• Title/Summary/Keyword: Statistical developing program

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A Study on the Children's Perception for Divorce.Remarriage and Resilience (이혼 및 재혼에 대한 아동의 지각과 적응 유연성)

  • Shin, Seong-Hee;Kim, Yoon-Hee
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research was to observe the children's perception for divorce remarriage and resilience according to their gender and school grades so that the relation between children's resilience and the perception for parents' divorce and remarriage could be established theoretically, practically and educationally. The subjects were 537 elementary school students who were in 4, 5, 6 grades, The data was collected by a self-administered socio-demographics and children's perceptions for divorce remarriage and resilience. The data from this research were analyzed by using SAS program. The results were as following: 1. The female students had the positive perceptions about divorce even if there was no statistical significant differences in the perception between male and female students, and the more optimistic ideas towards divorce also apply to the higher grade students rather than the lower grade ones. 2. The female students showed more positive perceptions for remarriage more than the male did. There was no statistical significant difference in the general idea about remarriage according to the school grades, but in terms of the absence of children and the financial status, the statistical significant differences existed. 3. The students' resilience was higher in the females rather than in the males and became lower with the grade. 4. There were no relations between divorce remarriage and children's resilience degrees. As mentioned above, the students' perceptions for divorce remarriage and resilience expressed differently according to genders and school grades. The result of this study can be used for the counseling and developing the programs for the families which experience divorce and remarriage.

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The Developing of Analytical Statistics System for the Efficiency of Defense Management (국방경영 효율화를 위한 분석형 통계시스템 구축)

  • Lee, Jung-Man
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2015
  • Recently, management based on statistical data has become a big issue and the importance of the statistics has been emphasized for the management innovation in the defense area. However, the Military Management based on the statistics is hard to expect because of the shortage of the statistics in the military. There are many military information systems having great many data created in real time. Since the infrastructure for gathering data form the many systems and making statistics by using gathered data is not equipped, the usage of the statistics is poor in the military. The Analytical Defense Statistics System is designed to improve effectively the defense management in this study. The new system having the sub-systems of Data Management, Analysis and Service can gather the operational data from interlocked other Defense Operational Systems and produce Defense Statistics by using the gathered data beside providing statistics services. Additionally, the special function for the user oriented statistics production is added to make new statistics by handling many statistics and data. The Data Warehouse is considered to manage the data and Online Analytical Processing tool is used to enhance the efficiency of the data handling. The main functions of the R, which is a well-known analysis program, are considered for the statistical analysis. The Quality Management Technique is applied to find the fault from the data of the regular and irregular type. The new Statistics System will be the essence of the new technology like as Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, Data Standardization and Statistics Analysis and will be helpful to improve the efficiency of the Military Management.

A Study on the Health Education Need Assessment of Rural Community (농촌지역사회의 보건교육 요구도에 관한 연구)

  • 김종우;남철현;김성우
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.97-113
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    • 2001
  • At the opening of a new millennium and a new century, health promotion and education services in Korea are in the early developmental stage. The National Health Promotion Act legislated in 1995 was a milestone for initiating a national and local health promotion program in Korea. And since then local governments and health centers have been developing and providing health promotion program for the community populations. The short history of health promotion and education in Korea has meant that local governments and health centers have a limited experience and organizational capacity for health promotion and education planing and practice. This study was attempted to measure health education need of rural community and to analyze the factors for health education need assessment. Surveyors interviewed 1250 subjects randomly selected. Subjects were 2.17% of men and women in Changnyung county and older then 20 years old. Data were collected from April 17, 2000 through April 27, 2000. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics, health educational experiences, health educational method, health educational content and health educational needs for rural community residents. The questions on the health educational needs of content consist of 36 questions in 8 fields. The statistical methods used for the analysis were X2-test, t-test, F-ratio and ANOVA using SPSS program. In conclusion, despite more needs to the respondents who are in the low education level and socioeconomic state, in the old age, in the low health knowledge, they required less health education. To enjoy a more healthy life after more community residents actively understand and are interested in health education and health promotion, we certainly require a designed and systemic health education. The resources of health department in Korea are limited and the investment involved in health promotion and health education is severely reduced. Particularly this situation is more severe in the rural community. To select and perform an effective health education methods that the nature and reality of the rural community are considered, well use the resources to invest in health promotion affairs as effectively as possible and then they will take the responsibility of healthy community.

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An Effect of Class Satisfaction and Academic Self-efficacy of Nurses Majoring in Nursing Science of Korea National Open University on Self-directed Learning Ability (방송통신대학 간호학 전공과정 간호사의 수업만족도와 학업적 자기효능감이 자기주도적 학습능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Se-Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.594-604
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    • 2016
  • This study was performed by targeting nurses majoring in nursing science of Korea National Open University in order to examine the level of their class satisfaction, academic self-efficacy and self-directed learning ability and to identify their effects on self-directed learning ability. Data was collected by targeting 231 nurses majoring in nursing science of Korea National Open University and for data analysis, technical statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed through statistical analysis program. This study revealed that there was significant correlation among the levels of participants' class satisfaction, self-directed learning ability and academic self-efficacy and it was identified that class satisfaction and self-directed learning ability affected academic self-efficacy. The findings of this study could be utilized as base data when developing a program to enhance nursing student's self-directed learning ability and it is suggested that an interventional research of analyzing validity and effectiveness of developed education program would be also required.


  • Chung, Han-Sub
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.568-575
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    • 2010
  • Flow Accelerated Corrosion is an active degradation mechanism of CANDU feeder. The tight bend downstream to Gray loc weld connection, close to reactor face, suffers significant wall thinning by FAC. Extensive in-service inspection of feeder wall thinning is very difficult because of the intense radiation field, complex geometry, and space restrictions. Development of a knowledge-based inspection program is important in order to guarantee that adequate wall thickness is maintained throughout the whole life of feeder. Research results and plant experiences are reviewed, and the plant inspection databases from Wolsong Units One to Four are analyzed in order to support developing such a knowledge-based inspection program. The initial thickness before wall thinning is highly non-uniform because of bending during manufacturing stage, and the thinning rate is non-uniform because of the mass transfer coefficient distributed non-uniformly depending on local hydraulics. It is obvious that the knowledge-based feeder inspection program should focus on both fastest thinning locations and thinnest locations. The feeder wall thinning rate is found to be correlated proportionately with QV of each channel. A statistical model is proposed to assess the remaining life of each feeder using the QV correlation and the measured thicknesses. W-1 feeder suffered significant thinning so that the shortest remaining life barely exceeded one year at the end of operation before replacement. W-2 feeder showed far slower thinning than W-1 feeder despite the faster coolant flow. It is believed that slower thinning in W-2 is because of higher chromium content in the carbon steel feeder material. The average Cr content of W-2 feeder is 0.051%, while that value is 0.02% for W-1 feeder. It is to be noted that FAC is reduced substantially even though the Cr content of W-2 feeder is still very low.

Genetic Function Approximation and Bayesian Models for the Discovery of Future HDAC8 Inhibitors

  • Thangapandian, Sundarapandian;John, Shalini;Lee, Keun-Woo
    • Interdisciplinary Bio Central
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.15.1-15.11
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    • 2011
  • Background: Histone deacetylase (HDAC) 8 is one of its family members catalyzes the removal of acetyl groups from N-terminal lysine residues of histone proteins thereby restricts transcription factors from being expressed. Inhibition of HDAC8 has become an emerging and effective anti-cancer therapy for various cancers. Application computational methodologies may result in identifying the key components that can be used in developing future potent HDAC8 inhibitors. Results: Facilitating the discovery of novel and potential chemical scaffolds as starting points in the future HDAC8 inhibitor design, quantitative structure-activity relationship models were generated with 30 training set compounds using genetic function approximation (GFA) and Bayesian algorithms. Six GFA models were selected based on the significant statistical parameters calculated during model development. A Bayesian model using fingerprints was developed with a receiver operating characteristic curve cross-validation value of 0.902. An external test set of 54 diverse compounds was used in validating the models. Conclusions: Finally two out of six models based on their predictive ability over the test set compounds were selected as final GFA models. The Bayesian model has displayed a high classifying ability with the same test set compounds and the positively and negatively contributing molecular fingerprints were also unveiled by the model. The effectively contributing physicochemical properties and molecular fingerprints from a set of known HDAC8 inhibitors were identified and can be used in designing future HDAC8 inhibitors.

The development of a taste education program for preschoolers and evaluation of a program by parents and childcare personnel

  • Shon, Choengmin;Park, Young;Ryou, Hyunjoo;Na, Woori;Choi, Kyungsuk
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.466-473
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    • 2012
  • The change in people's dietary life has led to an increase in an intake of processed foods and food chemicals, raising awareness about taste education for preschoolers whose dietary habits start to grow. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction of parents and childcare personnel after developing a taste education program and demonstrating it in class. A part of the curriculum developed by Piusais and Pierre was referred for the program. After educating 524 preschoolers in child care facilities in Seoul, a satisfaction survey was conducted on the program. The data in this study were analyzed using SPSS 14.0. Statistical analysis was conducted based on the frequency after collecting the data. Mean ± SD used to determine satisfaction with taste education, with preferences marked on a five-point scale and the alpha was set at 0.05. The program includes five teachers' guides with subjects of sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness and harmony of flavor, and ten kinds of teaching tools. For the change in parents' recognition of the need for taste education based on five-point scale, the average of 4.06±0.62 before the program has significantly increased to 4.32±0.52 (P < 0.01). Regarding the change in the preferences for sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and bitterness, the average has increased to 3.83±0.61, 3.62±0.66, 3.64±0.66, and 3.56±0.75 respectively. In an evaluation of instructors in child care facilities, the average scores for education method, education effect, education contents and nutritionists, and teaching tools were at 4.15±0.63, 3.91±0.50, 4.18±0.50, and 3.80±0.56 respectively. In addition, the need for a continuous taste education scored 4.42±0.67. This program has created a positive change in preschoolers' dietary life, therefore the continuation and propagation of the taste education program should be considered.

Assessing Relative Importance of Operational Factors for School Breakfast Program using Conjoint Analysis (컨조인트 분석을 이용한 학교아침급식 운영 속성 및 수준의 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Pil-Soon;Lee, Min-A;Yang, Ii-Sun;Cha, Sung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.621-632
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were as follows. First is to compare the importance of operational factors to determine types of school breakfast program, and second is to do the preference analysis of operation-related people depending on the attributes and levels of the operation of school breakfast program. The questionnaires developed for this study were distributed to 134 school dietitians, 114 school foodservice officials at the educational board, 68 staff members of foodservice contractors and 493 parents. Statistical data analyses were performed using SPSS/WIN 12.0 for descriptive statistics and conjoint analysis. The conjoint design was applied to evaluate the hypothetical foodservice types. According to the analysis on the attributes and levels of the school breakfast operation, the relative importance of each attribute was as followsprice (36.30%), menu (29.60%), foodservice staff (22.54%), serving type (11.55%) to school dietitians, price (34.99%), menu (28.15%), foodservice staff (23.52%), serving type (13.35%) to school foodservice officials at the educational board, menu (30.55%), price (30.24%), foodservice staff (28.75%), serving type (10.47%) to staff members of foodservice contractors and price (36.34%), menu (29.73%), foodservice staff (21.01%), serving type (12.92%) to parents. The results of the conjoint analysis indicated that the school dietitians and school foodservice officials at the educational board preferred the school breakfast operation program with 3 traditional menus and 2 convenience menus per 5 day, 13 foodservice staff, with a price range of 15012000won, and tray serving. Staff members of foodservice contractors preferred the school breakfast operation program with 3 traditional menus and 2 convenience menus per 5 day, 13 foodservice staff, with a price range of 25013000won, and tray serving. Parents preferred the school breakfast operation with 5 traditional menus per 5 day, 67 foodservice staff, with a price range of 25013000won, and tray serving. About a half of school dietitians considered that elementary schools were appropriate for the suggested school breakfast operation program. But, 68.2% of school foodservice officials at the educational board, 69.1% of staff members of foodservice contractors, and 38.1% of parents considered high schools to be the suitable model. Therefore, it indicated the need to recognize the different opinions among breakfast operation-related people and take these factors into consideration in developing the school breakfast program.

A study of the multicomponent therapeutic recreation function intervention strategy by analysis on the operating condition of the cognitive rehabilitation program in dementia care center

  • Moon-Sook Lee;Byung-Jun Cho;Jae-Sik Yang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted with 50 elderly people each (5) participating in the cognitive rehabilitation treatment program at the Dementia Care Center in D City to derive the development direction and contents of a multidimensional therapeutic recreation program and a revitalization plan through analysis of the current status and actual conditions of the cognitive rehabilitation program at the Dementia Care Center. aperture) was selected, and 9 people were selected as the subject of expert group opinion collection. The collected data was SPSS ver. Using the 18.0 statistical program, descriptive statistics and the importance and priority of each component were analyzed by hierarchical structure analysis. First, unlike the needs of users, the cognitive rehabilitation support programs currently being provided are not sufficient and require considerable experience. It was found to be low, and the areas for improvement were the expansion of care and protection facilities and the development of various programs to meet the needs of users. Second, the importance and priority of each component of therapeutic recreation were categorized into 6 major categories: exercise therapy , middle category (16 items) behavior-centered approach to exercise therapy, small category (47 items) strength and brain gymnastics, and silver health gymnastics were the highest. This result shows that a multidimensional program plan that considers the priorities of each area must be made when developing a therapeutic recreation program.

Optimization of Roasted Perilla Leaf Tea Using Response Surface Methodology (반응표면분석을 이용한 들깨잎차 볶음처리의 최적화)

  • Han, Ho-Suk;Park, Jung-Hye;Choi, Hee-Jin;Sung, Tae-Su;Woo, Hi-Seob;Choi, Cheong
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.96-106
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    • 2004
  • Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied in roasting processes of perilla leaves to develop a high quality perilla leaf tea. The Hunter color parameters and electron donating ability were monitored to optimize organoleptic properties of perilla leaf tea. The roasting processes were based on the central composite design with primary variables-roasting temperature (140220C), time (525), and reaction variables-sensory test, electron donating ability. From the variables, the roasting condition was optimized using statistical analysis system (SAS) program as developing the functional tea using perilla leaf. Hunter color L and b values of the powdered samples increased with the roasting processes, but Hunter color a value decreased. Electron donating ability was influenced by roasting temperature (p<0.01) and time (p<0.01), and optimum condition selected was at 220C for 15 min with coefficient of determinations (R2) above 0.98. After preference test of perilla leaf tea using parameter of taste, color, and flavor, we can estimate that the optimal roasting condition of preilla leaf for function tea manufacturing are 210220C for 1020 min by response surface methodology (RSM). Tyrosinase, xanthine oxidase and electron donating ability were 10.14, 14.37 and 59.19% of perilla leaf tea.