• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stirling Engines

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Analysis of The Operation of a Low Temperature Differential Model Stirling Engines (저온도차 모형 스털링 엔진의 작동 해석)

  • Won Min Young;Jung Pyung Suk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.29 no.4 s.235
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    • pp.519-525
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    • 2005
  • The operation of a low temperature differential model stirling engine is tested and analyzed by Simple analysis model. The heat transfer coefficients are required for Simple analysis, and the coefficients are determined by coinciding the P-V diagram of analysis to the diagram of experiment. The results show a good agreement. However the heat transfer coefficients are quite high by comparison with the ordinary forced convective heat transfer cases.

A Study on the Submarine Air Independent Propulsion System: Focused on Submarines Currently in Operation (잠수함 공기불요 추진체계에 대한 연구: 현재 운용 중인 잠수함을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Junseop
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.418-425
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    • 2021
  • Submarines are weapons systems that have been proven to be useful in battle since World War I and have continued to improve the efficiency of propulsion systems in order to be used efficiently on the battlefield. In particular, countries that unable to utilize nuclear propulsion systems make efforts to increase the efficiency of Air Independent Propulsion systems, and typical examples are fuel cells, Stirling engines and MESMA. It is also expected that the development of new propulsion systems such as hydrogen-reformer fuel cells, metal-air fuel cell and direct combustion propulsion systems will continue, so the characteristics of these will be examined and the performance based on the published data be checked in this thesis.

A Study on Desing Simplification of Yoke Crank in a γ-type Stirling Engine (γ-type Stirling Engine의 Yoke crank 설계 단순화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Shin-Hyo;Kim, Ui-Chang;Bark, Jin-Jae;Bae, Han-Nah;Cho, Dae-Kweon
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.405-411
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    • 2015
  • Recently, according to the low-carbon green growth policy, the Stirling Engine has been increasing the interest of some sort of external combustion engines Stirling Engine is largely divided into three types ${\alpha}$, ${\beta}$ and ${\gamma}$. Among them, a ${\gamma}$-type engine is easy to design and can be applied variously. However, owing to the connection distance between the cylinder and the crank, there was a problem that ${\gamma}$-type occupies a larger volume than the ${\alpha}$ and ${\beta}$-types. As one of the methods to solve this problem, we have to consider about the Yoke crank which have been applied mainly to the ${\alpha}$-type. Because there are two advantages in not only reduction of engine volume but also parallelizing the cylinder. In this study, leading on from the existing design techniques for the Ross Yoke crank, this paper presents a simple method that can apply the yoke crank design of the ${\gamma}$-type stirling engine.

Analysis of The Operation of a Low Temperature Differential Model Stilting Engine (저온도차 모형 스터링 엔진의 작동 해석)

  • Kim, Jung-Kuk;Shim, Kyung-Yong;Jung, Pyung-Suk
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04b
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 2000
  • A low temperature differential model stirling engine is manufactured, and its operation characteristics are measured and analyzed by SIMPLE analysis model, in which heat transfer processes are simply considered. The heat transfer coefficients between working fluid and heat sources in the analysis are estimated by comparing the P-V diagrams by experiment and by analysis. This result may be very useful for further design and manufacture of model Stilting engines as well as real engines because it provides a comparatively correct predictions of the operation conditions and power output. It will be also conveniently used as an educational material for mechanical engineering students because it can be a nice example of optimal design process to decide the phase angle and compression ratio of engine design with a simple but realistic simulation.

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Hydrothermal Pre-treatment and Gasification of Solid Wastes to Produce Electrical Power and Hydrogen

  • Yoshikawa, Kunio
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Resources Recycling Conference
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    • 2006.09a
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2006
  • The main feature of these total technologies is that we can constitute the optimum treatment scheme fitting to the property of wastes, amount of wastes and energy requirement. For high moisture content wastes or biomass resources, high pressure steam process (MMCS) for crush, dry and deodorize wastes to produce high quality fertilizer of fuel is most appropriate. For dry or semi-dry solid wastes, the STAR-MEET system can be applied to produce low-BTU gases for power generation using duel fueled diesel engines of Stirling engines, and the REPRES and HyPR-MEET systems can be applied to produce hydrogen rich medium-BTU gas. For waste plastics and oils, liquefaction technology is best fit to produce light oil or kerosene equivalent fuel oils. These total technologies are completely different from the existent waste treatment technologies based on land-filling or incineration, and are expected to disseminate all over the world in the near future.

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A Comparative Analysis of the Mechanical Power from a Small LTD Heat Engine (소형 LTD 히트 엔진의 종류에 따른 기계적 출력 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Yeongmin;Kim, Wonsik;Jeong, Haejun;Chun, Wongee
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2017
  • This paper compares the output power of different types of small Stirling engines in conjunction with the utilization of low grade thermal energy. A series of experimental measurements were performed to assess the output power of each engine under different conditions of the temperature difference between the hot and cold ends as well as applied weight. Results are presented in terms of torque and output power per heat transfer area. Among tested, the MM-7 engine produced the highest power of 4.455mW ($321mW/m^2$) under a temperature difference of $40^{\circ}C$.

An First Order Approximiate Analytical Solution to Predict Qualitative Performance Characteristics of Stirling Enging (Stirling기관(機關)의 성능예측(性能豫測)을 위한 1차원(次元) 근사해석(近似解析))

  • Kim, Tae Han
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.9
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 1991
  • An approximate analytical method to predict performance characteristics of the stirling engines in a preliminary design stage was investigated. In basic equations proposed by walker, typical temperatures of working fluids in expansion and compression spaces were treated the same as those of working fluids in heater and cooler respectively. While the temperature of working fluids in the expansion space was actually lower than that of working fluids in the heater, the temperature of working fluids in the compression space was higher than that of working fluids in the cooler. The aim of this study divided typical temperatures of working fluids in expansion and compression spaces into serval grades, and than evaluated the experimental engine. As the result, the case which working fluids temperature of expansion space was treated as lower than the heater temperature and which that of compression space was treated as higher than the cooler temperature, was much closer to the experimental value.

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