• Title/Summary/Keyword: Start-up women

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A Study on the Effects of Support Service of Gyeonggi-do Cultural Contents Area Business Incubating Center on Corporate Performance: Focusing on the Business Validity of Business Start-Up Items (경기도 문화콘텐츠분야 창업보육센터 지원서비스가 입주기업 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 창업아이템의 사업타당성을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Dae Ung;Lee, Il han;Son, Jong Seo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2017
  • As the recent cultural contents area start-ups are creating remarkable outcomes such as investment attraction together with the reinforced institutional supports from the government, this study aimed to reverify the significance of researches related to correlation analysis between service of Business Incubating Center of Small & Medium Business Administration operated with no separation of business type, and corporate performance, in the aspect of Business Incubating Center in cultural contents area, and also to suggest the importance of establishing the business incubating system in the systematic and rational cultural contents area through the differentiated business incubating service by verifying the significant effects of the business validity of items on corporate performance, and then discovering services suitable for business incubating in cultural contents area, targeting Gyeonggi-do cultural contents area Business Incubating Center recently showing the biggest growth. Especially, contrary to the existing researches, in order to verify the characteristics of Gyeonggi-do Cultural Contents Business Incubating Center, the personal support service and marketing support service were included. It also aimed to understand the effects of the business validity of start-up items on corporate performance. Summarizing the results of this study, contrary to the results of the existing researches saying that spatial & additional support service, management support service, technical support service, personal support service, and marketing support service had significant effects on corporate performance, among the support service of Gyeonggi-do cultural contents area Business Incubating Center, the spatial & additional support service, personal support service, and marketing support service had significantly positive(+) effects on corporate performance while the management support service and technical support service had no significant effects on it. Comparing with the results of the researches on the support service of Business Incubating Center(BI) of Small & Medium Business Administration, the effects of the management support service and technical support service of Gyeonggi-do cultural contents area Business Incubating Center on corporate financial/non-financial performance were not huge. Also, in the results of analyzing the business validity of star-up items, the spatial & additional support service, management support service, and technical support service did not have significant effects on the business validity of start-up items while the personal support service and marketing support service had significantly positive(+) effects on it. In case when selecting companies, Gyeonggi-do Business Incubating Center emphasized the business validity of start-up items. However, the support service provided after the selection did not have huge effects on the business validity of start-up items. Lastly, in the results of analyzing the effects of the business validity of start-up items in Gyeonggi-do cultural contents area on corporate performance, among the success factors of business start-up, the business validity of start-up items was an important element having effects on corporate performance(financial/non-financial) in the cultural contents area.

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Delphi Analysis for Experts to Develop an Assessment Index for Women's Entrepreneurship Support Programs (여성창업 지원사업 평가지표 개발을 위한 전문가 대상 델파이 분석)

  • Kim Heung-Hee;Kim Yun-Hwan;Kim Moon-Sook;Ju Young-Mi;Kim Dae-Geun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2024
  • This paper is a study on the "Development of Assessment Index for Women's Entrepreneurship support programs." This research highlights the absence of specific assessment indicators for selecting women-led enterprises in women's entrepreneurship support programs, thereby illuminating the limitations of current evaluation methods. It emphasizes the necessity for effective indicators to more successfully select women entrepreneurs and enterprises. The study derives numerous success factors for women's entrepreneurial ventures from prior research and develops a more likely to succeed assessment index for women-led enterprises using the Delphi methodology and collaboration with expert panels. The result is a new assessment index reflecting the characteristics of women entrepreneurs, expected to overcome the limitations of existing selection methods and contribute to enhancing social support and policy development for women-led enterprises.

Cervical Cancer Screening: Recommendations for Muslim Societies

  • Khodakarami, Nahid;Farzaneh, Farah;Yavari, Parvin;Akbari, Mohamad Esmaeil
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2016
  • Background: The overall cervical cancer incidence rate is low in Iran; however, because of a higher risk of death for cervical cancer, a disease that kills women in middle age, a cervical cancer control program is needed. The aim of this study was to provide consensus recommendation for cervical cancer prevention in Iran and other Muslim societies with low incidences of cervical cancer. Materials and Methods: Through a practical guideline development cycle, we developed six questions that were relevant to produce the recommendation. We reviewed 190 full text records of cervical cancer in Iran (1971 to 2013) of which 13 articles were related to the data needed to answer the recommendation questions. We also reviewed World Health Organization, IARC, GLOBOCAN report, Iran Ministry of Health cancer registry report and 8 available foreign countries guidelines. Lastly, we also evaluated the Pap smear results of 825 women who participated in the Iranian HPV survey, of whom 328 were followed-up after a 5-year interval. Results: The obtained data highlighted the burden of HPV and cervical cancer situation in Iran. Experts emphasized the necessity of a cervical cancer screening program for Iranian women, and recommended an organized screening program with a cytological evaluation (Pap smear) that would start at the age of 30 years, repeated every 5 years, and end at the age of 69 years. Meanwhile, there is no need for screening among women with a hysterectomy, and screening should be postponed to post-partum among pregnant women. Conclusions: An organized cervical cancer screening is a necessity for Iran as more than 500-900 women in middle age diagnosed with an invasive cervical cancer every year cannot be ignored. This recommendation should be taken into account by the National Health System of Iran and Muslim countries with shared culture and behavior patterns. CUBA HPV test could be consideration in countries Muslim country with appropriate budget, resources and facility.

The Study concerning the Process of Textile Planning for Domestic Textile Converter (국내 소재 컨버터의 소재 기획 프로세스에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Hyosook;Rhee, YoungJu
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this paper was to figure out the status quo of development of textiles in fashion industry by analyzing through in-depth interview with domestic women's wear converters on the process of textile planning. Professionals in top3 domestic women's wear converters were selected and interviewed in-depth on actual work process of textile development. The result of the research is as follows. First, the interviewed converters were having transactions with entire domestic target market of women's clothing and also exporting to China. Second, production of textile was mostly domestic, with some from China. Third, the number of textile development was 20 - 50 items per season accordingly to size of converter, and the number was larger if taking into account the sourcing development, the special finished fabric development and the print design development. Fourth, for methods to gather information, converters got ideas through overseas exhibitions, overseas color swatch books, fashion-related web sites and market research. Fifth, when setting up direction of textiles, it was investigated that they had motif from in-trend material or on previous season's best-selling material. Sixth, textile planning map did not start from early in season but prefers in-progress board map. Seventh, ways for many method types for textile planning were found depending on sales type of converter and textile production price.

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The convergence approach of institution based view toward the path of performance of the start-up in the foreign market (스타트업 해외시장 진출성과 경로에서 제도기반관점의 융합적 접근)

  • Cho, Yeon-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to converge the analysis of institution based view and knowledge based perspectives. Based on the literature review, this study proposed six hypotheses including the moderating effect of institutional characteristics. Hypothesis testing was conducted using PLS(Partial Least Square), which is a structural equation model for 101 start-ups sample. In empirical analysis, all external knowledge characteristics have a positive effect on the knowledge codification capacity. It also positively influenced the performance. The institutional characteristics showed a moderating effects with the novelty of external knowledge and knowledge codification capacity. This study contributes to integrating and analyzing the moderating effects of institution based characteristics with the factor of knowledge based view. Future research needs to analyze the institutional characteristics in a formal and informal way.

A Study on Make-up Culture of Korea, China and Japan (한국.중국.일본 여성의 색조대장문화)

  • 박보영;황춘섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.39
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    • pp.217-237
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    • 1998
  • The present research is to study the make-up culture of Korea and its neighboring countries such as China and Japan during the period from the prehistoric age to the 19th cen-tury. The research was made by documents analysis. The results are summerised as follows : (1) A man has a basic instinct to beautify himself. There was not a significant difference between the make-up behavior of men and women in its primal stage. It was by the start of farming and the division of labor that made the make-up behavior as a feminine culture. The difference of sexual role caused the con-ceptual difference between manly beauty and womanly beauty. It was very natural for women to regard the make-up as the best way for showing their feminine beauty. In Korea, China and Japan, there were vari-ous kinds of primal actions such as tattooing, body-painting, and tooth make-up which were used in the purpose of body protection, incantation, ornament, and so on. Ass their ornamental purpose was becoming more important, these primal actions became the basis of the feminine make-up culture. Nowadays make-up, having mental and emo-tional function, is helpful to increasing self-satisfaction, promoting good personal relation-ship, and attracting attention from the other sex. It also has other functions of showing social status, wealth, age, sex, courage, power, and so on. (2) The representative make-up product used widely in the three countries was Boon (powder) which decides the overall color of face. The key point in the production of Boon was to increase its power of adsorption. The invention of Yunboon (power mixed with lead) solved this major problem of Boon. Yeonji which decides the color of cheek was the mixture of Boon and the powder of Honghwa (a kind of red-colored flower or tree). Mimook (eyebrow pencil) was developed to match up with the various and changing currencies of penciling eyebrows in each nation and times, Yeonji and Joosa (red sand) were used as Jinji (lip stick). The predominant color of Jinji was red. As miscellaneous methods of partial make-up, there were Kon-ji used in a wedding cer-emony in korea, Aek-hwang, Hwa-jeon, Sa-hong, and Myun-yup in China, and Chi-heuk, a peculial method of partial make-up in japan. (3) There were various factors which decided the characteristics of make-up culture usually reflects international atmosphere, the form of government, economic situation, re-ligious and social ideology, aesthetic sense, symbolizing meanings of colors, and so on. The up and down of an influentian country was one of the major factors which decided the characteristics of the make-up culture of its neighboring countries. When a country took a liberal form of government, it had diverse and splendid tendencies in its make-up culture. The better a nation's economic situation is, the more abandant and various its make-up culture is, and sometimes, the more eccentric and decadents it was. In the field of make-up production, the three countries had their own characteristics. But, as a whole, China was the leading nation who spread the culture and products of make-up to Korea and Japan. Though the Chinese make-up culture and products were usually spread to Japan through Korean, there was some evidence of direct exchanges between China and Japan through its dispatches of Kyun-Tang-Sa(Japanese delegation to the Tang Dynasty). While religion had a positive influence on the development of make-up culture by introducing new methods of make-up, Confucianism exercised strict control over the make-up cul-ture. The currencies in arts and changes of esthetic sense introduced new methods and booms to the make-up culture. Literature made people pay increasing attentions to the countenances of women and changed the standards of esthetic sense. We can find out that the social status of woman was also reflected in the make-up culture. As the social status of women became higher, the feminine make-up culture also developed more then ever. As mentioned above, the make-up cultures of the three countries reflected their social values, esthetic senses, and emotional feelings. Through their cultural exchanges, the three countries could develop various make-up products and methods.

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A study on the Factors Affecting Job Separation by Middle and Old aged Self-Employed using KLoSA Panel (고령화연구조사(KLoSA) 패널을 활용한 중고령 자영업자의 일자리 이탈 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Whayoung
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.119-138
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors influencing of separation and the time of separation for middle and old aged self-employed workers. The cox proportional hazards model was used in the first survey of KLoSA, 684 persons who were over 40 years old in 2006, using data up to the 5th period of 2014. The main findings of this study are as follows. First, the average duration of job for middle and old aged self-employed workers in 2005 was 15.5years. Of the total 684 workers, 214(31.3%) person was found to have lost their job during survey period. Second, gender, age at start up, and education level have significant effects on job separation of them. When women, when they were older at start up, when they were graduate the university or higher, increased their risk of leaving their businesses. Third, in the characteristic of their work, the type of job and job satisfaction were found to affect to job desertion. When people are engaged in accommodation and food business rather than agriculture and forestry fishery, when the satisfaction of the work is lower, the risk was high. Based on these conlusions, the following implications are suggested. First, it is necessary to establish a support strategy for female middle-aged and old self-employed and older workers who start their own business after their 60s. Second, it is necessary to support them to enter into various fields by utilizing their own aptitude and experience rather than establishing them in industries with low entry barriers. Third, it is necessary to develop policies to help improve job satisfaction in the working environment. In particular, it is necessary to ensure that high educated self-employed workers are satisfied with various compensations by self-employed.

The Effect of Entrepreneurial Mentoring Quality on Educational Satisfaction, Recommendation Intention and Entrepreneurial Intention : Focused on Female College Students (창업 멘토링 기능이 교육만족과 추천의도 그리고 창업의도에 미치는 영향 : 여대생을 중심으로)

  • Bae, Jee-Eun;Han, In-Su;Lee, Phil-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Recently, entrepreneurship education has been revitalized with interest in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education is an educational service activity that is provided for entrepreneurship and individual start-up success within a certain period of time. According to previous studies on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, the satisfaction of entrepreneurship education affects entrepreneurship and as a result increases entrepreneurship. In recent years, the number of female entrepreneurs has also increased as the number of entrepreneurial issues has increased. Based on previous studies, this research proposed the theoretical framework about the structural relationships among mentoring quality (career development, psychological social, role modeling), education satisfaction, recommendation intention and entrepreneurial intention. This study is to find out the possibility of attempting to create a theoretical basis for entrepreneurial mentoring education in entrepreneurship education program. Research design, data, and methodology - In this model, mentoring quality consists of three sub-dimensions such as career development, psychological social, and role modeling. In order to test research model and hypotheses, the data were collected from 203 female college students who participated in entrepreneurial education. The data were analyzed using frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equational modeling with SPSS 24.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 statistical program. Result - The results of the study are as follows. First, role modeling has a positive effect on recommendation intention and entrepreneurial intention. Second, career development has a strong negative effect on the entrepreneurial intention. Third, career development and role modeling had a positive effect on educational satisfaction, and educational satisfaction had positive influence on recommendation intention and entrepreneurial intention. Conclusions - As women's social advancement becomes more active, start-up support programs including entrepreneurship mentoring are increasing. The results of this study suggest how to use the mentoring program mix and how to allocate the resources for the education program when the entrepreneurial education manager plans and executes the mentoring education program. For example, this study shows that career development and role modeling enhance educational satisfaction, and in turn increase recommendation intention and entrepreneurial intention. This means that entrepreneurship education should consist of contents that include career development functions such as sponsorship, guidance, protection, and provision of challenging work. In addition, the findings of this study indicate that mentors should perform the function of allowing the participants to have confidence and professional thinking ability at the time of start up based on their experiences.

A Study on the Development of an Education Curriculum for Maternal-Child Health Center Managers (산후조리간호 관리자 교육과정 개발 연구)

  • Choi, Yang-Ja;Cho, Kap-Chul;An, Eun-Sook
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a specialized education curriculum aimed at helping nurses prepare for running and managing a Maternal-Child Health Center (Postpartum Care Center). Method: This study was conducted by an academy and industry joint research group consisting of professors of Nursing, and nurses actually running a Postpartum Care Center. The group compiled job descriptions of nursing through document research, interviews and observation during site visits, surveys, and seminars. They then performed a feasibility study and developed the final curriculum. Result: The education curriculum is a 32-week(2semester) program compromised of a theory part (12 credits, 180 hours) covering maternal and infant care and business start-up and field practice (3 credits, 45 hours). Courses in the theory part include an antenatal care, overview and details of maternal care, starting a business and its management. Of these courses, the overview of a maternal care course was developed with web-based contents. Field practice is designed to give students opportunities to visit Postpartum Care Centers, observe the care provided, and get hands-on experience. Conclusion: The specialized education curriculum is a 32-week course comprised of 12 credits on theory of antenatal care, overview and details of maternal care, infant care, starting and operating a business and 3 credits of field practice.

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Comparison of Breast Feeding Trends in Urban Versus Rural Areas: Recommendations to Improve Breast Feeding in Rural America

  • Lee, Connie W.;Willoughby, Deborah;Mayo, Rachel
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2005
  • Breast feeding can play a very important role in the development of strong, healthy children. Many studies over the years have shown that breast milk provides defense against common ailments of childhood such as otitis media, gastrointestinal distress, and atopic diseases (allergies). For these reasons the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast feeding for at least the first twelve months of an infant's life. Goals of the Health People 2010 Initiative include that at least 75% of mothers will be breast feeding upon discharge from the hospital and at least 50% will be still nursing at six months post-partum. Currently, about 60% of new mothers initiate breast feeding and about 26% are still breast feeding at six months. However, research has shown that breast feeding trends are below these averages in rural areas of the United States. This may be due in part to lack of breast feeding knowledge and teaching in rural areas. Rural hospitals and birthing centers have not initiated many of the breast feeding promotional programs, such as the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and Best Start, that have been successful in improving breast feeding trends in urban areas. Often new mothers who live in rural areas do not have access to a lactation consultant to help them with proper follow up. This paper will examine these concerns and propose recommendations to improve breast feeding in rural areas.

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