 4 places. Unrelated bearings of landscape elements are Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion, Okcheon valley, Gwanryongsa temple and Daeheungsa temple. Bearing that related element of absolute orientation, which is corresponding to the elements are Daeheungsa temple, Hwawangsan mountain, Kye-sung stream and Yeongchwisan mountain. Relative bearing is Gwanryongsa temple, Yeongchwisan mountain and Kye-sung stream Gongjigi hill. At Lagerstroemia indica trees in Sa-ri in Changnyeong, Pinus densiflora forest at the back of the pavilion, Kye-sung stream and Okcheon valley, elements are exsting. Currently, it is difficult to confirm the rest of the landscape elements. Because, it is a generic element that reliable estimate of the target and locations are impossible for element. Munam pavilion is made for turn to nature by Shin-cho(辛礎). That was remained a record such as Munamzip(聞巖集) and Munamchungueirok(聞巖忠義錄) that is relating to construction of pavilion. Munam pavilion located in a unique form, archival culture through the letters carved on the rocks and Large Lagerstroemia indica forest and through eight famous spots, cultural landscape elements can be assumed that those elements are remained.

한강하류지형면의 분류와 지형발달에 대한 연구 (양수리에서 능곡까지)

  • Park, No-Sik
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.68
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    • pp.23-73
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    • 2005
  • Purpose of study; The purpose of this study is specifically classified as two parts. The one is to attempt the chronological annals of Quaternary topographic surface through the study over the formation process of alluvial surfaces in our country, setting forth the alluvial surfaces lower-parts of Han River area, as the basic deposit, and comparing it to the marginal landform surfaces. The other is to attempt the classification of micro morphology based on the and condition premising the land use as a link for the regional development in the lower-parts of Han river area. Reasons why selected the Lower-parts of Han river area as study objects: 1. The change of river course in this area is very serve both in vertical and horizontal sides. With a situation it is very easy to know about the old geography related to the formation process of topography. 2. The component materials of gravel, sand, silt and clay are deposited in this area. Making it the available data, it is possible to consider about not oかy the formation process of topography but alsoon the development history to some extent. 3. The earthen vessel, a fossil shell fish, bone, cnarcoal and sea-weed are included in the alluvial deposition in this area. These can be also valuable data related to the chronological annals. 4. The bottom set conglometate beds is also included in the alluvial deposits. This can be also valuable data related to the research of geomorphological development. 5. Around of this area the medium landform surface, lower landform surface, pediment and basin, are existed, and these enable the comparison between the erosion surfaces and the alluvial surfaces. Approach : 1. Referring to the change of river beds, I have calculated the vertical and horizontal differences comparing the topographic map published in 1916 with that published in 1966 and through the field work 2. In classifying the landform, I have applied the method of micro morphological classification in accordance with the synthetic index based upon the land conditions, and furthermore used the classification method comparing the topographic map published in 1916 and in that of 1966. 3. I have accorded this classification with the classification by mapping through appliying the method of classification in the development history for the field work making the component materials as the available data. 4. I have used the component materials, which were picked up form the outcrop of 10 places and bored at 5 places, as the available data. 5. I have referred to Hydrological survey data of the ministry of Construction (since 1916) on the overflow of Han-river, and used geologic map of Seoul metropolitan area. Survey Data, and general map published in 1916 by the Japanese Army Survbey Dept., and map published in 1966 by the Construction Research Laboratory and ROK Army Survey Dept., respectively. Conclusion: 1. Classification of Morphology: I have added the historical consideration for development, making the component materials and fossil as the data, to the typical consideration in accordance with the map of summit level, reliefe and slope distribution. In connection with the erosion surface, I have divided into three classification such as high, medium and low-,level landform surfaces which were classified as high and low level landform surfaces in past. furthermore I have divided the low level landform surface two parts, namely upper-parts(200-300m) and bellow-parts(${\pm}100m$). Accordingly, we can recognize the three-parts of erosion surface including the medium level landform surface (500-600m) in this area. (see table 22). In condition with the alluvial surfaces I have classified as two landform surfaces (old and new) which was regarded as one face in past. Meamwhile, under the premise of land use, the synthetic, micro morphological classification based upon the land condition is as per the draw No. 19-1. This is the quite new method of classification which was at first attempted in this country. 2. I have learned that the change of river was most severe at seeing the river meandering rate from Dangjung-ni to Nanjido. As you seee the table and the vertical and horizontal change of river beds is justly proportionable to the river meandering rate. 3. It can be learned at seeing the analysis of component materials of alluvial deposits that the component from each other by areas, however, in the deposits relationship upper stream, and between upper parts and below parts I couldn't always find out the regular ones. 4. Having earthern vessel, shell bone, fossil charcoal and and seaweeds includen in the component materials such as gravel, clay, sand and silt in Dukso and Songpa deposits area. I have become to attempt the compilation of chronicle as yon see in the table 22. 5. In according to hearing of basemen excavation, the bottom set conglomerate beds of Dukso beds of Dukso-beds is 7m and Songpa-beds is 10m. In according to information of dredger it is approx. 20m in the down stream. 6. Making these two beds as the standard beds, I have compared it to other beds. 7 The coarse sand beds which is covering the clay-beds of Dukso-beds and Nanjidobeds is shown the existence of so-called erosion period which formed the gap among the alluvial deposits of stratum. The former has been proved by the sorting, bedding and roundness which was supplied by the main stream and later by the branch stream, respectively. 8. If the clay-beds of Dukeo-bed and Songpa-bed is called as being transgressive overlap, by the Eustatic movement after glacial age, the bottom set conglomerate beds shall be called as being regressive overlap at the holocene. This has the closest relationship with the basin formation movement of Seoul besides the Eustatic movement. 9. The silt-beds which is the main component of deposits of flood plain, is regarded as being deposited at the Holocene in the comb ceramic and plain pottery ages. This has the closest relationship with the change of river course and river beds.

A Study on Land Acquisition Priority for Establishing Riparian Buffer Zones in Korea (수변녹지 조성을 위한 토지매수 우선순위 산정 방안 연구)

  • Hong, Jin-Pyo;Lee, Jae-Won;Choi, Ok-Hyun;Son, Ju-Dong;Cho, Dong-Gil;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2014
  • The Korean government has purchased land properties alongside any significant water bodies before setting up the buffers to secure water qualities. Since the annual budgets are limited, however, there has always been the issue of which land parcels ought to be given the priority. Therefore, this study aims to develop efficient mechanism for land acquisition priorities in stream corridors that would ultimately be vegetated for riparian buffer zones. The criteria of land acquisition priority were driven through literary review along with experts' advice. The relative weights of their value and priorities for each criterion were computed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) method. Major findings of the study are as follows: 1. The decision-making structural model for land acquisition priority focuses mainly on the reduction of non-point source pollutants(NSPs). This fact is highly associated with natural and physical conditions and land use types of surrounding areas. The criteria were classified into two categories-NSPs runoff areas and potential NSPs runoff areas. 2. Land acquisition priority weights derived for NSPs runoff areas and potential NSPs runoff areas were 0.862 and 0.138, respectively. This implicates that much higher priority should be given to the land parcels with NSPs runoff areas. 3. Weights and priorities of sub-criteria suggested from this study include: proximity to the streams(0.460), land cover(0.189), soil permeability(0.117), topographical slope(0.096), proximity to the roads(0.058), land-use types(0.036), visibility to the streams(0.032), and the land price(0.012). This order of importance suggests, as one can expect, that it is better to purchase land parcels that are adjacent to the streams. 4. A standard scoring system including the criteria and weights for land acquisition priority was developed which would likely to allow expedited decision making and easy quantification for priority evaluation due to the utilization of measurable spatial data. Further studies focusing on both point and non-point pollutants and GIS-based spatial analysis and mapping of land acquisition priority are needed.

Development on Prediction Algorithm of Sediment Discharge by Debris Flow for Decision of Location and Scale of the Check Dam (사방댐 위치 및 규모 결정을 위한 토석류 토사유출량 예측 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Kidae;Woo, Choongshik;Lee, Changwoo;Seo, Junpyo;Kang, Minjeng
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.586-593
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aims to develop an algorithm for predicting sediment discharge by debris flow, and develop GIS-based decision support system for optimal arrangement of check dam. Method: The average stream width and flow length were used to predict the cumulative sediment discharge by debris flow. At this time, the amount of slope failure on source area and average flow length were utilized as input factors. Result: The predicted sediment discharge calculated through the algorithm was 1.1 times different on average compared to the actual sediment discharge by debris flow. In addition, the program is an objective indicator that selects the location and size of the check dam, and it can help practitioners make rational decisions. Conclusion: The soil erosion control works are being implemented every year. Therefore, it is expected that the GIS-based decision support system for location and size of the check dam will contribute to the prevention of sediment-related disasters.