• Title/Summary/Keyword: Statistical Decision Making

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Modified Structural Modeling Method and Its Application: Behavior Analysis of Passengers for East Japan Railway Company

  • Nagata, Kiyoshi;Umezawa, Masashi;Amagasa, Michio;Sai, Fuyume
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2008
  • In order to cope with the ill-defined problem of human behavior being immanent uncertainty, several methodologies have been studied in game theoretic, social psychological and political science frameworks. As methods to arrange system elements systematically and draw out the consenting structural model concretively, ISM, FSM and DEMATEL based on graph theory etc. have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a modified structural modeling method to recognize the nature of problem. We introduce the statistical method to adjust the establishment levels in group decision situation. From this, it will become possible to obtain effectively and smoothly the structural model of group members in comparison with the traditional methods. Further we propose a procedure for achieving the consenting structural model of group members based on the structural modeling method. By applying the method to recognize the nature of ill-defined problems, it will be possible to solve the given problem effectively and rationally. In order to inspect the effectiveness of the method, we conduct a practical problem as an empirical study: "Behavior analysis of passengers for the Joban line of East Japan Railway Company after new railway service of Tsukuba Express opened".

A Study on Simplified Evaluation for Renewable Energy based Combination System in School - Considering the Size of Classroom and Capital Cost - (학교건물의 신·재생에너지기반 복합시스템 간이평가 기법 연구 - 학급규모와 투자비 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Yeon
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2013
  • Schools are one of favorable public buildings for Renewable Energy(RE) systems due to site conditions and their energy demand profiles(e.g. daytime-based use of hot water and heating/cooling). Although the government encourages schools to be equipped with RE systems, the adoption of RE systems in existing energy supply systems faces technical and financial barriers. For example, when installing a RE-based combination system(RECS) to meet the energy demand at various school scales, identifying cost effective combination of capacities of the RECS is not trivial since it usually requires technically intensive work including detailed simulation and demand/supply analysis with extensive data. This kind of simulation-based approaches is hardly implementable in practice. To address this, a simpler and applicable decision-supporting method is suggested in this study. This paper presents a simplified model in support of decision-making for optimal capacities of RECS within given budget scales and schools sizes. The proposed model was derived from detailed simulation results and statistical data. Using this model, the optimal capacities of RECS can be induced from the number of classes in a school.

A comparative study on validity of AHP and conjoint analysis: a case of cosmetics preference (계층적 의사결정과 컨조인트 분석의 타당성 비교: 화장품 선호 사례 조사)

  • Lee, Ji Hye;Jeong, Hyeong Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.921-933
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we consider the comparisons of the personal preferences of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and conjoint analysis (CA) which contain very relatively small number of alternatives. However, a direct performance comparison is not easy because these two methods have a much different process to achieve the final decision. Therefore, we adopt a validity and reference method with empirical case study for cosmetics preference of female college students. In case study, conjoint analysis has the merit of measuring internal validity; however, AHP has the merit of measuring predictive validity.

Application Scheme of Hybrid Data Mining for Fused Data in Statistical Survey (통계조사에서의 퓨전된 자료에 대한 하이브리드 데이터마이닝의 적용 방안)

  • Park, Hee-Chang;Cho, Kwang-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.399-411
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    • 2008
  • Today, the statistical survey has been carried out variously for the decision-making and administration of the organization. We use the different items in the statistical survey according to the purpose of study. Currently, Gyeongnam province is executing the social index survey to the provincials every year. But, this survey has the limit of the analysis as execution of the different survey per 3 year cycles. The solution for this problem is data fusion technique. Data fusion is generally defined as the use of techniques that collect to combine data including multiple sources in order to raise the quality of information. But, data fusion doesn't mean the ultimate result. Therefor, efficient analysis for the fused data is also important. In this study, we suggest the application methodology of neural network by latent variable through the fused data in statistical survey.

Analysis on the Characteristics of Urban Decline Using GIS and Spatial Statistical Method : The Case of Gwangju Metropolitan City (GIS와 공간통계기법을 활용한 도시쇠퇴 특성 분석 - 광주광역시를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Mun-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.424-438
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    • 2016
  • In an effort to prevent urban decline and hollowing-out phenomenon and to vitalize stagnant local economy, a new urban regeneration paradigm is on the rise. This study aims to analyze urban decline characteristics using the spatial statistical method and GIS on the basis of decline standards in the Urban Regeneration Special Act, and spatial autocorrelation technique. The Gwangju Metropolitan City was set as a research target, and the decline standards in the Urban Regeneration Special Act - population reduction, business declines, and outworn buildings - were applied as the indicator to secure the objectivity. In particular, this study has a distinctive feature from the other existing ones, as applying GIS and the spatial statistical technique, in a sense to make urban decline characteristics analysis by the spatial autocorrelation technique. The overall analysis procedure was carried out by applying the standards of designating urban regeneration regions, and following the spatial exploratory procedure step by step. Therefore, the spatial statistical method procedure and the urban decline characteristics analysis data being presented in this study, as the results, are expected to contribute to the urban decline diagnosis at the level of metropolitan city, as well as to provide useful information for spatial decision making in accordance with urban regeneration.

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A Study on Factors Influencing Medical Treatment Decision-Making for Overactive Bladders in Female Patients over 40 - Data from Clinical Trial Participants - (40세 이상 과민성방광 여성 환자의 의료이용 결정요인에 관한 연구 - 임상시험 참여자를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, In-Suk;Kim, Dong-Il;Choi, Min-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine associated factors affecting the utilization of Medical Care for an overactive bladder. Methods: Total 114 women with overactive bladder participated in this study. Patients were categorized in two groups, the patients with treatment experiences for an overactive bladder(n=40) and without treatment experiences for an overactive bladder(n=74). Patients completed Overactive Bladder Severity Score, Beck Depression Inventory, King's Health Questionnaire, and questionnaires on treatment experience. The results were analysed using SPSS for Windows 12.0k. All statistical tests were two-sided with a p-value < 0.05 being significant. Results: Patients with treatment experience had a greater score on KHQ, OABSS, BDI and had longer symptom duration period than those without treatment experience. And only Impact of Life(P=0.004), Role Limitation(P=0.004), Social Limitation(P=0.007), Emotion(P=0.035), Sleep/Energy(P=0.001), Incontinence Severity Measures(P=0.012) among KHQ domains were statistically significant difference between two groups. Conclusions: The most influencing factor associated with utilization of Medical Service in overactive bladder is the impact of the patient's quality of life.

More effective application of importance-performance analysis in the case of cyber lecture (중요도-실행도 분석의 효율적 활용에 대한 연구 - 온라인 수능강의에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Pak, Ro-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.329-338
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    • 2009
  • The importance performance analysis is a simple and condensed analytic method for decision making based on the level of performance or satisfaction. Many researches already have witnessed usefulness of the importance performance analysis, but it also has some drawbacks from the statistical points of view. In this article, some additional techniques dealing the importance performance analysis are introduced and it is shown that these techniques would turn out to be very informative. The importance performance analysis uses the arithmetic average as the main statistic, but by the use of the median, the frequency and the cluster analysis it is shown that the importance performance analysis can be carried out with more crucial information. In addtion to that, it is demonstrated that the combination of the analytic hierarchy process and importance performance analysis could enable more reliable decision making.

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Analysis of Crane Accidents by Using a Man-Machine System Model (인간-기계 시스템 모델에 의한 크레인 사망재해 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Hee;Park, Tae-Joo;Lim, Hyun-Kyo;Seo, Eun-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.22 no.2 s.80
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2007
  • As the need of handling heavy materials increases, various cranes are used in industries. However, the effectiveness of crane also entails industrial accidents such as falling, constriction etc. In fact, the number of fatal accidents caused by crane is still high in Korea. To find out the causes of the accidents in terms of human error, we developed a man-machine system model that consists of two axes; human information processing and crane life cycle. In the human information processing dimension, we simplified it as five functions; sensing and perception, decision making and memory, response etc. In the crane life cycle dimension, we divided it into nine phases; design, production, operation etc. For the 152 fatal accident records during 1999-2006 years, we classified them into 45 cells made by two axes. Then we identified the preceding causes of the classified crane accident based on performance shaping factors. As the results of statistical analysis, the overall trend of crane fatal accidents was described. For the cause analysis, wrong decision making in work plan phase shows the highest frequency. Next, the poor information input in crane operation followed in accident frequency. In ergonomics view, the problems of interface design in displays and controls made 11.8% of fatal accidents. Following the analysis, several ergonomic design guidelines to prevent crane accidents were suggested.

An Empirical Study on the Fitness between Manufacturing Technology Strategy and product Structure - Based on Korean Electric and Electronic Industry - (제품구조와 생산기술간의 적합성에 관한 실증적 연구 - 우리나라 전기 . 전자산업을 중심으로 -)

  • 이경환;임재화
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 1992.12a
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    • pp.119-155
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    • 1992
  • Traditionally, the target of manufaturing technology strategy was derived in a efficiency, cost and productivity. So most activities of the manufacturing brought focus into the engineering technology, equipments and research and improvement of new products to maximize the efficiency. As a resell of this legacy, most of the activities of manufacturing has been executed on the method of quality improvement, development of new equipment to incense the efficiency and the research of materials for new products. Those trends, however overlook the operation management activities which is very important as a assets in competitive strategy. But the market enviornment of morden manufacturing companies faced to the uncertainty and complexity. So they need capability of competition which requires new concept of manufacturing technology strategy to grasp the competitive advantages. In this point of view, this paper deal with the empirical study in korean manufacturing technology strategy of the electic and electronic industry. For the empirical study, check list was made to survey the 98 manufacturing companies. The analysis procedures are as below. First, identify the manufacturing technology group an product structure group by each variable. Second manufacturing technology variables are segmented into product technology and vertical integration, suborder and infrastructure, to analyse the decision making pattern which derive the strategy groups. Third, by the fitness analysis between product structure group and manufacturing technology group, the economic results of a growth rate of sale and a profit rate of sale are tested. In this approach, fitness analysis between product structure group and manufacturing technology group show, as a whole, the no significant values in economic results of the company. But investigating the statistical values shows the trend that econmic result of the complany is somewhat higher when the degree of fitness of manufacturing technology strategy by product structure has high value. Concluding the remarks, the competitive advantages of company lies not in the efficiency of manufacturing systems but in the way of the structure and decision making pattern of the manufacturing system. And the cons i stoney between strategy target and manufacturing technology strategy, and the consistency of manufacturing technology strategy and product structure are the term of competitive advantages.

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Customers and Administrators' Attitudes Concerning Operation Format in University Foodservices (대학급식소 운영체제에 대한 소비자와 학교당국의 태도)

  • Gwak, Dong-Gyeong;Jang, Hye-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.92-104
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    • 1996
  • Contract Managed foodservice has been expanded rapidly in university foodservice operations. The purposes of this study were to examine customers and administrators' preference concerning operation format, the decision making components for operation format, and administrators' attitudes concerning contract managed and self-operated foodservice. Two types of questionnaires were developed and implemented. Customer and administrator's questionnaires were distributed to 900 university students and 27 administrators respectively, and 831 customers and 24 administrators were responded with a response rate of 92.3% and 88.8% respectively. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SPSS programs for descriptive analysis, $x^2$-test, ANOVA, and T-test. The results of this study can be summarized as follows 1. In deciding foodservice operation format, the components customers considered were the ability to provide variety of meal items, aesthetic and safe food(62.6%), the ability to provide a food with competetive low price(22.1%), and the ability to provide adequate service and nutrition information. On the contrary, the components administrators considered were the ability to provide variety of meal items, aesthetic and safe food(66.7%), the ability to relieve administrators of managerial burden of the foodservice operation(12.5%), and the ability to invest facility(8.3%). 2. The average score of attitude on contracted and self-operated management activities were 3.41, 3.10 respectively. University administrators evaluated that contractors performed financial management activities more effectively. 3. University administrators with contracted or self-operated foodservice favored their own current operation format.

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