This study was conducted with the subject of showing the importance of early rehabilitation and exercise therapy in patients who have stroke, of confirming the adavntage of ward exercise conducted by nurse, which had been conducted mainly by physical therapist only in physical thrapy room and of developing the exercise program as the independent rehabilitation nursing intervention. A total of 62 patients were selected as object from April, 5th, to May, 17th, 1995, who had been hospitalized in K medical center, and the half of them were assigned to Experimental group in ramdom assignment using a coin. It was ADL check list tool developed by Kang and Ward Exercise Program developed by the researcher that were used as a treatment. Ward Exercise Program was conducted by the reseacher and the physical therapist measured ADL score before and after Ward Exercise Program. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, pearson correlation, Chi-Square test and the effect of Ward Exercise Program was analyzed by t-tast. The result of this study is as follows. 1. The experimental group showed eminent improvement of ADL compared with the counter group with statistical significance. In eating(t=6.10, df=60, p=.000), personal hygiene performing(t=4.86, df=60, p=.000), wearing(t=5.86, df=60, p=.000), elimination(t=7.89, df=60, p=.000), mobility on the bed(t=13.36, df=60, p=.000), moving(t=9.11, df=60, p=.000), walking(t=7.45, df=60, p=.000) 2. There was no qualitative difference between experimental group and control group with the significance of p≤.05. 3. There was no relation between the general condition and the difference of ADL, while there was significant relation between the starting point of exercise and the difference of pre-exercise and post exercise ADL. As a result, it should be emphasized that the early rehabilitation and exercise therapy are important in patients who have stroke, and that it is necessary to extend the exercise therapy to the ward. Therefore, this Ward Exercise Program could be recommended as a independent clinical exercise nursing intervention in rehabilitation nursing of patients who have stroke.