• Title/Summary/Keyword: Statistical developing program

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AIDS-related Knowledge, Attitudes and AIDS-Education Needs of Male Workers in Seoul and Kyungki areas (성인 남성 직장인의 AIDS 관련 지식, 태도 및 보건교육 요구도 조사 -서울, 경기 일부 지역을 중심으로-)

  • 전미경;김초강;진기남
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1999
  • AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) known as 20th century's pest is spreading rapidly internationally, and the number of patients are increasing. Since the prevention vaccine has not been developed yet, the only available effective method for preventing AIDS is the health education. Most of the AIDS-infected persons are males, and especially over twenties of age. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the knowledge and attitudes on AIDS of male workers. The purpose of this study is to examine the knowledge, attitudes and education-needs of male workers on AIDS. The data were collected by a questionnaire survey of 977 workers who work in Seoul and Kyungki areas from September 1 thru October 4, 1997. The results were as follows: 1. We examined the level of knowledge on AIDS transmission, symptoms, diagnoses, and prevention methods. Even though respondents had a moderate level of AIDS-related knowledge, still sizable numbers believed that AIDS could be transmitted through casual contact. White-collar workers, higher education groups, higher income groups or those with age thirties showed respectively higher level of knowledge than the other comparison groups. 2. 85% of the respondents recognized AIDS as a serious problem. Statistical analysis revealed that white-collar workers, higher education groups or those with age twenties had more positive attitudes towards a AIDS patient than their counterparts. 3. Over 80% of the respondents replied that AIDS education in schools, work places, social agencies or by mass-media was necessary. 62.8% of the respondents mentioned that government should play the major role in developing AIDS education program. 4. The prediction model of AIDS-education needs was examined with using the multiple logistic regression method. The education level and AIDS-related knowledge were turned to be statistically significant factors influencing positively the perceived needs of AIDS education.

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Evaluation of Correlation between Aggregate Gradation and Dynamic Modulus with Statistical Analysis (통계분석을 통한 골재입도와 동탄성계수 상관도 평가)

  • Lee, Kwan-Ho;Cho, Kyung-Rae;Lee, Byung-Sik
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2008
  • In recent, lots of researches for mechanical-empirical design concept for asphalt pavement are on going. AASHTO 2002 Design Guide in USA and KPRP(Korean Pavement Research Program) in Korea are under developing. In these programs, the mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt are a key role for design and analysis. Unfortunately, there is no proper database on the mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt, such as dynamic modulus. The use of dynamic modulus has couple of good advantages which is based on temperature, traffic loading and frequency on pavement. In this research, the verification of the relationship between maximum nominal aggregate size and dynamic modulus has been carried out. Also, test specimen size effect on dynamic modulus has been conducted. Considering the limitation of laboratory testing machine in Korea, test specimen with 100mm diameter and 150mm height is recommended for dynamic modulus test. Also, as the maximum nominal aggregate size increases, the dynamic modulus of hot mix asphalt increases.

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Development of Management Information System of Rural Environmental Resources (농촌환경자원의 정보관리시스템 구축)

  • Rhee, Sang-Young;Kim, Sang-Bum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.13 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2007
  • The first theme of this study is to preserve and manage rural multi-functionality resource Information. This study is to suggest the method that can irradiate rural multi-functionality resource Information efficiently and constructively. GIS uses PDA and Tablet PC as an investigation tool and verifies the outcome of the development in the investigation system. This study enhanced the mobility function of PDA by installing recording system and camera to the PDA. Also, Using GPS has been ensured scientific precision and realism to the investigation. Direct input on spot can save time, cost and minimize human error by simplifying the investigation process. Database is composed of characters like scale, form, location, distance, resident's opinion and image of 37 resources. The survey system was applied in 170 villages and got a total of 12,270 resources data. Management system should be easy to input and output the surveyed information and to get reports in any kind of form ( i.e. final result can be produced as a map). By utilizing of the Rural Resource information system, the study made a simulation to compare the target areas before and after. Also, digitalized investigation system, minimized re-input and reprocessing of data and enabled to simplify and standardize the process than memorandum investigation. Data collected through digital system could offer people useful information by Web-GIS. It was need to specify practical way in decision-making and a way to measure the value of resources to align with the regional plan. Also, need to keep on developing statistical data and application program that can connect us to present the best solution to support regional planning. Therefore, quality of data is very important. Finally, it is very important to develop various programs to analyze space md rural resource by monitoring rural environment.

Analyses of the Non-Examinees' Characteristics for the Effective Health Screening Management (효율적 건강검진관리를 위한 미수검자의 특성 분석 - 건강보험 지역 가입자 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ae-Kyung;Lee, Sun-Mi;Park, Il-Su
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.54-72
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted as the primary work to develop a customer relationship management (CRM) system to improve the performance of health screening programs. The specific aims of the study was to identify and classify the characteristics of the people who did not receive their health screening using decision trees and to propose management strategies according to their characteristics identified. The data on a total of 5,102,761 subjects of health screening provided by the National Health Insurance Program in the year of 2002 were used. The target variable was whether they underwent their health screening. The input variables included a total of 27. The SAS 9.1 version was used for data preprocessing and statistical analyses. SAS Enterprise Miner was used to develop the decision trees model. The decision trees identified the factors greatly affecting the health screening. In the non-disease group, the highest rate of non-examinees was characterized by: no experience of receiving a health screen, household's age, non-insured episode for the last one year, and patients' age. In the disease group, the one showing the highest rate of non-examinees was characterized by: no experience of receiving a health screening, no experience of going to public health center or midwife clinic for the last one year, and examinees' age. Developing CRM systems for health screening management taking into account the individual characteristics would be considerably helpful to increase the rate of receiving health screening.

Effect about Medical Tourism's Choice Attributes of Involvement on the Hallyu (한류관여도의 의료관광속성에 관한 영향)

  • Lee, Jong-Joo;Jung, Min-Eui
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.463-475
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    • 2014
  • Medical tourism which is considered a new growth engine of the 21th century has been rapidly developing in the both quantity and quality. However, medical tourism products offered by our country are not enough to be differentiated according to the need of medical tourists. This study tried to search for the solutions in the medical tourism attributes. This confirmed whether the involvement of Hallyu(Korean wave) which has been growing steadily since 2000 affects medical tourism or not. For these purposes, there were 5 hypotheses set and empirical analysis was conducted through a survey. SPSS 20.0 statistical program was used for the empirical analysis and the established hypotheses were all adopted as a result of verification. It was thus confirmed that the involvement of Hanrye affected medical tourism attributes, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Also, medical tourism attributes affected satisfaction and behavioral intentions.

A Study on Foot Shape of Women (성인 여성의 발 형태 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 서추연;석은영
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study were to analyze the anthropometric data of feet of Korean women with aging, to categorize the women's foot shapes, and to compare the shoe size according to the foot shapes in order to provide the basic information for more comfortable shoes. Subjects of this study were 181 women over age 20. They were measured with the direct measurement method and the indirect measurement method. 26 items were measured from the right foot and 6 items were taken on foot outline. Factor analysis, cluster analysis, analysis of variance, post-hoc test, and cross tabs were peformed for statistical analysis of the data by SPSS program. There were significant differences in height items, breadth items, girth items, and angle items by subjects' age. The older subjects' feet were wide and thick with big deformity on toes. The arch height of the older ones was low. This implicates that the degree of deformity on toes, the foot ratio, the foot girth, the foot breath and the arch height as well as the foot length are needed to be considered in developing comfortable shoes. Nine foot construction factors were extracted by the factor analysis of anthropometric measurements; foot size factor, heel and instep factor, malleolus lateralis factor, malleolus medialis factor, foot shape factor, shape of toes factor, heel height factor, big toe height factor, and internal factor. On the basis of the cluster analysis, three different foot shapes were categorized. Type 1 was large and wide foot with little deformity on little toe. Type 2 was medium foot with deformation of big toe, and with the lowest arch height. Type 3 was small and narrow foot with the highest arch height. Distribution of shoe size according to the foot shape was analyzed. The ball of foot breath was of wide distribution than the ball of foot girth. This implicates that girth items and breath items of the foot should be enclosed for the same foot length in the shoe sizing system.

A Study for Developing the Effective Working Pattern for Nurses in Shift Work (교대근무 간호사의 효율적인 근무형태 개발을 위한 실태조사)

  • Park, Young Woo;Shin, Hae Kyung;Lee, Hyun Sim;Lee, Hye Young;Kim, Eun Hyun;Park, Jeong Sook;Oh, Kyung Hwan;Jeong, Mi Ae;Mun, Kyung Hee
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.333-344
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to provide baseline data to develop work patterns for nurses that are suitable to Korean hospitals. Shift work patterns and nurses' preferences for working condition were examined. Methods: Questionnaires for nurse departments and nurses were mailed to 478 hospitals from June 1 to July 30, 2012. Nurse departments of 174 hospitals and 1,409 nurses responded to the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical program. Results: Of the nurses, 89.4% were working three shifts. Of the hospitals, 17.3% had implemented fixed night work. Although 80% of nurses preferred fixed time work, only 24.9% of hospitals had fixed working hours. Of the nurses, 57% agreed with night work as fixed but potential night nurses accounted for only 17% of the respondents. Sixty-three percent of the nurses agreed on short time work during busy hours. There were preference differences according to age, marital status and clinical career. Conclusion: As many nurses reported a preference for various flexible working patterns rather than three shift work, there is a need for new decisions on hospital policy to ensure improved working conditions for nurses and enhanced job security. Legal requirements also need to be considered for various work patterns.

A Review of Studies on Leadership in Nursing Organization (간호조직에서의 리더십에 관한 논문 고찰)

  • Park, Young-Joo;Seomun, Gyeong-Ae;Lim, Ji-Young;Kim, In-A
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.311-322
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The objective of this literature review study was to identify patterns and trends of studies on leadership among nurse managers in nursing organization and suggest the direction of future researches. Methods: Research Studies on the leadership were selected from thesis and related journals, which had been conducted from 1975 to 2006.5. Search Terminologies were used "leadership". The Total number of the collected studies were 69. Results: The number of studies on leadership has been increased rapidly since 1990's. In research design, Quantitative studies were 68 except for a Qualitative study. Correlation research were 45(65.2%) among quantitative studies. Conceptual frameworks, research questions and hypotheses were involved 31.9%, 98.6%, 31.9%. In subject, General nurse is 46.4%, Head nurse and General nurse was 23.2% and Head nurse is 2.9%. All the studies used questionnaire in data collection method. Measurement tools were used 50% for Bass' MLQ(MLQ-5X). For the statistical analysis, Correlation, ANOVA, t-test were used for 20.3%, 17.4%, 10.5% respectively. The number of leadership related variables were work-related, organization-related, personal recognition or attitude, empowerment, personality. The sub-variables were used for 31 Job satisfaction. Further studies were suggested the develop of leadership program, measurement for the effect of leadership, repeated studies on leadership, the development of measurement about leadership. Conclusion: These results will be used to provide the basic data for developing leadership theory on nursing organization.

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Study of Clothing Purchase Behavior and Fit of Middle and Elderly Women (중.노년층 여성들의 의복 구매 행동과 맞음새에 관한 연구)

  • Row, Young;Park, Jae-Ok
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.214-229
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to find strategic methods of quality management for customer satisfaction when developing clothing for middle and elderly women. For this study was middle and elderly women who were living in Seoul and Kyonggi-do. SPSS 11.5 statistical program was used for data analysis and to conduct factor analysis, reliability verification, paired-sample t-test, frequency analysis and percentage. The result were as follows; First, middle and elderly women's behavioral characteristic in purchasing clothing, the average price of formal suit was 700 thousand won and the time for purchasing was less than 3 months. They tended to purchase mostly by themselves on their own, and they purchase their own formal suit. Second, The body parts that influence the fit the most are in the order of waist circumference, shoulder width, chest circumference. Third, Regarding the difference of importance and satisfaction on the fit by body part that the middle and elderly women by body part, there was no significant different in neck circumference and shoulder swerve. Overweighing middle and elderly women showed difference in importance and satisfaction on all body parts. Underweighing middle-aged to aged women showed a significant difference in importance and satisfaction in the order of circumference of hips. Fourth, middle-aged women in 50s showed higher importance than satisfaction in the order of waist circumference, and elderly women in 60s should higher importance than satisfaction in rise length, jacket length. Aged women in 70s and above should significant difference only in the height of collar.

A Convergence Study on the Factors Influencing Health-related Quality of Life in the Elderly Health Behavior (노인들의 보건행태가 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 융합연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of the Convergence study is to identify the factors of health-related quality of life for the elderly and provide the basic data needed to improve the quality of life for the elderly. The objects of the study were 1,367 people aged 65 or older living in Korea out of the original data for the 7th National Health and Nutrition Survey by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Year 2017). Multiple regression analyses was performed by using the SPSS/PC 21.0 statistical program for the purpose of the study. According to the study, mental health and then physical activity were the most influential factors in health-related quality of life. Based on these results, we found that health education is highly important to provide customized health care services and to build the correct lifestyle in order to improve the quality of health-related life. Therefore, follow-up research is needed to identify the effectiveness of developing and applying diverse programs to enhance mental health and physical activity of the elderly in the future.