Modified Structural Modeling Method and Its Application: Behavior Analysis of Passengers for East Japan Railway Company

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


In order to cope with the ill-defined problem of human behavior being immanent uncertainty, several methodologies have been studied in game theoretic, social psychological and political science frameworks. As methods to arrange system elements systematically and draw out the consenting structural model concretively, ISM, FSM and DEMATEL based on graph theory etc. have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a modified structural modeling method to recognize the nature of problem. We introduce the statistical method to adjust the establishment levels in group decision situation. From this, it will become possible to obtain effectively and smoothly the structural model of group members in comparison with the traditional methods. Further we propose a procedure for achieving the consenting structural model of group members based on the structural modeling method. By applying the method to recognize the nature of ill-defined problems, it will be possible to solve the given problem effectively and rationally. In order to inspect the effectiveness of the method, we conduct a practical problem as an empirical study: "Behavior analysis of passengers for the Joban line of East Japan Railway Company after new railway service of Tsukuba Express opened".



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